ENHYPEN's JAY & JAKE had 'FATE' to Join Eric Nam 😍 | DAEBAK SHOW S3 EP12

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just watching that and like tearing I'd be like oh my God Paris in the rain hey everybody Welcome to the tech box show I'm your host Eric Nam and I'm so excited that you're back for a great episode with some incredible artists this week we're joined by Jake and jfn hyping and we talk about a lot of things but before we do that I do have to let you know something two things one I have a new song it's called don't leave it it's out August 12th it is a banger it is a freaking Banger with a banging them banging on bus song and music video and it's amazing so please check it out and please download it and listen to it and stream it and tell all your friends and look out for the tick tock dance challenges that are going to be all over the internet where I try to dance my own song Challenge and it's not the easiest thing but anyways that's the first thing second thing I'm going on tour we're doing about 80 shows all around the world we're hitting almost every continent we're doing so many shows and I'm probably gonna be in a city or a state or a country near you so please come hang out we're doing the full thing the live band the dancers the new music the everything the lights the camera the action the all of it you get tickets at ericnom.com tickets moving fast some of the tickets are already sold out to bleeds be sure to go get your tickets fast now album is out September 8th it is a banger there are songs by me they're all by me but with friends like Han and oh wonder and other wonderful people so pre-order it at ericnam.com and we'll see you guys on tour now enjoy this episode get some really really fantabulous guys Jake and Jay of n hyphen and um yeah welcome to the tapbox show brought to you this week by my okay by dive Studios enjoy the show I'm Vernon of 17. hi I'm JBL of Got7 I'm CERN of G Idol this is DPR Ian a Mingo of 17. I'm Joshua of 17. I'm Eric Don this is Tableau my name is my name is keshi my name is catriona my name is Wu song I'm dko 17. this is amine this is DPR live my name is black I'm Julia Michaels my name is Summer and welcome to my mindset [Music] [Applause] welcome to the tevox show today I am joined by two incredibly talented incredibly handsome young men they're from a group that you've probably heard of that you're probably a fan of and I'm a fan of them as well ladies and Gentlemen please give a big warm round welcome to Jay and Jake oven hyping hey thanks so much for having us okay okay yeah try your best one two connect hello we are yeah well guys welcome to the show I'm I'm very excited to have you guys here I'm excited to meet you in person both of you yeah uh last time we met was over the Internet yeah yeah on like a zoom call yeah that was like two years ago yeah already time flies um because that was soon after you had debuted right yeah just just stop the week okay yeah a lot has happened since you debuted yeah yeah and we're meeting for the first time oh yeah yeah and I and I heard you're very nervous about coming on the show yeah why are you so nervous yeah the fact uh I didn't have any chance to use English well in Korea when it came to Korea because I didn't have any friends or in person to use English a lot so yeah yeah I was so a bit of nervous for today it's great you sound great I really really really when did you move to Korea or like how did what you were you born in the states and then you moved here yeah I was born in the states uh exactly Seattle and uh moved to Korea when I was about nine or ten okay yeah so uh 10 years in the states and 12 years in Korea oh wow okay so like a little over half of your life yeah yeah so yeah naturally if you don't practice language kind of yeah I felt that um but how I guess do you go back to Seattle do you have any friends in Seattle still or uh I didn't have any friends but some of uh some of my families are still living there so yeah uh actually almost all of my families from my father's way yeah are almost in the states okay so yeah nice Jay how about you is your family still in Australia are they here so for me it was like completely opposite of Jay Sally born in Korea okay but I moved to Australia when I was like eight right so yeah I lived there until like four years ago to become a trainee and I moved to Korea yeah well all things considered your English is pretty good oh yeah thank you and I also have to say there are a lot of great musicians from Seattle in Korea oh yeah obviously there's Jay Park yeah there's Sam Kim um I don't know who else but yeah yeah Atlanta has very few so yeah I'm really just just like grabbing for it um but okay I know this is a very big broad question but since I saw you last almost two years ago yeah a lot has changed yeah how have you guys been recently wow so we just finished our promotion for our fourth mini album and now we're preparing for our tour which is starting next week in Seoul our second tour yeah our second tour World Tour yeah okay that's exciting and in the last year we did our first tour which was in Korea Japan America okay and all the Asia yeah okay so how many shows probably like what 20 shows or so then 22 or three yeah well what can you share with us about your second world tour ah fate and why is it called fate fate fate [Music] take your time all right so the reason why it's called Theta is because you know it's our second time meeting our fans all over the world and it's sort of like Destiny and it's sort of like Fates like the first time you met we couldn't really see each other in person because Corona right but now that it's over we can go all around the world travel around the world and meet a lot of fans and I think that's why you know what that was a great response yeah that's what the response is going to be so that's real yeah that's my yeah that's true were there any like you know this is your second World Tour on your first one this is probably so it was your first world tour probably your first time performing in front of thousands and thousands of people because you guys debuted in the middle of covid yeah so it was probably a big transition to suddenly be performing for so many people what was that like for you guys wow I remember the first time we performed and the crowd was like cheering really loudly and after the show we couldn't really hear so I remember when we took out in here and it was like like really buzzing and the sound was so loud it was crazy let me tell you now you got to protect your ears yeah I'm serious I felt that you got that tonight I remember I think I was like when I got into my late 20s it was it got really bad and so every night yeah so every night it was like I was sleeping better but I was like yeah yeah so you and I was like when I record I have to keep my volume down yeah yeah but nobody tells you that right until it's too late so uh yeah be sure to protect your ears that's a good tip yeah Jay how about you what was like a big surprise for you or like what was really you know thing of your first Tour all of her fans has that phenomenal energy and yeah it was so I think oh that made made us finish that torso yeah yeah we're still really thankful with that yeah no I mean I think it's as performers like nothing like the energy that the crowd gives you is so important yeah yeah mindset provides mental health support through storytelling and daily mindfulness practices rooted in the power of shared experiences mindset provides intimate stories from some of your favorite artists and public figures fostering is a community and shared understanding mindset is all about helping others feel less alone in their struggles we want you to feel heard seen and understood download the mindset app today enjoy the community give it a shot and try it for free today um but what what can people expect from obviously Great Performances are you doing like solo mude and all that stuff are you guys um all I want to say is that it's going to be a lot different from my last one which is very important and we always kept that in mind when we were practicing as well yeah because yeah so we're gonna have like group oh okay yeah and it's going to be a lot of new performances yeah we're gonna you know even our old songs like Pongo yeah so it's going to be different in a good way yeah yeah in a good way yeah that's the point I hope so in a good way yeah yeah um how are the units split up this time uh yeah we we don't have a unit song now but yeah so it's gonna be uh like original songs split and half sort of so it's going to be like kind of the acoustic time and the playlist so uh I was really into guitar these days so yeah uh it's my first time doing the acoustic guitar and the tour yeah oh nice I mean like speaking of you know what you're playing or listening to these what are you guys listening to these obviously listen to your album but what other what's inspiring you musically for me um post Malone post Malone's coming out yeah what'd you think overdrive in the morning it's all so good yeah I love his like Vibe okay so is there anything it's just like the way that he sings like the instruments everything like I feel like his voice is like kind of raw but it's like really good to it it's like easy listening got it you know what I mean yeah yeah like and it's like Melodies are really good I feel like all right what about you what am I listening well right now I know yeah right now I have chungkook seven stuck in my head all right it needs to stop it's so good yeah it's stuck so yes um but that's like the one that I like can't and then there's this other song that not people know or there's this girl Olivia Dean she's British Dean she has a song called Dive that I'm currently obsessed with oh it's dive Studio but it's she's it's so good um but I highly Olivia Dean Olivia Dean she's British how about you what are you listening to uh we're really we're really into I want just one band in Goonies yeah you know what I'm saying right yeah yeah yeah we're uh when we finish all the work work and stay in the in the day uh when we go to home is kind of tired so we made we try to make our tensions right so uh we listen to AC DC yeah I mean always play it as loud as we can through the speakers that's like that's a very interesting choice why AC DC because I feel like not a lot of people your age know AC DC true but I feel like everyone at our age knows the song yeah like if they hear it okay I feel like they can all sing along yeah if they don't know AC DC okay all right yeah Fair maybe I don't know maybe ACDC every yeah everyone watched watched Iron Man Iron Man so oh yeah so yeah yeah it always comes up everything almost everyone well I guess like growing up you know who did you always you guys always want to be musicians or performers or like what really inspired you to become who you are today wow so for me I was just in Australia studying just being a normal high school student yeah and one day my mom showed me like a new newspaper like a newsletter of BTS um saying that they were the first Korean group to perform at like a I think it was amas yeah yeah it was like 2016 or something yeah and that really got me into BTS and also just K-pop in general and I just started to listen to all all the K-pop songs and then yeah I just wanted to try it out and did like an open Edition yeah and then yeah it just it just happened yeah I guess that's so I mean you make it sound so easy I mean sort of like Destiny because yeah yeah I always loved being up on stage and like listening to a lot of music yeah but I really never sang or danced before okay but like when I started um singing and dancing were like when I started learning singing dancing I felt like it was really like just came naturally yeah I felt like that's awesome I I just knew that I really wanted to do this yeah that's awesome I remember uh I don't know if you remember watching the AMA performance I think I was watching the AMA performance and I like actually like teared up watching it oh wow because it was and I remember texting the members like I'm so proud of you guys because it was the first time I had seen anybody that looks like what we look like as Koreans or as Asians perform at such a level and do it so well and make everybody like just like shock everybody yeah and I just remember like at home by myself just watching that and like tearing up like oh my God so proud and I was so proud and so happy um but I I think you know those performances obviously inspired so many people including yourself and a lot of people around the world um but Jay what about you what got you into music and yeah actually I didn't have any that any burning dreams and Siamese but uh I suddenly I had a street casting yeah not this company but the other some other other company but I just think that I just thought there was a good chance so uh I just did it with not any passions or something so um yeah yeah so uh yeah the result was I was out and then I finally realized that I think I want to do this yeah I went to dance some Academy and oh then I try to come here and to Hype so again fate that's why it's called yeah it's all coming together um but are your parents both your parents are very supportive of what you do and encouraging of I guess being like a young star yeah yeah well for me my parents really believed in me because yeah I had to give up everything in Australia to just just just come to Korea yeah and I didn't even know that I was gonna make it because it's like there's a low chance of becoming like a star it's a very high it's a very difficult thing yeah yeah so um still really like kind of to my parents because they like I don't know why they believed in me so much because I never sang and they heard me saying I heard me saying and that was really bad but I don't know why they supported me so much but I'm really because they love you that's why what do you mean I'm very thankful um yeah do you guys remember what song you sang for your audition first audition first edition what was it for me it was love yourself by Justin oh nice yeah yeah this is that's a solid song yeah so how does that go I used to sing that song so much yeah yeah okay got it oh if my memory is right I think it was from I buy Crush oh yeah nice yeah you know what's crazy is like you guys by the way congratulations this last album is your third million seller wow thank you wow um you guys are doing world tours sold out all around the world it's also very new to you guys though right yeah yeah is it uh weird crazy transition are there moments where you're like is this real life or you know things when you realize like wow we are really popular or we're really doing you know big things uh I feel like the moment I realized that there was a lot of people supporting us is when we did our first tour last year yeah and we sold out most I think all of the shows yeah and when we got there there was like all the people are just cheering so passionately and like they were so supportive I think that's when I realized that there's a lot of people are just looking up to me sort of kind of like it was also a little bit of Duncan as well but in a good way yeah so yeah that's when I realized got it on tour you know have you had a moment maybe during even your audition program where it was like ah I think I want to give up have you had those moments yet or like when things get really tough give up or is it just like we're fine we're good let's keep going oh um close man it's sorry it's all good um but if you think of one but how about you do you have anything I mean it's I think it's hard also just because like you left everything in Australia I mean I didn't really have the option to give up really because um I don't know but my parents always tells me to don't because like if you fail or if you don't if it doesn't go as planned I'm the type of person to really just break because um yeah I don't know but so my mum always tells me to don't overthink it don't get too deep into it um so I always try to just enjoy it yeah and just keep it light yeah but also try my best because that's fair that's all you can really do that's really what my parents tells me every day so yeah that's great good mommy good Mommy Dad shut up that's awesome first of all I guess what were your first impressions of each other between the two of you wow um the first time when we talked to each other or just because when we just when we did our training um we weren't allowed to talk to anyone yeah it was like the program was built to it was like isolated right yeah yeah it was all one person at a time and it was because we had to they had to film the first time being met and first time we talked meeting everybody we could only say Hi teacher yeah it's like yeah yeah about one year almost one year so yeah yeah for the first time when we talked to each other you're talking about well just first time when we saw each other I have a really strong impression I don't know what is your first when you're your strong impression was that the first time you saw him yeah it was okay first time you saw each other what was that so he always had his hair tied up yeah okay because it was too long it was like this like a headband really often and he always had like big glasses yeah I know he was always in a rush sort of like he was just walking around like that [Laughter] yeah he's cool buddy um okay then once you when you talk to him for the first time what was your impression um wow he was really talkative oh really yeah yeah okay he talks a lot still talks a lot yeah and he's always kind of making the whole room like Pike a little bit yeah yeah because he's always okay maker yeah yeah yeah um Jay what was your first impression of Drake um the first impression when I just saw him was uh he touches his hair too much [Music] yeah so I always slipped yeah yeah oh yeah I think yeah he looks uncomfortable with his hair so first impression okay yeah yeah and because first time I came to Korea I've got in a lot of trouble because I didn't bow when I said hello yeah all right and so I always kind of kept my eye um what about the first time you talked to him what was that like that talk to him oh oh yeah it was it was at the yeah the square one stage right the the first very first stage we did yeah me you and Tony right there oh oh yeah very exciting he looked very excited yeah that was exciting yeah very eager very excited just like a puppy I was very excited to talk to people right because you guys were just isolated for a long time yeah for like 10 months online yeah what does that do to you mentally when you're that isolated I remember I never said this before but I remember the second day it was Tuesday and I'd like like 10 or like 12 hours of practice like Kenyans which is like just in a room it's like really it's like the size of this cop it's like half of this copy right yeah yeah and I was just sitting there and because I didn't learn anything like I'm not going to practice like I didn't tell me what to practice so I remember taking a picture of me just lying there and just sending it to my parents saying that I don't think this has been me definitely yeah it was almost Tuesday I just thought I had one lesson which was like one dance lesson I think the day before yeah but it was like just kibongi so I couldn't really practice Yeah because I could do that for like two hours maybe right yeah like the lot the eight hours dad left to like nothing to do sort of say yeah that's not normal I remember yeah that was really just trying to go mad yeah so yeah yeah oh man that was high yeah that sounds hard it's hard it's hard I can't can't foreign okay so you guys I heard also have a bunch of rules for your dorm seven rules for the inhibit dorm is that right what what is rules [Laughter] so how did these rules come about oh what is that and do you still keep these rules I can't remember do these still exists yeah are these all still in effect yeah these are all [Music] I think number four yeah I think that was because of Corona oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but um oh I think I don't think Sonu plays games anymore yeah but I this was today before I came to the studio yeah he was watching on Netflix I can't remember yeah it was just like watching a movie in our yeah you're there ah but yeah it's not playing games you have to shower within four songs hair makeup within five yeah because I remember everyone just took too long to shower okay he's getting four songs is still pretty that's still like that's like 20 minutes it's like forever if you choose long songs yeah yeah it's like forever so I think yeah who takes the longest shower oh yeah probably by phone yeah how long minimum I think 30 minutes what which is like I take about like five minute showers it was just in and out yeah yeah just he's just like my people gotta leave everything I heard him he always just he told me that he just stands there in hot water yeah he's like I know I mean it feels good I I get him but yeah I have to do I have to take a shower yeah everybody else so I mean come on four four Bohemian rhapsodies [Music] what about this tell me about this I think that still exists this was sort of um I think this was like like almost two years ago like almost yeah I think more than two years ago maybe yeah okay so this was like at the beginning of our debut and sort of like we just started to live together yeah and so we used to have these kind of group meetings every day after every day and we were always sort of talk it out but we used to always just listen to each other we wouldn't really fight we would just sort of bring up the topic and we'll just all talk about it yeah and I think that really helped us sort of build like a really good relationship yeah yeah and I think we we still do that yeah yeah but we don't do it as often because we kind of know each other better than when we used to so we used to do that yeah well here's a I mean you guys seem to be very very close um to each other but if you had to pick one member to go on a trip with type with like travel anywhere just vacation vacation who would you go with hmm okay um [Music] to me I um I think it depends on what kind of vacation okay if I'm going to like like Paris where like I go shopping a lot then I would take Nikki okay because we have like very similar style okay I like to go shopping all right but if it's someone if it's like just healing vacation sort of like ah that I'll take someone someone because he doesn't talk a lot okay someone just something has to happen yeah until unless something happens okay it's pretty funny Jay how about you oh for a kind of yeah vacation trip uh I think I picked John one and um and if there's any some [Music] um shopping or some kind of that some okay tour touring uh I think I'll ping Nikki too okay yeah all right Nikki Nikki's it takes good pictures as well very important social media game used to be strong yeah um very very important um I've heard that both of you also have a lot of fears yeah he has a little bit more than me yeah she has a little bit more no way what are you talking about what are you guys afraid of I'm not afraid of anything oh Johnny he has no fear oh you're sure about that I only fear myself that's it that's it yeah myself Jay what do you think what are his fears uh-huh tell us about Jake's fears uh what would I start for first she he's really scared about that oh okay needles needles I have like a phobia I think really yeah like shots and needles it wasn't even the linger kind of thing like Ivy yeah like oh like whenever I because I get really tired a lot and my man is like really bad yeah really really bad yeah but like so I get slick sometimes but whenever I get it if I look at the needle I almost roll yeah like I'm not scared like I'm not God they always tease me because they think I'm just scared of the needles of the pain sometimes sometimes it's just knocked out in front of them yeah it's just like if I look at something really pointy like a needle I feel like I just it's like almost and like I get really sick and don't look it [Laughter] I got another like prepared no then always notice but notice to hit her or him yeah please stay talking before you say it but sometimes they miss and please tell you please tell him before you put the needle yeah I always tell them I'm really scared of needles and they just okay needles what else is he afraid of um [Laughter] uh how about one for one oh yeah one for one yeah wait what is Jay afraid of [Laughter] have you seen a ghost before oh yeah when I was Seattle oh I care if my memory is right oh it was the yeah the moment when I started uh sleeping myself in my room when I was two years old or kind of that when you were that young yeah two you remember that three three three I think three two three to four uh we had a little like how can I tell about that that uh kind of yeah baby stuff that can uh a mini phone that always on to room to room yeah like a baby like a baby phone kind of so oh someday I I was just sleeping but my baby phone was on so suddenly and then some kind of weird and creepy some laughs was it was in I was out there again so I was really shocked oh my God then oh then I really screened I screamed and then my mommy just opened the door and what what has happened and then that was really trauma for me yeah he was three and you remember that have you seen another ghost since or no oh when we were in in the uh audition program I think that's worse yeah yeah because some other people saw that like behind is the studio was built next to like a graveyard yeah like right like a mask I don't know why they would do that it was messed up I know yeah and like it was like in the middle of nowhere oh yeah somewhere in paju like yeah I remember the exactly because you couldn't shower it was really sharp because there's no way to go home I need to be here if I need to debut over there so yeah sleeping with me that's scary what did it look like oh uh we have two floors in theirs but yeah we always practice in the floor one and we live in floor two but uh all of us was in floor two and there was kind of content or no it was an interview kind of that yes and oh maybe some some shoes in floor one so maybe like yeah they had to like he had to change the battery of the microphone one person's right right yeah rotation so uh when my turn when when I got there I felt some weird feelings at my back so oh why so I know I watched the back but there was kind of white no Matt mannequin stuff like a blue man can you say yeah why why mannequin and he didn't walk or or he didn't uh move but move his arms or legs but it was just like elevating kind of kind of like floating yeah leviting to the side so and it was yeah I think that was I think that yeah no movings no anything just you're levitating yeah side to side and yeah but the funny of that challenging was like really yeah weird yeah yeah oh man it was definitely yeah that's scary man okay well I'm scared of ghosts too so I mean I'm right there with you um let's see Jay did you learn French recently yeah I wanted to do that so I tried I I did I didn't have any teacher or contest but only uh looked at YouTube and um bought some books but yeah I think I did that for five days but it was three three days no no way no it was five yeah remember exactly okay in front of you that was three bucks there was two more uh yeah I thought for three days but it was yeah that was it okay yeah yeah but uh I just thought I can't do this without any teacher okay so yeah did you get a teacher oh yeah not yeah but yeah uh [Laughter] yeah well one day I hope I hope to hear some great French from you all right um Jake uh have you learned anything recently or have you picked up anything um recently um this was like like two months ago but I'm starting to learn like producing oh cool music so I'm starting from the basic okay and getting sort of and he sort of teaches me the basics nice yeah because I one day I want to start you know maybe write a song and maybe get in on the album yeah yeah yeah absolutely you definitely should um I see here you're also a big soccer fan yes that's true yeah who what is do you have like a favorite team it used to be Missy but now it's swimming me and now it's bro okay the best Korean players yeah yeah but I think he's more a big fan doing not literally like there's a lot of people like Jay he loves yeah playing or like just watching swatching yeah but I'm not good at playing so oh my God I don't really watch soccer just play yeah I just play more yeah um are you what's your position um anything up front so like left wing right wing Center forward yeah Striker yeah dope um and then do you have a favorite team oh yeah I have uh uh in Premier League uh man city is my favorite team and uh yeah PSG also okay yeah so I'm so happy these days because yeah solid teams I mean yeah I came to this guy wow right now yeah if you're a PSG fan you gotta learn French real fast yeah I really want to understand that interview that day but yeah I always look at the yeah subtitles subtitles with English but yeah I can't understand even looking at that because it's two the friends is too difficult it's so hard let's play some games real quick all right this is the game we are on one team because me Jake J Jake Eric right so he does it once go [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] yeah okay okay how are you oh my God okay [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right next one J or J guy Hangout Jay Park me J Blaze [Music] oh Jake okay YouTube [Laughter] okay quiet ER [Music] [Laughter] come on this foreign foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh Paris in the rain Paris in the rain oh my God and what was that song that's great okay other as a set fire to rain okay [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] oh my gosh where did you get this hoodie it's so pretty it's a beautiful wine red and it has a beautiful design on the back oh I got it at shop.divestudios.io it's really cute and sexy oh but it's summer do I need a hoodie whoa pretty thin not cold thin but just enough so you can wear it when you're a little chilly inside and the air conditioning is blowing in your face or you can save it for the fall it's just a great hoodie so you can check it out and the other great thing is that shop.divestudios.io oh also you can go to shop.kentminds.com for some more stuff anyways really cool stuff available so you can be part of our dive Studios family community and support us as we make content that you love to watch anyways back to our show this guy oh [Music] wow I'm too excited okay these are brand new awesome guys no way yeah thank you and then wow okay you are literally the first two people in the world to get this album because this is not even out yet but it's my new album oh my God thanks so much so it's um I got it today oh really I do I know yeah thank you the million sellers oh no way September 8th oh yeah so you can you can if you have a CD player I don't know if anybody has a CD player uh we our car has any player about it yeah you can uh check it out oh yeah we have the yogi I like the boys wonder who I got wait no way oh my God no way oh my God oh my God oh oh my gosh oh my god oh thank you so much more happier wow you guys have so much stuff in here yeah yeah and a poster and stickers and a bookmark and a postcard and double oh man okay well guys it is about time to start wrapping this show up uh as we wrap it up I guess is there anything that you wanted to talk about anything you want to ask me anything you want to say to your fans this is your time and space in place and if not we just wrap it um all right oh sorry thank you guys thank you for having us thank you we had so much fun today and um we're starting our faith tour next week so hope you guys are excited for that as well and um some videos the album is coming out I'm gonna listen a lot oh thank you it's gonna be really good so yeah anyways thank you so much for having us it's so much fun thank you Jay anything you want to say yeah I was really nervous before I came here before I came here but uh yeah I think today was so such great study before our world tour so thank you so much for yeah having us and oh yeah you don't feel nervous anymore right you feel good okay great wishing you guys an Incredible World Tour um I'm on tour at the same time you guys are and I think I'm I'm gonna try to go to one of your shows what oh in Chicago what's your color I'm gonna try because I I was looking at your schedule yeah yeah yeah yeah I play the day right after you or something in Chicago so if I can go yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna text you I'm gonna call him like all right call us anytime well yeah yeah um thank you so much for being here such a pleasure getting to know you guys um you guys please be sure to check out of course dark blood and also be sure to check out in hyphen's brand new show their new world tour fate going to a ton of different cities and countries all around the world and let me see is there anything else that we got to do before you go um okay as you know as always please be sure to subscribe like comment turn on your notifications for dive Studios and the tab box show we have a lot of new stuff coming your way new shows new content a lot of great stuff and as we always do we ask all of our guests to improvise a jingle of any kind so would you be able to do an outro jingle for us like a jingle song yeah just like a bye-bye song it could be anything it could be a song it could be a rap it could just be a statement whatever you want uh okay all right you do the whatever what can I do adults do that [Laughter] all right bye guys yeah have a great week see you later thank you hey guys guess what I'm going to tickle your ear holes hey I really want you to please turn on your notification a comment about how much you loved this episode and me please did this make you uncomfortable did my ear hole talking make you uncomfortable well I'm sorry but if you would please just do it just go ahead like do it subscribe turn on notifications confirm and leave us a comment okay did you do it did you do it you did it right you didn't do it no you did it right okay thanks guys see you in the next episode we are almost like this
Channel: DIVE Studios / 다이브 스튜디오
Views: 1,741,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIVEStudios, EricNam, 에릭남, Kpop Daebak, Commit Or Quit, Kpop podcast, Jae, Day6, Jae of Day6, Jae Park, How Did I Get Here?, Tablo, 타블로, Epik High, 에픽하이, The Tablo Podcast, Jamie Park, What Would Jamie Do?, Korea, Korean, Asian, Asian American, 박지민, 데이식스, Get Real, Ashley Choi, BM, KARD, Peniel, Btob, GET REAL, DIVE Studios, Kpopers, Kpop, Daebak Show, Stray Kids, jay, jake, enhypen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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