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But I am regretting it. Don't regret it. It's not for broadcasting. You're close, right? - Yeah. We're close. - You're on the same team, right? When did I do that?! - In Bali. - When did I do that?! TREASURE! Find Your TREASURE! Hi, we are TREASURE. Nice to meet you, TREASURE. - Nice to meet you. - Hi. Please introduce yourself. Hello, I am YOSHI from TREASURE. Thank you for having me. I am TREASURE's leader, CHOI HYUN SUK. Nice to meet you. Hello, I am HARUTO from TREASURE. Thank you for having me. Nice to meet you. First of all, thank you for coming. - Thank you. - Thank you. I thought we were meeting for the first time today, and I don't know if you remember, but we met once on a music show. - Really? - We met there. - A long time ago. - When? - Was it when we were promoting MMM? - When was it? - When was it? - I think it was when you debuted. Really? I think it was when you debuted. - You debuted in 2020, right? - Yes. Yes I think it was July or June 2020. I think it was in the summer... Yes, it was summer. So many people came in during Inkigayo, and I was like, "Who is that?" And it was TREASURE. We passed by each other from afar and greeted each other briefly. - But we weren’t able to talk for a long time. - Right. Right. I'm so glad to see you again. - Wow. Thank you for remembering us. - Thank you. Within just a few years, you achieved great success, continued to make comebacks, and won a lot of awards. It seems like the past few years were full of good things. But the reason you came here today is to promote your upcoming album. So please introduce your album, ‘REBOOT.’ Yes. We’re coming back with our second full-length album. It’s called 'REBOOT. As the name suggests, we are changing everything about TREASURE. In the past, our music was very teen-like and very refreshing. Our second full-length album contains both our ambitions and our wishes to show that we’ve matured and that we can show more. Yeah, okay, okay, okay. You must have put in a lot of effort to showcase a new side of yourself. How did you prepare? For me, I dyed my hair - and got a short haircut. - Okay. So there are a lot of members who dyed their hair, and I think you’ll be able to see that our youngest member became more mature as he got older. Okay. Okay. I got my own studio and kept going to the studio for this album. I kept composing and writing lyrics in the past. It's not that I didn't have a chance, but how should I say this? There were things I wasn’t able to show. But this is the first time in about two years that the song that I composed and wrote has been included in an album. I worked hard on it. It is meaningful to release a song that you wrote and composed by yourself for the first time. I'm sure you feel attached to it, so please tell us about your song. The song that has been included in “REBOOT” is called "STUPID". It’s a song that’s about a loved one and a boy who has regrets about that person. He blames himself and says, “I was stupid.” But the song is exciting, so it’s both fun and sad at the same time. - It’s both a fun and sad song. - You know that word? It's both a fun and a sad song. Okay. Okay. - I will definitely listen to it. - Thank you. Congratulations. Okay. Okay. CHOI HYUN SUK, is there anything you prepared especially for this album…? As the leader, you have to show - how much you will change. - Right. What did you do? I changed everything except my height. Except your height? I changed everything except my height. First of all, I did what I wanted to do a bit more than before. I pushed myself in styling, music, writing rap, or when working on my music, aiming to go even further with what I wanted to accomplish. It's an album that literally shows that we've matured and improved. I wanted to make those ideas my own and tried to prepare well to show them off in various ways. I hope my fans will love it. You're an artist because of your stubbornness. - Right. Right. - If you are not stubborn, you are not an artist. But now I will ask your other members. Is there anything you had a hard time with or found difficult to do due to your leader's stubbornness? For me… It comes out right away. While preparing for this album, HYUN SUK tried to put his colors into it, so I'm sure he has something... He has an interesting taste. He’s someone who has to wear five necklaces, he has to wear rings on all fingers except for his thumb, and he has to wear something on his teeth. So as a rapper like him, I thought that I shouldn't walk the same path as him. While preparing for this album, - I thought that a lot. - Looking at the two of you today, you look like polar opposites. - That's why you took a completely different path, right? - Yes, that’s right, that’s right. - I thought I shouldn't go on the same path as him. - In a way, that could be a wise choice. Right. Right. But you might be upset about giving that up, but you're taking the backseat for him - Yeah. - And respecting him, right? You’re so kind. Let's talk when we prepare for the next album. For YOSHI, did you have any difficulties when preparing for this album or following your leader? For example, did you think, ‘I don't think this is a good idea’? Actually, I did. I share the dorm with him, and he really likes figures. He collects them. It doesn't matter if he collects them - and just puts them in his room, - Oh no. I think I know what you’re going to say. but they are in the living room too. - I’m a bit scared. - He even put them in the living room? So what happened is… I'm a maximalist. It seems like it. - Seriously. - I'm a extreme maximalist, so I have a lot of hobbies too. I was collecting them, but when I came to my senses, they were in the living room too. That's why I asked him, “I'm so sorry, but can I just leave this display shelf here?” He said, “That’s fine.” But I'm upset that you said, - that you're disappointed about that. - Actually, I admit it. Because it's his only hobby to collect things like rings or necklaces. That's not his only hobby then. - Rings, necklaces, figures… - Necklaces, figures, shoes, clothes, uniforms… Actually, I was so excited when I was on the first floor when got here this morning. - Here? - I was surprised when I was on the first floor. - Because there is a figure store here. - Right. Right. Did you sneak in and buy something? Not yet. I'm not really into buying stuff anymore. That’s fortunate. - So today… - He already has what he wants. But if that happens, you're going to become a maximalist in other things. - I already am. - What is it? So, these days, I go to a lot of galleries and exhibitions. And I buy many books when I go. Like a style book. I bought this many, and because I haven't finished reading them yet, put them all in my studio. And I'm reading them slowly one by one. Don't buy more until you finish reading all of them. Yes, I’m not going to buy anymore for now. You’re going to become like me. Things just piled up and I can't organize them. Yes, I can't organize at all. But I also understand because when I was in my 20s, I collected so many things - like magazines. - Right. It was so meaningful to me at the time and I'm trying to throw them all away now. You recently finished your Asia tour. Was it your first tour? Yes, we had our first Asian tour after Japanese tour. I'd like to hear how you felt. How was it? First of all, the fact that we were performing on stage for a tour or a concert… - We made our debut during the pandemic, - Right. so we were used to not meeting fans in person at first. - There was no shouting or clapping at all. - It was all from a machine. That's right. But you can’t hear it on stage - because it is edited. - That's right. That’s right. That's why I felt like something was lacking while I was on stage, but I was able to learn that fans are the best. And since we were young, we've admired our senior artists while watching their performances. Now that we are experiencing that, I can't describe it with words. I just liked it. I'm just really, really happy. When we're monitoring our performances, we say, 'Let's do this better.’ ‘Let's go!' I think we were able to continuously improve and be thankful for our fans during our Asia tour. - Agreed. - Okay. How about YOSHI? For me… I have difficulty speaking in foreign languages other than Korean, but during the Asia tour, I had to use English, so I was very scared. But instead of language, I felt that music and energy were enough to communicate with fans. Right. Right. I felt that there are no barriers in music. - I think it was a really wonderful experience. - There really are no walls. Okay, okay, okay. During the tour, you met your fans for the first time, stood on stage, and had a lot of good experiences, so I think there might be something like this. When you're standing in front of the fans, you acted a bit different than normal on stage without knowing… Why me? - Why me? - If he gets really excited… Please explain. What does he do? I don't know if this is a gesture or not, but when he sings… when he gets excited... - What is this? What is this? - This. This. Are you ready? - He definitely does this. - What is this? Look. Look. - What is this? - Check that out later. I think I know what it is. What? I mean, I used to watch Big Bang's concerts a long time ago. If you were a fan of Big Bang, you would know. There is a thing that TAEYANG does once with his head while singing. That's what it’s like. He does this. It looked so cool to me when I was little. I grew up watching Big Bang all the time. It seems like I do that naturally. Like when G-Dragon shakes his shoulders. I realized I did a lot of different things when I get excited. What? It was really bad a long time ago. I thought something was dislocated. The other members asked why I kept shaking my shoulders. - That happened at one point. - Okay. Okay. Are there any other members who do something like you? Like is there a member that makes you think, ‘What are you doing?’ when he goes up on stage? But suddenly... YOSHI here… He keeps acting cute. - On stage? - Because… he always... Usually when you wipe your sweat, you just wipe it like this. But when the fans are actually filming it, he knows it. So when I look at him, he does what he usually does - He tries to do it prettily. - He always does that. For HARUTO, he dresses up. How should I say it? We're here for a concert. And... we're not here to dress up. But when he comes up for the encore, he’s the only one dressed up. Sometimes the fans say, 'Who is that?' - Really? - Because he's the tallest. 'He's HARUTO. Why did he do that?' There are many instances like that. - There were times like that. - Do you admit it, HARUTO? Actually for the encore, how should I say it? Since we can act more freely during the encore, I can choose whatever hat I want before I go up, and I have the mindset that if I’m going to do something, I should be the most unique, There were a few instances when I went up wearing a hat and weird sunglasses, but I am regretting it. Don't regret it. When the pictures keep popping up on social media, I realize, ‘I did that in front of so many people on stage.’ No, but you're just enjoying yourself in front of your fans, - and you can't help but get hyped. - Right, right. And I believe the fans will think that you're cute and cool. But it's my first time talking to you guys, so I'm curious about you. How did you debut? Or how did you come to love music and become an idol? I want to ask YOSHI, who is right next to me, first. How did you make your debut? - You were born in Japan, right? - Yes, yes, yes I’m curious about when you came to Korea and about your audition. When I was young, my dad was in a band and my sister liked K-pop, so there were many chances to stay close to music. As a result, I listened to rock music and sometimes would listen to rap because my father likes hip-hop. My sister used to play Big Bang's “How Gee” and their songs that are mostly comprised of rap, so I thought, 'This song is cool,' and 'I want to rap.' So I asked my sister about it, and she told me that the artist who sang the song was Big Bang. And I looked up a lot of songs from YG, - and found that there were a lot of hip-hop songs. - Right. So I said, 'That's really cool' and decided to audition. So I auditioned in Japan together with HARUTO. - You auditioned together? - Yes. We became trainees on the same day. When I was a trainee, there was an audition show in Korea called 'YG Treasure Box,' so I thought I should work hard. And later, I finally made my debut. Do you remember the rap you did when you auditioned? What did you do for your audition? At that time, the word 'swag' was very popular. In about 2012 or 2013. Did you audition then? I probably auditioned in 2014. Then you auditioned about 9 years ago. - Yes, it was 9 years ago. - Really. I remember that the word 'swag' was so popular, so I said “Swag Unlimited” to express myself when I auditioned. Swag Unlimited. - I see. - I remember doing this. Okay, okay. But you also speak Korean very well. Right. How are you good? When I first came to Korea, my favorite rapper was Kendrick Lamar and CHOI HYUN SUK also really liked Kendrick Lamar. So we became very close because we like the same artist, and I learned Korean - through him. - You're indeed a leader. Indeed. CHOI HYUN SUK... Don't do it. Don't do it. I’ll get timid. I'd like to ask you guys, what was your first impression of YOSHI? - First impression of YOSHI? - Yeah. For me, he told you earlier about Kendrick Lamar. For our monthly assessments, at our company, we had to sing a foreign song and not a Korean song, so I covered Kendrick Lamar's 'DNA' or 'HUMBLE' that day. While practicing in the practice room, someone kept looking at me like this outside. I kept seeing someone vaguely. And I saw just his mouth moving saying, Wow.” I didn't know who it was, but his mouth was like this. So I thought, ‘Is he singing along?’ And then I saw him. So YOSHI... I don't remember it clearly now, but to exaggerate a bit, he was like “Hey.” “Do you like Kendrick Lamar too?” That's what he said. “Yes. What was your name again?” “YOSHINORI?” “I like him too.” “I like him, do you like him?” I remember him nodding, it was very cute. We ended up becoming friends that way. - Okay. - Embarrassing. HARUTO, what was your first impression of YOSHI, who auditioned with you to become a trainee? When I first met him, it was after the audition was over. We were both selected, and we met in a practice room. because I auditioned at such a young age. I went right after I graduated elementary school to be a trainee, so... His looks have actually softened over the years, but in the past, he used to look tougher. - YOSHI did? - He had an undercut, his hair was all slicked back, he had thick brows, all that. I thought, ;When will I become friends with him?’, "I'll just go the other way.", "I'll go the other way again.", but then, I thought, - "I can't go this way anymore...". - You're pretty quick to give up. I give up quickly. - What can’t happen, won’t happen. - Cool. That's pretty much how I think too. Anyways, so we ended up talking a lot, and I guess we ended up becoming friends without even realizing it. Okay, I see. I'll ask you as well, HARUTO. HARUTO, when you were auditioning, - Yes? - Do you remember the rap you did? I actually didn't rap at first, I was a vocalist. - Yeah. - Which song did you sing? - Then... - Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby.’ Yeah, I sang 'Baby' by Justin Bieber, and some songs by Japanese artists, and was it One Direction? - One Direction? - 'Kiss You' by One Direction? - I sang songs like that. - Yeah. I was a vocal for a while, - but then a company person suggested that I rap - Company person so I ended up rapping. That company person gave you very wise advice. Please send a video letter to that company person. Thank you always. I've been making good progress in my rapping, Thank you. Thank you, the company person. Now, about HARUTO's first impression. I'd like to ask you two. What was it like? HARUTO was a total baby. So I was in Korea back then, and the Japanese trainees would visit Korea once a year, in one month intervals. When I met him for the first time, he was 13 years old. He was wearing his cap backwards, and wasn't fluent in Korean at first, so I still have his number saved like this: "Hello, I'm HARUTO WATANABE, ten-three years old." He greeted me like that. - Ten-three, it should be thirteen... - Ten-three years old... He said, “HARUTO WATANABE, ten-three years old,” but he ended up slurring his words because his pronunciation wasn't good. And I found that so cute. - He was such a baby. - He was. Now he's much taller than me, and he's going in a different direction than me, but he used to be so adorable back then. - Thank you. - I see, okay. Could you put some pictures of him from back then on the screen? Edit it onto the video. I'm curious, too. What was it like for you? He always says he doesn't remember the first time we met, but I remember seeing him at the audition with his mother and father. I remember seeing the three of them. He had his cap on tightly, - and his forehead and his eyes were like this, - A cap even back then. - pulled on tightly, like natural Botox? - Yeah. - That much... - And that stuck with you, huh? Like that, with a huge backpack. He wouldn't even meet my eyes. He walked past me, and I thought, ‘Even a child like that is auditioning too.’ ‘Wow.’ So it was memorable for me. And when we were at the site, I was like, "Hey, you're that guy!" - "The guy with the snapback." - That guy. I was like, "That guy!" But he was young and reserved, so I worried a bit about him, thinking "Is he going to be okay?" - I remember that. - That's cute. It must've been very cute. Okay, then - the leader, now. - Yeah. - How did you start? - Well, It all started when I watched a documentary about BIG BANG. I watched their survival documentary when I was in first grade, and I was starting to get acquainted with music and K-Pop. Then when I was in fifth grade, I joined a choir. My family has a family tradition of joining the choir in elementary school. Like vocals, you know. So naturally, I went with the flow. - You did? - Choir... yeah, talked about it a lot. - Really? - Yeah! We've been diverging. Okay, listen up. I'll tell you. - Now, I... - You two are close, right? - Yeah, we are! - You two are close, right? We keep diverging. Anyways, I was even a soprano. - Okay. - I won the first place as the school rep. But then, I ended up listening Tupac and Eminem. Tupac… Eminem was having a concert in Korea. Then I've changed completely. - It all started then. - You’ve totally changed. - totally changed... - So this is what hip-hop really is. Coincidentally, BIG BANG was also doing hip-hop, so I felt like hip-hop was such a cool genre that allowed people to express so many things. I felt that amongst other genres of music, I could express myself the most through hip hop so I just went straight to the teacher to say that I quit. I started writing verses right away, and listened songs, and started off like that. And I think that's how I ended up at YG. - Okay. - I only thought about YG, and considered YG. Very cool. You're a YG boy. - Yeah. - YG boy, back then, you may not remember, but do you remember the first lyrics that you wrote? - I still have the notebook. - You do? It's at my parents' home. Even when we were doing the survival program, how should I explain, when I was filming a "what's in my bag" kind of video I showed it once, but I can't remember the lyrics clearly. I was too young when I wrote them, it was about rebelling against society, rebelling against the school, and stuff like that. Why should I go to class? - I'll write more lyrics instead of going to school - "I ain't got enough time to play, man!" When you guys are solving math problems, I'm on stage doing whatever. That's the kind of stuff I wrote. The only thing I remember is what was written on the cover of the notebook. I drew the YG logo and wrote, "I will get in no matter what." That was what was written. I remember that, and I was so happy that that came true. Clap! Very cool. - Thank you. - You're so cool, all three of you. I'd like to ask the other members about the first impression of CHOI HYUN SUK. What was it like? Be honest. - Honestly? - Be honest. Do you hold grudges easily? No, not at all. - None? - Not at all. Even if we're going different ways. - No? - No matter what you say, none. - Are you sure you don't? - Yes. - You sure? You okay? - I'm fine, really. - No grudges? - Really. Let's start off with HARUTO. When I first saw him... I'll say the good things first. He looks very much like a YG guy. - Agreed. - Like, at a glance, he looks a bit like G-Dragon. A bit. And he was like this - when he was walking down the hallway. - Weren't you going to say good things? - Huh? - This is good. - Yeah, this is good. - This? With his wolf cut. So I thought he fit right in at YG. And he did this a lot. Your shoulders are fine, right? - Yeah, they're fine. - Mine feel uncomfortable. They've healed now. - Okay. - It's gotten a lot better now. Back then he looked very tough. Nowadays, he looks rather cute, but back then he was always frowning. It wasn't that much. He was like this, and I was very scared. - He was difficult to approach. - Yeah. Yeah, difficult to approach. To best honest, I thought that even if I debuted with him we wouldn’t be close. You’re making a choice to go different ways again. We were just different from the beginning. He was scary, because when we first debuted, I got scolded a lot by him. When did I do that? - When? - In Bali. When we first debuted, we went to Bali. I pulled a lot pranks on him since I was very fond of him. And that made him angry. - I crossed the line too much. - Cut it out. Back then, we didn't really have boundaries, so he told me to stop. All nine of you were like that. All nine of you were poking me 24/7. It was hard to deal with. - It wasn't a light poke. - Yeah, it wasn't. We all got scolded. Yeah. - He was like that. He was scary. - Okay. Okay, but what about now? He's very cute now. Our CHOI HYUN SUK. - So cute. - Aww. They're always like this! It's not for broadcasting. They're like this all the time. - I'll press your head. - Like this. Stop it! I'll get shorter. - Look, stuff like this. - I can't get shorter. His reactions are funny. That's what they say. Yeah, your reactions are entertaining. He has good reactions. Yes, he is. What was it like for you, YOSHI? His first impression. I think he had silver hair when I first saw him. Yeah, and this exact hairstyle, with an undercut. Like this. His eyeliner makeup was really intense. - His eyes looked really intense. - Right. Even the shoes he was wearing had thick soles. With shoe inserts... They were like my dreams. Those reflect my dreams and wishes. With those on, he was almost tall as I am. He was walking towards me with those on. He looked pretty tall then. I was intimidated by him. Plus, I saw him rapping. I saw him doing Kendrick Lamar's rap. I saw his performance during our monthly assessment. I thought that if I were to compete with him, I was afraid I would lose. But when I ran into him at the dorm, since he had no shoe inserts at the time... - Did he suddenly become tiny? - All of a sudden... Shoe inserts? All of a sudden... Those weren't shoe inserts... Without the thick-soled shoes... When I ran into him at the dorm, Huh? - He was so cute. - He became shorter. He became shorter. I needed to look for him. You needed to search for him? That was one of the funny episodes we had. That's funny. You three are... from YG so you must know a lot of senior K-pop artists from YG. I was wondering, including senior K-pop artists from YG, who was your role model... I was most influenced by... G-Dragon. When I was little, my sister was a big fan of him. She collected all of his albums. Since I was also into K-pop, I wanted to buy them too. So I nagged my sister to give me hers, but she never shared them with me. She must have treasured them. So the first G-Dragon album that I bought... with my allowance was his "Heartbreaker" album. I was most influenced by G-Dragon. The most... Yes. when you first met G-Dragon? Do you remember? Well... I tend to... remain cool when I take photos with senior artists, because I want to look cool. But when taking photos with G-Dragon for the first time, I sat right next to him when the photo was taken, and I couldn't keep calm. I should have contained myself... but as a fan... I couldn't hold it in. I really regret that. If I could go back in time, I would like to look cool in the picture. Did any senior artists give you any advice or words of encouragement? Mino from WINNER... came to visit us... when we were shooting the music video for "VolKno". At the time... he said, "You all have YG DNA," "Don't worry and do things your way in a cool way." He encouraged us. - He did. - He encouraged us. - He cooked meat for us on the grill. - Yes, He cooked meat for us on the grill. He grilled some meat for you? We were in a remote town to shoot the music video, - and Mino drove a camping car to come visit us. - He did? He set up camping gears... and the cooking equipment, and grilled meat for us. We shared it with all the staff there. - That's awesome. - We were touched. Okay. What about you, CHOI HYUN SUK? - Personally... - Your role model... I admire them all... but particularly... G-Dragon, Taeyang, Mino That's the end of my list. Got it. You got a long list. - You got a long list. - Yes, I got many. But I was influenced by them all. They might not know about this but... I was significantly influenced by them. It's hard not to be inspired by them all. In fact, I got many words of advice from them. I bumped into them often. For instance, every time I run into G-Dragon, he always asks how I am doing Didn’t he say “I've seen you imitating me a lot.”? I did an impression of him and he didn't like that but... I did an impression of G-Dragon, right in front of him. In the case of Taeyang, he is a very caring person. Even when we’re alone with him, he always cares about us. In the case of Mino, recently Mino... had to leave to go serve in the army, so I contacted him. I just told him to be safe and such. We'll live life to the fullest while you're away. He replied back to me, and gave me words of encouragement. A lot of senior artists in YG... are the inspirations to not just me but to all the other members in our group. - All the senior artists in K-pop industry are... - All of them are... - Great. - Right. I love Mino... I do... - He is a rapper. - Right. He changed the tone of his voice very recently. He used to have a low tone, but now he has a higher tone. As I do low-style rapping, he inspired me to... try a different style like him. So when I work on my own, I am trying the high style as well. So I can say I am heavily influenced by Mino. Okay, I got it. - That's nice. - Thank you. I'll give you the word. Okay, the word is "soccer". Are you guys ready? What did I used to do? - I always do this. - I'll give you three seconds. Three, two, one, pose. What is that? - I don't get it. - What is? Right, HARUTO and HYUN SUK made the same pose. YOSHI, what's that? CHOI HYUN SUK does this. That's when you sing the national anthem. - That's what they do. - No. This is it. - This one. - This one. What's that? - Mbappe celebrates his goals like this. - Mbappe. YOSHI is not a soccer fan. - I am not a soccer fan. - Okay. HYUN SUK, do you like soccer? - Yes, I love soccer. - What about HARUTO? - I play a lot of soccer games. - Okay. What's your favorite team? Real Madrid, Chelsea, and FC Seoul. - Okay, three teams. - Not just one. - I know none. - I am a maximalist. - Are you a maximalist in everything? - Correct. Name one favorite soccer player. Sergio Ramos. Okay, very clear. Yes, just one. Okay. Show us the next word. "Happiness". One, two, three, "happiness". You all made different poses. Sleeping is "happiness". This symbolizes "happiness". - I am happy! - We don’t have enough time to sleep. HARUTO and I made a similar pose though. - Not really. - Relatively. HYUN SUK, how happy are you when you are sleeping? I am happy to get time to sleep. That's why I wanted to express that in a rather elusive way. - CHOI HYUN SUK sleeps in a weird pose. - How does he sleep? Well... - You have a routine. - Right. I need to have two comforters, two pillows, three plushies, and my TV and my tablet PC should be on. You are a maximalist even when you are in bed. Exactly. - That's what I need in my bed. - Is that so? If I am missing any of those things, I can't sleep. - I can't sleep. - What if you are on tour? When I am on a tour, - When I am on a tour, - That's why I say he is a nuisance. YOSHI had a hard time. I gave up on the plushies... I can lower the volume of my iPad... I lowered the volume of my iPad and fell asleep. I thought it was a dream, but YOSHI turned that off. For me. I felt sorry. I turned it off in the middle of the night. - I turned it off. - Right. He is nice. So... sleep... is "happiness" for you... But that doesn't mean you always sleep whenever you get a break, right? No. - No, right? - No. What do you do then? I just walk around. - Oh, okay. - I just walk around. What about you, HARUTO? I watch YouTube videos in my bed. What pose was that earlier then? You say, "Yeah", when you are happy. - Oh, that. - I was expressing that. But, CHOI HYUN SUK expressed sleeping. And YOSHI made a different pose. YOSHI, what do you do in your free time? Well... I used to walk around a lot... but recently I hang out with HARUTO at home, and play games. What games? The Legend of Zelda. The Legend of Zelda... I heard that's fun. It's really fun. Okay. Got it. Playing games. Next word, let's go. Paris. Paris? - We have to get this. - I am not sure about this. Okay, "Paris". One, two, three. - Pretty similar. - Eiffel Tower. I will leave this up to the staff. Did they get this? - Eiffel Tower. - It's a pass. - It should be a pass. - It should be a pass. The expression may vary a bit. But... - Well, okay. - The pose should be the same. Well... - Then can you guess what our poses are? - I did it according to my height. What did we express... What's your final verdict, staff? Pass? - Yes. - Congrats! - Finally. - You do that when you are happy. Finally, one pass. - Right. - Right. - Well... - Okay. Show us the next word. Number four. BLACKPINK! - BLACKPINK in your area. - Okay. Okay. One, two, three! It’s all different. It’s all different. What is this? How You Like That. - How You Like That? - Kill This Love. Isn't this Kill This Love? LET'S KILL THIS LOVE. Kill This Love. Kill This Love. What about you? Pink Venom. Pink Venom, and is this DDU-DU DDU-DU? Oh my... We like them this much. We all have different motions because there are so many ways to describe them. We respect them a lot. I don't know how to solve this, so let’s move on. Do you guys see BLACKPINK often when you’re at the company? Sometimes... but they are on tour. And we just got back from a tour. I remember them saying congratulating us when we debuted and also on our first or second anniversary. I did my monthly assessment with them once when I was a trainee. I saw them at my last assessment before I debuted. Okay, BLACKPINK. Are there any more keywords? There are 2 more. The fifth one. - This is... - It's jewel (treasure). If we’re not matching here... If we’re not matching here... this team one more time. Okay. Okay. CHOI HYUN SUK, the leader, said he needs to think about this one more time... think about this one more time… Okay, let's see how similar they are.. Jewel (Treasure)! One, two, three! Thank god. Thank god If we didn't match on this.. Enough! I don't even want to imagine. Okay, thank god. Show us the 6th keyword. BIGBANG. BIGBANG. Okay, let's see. BIGBANG! One, two, three! You shouldn't move. You gotta stay still. HYUN SUK and YOSHI are the same. What a bummer. B! Always a different path! It's the opposite way. It's B to you only. I am not sure what this is. B... Enough of this Alright. We're about to wrap this up. Yeah. First of all, thank you for coming here even though you’re so busy due to your comeback. Thank you. Has it been 3 years since you debuted? Yeah, and it's becoming... 4 years soon! 4 years? - It is. - What a surprise. Is it 4 years? I don't know, I am looking forward to the future of this group. And I want to ask what kind of an artist you want to be remembered as. Who wants to go first? So I want to be an artist who is... memorable. You want to influence people in a good way and be memorable for a long time. Yeah, right. What about you, CHOI HYUN SUK? It’s similar to what he said but Well... so many people are remembered after 60~70 years. Like that, I hope our songs are with people even after a few decades, even if TREASURE is not here anymore. And I want to become an awesome artist. Nothing else... I just want to become an artist that some people look up to as a role model. - Okay. Okay. - That sounds cool. Cool. YOSHI. I feel burdened... Because they have said everything. I hope... even if humans perish! and if new beings come out and find the fossil of our CDs, and listen to them. I will try my best so that they would be astonished by our songs. Thank you for the answers. And so many fans around the world are watching this show so if you have something to say, or something to ask... me some people do have questions… It's okay if you don't! Or if you have something to say to fans, go ahead. If you have... alright, if there isn't any… I wanted to tell people one thing. We just started touring, the pandemic is becoming an endemic, so we're visiting many fans across the world. But there are some places we haven't visited yet, and the fans there are very sad. But I will assure you. Don't worry. Because even if it takes time, we will go and visit you, so please wait for us. We will prepare good songs and performances for you. Don't worry. We have a tradition. We always ask guests to make outro logo song on the spot. So could you make one? - So hard. - Maybe we can just do 'Bono bono bono love you' Then let's do 'Watch watch'(Boja Boja) instead. Meaning: 'Let's watch Daebak Show' - Watch it watch it, Daebak. - Show! Okay. Five, six, seven, eight! Watch it, watch it, watch it, Daebak Show! Boom! Thank you for coming today. Before you leave, we've got gifts for you. - What is it? - Oh my gosh. From DIVE Studios. Oh my gosh! Thank you. And I released a new album, so I wanted to give it to you. - Please listen to it. - Thank you! Our album hasn't come out yet so... It's alright! Please give it to me next time.
Channel: DIVE Studios / 다이브 스튜디오
Views: 446,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIVEStudios, EricNam, 에릭남, Kpop Daebak, Commit Or Quit, Kpop podcast, Jae, Day6, Jae of Day6, Jae Park, How Did I Get Here?, Tablo, 타블로, Epik High, 에픽하이, The Tablo Podcast, Jamie Park, What Would Jamie Do?, Korea, Korean, Asian, Asian American, 박지민, 데이식스, Get Real, Ashley Choi, BM, KARD, Peniel, Btob, GET REAL, DIVE Studios, Kpopers, Kpop, Daebak Show, Stray Kids, Treasure, haruto, yoshi, Choi hyun suk
Id: rybmiKvfSmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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