Treasure Planet - 12 Years Later (Blu-Ray)
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Channel: rattlesthestars
Views: 587,364
Rating: 4.9446254 out of 5
Keywords: Treasure, Planet, Jim, Hawkins, Disney, Classics, Blu-Ray, Blu, Ray, 2002, 12, Years, Later, Treasure Planet (Film), movie, part
Id: 1ainH4-EuwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 18sec (78 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2012
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Loved this movie as a child, that robot arm still looks cool.
Because the movie bombed horribly?
Because we already have the perfect Treasure Planet movie, and it's Treasure Planet. A live-action wouldn't really bring anything new to the table and just be kinda useless. We already have the Treasure Planet movie that we want, so let's just keep enjoying it.
Shame JGL is in his 30s now. They couldve used him as Jim, since he did voice him
this was one of the best intros ever.
I think the movie is kind of dated, and they already did pirates themed type of live action. which is a moneymaking machine fueled by johnny depp. so yeah, maybe that's why.
It reminds me of the intro the new Star Trek movie with Kirk as a child
Because they already did
Because "live action adaptation of a film released ten years ago to middling reviews and a poor box office" isn't really the kind of thing they emphasize?
Not gunna happen- the abandoned this ship.
Go to a Disney store and you can visually see disneys focus and priority. Treasure planet has (in the UK) ZERO merchandise.