Travel to the Northeast with an RV

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- Well for about two weeks now, Old Kia has been at this shop here. And let me tell you, the Pennsylvania RV show, the Hershey show, it's about a week away so I'm getting restless. Well that was Thursday morning. It is not Saturday night. And my suspicions were correct. Apparently they ran into all kinds of problems, putting a new engine into, a new engine yeah. Actually I'll tell you all about it tomorrow morning. I'm gonna hit the road now. ♪ I'm riding, riding, riding ♪ Riding in my my RV, my RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ Because I'm free in my RV, yeah ♪ (upbeat pensive music) - Well good morning. This is where I ended up spending the night. Now let's get some breakfast, shall we? And my favorite is usually Grandpa's. I just had the Grandpa's Breakfast, which is my favorite. I arrived here last night, whew what time was it? Like at 1:00 a.m. And it is now sevenish. I'm gonna take a quick break and then hit the road again. This is where I slept. Very nice, very quiet. And we're here in Vero Beach, Florida. And now as we hit the road I'm gonna telL you what happened to the car. (upbeat music) Alright, let me tell you what happened. A little over two weeks ago I took the car in for service. It needed it, you know I was gonna embark on this long trip to New England, so you know spark plugs, brakes, belts, the works. So what happened by the time I was supposed to pick up the car the service manager of the place tells me that there is a problem. They broke some hoses and they had to replace them and they had to order them. It wouldn't be ready 'til the next day. The next day he tells me that when they turn over the engine for the first time it was making a horrible noise and they were gonna fix it. Don't worry. Well two weeks later I just got my car. And the consensus is, and he isn't even sure, but the consensus is that a tiny piece of ceramic from one of the spark plugs fell into the engine somewhere in there. I'm not a mechanic, but I know the basics of internal combustion. I guess if something falls into the cylinder and you fire up the engine, that could cause some damage. To make a long story short, they had to get me a new engine. And it happened to be a long weekend so the new engine took forever to get here to Miami. There to Miami, I'm not in Miami anymore. And then to add insult to injury, apparently when they were, you know when they took everything apart, it's an old car, so like all the hoses, they cracked. Everything started falling apart when they took everything out. And in order to put the engine back in they basically had to put back all new hoses, all new cables, all new. Even the reservoir for the coolant, everything is new. So the Kia is running great. I'm on the road again and I have to drive non stop... if I want to make it to Hershey, Pennsylvania by Industry Day, which is the goal now. So I'm leaving much later and I'm trying to arrive one day earlier, or at least half a day earlier. So that's the story. Enjoy the ride and if I can show you anything on the way, I will. (upbeat music) I'm gonna stop here by Palm Coast to put gas and buy Ile's favorite wine. And then off we go again. Passing downtown Jacksonville. And with that we say goodbye to Florida and hello to Georgia on my mind. Let's go into the welcome center. Well hello everybody. I took a shower. Can you tell? It is very hot here in southern Georgia and northern Florida. And I'll probably start breaking a sweat here really soon but anyways let's go inside the welcome center, see what's going on and what they have. Which, by the way, I am thinking of taking a more inland route, in part because of the heat. Maybe you know if I hug the Appalachian Mountains a little more it'll be less hot, cooler. And according to Google it's only 20, 25 extra minutes. So it might be worth it. Anyway I'm doing pretty good time. It is, I've been here almost an hour. It is now almost 1:00 p.m. and I'm gonna see if I can get a Georgia map and hit the road again. ♪ There's no way to the sky - My original plan was gonna explore this area, the Cumberland Islands. You know I wanted to explore Cumberland Island and even a little further north, like Jekyll Island and all that. But of course you all know that's not gonna happen, right? Here we are. Got my map. Let's continue. (man yelling) By the way, part of the reason why I'm taking that more of a western, inland route, is check it out, it's because I wanna avoid like the big cities like D.C., you know that eastern corridor can get a little busy sometimes. Did I mention it is hot? Let's go north. Quickly, let's go into the mountains. You see, that's why I would like to have it motorized. You just flip a switch and you have air conditioning, you know generator. Unless I figure out a way to permanently mount a generator here, just right now, for the time I'm gonna be here I don't wanna carry the generator down, take out the cable, you know it's, it's a little bit of an ordeal. Let me show you what they did here with the engine. By the way I still have sand from Key West down there. You see, apparently all these hoses, all these cables they put new. The reservoir is new as well. The only the thing that has me kind of nervous is that they didn't put the plastic cover. I don't know if that's just ornamental or if that's like something that helps anything with the engine. And this seems to be loose. Like they forgot to put a screw somewhere. I'll figure it out. Anyways, let's continue north. Next state is South Carolina. As I'm about to leave, I get recognized by this nice gentleman and his family. Sorry I didn't get his name. But if you watch this video, you made my day. As my travel woes are about to begin. A couple of miles down the road the check engine light came on. Engine vibrations and loss of power followed. And I'm like, this is no good. Luckily they have Tires Plus locations everywhere in this area. So I've decided to stop here in Brunswick to see if they can take a look at it. They don't seem to be very busy, but they've said that they cannot look at it until tomorrow. I understand, it is a Sunday afternoon. I'm just gonna use my OBD2 reader here to have an idea what is going on and get this show back on the road. Well the check engine light did turn on and it started running rough for a couple of miles back there. The code said something about cylinder five misfire. But I cleared and I forgot to take a screenshot. I'm sure it'll happen again. I went to the Tires Plus, but they couldn't do anything there. They didn't have enough employees I guess. It's Sunday. We'll make it there. Since the misfire seems to be very intermittent and 90% of the time the engine runs well, I've made the executive decision to continue pushing north. Maybe it is just a glitch, maybe I'm just a fool. But at this point, I'm still kind of determined to make it to Hersey by tomorrow. Let's stop here at the South Carolina welcome center and take a break. Hmm, it looks like we have a couple of stowaways here. Some much needed coffee and on the road again we are. (upbeat music) Okay, let's talk about gas mileage. Not great. Last fill up was at 9.87 miles per gallon, but it's been hovering around nine. I thought with the new engine, new spark plugs and all that, that I would get better mileage. But... It's actually a little worse, which is, unexpected. I am going to take I-26 west now and make that inland detour. And there is the occasional rain. But this is my kind of landscape. Rolling hills which is a nice change of scenery for sure. (bright music) As night begins to fall, I arrive at Columbia, not the South American country, but South Carolina's capital city. And check out exhibit A here on the left. There's a Walmart nearby, apparently RV friendly. So yeah, goodnight. Well I can't sleep, so I'm gonna hit the road early. By the way, good morning. I think we might get to Hershey today. I don't know if you noticed, but I moved last night. I decided to come to the Cracker Barrel. That Walmart looked a little sketchy. And in my experience, if a place looks sketchy, it usually is and it's better to err on the side of caution. So anyways it is now 5:30 a.m. And let's try to beat Charlotte's rush hour traffic. (upbeat music) Hmm, well so much for beating rush hour traffic, huh? And now it doesn't look like Old Kia is going to make it very far. So I pull over to regroup here. I mean the misfiring is still very intermittent, but it is evident that it is getting worse. As we pass the Carowinds amusement park we are now in North Carolina. - [GPS] Welcome to North Carolina. - Thank you. The drive across Lake Norman by the city of Mooresville. And by this point Old Kia is limping along. Let me stop at this rest area here because I have to make a decision. But first, breakfast. Okay let me tell you what's going on. I am here about an hour north of Charlotte, North Carolina at this rest area. I just had breakfast. I put that OBD2 code reader and it says PO2O5 which is like, like an injector on the voltage or something like that. And then there is a B0305 which is a cylinder five misfire. I don't know if that's something really serious, I don't know if I'm gonna make it. Or if I should take it to a shop. You know there's no Tire Plus here in this area. But they told me that I could take it to any Firestone. I don't know if I should try to make it. I'm still about five to six hours away from Hershey. I mean if I take it to a place here I'm not gonna make it to Industry Day. So I don't know, I'm in... What's the word I'm looking for? You know what I mean? Indecision. Dilemma. Well I'm gonna have to backtrack to Mooresville. I'm gonna take it to a Firestone. See what's going on. Oh well. So I'm backtracking about 20 miles. Yeah I was gonna try to push it, see if I could make it, but I'd rather get stuck here and not in the middle of nowhere. By the way, Mooresville here is home of many Nascar racing teams and drivers. So it is probably also home of some of the best mechanics in the world. Unfortunately, and this is a spoiler alert, by the way That was the last time Old Kia ever towed anything. Well, I'm boondocking at the Firestone Well, I'm boondocking at the Firestone Well I'm gonna start to do like Mike and say that my plan is not to have a plan because I did not have a plan to spend the night here in Mooresville, North Carolina. But it looks that way. I've got my generator going back there. And apparently there is one connector on the engine something that the people in Miami didn't do correctly, apparently. And they're ordering it, it's coming tomorrow morning, so by tomorrow morning, by tomorrow noon, I should be able to depart towards Hershey, (babbles) I'm tired. Towards Hershey, Pennsylvania. And see some of the RV show and meet some of the guys. I think I'm gonna edit some video while I'm here. I'll turn on the AC a little bit. Had I known I would have leveled the RV a little better. But it's not bad, it's level enough. I'll keep you posted. Oh by the way, did I mention there's a hurricane coming? Yeah, that too. I went to dinner with my friend and fellow YouTuber Brian Wood and his family, but we didn't even take a selfie. Well good morning from Mooresville, North Carolina. Here I am, editing a little bit of video. I brought my generator in last night. It's a little bit of a mess in here. There's my mobile office with my CDs and stuff. And here I am, boondocking at the Firestone still. I'm going to make some coffee now and some breakfast. And then I found the post office. I have to walk like 1/4 mile or so. And I'm gonna mail one CD and then hopefully by noon, Kia will be ready. Wrap for breakfast. I put some ham, cheese, chicken salad from Publix, some veggies and some Thousand Island dressing on there. And one of these organic Mission tortillas. The mechanic said that he's going to, the parts arrive around 10, 11 ish. And the mechanic told me he was gonna get right to it, you know he's gonna drop everything and get right to it. So he gonna get me out of here soon. So, I'm anticipating between 12 and 1:00 p.m. I'll be on the road but who knows. Well I just mailed a CD here from this place. Now check it out, they have a Publix here. I know in New England things might start to look a little unfamiliar, but at least for now, we're still in Publix land. My mechanic here owns a vintage Dodge Ram. So you know he's legit, right? Still, he's been working all day on Old Kia. And still there's no solution to the misfire problem. Alright everybody, quick update here. I'm trying not to lose my cool, but it's been one of those days. I don't know if I told you but they are not able to fix Kia. It's a little bit of a red tape issue with the Miami office and the Miami regional manager. I don't know exactly what's going on yet. But anyways I came to U-haul to rent a truck. And unfortunately everybody, very nice here in this town of Mooresville, but unfortunately their trucks only have the four pin connector, so it's no good to tow Minitini. Now Richard, a viewer of a friend here in Mooresville, he's going to, he's going to come, pick me up, we're gonna pick up Minitini and I'm gonna be boondocking at his home tonight. And hopefully all this will get solved soon. I really do. I haven't been filming much today because it's been a little bit of frustrating day, but hopefully tomorrow we'll get on the road and eventually begin the real portion of this trip. We just arrived here at Richard's house. And this gentleman, what's your name again? - Barry. - [Robert] Barry was so kind to tow me, tow Minitini with his truck. And I'm boondocking here at Richard's place. - Hey we got Robert all straightened out. - Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. - Don't worry about it. - And hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to get a truck and get on the road before this hurricane passes through. - Listen, my house is your house. You can stay here as long as you want. Don't worry about it. - Thank you so much. - You're welcome, you're welcome. - Wow, here are my luxury accommodations for the night. (country music) That's where Old Kia is spending the night. Let's take advantage that we're here at stoplight. Richard, where are we going? - We're going to Tim's Table. - Tim's Table. - Tim's Table in downtown Mooresville. - Let me tell you it's been a stressful day so I could use a nice meal and an IPA is what-- - Well you'll get a nice meal, a good IPA. It's, it'll be good. - Yeah, it'll be good. It's been a stressful day but it's already getting better and tomorrow, I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be almost back to normal. We'll see. - Yep, cool. - I have to find a truck. That's the main thing. - Yeah, exactly. - Alright, talk to you guys later. - See you guys. One of the oldest hardware stores in North Carolina, right here. It's D.E. Turner. Such a great little place. It's all original. They're not open though, too bad. Oh it's so cool. - [Robert] Local honey for sale. Alright, here we are. Let's eat. Pretty cool place. I think I'm going to go for the Cuban sandwich. - [Richard] Palm trees, I love it. (laughing) - Well let's eat. And just like that, the pretty stressful day comes to an end as the sun sets over Mooresville, North Carolina. (thoughtful music) Good morning from my full hookup site here at Richard's. On the next day, after much waiting, Bridgestone was able to get me a truck, probably the last available truck in the whole state of North Carolina, with the hurricane coming and all that. It was an hour away driving Gastonia. So I went there and drove it back to Mooresville to pick up Minitini There's Lake Norman. Of course, there is a great height differential between this truck and old Kia. So I'm gonna have to ask the guys at the Firestone if they can help me adjust the hitch. I might as well take care of my tire problem and then I replace that rear tire and off we go! Yeah, you all know I have that one tire that wears out faster then the rest, right? (country music) It is going to take me a while to get used to this big truck but if there is a plus, it is that I can't barely notice I am doing anything at all, so tires plus and Firestone's parent company, Bridgestone came through after all and I'm on the road again. The fate of old Kia? Still uncertain at this point. I think they are going to tow it all the way back to Miami. So I'm on the road again. I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna drive about an hour today and then check this baby out. I'm sure you saw it if you follow me on Instagram @travelingrobert but they got me a huge truck. So, that's what we're planning on doing for now, the rest of the trip. The trip is gonna be cut short by the way. I'm not gonna be able to go to Canada, and because I, you know they're towing old Kia back to Miami for some reason instead of just fixing it here. So I'm gonna have to return this truck in Miami in two weeks. Well, yes, I was originally going to spend some time in the New England states, even New Brunswick, Canada but plans change, right? I'm gonna stop here at this friendly Walmart and rest. And check it out, we actually fit into two adjacent parking spaces. Not so big after all. It barely fits but it fits. (dramatic music) Good morning. I think I got the car setup to my liking now. ETA six hours and 24 minutes. Let's hit the road. (guitar music) Well, you know how it is when you get a new car for the first time. You have to setup the Bluetooth and the steering wheel, and in my case, the dash camera mount, and the phone mount, and I'm still not 100% comfortable but it'll do. After about half an hour on the road, we arrive in Virginia. I wanted to stop here at the welcome center but the RV section is all taken because some trucks decided to park in it. There is another whole section, just for trucks. I'm kind of bummed out, but isn't this a beautiful drive? And we haven't even really seen the best part yet, which will be on I-81, I reckon. By the way, big white here is tackling this long uphill climb like it's nothing. Can't even tell if it's towing anything behind, which is quite a change from old Kia. ("Music City: Free in My RV" by Robert Morales) Hello, everybody. This was one of those uphills where old Kia would have struggled tremendously. And this truck didn't even feel it. I mean it's a heavy duty, what's it called? Anyways, I'm kind of bummed out that I couldn't stop at the Virginia welcome center. I was really looking forward to getting a map but I'm gonna go into Virginia on the way south again so, probably through I-95 so I might be able to do it then. ("Music City: Free in My RV" by Robert Morales) Let's take a quick break here, put gas, and continue. Whoops, wrong side. (lively music) It continues to be a beautiful drive on I-81, which goes along the Appalachian Mountains, mostly over earlier roads and paths created by Native Americans, early settlers, and even migrating animals, or so I've heard. Let's make a quick breakfast stop, shall we? My sliced ham went bad but my cubed ham is still good. I put some cheese, lettuce, thousand island dressing, and it's a wrap. Well, that was a very simple breakfast but very satisfying. This truck is a beast. I just floored it back there because I had to pass somewhere and it was like (imitates car engine) like nothing is back there, incredible. By the way, on a side note, it looks like this inconvenience might shatter, my dream of doing the lower 48 by the time I'm 48, although You never know but I have to return the truck to Miami in two weeks or 13 days now. So I'm not gonna be able to see Vermont or New Hampshire, the Maine, maybe, we'll see. Still very happy to be able to continue on the road and travel. It's a beautiful drive this interstate 81, I wish I could stop, you know, and smell the mountains but we'll be back to this area at some point. Now, the goal is Hershey, Pennsylvania. By 3:00 p.m., maybe four. (upbeat music) To me, I-81 here is a great alternative to I-95 since it doesn't go through any large metropolitan areas besides, being a much more scenic drive. (upbeat music) And guess what? We are now in West Virginia. - [GPS voice] Welcome to West Virginia. - Thank you. Alright, another state. I think there's a visitor center coming up so let's go in. (camera shutter clicks) Yes, very excited to be back in West Virginia but unfortunately, like in my previous visit, it is going to be all too brief. (car honks) (birds chirping) There are so many places that I was planning to visit here in West Virginia originally but I don't think it's gonna happen now. (upbeat music) I continue relentlessly. In about half an hour, we should be crossing into Maryland. Oh, a little bit of construction in this area, here. And not the smoothest of roads but as we cross the Potomac River, we are now in Maryland. (upbeat music) Just a few minutes later, we enter Pennsylvania. (camera shutter clicks) So far, the one thing I don't like about Pennsylvania, toll booths. Way too many of them here in the northeast but it is what it is, right? Now, crossing the Susquehanna River into Harrisburg, Pennsylvania's capital. And now, we get to pay. It is $5 and five cents with my four Axels, and you know, there will be plenty of more tolls in this area and I know all about the E-Zpass, it would have been a little cheaper and quicker but I'm on a rental truck so I didn't want to deal with it. Driving in this part of the country seems somehow more complicated, and sometimes, especially after you know, driving all day, I'm kinda tired but 50 minutes, I'm gonna be in Hershey and at least I'll be coming at the KOA and then we'll go to Hershey for the meet up, and let's see what we can do between the rest of today and tomorrow morning. (lively music) I finally arrive at the KOA and shortly after, I get to meet Herby AKA Red Jaguar. - You finally made it. - [Robert] I finally made it. - [Herby] This is my wife, Mary. - [Mary] How are you. - I'm pleased to meet you, I'm Robert. - It's a pleasure likewise, hi Robert. I feel like I know you. - [Herby] Wow, you got a pickup. - Not just any pickup, it's like a monster truck. (Herby laughs) Yeah. - [Herby] Awesome. - [Robert] Yeah, it's been a long trip. - My name is John. - John, I'm Robert, pleased to meet you. Thank you so much. - Love your videos. (camera shutter clicks) - Oh thank you, I appreciate it. - [Herby] And he was gracious enough to come. - Yeah. - [Herby] I am thankful. - I wanted to be here on Tuesday but you know. - [Herby] Yeah, it wasn't your fault. It was outside of your control. - I know, that's right I'm trying but - [Herby] It was outside of your control - It was outside of my control, so. Oh well. - And Red Jag got 'em down. - Better late than never, right? - [Mary] That's right. - Yeah, that was going. - [John] You going to the show? - Tomorrow, I'm just. - [Herby] Yeah, he don't have much time now. - [John] Oh, I know. If you want here's the outlay if you wanna get a head start. - Oh , oh thank you, that's great to know, yeah, yeah. - [John] Yeah, that's what they give you when you get in but if you got that ahead of time, you can see what's where. - I'm gonna check it out now, tonight before. - [John] You going to Maine? - I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it to Maine anymore because I have to return this big thing to Miami in two weeks. - Oh that's going to Miami - Yeah, originally, I was going back to Charlotte. I said well, from Charlotte, that goal will come back instead of mine but - Yeah. - But he didn't want me to bring it to Miami because they're towing old Kia to Miami. - [Herby] Are they? - I don't know why, I guess they don't trust North Carolina mechanics. - [Herby] Ah, well corporate office will do that - Yeah that's probably what they'll do. As soon as I arrive in Pennsylvania, and I knew I was going to make it to Hershey, I posted on FaceBook, let's have a meetup today at Troegs in Hershey at around 6:00 p.m., so I rode with Herby and his wife, Mary designated driver, hoping that someone would be there. Check out the Hershey Kisses shaped streetlights. Yeah, I think everything in this town revolves about the chocolate. (upbeat music) Anyways, here we are. Troegs Independent Brewing, and they have a beer garden. Let's go inside with Herby. - [Armando] Herby! How are you? Welcome. - [Robert] As soon as we arrive, we are greeted by Armando Corea, his wife, Annie, and his mom, Esperanza. (crowd laughing) I also get to meet Barbara. - [Herby] How you doin'? Herby Mont - It's nice to meet you That's my wife, Annie. - Hi how are you doing? - [Herby] My wife, Mary. It's a pleasure to meet you - Annie. - [Herby] Annie? - I was asking for the bags. (Annie, Mary, and Herby laughs) - [Herby] Busted! - [Robert] Actually million viewers on the road is one of the most rewarding parts of this job, of this lifestyle. It's always surprising that they know so much about you and you know so little 'bout them. Dale Brown, who was inside of the bar eventually also came out, and that was the group, a small, yet diverse group of people with one main thing in common, our love for travel. - Why would you put. - Eventually, we move inside to get a larger table and something to eat, and it was quite the feast. It was great to hang out and exchange stories from the road. Well, unfortunately, we didn't get to spend much time here at the KOA but it was great. There's Herby. You're gonna give me some of that footage. - [Herby] Okay. - Alright. And anyways, it was great meeting up with Herby and the rest of the gang and Mr. Corea, and Barbara, and Dale. Had a great time last night at the brewery. Hold on. I'm really tired, by the way, if I sounded tired, it's because I am. As it started to catch up to me, but the idea is to relax tonight in Philly, charge up all my batteries and tomorrow, we're gonna spend the day in Philadelphia, you know. We'll see as much as we can, I'm not gonna stress you know about it. I'm trying to show you guys every single you know place, every single attraction but we'll see some stuff. It'll be fun for sure. Next stop is the giant center here in Hershey, Pennsylvania. We're gonna attend the RV show I know a lot of you are also gonna be there and it'll be great to meet up with you guys. Whoa, this road is not the greatest, is it? (car keys dangle) ("Riding in My RV" by Robert Morales) Off to Hershey we go. ♪ I'm riding ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ 'Cause I'm free in my RV ♪ Yeah, I'm riding ♪ Riding, riding ♪ I'm riding in my RV ♪ My RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ 'Cause I'm free in my RV, yeah ♪ It is a pretty drive, isn't it? If perhaps, a little bit more rural than I expected it, to be honest. And here we are, arriving at the show. Free parking, by the way, unless you want to over night. I usually get recognized by quite a few people at events like this one, and particularly lately. Well, here we are, the largest RV show in America, or so they say. - Tampa says it's the biggest but these people, they've got the names. - I'm gonna begin by checking out the giant center, which is a lot less crowded than I expected but hey, it's still early. It is a lot quieter than I expected. I expected to see more people here but it's early, I guess they'll get busier later. Then the vast outdoor area. I was originally going to be here for four days and now, I've only got four hours. So I'm only going to show you a few of my favorites and because I made a much longer video of the whole show. My favorite this time around is the Pleasure-Way Lexor. As we realize that at this stage in our lives, we prefer the flexibility of a proper class B. Even if it can be hard to live long term in such close quarters. Our favorite is actually the TS floor plan. Although here, I am showing you the FL model. We have the wet bath, but it's a pretty sizeable one if you, as you can see, the same large sink we're paying, stove, here's a convection microwave, the same Dometic refrigerator was on the XLTS. And back here is a very similar deal. I call this the XLTS mini because we have the bed here and let me show you, we fit east-west or north-north-south, I don't know exactly how they call it so that it's perfect. I fit completely back here in this sofa and that the deal maker for this Promaster Chassis instead of the Sprinter where it's just a couple of inches too narrow. Okay let's get out of here, a lot of people are waiting to see this one. Let's check out the Bambi, a lot of people have asked about the Bambi and this is the Bambi Flying Cloud 19CB. Well, if we wanted to keep on going the travel-trailer route, which we're not really. And if money was no object to which it definitely is. I would probably go for something like this. Let's see the bathroom. 'Cause they usually have a, and this is a pretty clever solution. It's a dry bath and then if you put it this way, I guess you have some privacy in there, or you can have it that way, have more room. Here's the sink on the outside, three burner stove. This is a very cool unit because you have a permanent bed and a permanent table. So if you have different schedules, you can both work at the same time, and $60,000 for a 19CB. Well, that's all I'm going to cover in this particular video because as I said, I made a much longer one just about the show. And now, it is a two hour drive to Philadelphia, where Ili is flying this evening. And now, we're going to switch gears. In the next portion of this trip, we are going to focus on some of the larger cities, and how to RV in them, and let me tell you, each one is different. (funky music) - [Robert] Generally speaking, driving into a big city with an RV or any large vehicle for that matter is not advisable, unless, of course, you really want to see the city. Finding where to park your rig can also be a challenge, although there is always an option, as we'll soon find out. In any case, today we are going to visit Philadelphia, the birthplace of America and the Philly cheesesteak, among other things. Our RV park here, not in the most attractive part of town, I must say. My friend Rob said it looked like a penitentiary facility and, yes, it is ugly as sin, but we're not staying here for the camping facilities or the natural beauty. We're staying here because it is minutes away from city center. When RVing in big cities, sometimes location and access to public transportation is the most important amenity. The folks who manage the park, very, very nice, very pleasant, and it seems to be very safe. They even have an electrified fence in the back. They do offer a free shuttle service that will take you to the bus stop. Anyways, here we are. We even have a little bit of a view of the Philly skyline. Well, good morning. I checked and there are no flight restrictions in the area, so let's check out our surroundings before we go from 400 feet above ground. (light electronic music) Sometimes, even modern cameras can't figure out certain situations like sunrises on their own, so sometimes you just have to dive into the manual mode. Yeah, it is kind of an industrial part of town. Here's the Schuylkill River, a tributary to the Delaware River on the other side of town, which we will see later today when we visit Penn's Landing. The Delaware is the natural border between Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Well, now that I've shown you around, let's get ready to explore Philly. Well, here we are at the Campus Park and Ride. And now, we're going to take a shuttle to the city. Ooh, by the way, kind of noisy here sometimes. Another thing to consider. We take the shuttle bus out of this industrial area and, hmm, that's a pretty big garage sale. At least, that's what I think that is. We go across the river onto University City, where all the hospitals are. And here, we take bus 42 the rest of the way. - [Announcement] Caution, caution. Caution, caution, caution, caution, caution. - Hey, there's the Independence Hall. I think we missed our stop. Let's get off right here. Here, they have a statue called The Signer, almost right next door to the Independence Hall. It was completed in 1980 and it is dedicated to those who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Let's walk a half a block here towards the Independence Hall, which was originally the Pennsylvania Statehouse. In order to visit and see inside, you actually have to get an appointment at the visitors center, so we're probably going to do that tomorrow morning because I really want to go inside. Here's a close-up of the George Washington statue in front of the Independence Hall. Liberty Bell. Yeah, the entrance is all the way to the other side. They have all these displays here with the history of the bell as a symbol of liberty, from the time when it used to be atop the Independence Hall and how it got cracked. The current visible crack, actually, it's part of a repair job. I didn't know that. There it is, towards the end. Actually, I am really glad we came early and there are not too many people, because this is a very popular tourist attraction. Here we have, of course, the Liberty Bell. Well, that was really cool to see, one of the many things we want to see here in Philadelphia, which, so far, I like it a lot, especially this part of the city with very nice architecture; some old, some not so old. This here is Washington Square, and let's check it out. This was one of the original five squares envisioned by the city founder, William Penn. Here's the Bicentennial Moon Tree, planted from one of many seeds that made a round-trip to the moon aboard Apollo 14. It actually looks kind of sad. Maybe it's the low gravity experienced by the seed. The park also served as a burial ground for many, many years. And nowadays, it is just this pleasant square enjoyed by tourists and locals alike. Now we are approaching the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier, erected in 1954 after they removed all the Civil War monuments because they wanted to focus on the Revolutionary War. Check out those Illuminati-looking reliefs on that building. So, this whole park is a grave, basically. Here's the monument from the back. And I don't know if you've noticed, but we haven't had breakfast yet and my stomach is starting to growl, and that looks like a nice place. The old kitchen. We get some coffee. Right here in front of Washington Square. And frittatas, very nice. Rob Nistory, a South Philly native and longtime viewer, has been texting me because he wants to show me the real Philly, where he grew up, so we are going to meet up in a little bit. But first, I want to explore all this historic area and the Independence Visitor Center. This is actually where you get the tickets for the Independence Hall. And they have a gentleman playing the dulcimer. (soft dulcimer music) - Morning. - [Robert] Look who we have here. I guess nowadays Rocky is as famous in this town as old Ben himself. There it is once again across the park, the Independence Hall. And the National Constitution Center, which is an interactive museum of the history that transpired here. We continue to the Christ Church Burial Ground, final resting place of Benjamin Franklin. $3 per person. The map is an extra dollar. And they also offer guided tours. (slow pop music) We're just going to walk around a little bit, explore the old cemetery. There's a Francis Hopkinson, signer of the Declaration of Independence and designer of the first American flag. But of course, he's not the only important person interred here. I bet you most of these worn-out gravestones have a place in history. Now, let's go visit Ben. Yes, this is the final resting place of Benjamin Franklin himself. And here's an epitaph written by Benjamin as a young man. It is a small yet beautiful necropolis. And here he is again, this one made out of keys and pennies, thousands of them. Hmm, he kind of looks like the guy on the $100 bill, doesn't he? And how would you change the world? It is always great to walk around, stumble upon things; the only way to truly see a city. And here we are at Betsy Ross House. She is credited with making the first American flag. There is a museum but, hmm, another time perhaps. Gentrification. We are now at the heart of the area called Old City, the oldest and most historic part of Philadelphia, with all these narrow cobblestone streets, many dating back to colonial times. Elfreth's Alley. Elfreth's Alley here is the oldest continuously inhabited residential street in the whole United States, the oldest house dating back to 1702. By the way, these are all private residences, with two exceptions: two museums. And it looks like we arrived here right on time, as the hordes of tourists are coming in droves. Let's explore some of the more intricate nooks and crannies here. Look, for rent! I wonder how much it would cost to live here, surrounded by history. 1749. Yeah, it hasn't been cleaned since 1749. Stepping back in time. Let's take a break, shall we, at this semicircular bench. (light pop music) Very, very picturesque. Let's continue towards Penn's Landing. By the way, lots of new residential apartments in this area, an interesting juxtaposition of the old and the new. Penn's Landing there, that way. Definitely a very photogenic area; photographer's paradise, for sure. Should I? No, maybe not. That steeple there belongs to the Christ Church, very historic, actually linked to the burial grounds we saw earlier. It was originally founded in 1695, colonial times. And here we are. There is a recommended donation of $5 per person to enter, but it is totally voluntary. And there's... Penn's Landing! Penn's Landing here marks the spot on the Delaware River where William Penn, founder of the city, first arrived. There's the Benjamin Franklin Bridge that spans the Delaware River connecting Pennsylvania to New Jersey. It looks like they turned the old pier into a condominium, but, hey, whatever works, right? More gentrification. The black SUV? That's Rob, who somehow tracked us down. You'll get to meet him soon. Super cool guy. But first, let's walk around Penn's Landing while he finds parking. Beautiful views of the Delaware River and the Battleship New Jersey on the other side. Here's Gazela, a wooden ship built in 1909, originally a commercial fishing vessel. And now, it's just here, cruising the Delaware River. Here they have this hockey rink. And here we have a very special ship. This is Cruiser Olympia, the oldest steel warship afloat in the world. And apparently they also rent you these swan-shaped paddleboats and paddleboards and all that good stuff. And there he is. - There you are! - There he is, I'm here. (Robert laughing) And you could go from Cape May all the way-- - Yes, Rob has all kinds of good suggestions for road trips along the Eastern Seaboard. Here's also submarine Becuna; really, really cool. I wish we had time to go inside. So, we bumped into Rob Nistory here in Philadelphia. You're a Philadelphia native, right? - Yes I am. - And you're gonna show us around. Now, what are we gonna see? - Today, we're gonna see South Philadelphia, where I grew up, the Italian Market, and then we're also gonna go around the Art Museum, where Rocky ran up the steps. Hopefully we're also gonna get Robert to run down Ninth Street like Rocky did in the movie. - We'll see about that. I'm a little outta shape. (Rob laughing) I'm a little out of shape right now. But anyways, let's explore a little bit of the real Philadelphia. - [Rob] What I would call it is going, doing the whole East Coast, from Myrtle Beach on up, hitting the coastline-- (upbeat dance music) - [Robert] First, we're gonna go to this neighborhood called Northern Liberties, where there are a bunch of bars and restaurants. Seems to be a trendy area these days. - [Rob] Jerry's Bar. Wanna go to Jerry's Bar? - [Robert] Well, here we are. Pretty cool bar, and we are having a very refreshing Cape May IPA. Well, yes, apparently lots of good places to eat around this area, thanks to some recent revitalization, I hear. Now we are heading to South Philly. - [Rob] Right here, Radicchio. It's actually open. See this? - [Robert] Oh I see, yeah. - [Rob] That is the spot to go. - [Robert] All right. - [Rob] So, if you ever come to Philadelphia, this is where the people go, little corner place. - [Robert] There's Jim's a famous Philly cheesesteak joint, but that's not where we're going. We continue immersing ourselves into the traditionally Italian neighborhood in South Philly. The ice cream truck in front of us, a staple here in this area called Mister Softee. There's John's Water Ice, another local delicacy; apparently thicker than a slushee but thinner than a sno-cone and definitely not an Italian ice, according to the Urban Dictionary anyways. We are approaching now the famous Italian Market. Isgro Pasticceria there is supposed to have the best pastries in all South Philly; and cannoli, of course. Mmm, fresh handmade ravioli. This house coming up here to the right used to belong to Angelo Bruno, boss of the Philadelphia crime family for two decades until his assassination in 1980, right there, in front of his house. As you see, pretty normal house, nothing too extravagant. Well, my stomach is growling, so I think we should go get some Philly cheesesteaks. Apparently, Pat's invented it and Geno perfected it. And according to Rob, Geno's is a bit cleaner. In any case, the secret ingredient is apparently the bread. Can't wait to get there. Mamma Maria. Ristorante Italiano. - [Rob] Now I gotta figure out how to get on that YouTube video. - [Robert] Yeah, hello there. - [Rob] This is the beginning of the Italian Market. - [Robert] There's Pat's, as I said, allegedly the birthplace of the cheesesteak, but I think we're going to Geno's instead. There's a line, but-- - [Rob] No, that'll move fast. We could actually park if you wanted to. - Isn't that something that both competing joints are facing each other? Probably a good idea to sample both, actually. By the way, traffic is terrible. But Rob knows what he's doing. We found parking. And now we're gonna get a Philly cheesesteak which my friend Rob here says, what is it called? - [Rob] Melted wit. - Melted wit. That's what they call it here, so we're gonna get a melted wit at Geno's. We gotta stand in line, but it's not too bad. - How do you like it? Whiz wit? - [Rob] Whiz wit. - Okay. - Yeah. - Three whiz wits. - [Woman] Three whiz wit. This is mushroom/pepper-- - See, three whiz wit. He's in Florida, so he don't get the good bread. He's filming for his TV show, Traveling Robert. - Oh, all right! $30. That sounds good. - [Robert] Let's go to Rob's secret place here. - My secret place? (Robert laughing) Can I just get through? Okay, my secret place is hit, is taken. - [Robert] Philly cheesesteak. A melted with. - See, this is where I go for Philly cheesesteaks: Geno's. - [Robert] Mmm, that tastes really good. - Listen, when the little martini, when mini martini can't make it, when it comes to Philadelphia, we park it and then we go in the Denali. - [Robert] The Denali. - [Rob] Rob's Denali. - [Robert] Yeah. (laughing) So, where are we going? The Italian Market? - This is the Italian Market. If you wanna run up Ninth Street, we could film you. You want me to film you? - [Robert] No, that's okay. - You sure? - All right, so this is the street where Rocky Balboa was running in the movie. Maybe I should do it. I don't know, I don't know. - You should do it. - After that Philly cheesesteak, I mean, cheesesteak, no, a melted with, I don't know if I can do it, but we'll see. - [Rob] It was a whiz wit, whiz wit. - Whiz wit, whiz wit. - [Rob] Whiz wit. - [Robert] And here we are now at the Italian Market. All kinds of produce and meat, cheese, seafood. The combination of smells, deliciously overwhelming. Mmm, sausages. This is probably the real stuff too. (laughing) - [Rob] How you gonna cook it? For the martini, don't you? (Robert laughing) A little pet, right? - [Robert] Let's get some cheese. - [Rob] And they have all different types of cheeses. - [Robert] Oh, that's cool. - I mean, we make it all up here in Philadelphia. - [Rob] I know. - Try this drawing. - [Robert] Here's Ralph's, America's oldest Italian restaurant, established in 1900. And the Sarcone's Bakery, this year, 2018, celebrating its hundredth anniversary. 100 years in business throughout five generations. They're actually closing down, but the owner is Rob's friend and he was nice enough to show me the hundred-year-old ovens in the back. - That's all stale bread. - [Rob] So, what bread is that? - Stale bread so I can make bread crumbs. - [Rob] Bread crumbs, and throw 'em at people like me? (Robert laughing) - [Robert] So, these are the ovens. - So, this is the world-famous bakery, Sarcone's. We've been all over Philly today. I'm teaching him. And what do we say? - I'm Robert. - Tell him what we say. - Cuz, yo cuz. (Robert laughing) - He's learning, he's learning. - [Robert] I'm learning, I'm learning the language, yeah. - Yo cuz, what are you doing, man? What are you doing today? - This is great. This is where the magic happens back here. - Yeah, this is two buildings: 756, 758. My grandfather broke through about a hundred years ago. We started out one building over here in our basement, our ovens in the basement, and we came up here in the early-- - [Rob] There's an oven in the basement still? - There's an over down in the basement, yeah. It's underneath the floor, underneath these ovens. It's like Moonstruck. - [Rob] General Oven Company, New York. Look at that. You know how old that is? - That's awesome in there. All right, that was really cool. - [Rob] All right, thank you! - So, give me two pounds of these-- - Okay, we are kind of tired, so we're gonna go back to the RV, take a break, and then go out again. By the way, I really want to thank Rob Nistory for showing me around Philly. This was truly a unique experience. We have new neighbors. (upbeat dance music) Okay, we took a break and now we're going out again. This time, we're taking an Uber to save some time. Well, we're here by the Museum of Art, and look at the line to take a picture with the statute of Rocky Balboa. Well, we couldn't come to Philly and not do the Rocky steps, right? So, that's what we are going to do next, along with all the other tourists who came here to do the same thing. (singing Rocky theme) I'm a little out of shape. (singing Rocky theme) We made it. I might not be Rocky Balboa, but I also did make it here to the top of the Rocky steps right here at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. And this is the view from up here. Great view of Philly. Now I'm tempted to walk on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway here all the way to City Hall and Center City. But first, let's check this out here. Cool pediment depicting 13 figures of the classical mythology, Zeus at the middle. Actually, I think most people come here just for the Rocky steps. Very few actually see the museum, which is probably pretty good, but we're just here for the steps today. Very nice view of the Philadelphia skyline from here, which has changed quite a bit since the Rocky movie was filmed in 1976. Okay, did that. Let's go back down and continue exploring Philly. It's much easier on the way down. (laughing) Oh, that Philly cheesesteak. (laughing) Here you go. It's a thing to do the Rocky steps. Let's get a softee. Even the one in Finland was cheaper than this. $4 for a softee. Oh well, you're in front of the museum, right? Cruise America. (soft pop music) There is an outdoor concert happening, although no one seems to be listening. And apparently this weekend, they are holding a Rock 'n' Roll Marathon here. That's why they have all these barricades. And this here is the Washington Monument Fountain. The actual equestrian sculpture of George Washington dates back to 1897, although it was moved here in 1928 after they completed the parkway and the Eakins Oval here. At the bottom, they have sculptures of Native Americans and animals native to the United States. I think it is a beautiful monument here. Check out the moon. Kind of looks like the Death Star, don't you think? Well, the idea is to walk on the parkway here all the way to the other end. (light pop music) There's the Rodin Museum. Yes, that's another museum I would've liked to visit. I missed the one in Paris a couple of years ago and it looks like we're going to miss this one too. One day in Philly is just not enough. Got all the flags. The parkway was originally designed to look like the Champs-Elysees in Paris, and it is nowadays lined up with flags from all the different countries. There's City Hall at the other end of the parkway. That's where we were. By the way, this area is considered the cultural heart of Philadelphia, beginning at the Art Museum where we were, ending with City Hall, with several other museums in between. Here's the Ben Franklin Institute and the World War I Aero Memorial here in Aviator Park. Here, the Academy of Natural Sciences, which is like a natural history museum. In a few minutes, we are going to see the Love Park, but here they have the Amor, Spanish version perhaps? (light pop music) Lots of street art here in Philly. This is what's called the LOVE Park. It seems to be a very nice place just to chill on a nice weather day like this one. If you recall, it was sunny this morning, then it got cloudy, and now it is sunny again. Check out all the flags lining up the parkway, Ben Franklin Parkway. This park is actually famous for the Love sign, which is actually supposed to be a well-known sculpture by pop artist Robert Indiana. And the stereotype is true: We Americans will line up for anything. (laughing) This is actually a beautiful part of Philly here, for sure. It has that European vibe, I guess. And this is City Hall, with a statue of William Penn atop the clock tower. (bell chiming) It is 6 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. All of a sudden, we find ourselves in Center City. And you know what we're gonna do, right? We're going to see the city from above. Here's the One Liberty Observation Deck, located on the 57th floor of One Liberty Place. It is $14.50 for adults, not bad compared to similar observation decks in other cities. $29 for both. Ooh, these LEDs are really playing tricks on my camera. Our friend, Ben. They have a video presentation as you go up the elevator, although it looks kind of dated nowadays compared to more modern, more extravagant, much taller, and much more expensive observation decks. But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here. That will be in the next video. And, surprise! Here's Ben, once again. The views from the top are actually quite spectacular. There is the Ben Franklin Bridge, spanning the Delaware River. Two Liberty Place, next door. There's that vast, somewhat-flat area called South Philly, where we were earlier today, actually. They have these very cool interactive touchscreens that show you what you're looking at, but there's not a whole lot other than that and some vending machines. A cafe or a bar would've been nice, actually. That's Penn's Landing, somewhere down there. And we are parked actually somewhere down there by that industrial area. Well, that was fun. We exit through the mall. Let's call an Uber and get back to the RV park. We've walked several miles today, and tomorrow we want to do one more thing before we go. We want to go to the Independence Hall again and go inside this time. Yep, we were all the way up there. (light pop music) Good morning. Hmm, a little foggy this morning in Philly. (upbeat dance music) Well, it is another beautiful day here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We're gonna do a little bit more of exploring, maybe walk all the way to Penn's Landing, see the Independence Hall, and then off we go towards New York. Beautiful day, by the way. We couldn't have asked for better weather. It's low-70s, sunny. First thing we did this morning was to get our tickets for Independence Hall, so we have about an hour, an hour-and-a-half to kill. We're going to do Penn's Landing, see what's going on. It was so lively yesterday. As lively as this place was yesterday, today: crickets. There's very few people here, just a few other confused tourists like ourselves perhaps. Perhaps it is too early. Oh well, epic fail. Everything seems to be closed on a Sunday morning, so take note of that. Let's head back to Independence Hall and maybe we can kill some more time in that area. And back here we are, still about half-an-hour to kill, so let's go into the Red Owl, right across the street. Came to the Red Owl Tavern while we wait for our tickets. Something to nibble on. Actually, that was a pretty cool bar. We might return after the tour. Here we are, ready for our tour of Independence Hall, which is free, by the way. We gotta wait 10 more minutes. First, we go into this room where we're going to learn about all the history that transpired within these walls. Next, we're gonna go into the main building, and here we're going to see two main rooms, two main chambers: the Supreme Court and the Assembly Room. I've really been looking forward to this. - [Guide] To the right, guys. Watch your step. - [Robert] Here we are, the Supreme Court Room. And the very knowledgeable park ranger tells us a little bit about our judicial system with very cool anecdotes and a touch of humor. His remarks actually greatly enhanced this experience. - Whose emblem is it? - [Woman] The king? - The king's. You fold it, you're guilty. Treason. You shall hang by the neck until you are dead. - [Robert] Next, we go into the Assembly Room, where two major historic events happened: the Declaration of Independence and the drafting and the signing of the Constitution. All that after the First and Second Continental Congresses, in which they agreed and disagreed on many things. He describes where everybody was sitting and what they argued about, making it so interesting. It is a great experience being here, where the nation was born. - And over again. The right of self-government. Folks, it's about home rule. Sadly, the British are not affording us this right. To get it, it's a war of (inaudible) that cost this nation dearly. (inaudible) I appreciate it. It's incorrect, but it's the effort that I'm going for. (audience laughing) Folks, (inaudible). - Actually, in 1948, they decided to restore all this as it would have looked in the 18th century. And it's all now managed by the National Park Service. Well, that was a great tour, very informative. It is great to be here at the birthplace of where everything happened. Well, for someone like me, not born in the United States, this was actually a bucket-list destination. It symbolizes the birthplace of a land of liberty and opportunity, and I feel it is a great privilege to live here and be able to call it home. We're going to say goodbye to Philadelphia, although I would love to come back. Great town. Yes, unfortunately our time here in Philadelphia is coming to an end. Our next destination, another unlikely place to visit with an RV. (quirky trance music. - Well, we are leaving Philadelphia, heading towards New York City. It should be about two hours, but I've decided to avoid the New Jersey Turnpike, which can get expensive with our four axles, so I've selected 'Avoid Tolls' on the GPS, and let's see if we can make it a stress-free drive. After a while on the 295, we hop onto US-1 and eventually the Garden State Parkway. It does get a little complicated as we approach Jersey City, making it a little bit of a stressful drive, but that was to be expected, right? On the other hand, we see the Manhattan skyline in the distance and that's always satisfying. It is a little bit of a hot mess here on Communipaw Avenue. The toll road would have taken us on I-78, probably a little better. But then again, we would have missed seeing all this west side of Jersey City. Here, we turn onto Grand Street, heading towards downtown Jersey City. We are almost there. Well, here we are: Liberty Harbor Marina & RV Park. Just like the one back in Philly, we have water and electric only. But at least here we have a slightly better view. Here we are, we made it to Liberty Harbor RV Park. And as you can see, it's not much more than a parking lot, but we are right there. Let me show you. New York is right behind these RVs. Yes, in this RV park, the most important amenity is location, just a few blocks away from the PATH train station. And the ferry terminal, it's right here. But we're hungry, so we're going to check out Surf City here first. We've got perfect weather here today. Here we have our burger. Looks pretty good. And there it is, One World Trade Center. Such a beautiful afternoon here as we walk towards the PATH train station. Well, we just had burgers at Surf City and now we're gonna try to go to New York. Apparently, the ferry only runs Monday through Friday, which is something we didn't know, but now we do. By the way, today is Sunday. Cool steakhouse. Which is not open. It is getting dark and we're still kind of tired from the trip, so I don't think we're going to spend a whole lot of time in the city tonight, which is a little bit of a bummer because tomorrow is supposed to rain. Anyways, let's catch a train, shall we? (energetic electronic music) We're taking the train here at the Grove Street Station and it is going to be a short ride. Just one more station here on the Jersey side called Exchange Place and then we go under the Hudson and we emerge at the new World Trade Center Station in Manhattan. Hmm, a little disoriented here, but eventually we get our bearings. By the way, we took the train called the PATH. It's a $2.75 one-way ticket, which might sound a little steep for just two stops, but it is the way it is. Beautiful station here. This massive iconic structure here is called the Oculus and it was designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. A little overwhelming, the amount of people all of a sudden, but, I mean, it's only a Sunday. This should be cool. Now that I think about it, it isn't even that crowded. But, yes, New York can be a little overwhelming when you first arrive, although you get used to it; pretty quickly, actually. Check it out, Spidermen; two of them. There it is through the skylight, One World Trade Center. Well, definitely looks like something Jony Ive would have designed, this station. You know Jony Ive, the guy who designed the iPhone and all the Apple stuff. It's very pretty. It's also like being inside a whale or something. Very cool. I wasn't expecting this. But we're gonna exit through Church Street. Now we just have to make sure that we enter through Church Street as well, otherwise we'll never find it. I'm sure we will. Well, we're in New York. Well, yeah, this city is unmistakable, although it has changed a bit since the last time we were here. That building wasn't there, for example. The last time we were here, I think that was December 2012. One World was still under construction back then. This here is the site of the yet-to-be-built Two World Trade Center. In the meantime, it is this sort of public art thing here. Here's the station from another perspective. (light pop music) And here's the 9/11 Memorial, the site where one of the Twin Towers stood; now, a hole in the ground in the form of a fountain with the names of those who died engraved all around it. Here's the new building: One World Trade Center. Lots of security measures around here to protect this area. And very busy airspace as well here in Lower Manhattan. And we almost did go to the Observation Deck today, but the walk-in price of admission is over $40 after taxes and we are tired. We're going to come back tomorrow morning, for sure. Let's head back to Liberty Harbor. It is a pretty impressive structure, if you ask me. (energetic electronic music) Let's get our train. Yeah, I think we came out through the wrong exit. Okay, let's find our way back to the campground. Well, walking back to the RV park, and check it out. It's Lady Liberty herself. By the way, it is a little bit of a walk from the RV park to, it's called Grove Street Station. It's the PATH train that goes into Manhattan. But even though it's a little solitary, it feels very safe, actually, to be walking this on a Sunday night. It is like 8 p.m. right now. We were gonna linger a little more in Manhattan, but we're kind of tired, so we're gonna call it a night and we'll spend the whole day tomorrow in Manhattan. How about that? Good night. (soft piano music) There's a Trend, and it's still kind of our favorite, huh? And there's the dump station. And a tent area, and the bathrooms are here. Here's the laundry facility. Very nice. And there is a gym. We forgot the code or the key or I guess it's closed. Well, today it is Monday, so we're going to take the ferry to Manhattan. Well, here we are. Let's see how the ferry works here. I think we're gonna stay here in the aft section, since it is the only outdoor area where we can see the view. (light pop music) Unfortunately, it is kind of cloudy this morning. Actually, I see a little bit of blue sky, so there is hope. There, the historic New Jersey Train Terminal, Ellis Island, and the Statue of Liberty. And the Colgate Clock! One thing has me worried. The top of One World is covered in clouds, which means there's no visibility from the top. Perhaps we should have gone last night after all. Little bit of trivia here: A smaller, earlier version of the Colgate Clock was moved to Clarksville, Indiana, and can be seen from Louisville across the river. I saw it earlier this year when I visited my family who lives in the area. Here we see once again Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. It was a great idea to take the ferry, which by the way is just a commuter ferry; nothing touristy about it. $8 one-way, and it is going to drop us off here at the Pier 11 Wall Street Terminal. We're not going to visit Lady Liberty on this particular trip, but we will one of these days. Here we see Governors Island. And in the distance, that's the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge that connects the boroughs of Brooklyn and Staten Island. Here we are at the Financial District, this older area of Manhattan of narrow streets and tall skyscrapers. Trust me, the skyscraper is there. Maybe it is time for a high dynamic range camera. Leonidas. Here we are, walking on Wall Street, which, as we approach the New York Stock Exchange, it becomes pedestrian. The neoclassical building here is the Federal Hall, where George Washington was inaugurated and the Bill of Rights was written. And across the street, well, there it is: the New York Stock Exchange. Don't forget to tag them on Instagram, seriously. Looking back at the Federal Hall one more time. As the sign says, "The birthplace of American democracy." And let's continue walking. It is noisy, by the way, but there is so much we want to see here. But first, a quick breakfast at this random place here called Cosi Bread. Okay, that's where we had breakfast. Let's continue. Lots of security barricades all around the Stock Exchange, and all this security theater perhaps one of the longer lasting unintended effects of the 9/11 attacks. Here we are approaching the Charging Bull, placed here in 1989, perhaps one of the main tourist attractions here in the Financial District. I'm not even gonna try to take a picture because, as you can see, it is a zoo all around it. Actually, I think I'm starting to prefer it when people actually line up to take pictures at all these types of landmarks. The bull is, of course, the symbol of financial optimism and prosperity. The newer statue of the Fearless Girl was placed here in 2017 to promote gender diversity. Apparently, it is supposed to be brave, proud, and strong, but not defiant or belligerent. Anyways, the bull's sculptor, Arturo Di Modica, was not very happy about the addition of the girl to his iconic sculpture because, according to him, it corrupts its artistic integrity by distorting the intent of the statue from a symbol of prosperity and strength into a villain. Oh, bummer. Still can't see the top of the One World Trade Center, but it looks like the fog might be clearing up. Here's the Trinity Church of the Episcopal denomination. Very historic. George Washington used to worship here, although the current building was finished in 1846. It was also very important during the 9/11 attacks because people took refuge inside. The American Stock Exchange building here has been vacant since 2008, when it merged with the New York Stock Exchange. This here is Zuccotti Park, as we make our way towards Ground Zero and the 9/11 Memorial. Here, they have this 26-foot-high rose. Oh, there it is, almost out of the clouds. Here we are once again at the 9/11 Memorial, now during the day. Hard to fathom that this is where the Twin Towers once stood. (water rushing) Also, quite moving to see all the names engraved around the fountain. All clear. Now is the time. Here's the Survivor Tree, which was found in the wreckage and brought back to life. Let's go on to the One World Observatory. And the reason there is nobody here is that they were telling everybody at the entrance that there was zero visibility. I guess no one told 'em that the top had been clearing up. We enter through this dark cave-like hallway, making our way towards the elevators. Talking about the elevators, we are about to see a very cool video presentation here. Three of the elevator walls are covered with screens showing how the city of New York evolved along the years. Very, very cool. Yeah, that's how New York looked through the years. - [Narrator] Welcome to One World Observatory. - [Woman] Hi everyone, you're stepping this way. - [Robert] At the top, we get treated to yet another video presentation. You can tell they spent a lot of money on this. (soaring orchestral music) Eventually, the screens lift and the actual view is revealed before our eyes. Not quite zero visibility, but it is still a little hazy. - [Narrator] And now, we invite you to enter One World Observatory through the doors on your right, where a spectacular 360-degree view-- - [Robert] The elevator was really cool, but I think the rest is a little overdone. I guess they have to justify the price somehow. There's Minitini! We can see it all the way from here down there at Liberty Harbor. Here's looking north on the Hudson River. (light upbeat muzak) And here, they have this very gimmicky screen looking down, as if it is supposed to make me feel vertigo or something. Busy airspace as ever, and there's the ferry we took this morning. The Jersey side, again, which happens to be the clearest one weather-wise so far. Brooklyn, still kind of invisible. We decide to go for a local IPA while Midtown clears up. Well, for a brand new building, this is kind of unacceptable. Craftmanship is not what it used to be, for sure. Visibility is getting better. We can even see the Empire State Building now. Now, looking towards Chinatown and the Lower East Side, the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges. There is the Washington Square Arch, which marks the end of Fifth Avenue. We would love to linger up here all day long, get our money's worth, especially now that visibility is getting so much better. There's the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge again in the distance. Okay, one last look at Lady Liberty before we go down. The 270-degree presentation on the way down makes you a little dizzy at the beginning, but it's also really good. (soaring orchestral music) - [Narrator] Thank you for visiting One World Observatory. - Pretty cool. All right, let's do it. (water rushing) We wanted to go to the 9/11 Museum. I've heard great things about it, but the line seems to be pretty long. I've also heard it's kind of a downer, as it should be. It was horrible what happened here. They say the line goes pretty fast. But still, I think we're going to do this some other time. Well, this here is the 9/11 Museum and I really wanted to check it out. They say it's really moving, really well-made. But there's a little bit of a line, so we're gonna save this for the next time. Let's walk around New York a little bit. A very nice couple back at the RV park this morning, they were leaving and they had two MetroCards with like five trips each, so they were nice enough to give them to us. I'm telling you, fellow RVers are the best. So, we are going to use 'em and take the subway a few blocks north into the Chelsea neighborhood because we want to walk on the High Line, which is this linear park built on what used to be an elevated railroad track. Should be cool. By the way, I can never get tired of this station. I think it's so beautiful. (train rumbling) We are going to take Line 1 towards uptown, and our train is here. We got off at 14th Street, which is near the southern end of the High Line. And actually, it's Chelsea's southern boundary. (light pop music) This looks like the New York I remember seeing in the 1970s movies when I was growing up: kind of dirty and worn out, somewhat intimidating. It looks like we started walking the wrong way, but now we are on the right track, walking west. 14th and Seventh. ♪ Walking to the west I have great orientation when I travel above-ground, but the subway seems utterly confusing, perhaps because we are not used to it. Well, here we are, the High Line. You can still see the railroad tracks in some areas. Nice view of the construction happening. Nice condos. Very nice area for people to hang out, get away from the hustle and bustle a little bit. You can get your feet wet in there. Over here, they have this area with a cafe and some vendors, ice cream, and that kind of stuff. Hmm, interesting. Once in a while, you encounter one of these observation decks where you can sit down and observe the city as if it was a play transpiring before your very eyes. The High Line here, by the way, almost two miles long. Its construction began in 2006 and the final phase opened to the public in 2014. It was in part inspired by Promenade Plantee in Paris, completed in 1993, which also involved repurposing an old elevated track into an urban park. There is, of course, New York's most famous building: the Empire State. (light pop music) Lots of modern architecture, along with the old; all types actually. Quite a few murals and street art along the way as well. Well, nothing like having an apartment right next to the High Line, right, to get your point across to thousands of people. It is actually getting pretty crowded now. There is the Chrysler Building, of course. Home improvement, perhaps? By the way, those condos are probably worth several millions of dollars. There we are. We're gonna continue exploring New York here, the island of Manhattan. And if you wanna see Times Square, wrong video. We're not going to go there today. We're just gonna do whatever we haven't done in the city. And the High Line was one of the things we had not done yet, and it's really cool. We really liked it. This is so quintessentially New York, isn't it? Here we see what seem to be the original train tracks. By the way, this is the newest section, the one that just opened in 2014. And all these trains here at the 34th Street-Hudson Yards subway station, I think. And this is the end of the High Line. (siren wailing) We stop at this Irish pub called McGarry's for a refreshing IPA, then we continue wandering on 34th Street, going towards Broadway. There is Penn Station, as we continue walking east. New York is certainly unique, isn't it? Ooh, looks nice up there. As we approach Seventh Avenue, here's Macy's, the flagship store, first opened in 1902. Here's the entrance. Now approaching Broadway. Wow, so many people. And I kind of lied unintentionally about not showing you Times Square. You can kind of see it in the distance. We are going to continue south here on Broadway. And there it is, One World Trade Center. I've always wanted to walk the streets of New York like this, without any particular destination in mind, and just absorb the multisensory experience that this city provides. Yes, it is crazy. It is noisy. It can be dirty. Sometimes it smells really good, sometimes it doesn't. Yet it's gotta be the greatest city in the world in its own way. It is a place where you can find anything, hear virtually every language in the globe, and see peoples of all races, all backgrounds, all religions, all professions, flowing together yet apart, like some sort of human river. And in a certain crazy way, it all seems to work. And after the initial sensory overload, you kind of tune out the noise and become one with it. New York is undoubtedly the capital of the world. By the way, we're going to take another break here by Madison Square and have some wine with a view of the Flatiron. Seems appropriate. Hmm, fellow vlogger, perhaps? Roberta's got an honest-to-god smoker here. Let's continue exploring New York City. By the way, this is called Madison Square Park. We are in ♪ In New York Well, hello there. This here is the original location of Shake Shake, founded by renowned restaurateur Danny Meyer back in 2004. I am actually quite a fan of Mr. Meyer myself, since I read his book Setting the Table some years back when I had this wild idea of opening a restaurant. I am actually really glad I didn't. But anyways, it is a great book. And next, we are going to one of his first restaurants, called Gramercy Tavern. It will probably be pricey, but at this point it is almost like a pilgrimage coming here, since the book describes in detail how he opened this restaurant and the process of opening and managing a successful restaurant like this one. I mean, even the bread is great. We also had the slider from the bar menu and the duck meatballs. Mmm, delicious. And the cheese plate, as we decided to linger and wait for Ili's nephew to get off work and hang out with him. ♪ John at the bar, he's a friend of mine ♪ We get to hang out in his apartment for a while. We get to spy on his neighbors. And then, there's a rooftop. This has to be the highlight of the day. We can even see One World Trade Center from here. ♪ Sing us a song, you're the piano man ♪ ♪ Sing us a song tonight ♪ 'Cause we're all in the mood for a melody ♪ ♪ And you got us feeling all right ♪ What a great way to end our day here in New York, catching up at the rooftop until day turns into night. (light upbeat muzak) It is time for us to return to Liberty Harbor RV Park on the New Jersey side because tomorrow, tomorrow the journey continues. (fireworks exploding) (boat horn honking) Liberty Harbor here was about $107 a night, which was a little on the high end as far as RV parks go. But hey, you're minutes away from Manhattan. So, if you want to visit New York with an RV, it is certainly the way to go. Today, the weather is not cooperating, and driving in this area here around Jersey City with a big rig, hm, not for the faint of heart. (bright music) I don't know why the GPS keeps taking me through these narrow streets. Maybe because I selected avoid the tolls, hm. Anyways, today we are going to do a little more traditional camping, as we're going to explore the great state of Maine. Just scratching the surface though. because of my breakdown in North Carolina, the trip has been severely cut short. In any case, first, we have to get there, and it's gonna be a long and tedious drive. I waited until we reached New York to put gas. Somehow, I don't feel comfortable having someone else pumping my gas. New Jersey, and to some extent Oregon, are still the only two states where you are not allowed to pump your own gas. Because apparently, the operation requires a highly trained professional. (rain splattering) It looks like Florence finally caught up with us. The rain is relentless. I mean, I haven't driven in this heavy rain for this long in a long time. We're gonna stop at the Connecticut state line and reassess our travel plans because this is not fun. ♪ I'm riding ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ Because I'm free in my RV - [GPS] Welcome to Connecticut. - Here we are, Connecticut, a new state for us. So let's go into the Welcome Center, get a map maybe, and cook some lunch. Oh, it is starting to rain again. Oh no, it's closed. I guess it is time for a Traveling Robert RV Cooking Show. We begin by chopping some onions, we saute them and put some salt. I also cut this red pepper. We add some dry golden wine, a staple in Cuban cuisine, by the way. Some frozen meatballs, and I think I forgot to show you when I added the tomato sauce. And for some reason, with this Atwood range, things take forever to boil. Paprika, lots of paprika. A little more pepper, black pepper. Since we don't have any real garlic, we wanna put a little bit of that garlic powder. And of course, my signature ingredients, oregano and cumin. As soon as they begins to boil. It's not the most powerful stove, I'll tell you that. Well, the penne never properly boiled but we'll see. Bon appetit on this rainy day. The rain is relentless, and these are, as I said, remnants of Hurricane Florence that finally caught up to us. (upbeat music) And there is heavy traffic, of course, because all this bad weather usually provokes accidents. Yeah, it is a mess out here. And there's the cause of all this traffic, hopefully nothing major. Very serious about lane usage here in Connecticut. And this is Waterbury, Connecticut. The church is St. Anne's, a historic building here. Unfortunately, we can't stop anywhere if we want to make it to Maine today. About half an hour later, we are driving through Hartford, Connecticut's capital, and there's the Capitol Building. (happy music) The Capitol Building does have a castle vibe to it, doesn't it? Aside from the golden cupola. Boston and Providence, can't wait to visit both in a couple of days. And we are now in Massachusetts, and all of a sudden the sun came out and we see incipient fall colors here in mid-September. - [GPS] Welcome to New Hampshire. - [Robert] Yes, eventually we make it to the Live Free or Die state, and I see an opportunity to take a picture with the sign so that's exactly what we're going to do. (camera snapping) New Hampshire is only about 20 miles wide around here, so very soon we are going to be in Maine. As soon as we cross the Piscataqua River, we are in Maine. - [GPS] Welcome to Maine. - Let's take a picture here, too. (camera snapping) (happy music) And here we are, our campground for tonight here near Portland, Maine. It is called Wild Duck Adult Campground and RV Park. Okay, let's park it and go have dinner, I hear they have pretty good lobster around here. It was a dark and foggy night in Maine. Anyways, I had this place here marked on my map called Lobster Shack at Two Lights here in Cape Elizabeth. So let's see how it is, let's check it out. Here are the live lobsters, and our lobster rolls. Let's just say I wasn't all that impressed. Let's walk outside here to this area by the water, I bet you during the day there is a very nice view here. And perhaps it is one of those places more famous for the view than the food. Perhaps it is late and they were about to close. We'll never know. Let's go into Portland real quick to get some groceries. And tomorrow, tomorrow we'll continue exploring. There is a Trader Joe's here in town. (upbeat music) Well we made it to Maine finally, I've been really looking forward to this so I believe we have some stickers to add to our map here in the northeast area. First and foremost, a couple of days ago I forgot to add Pennsylvania, as we were in Philadelphia, so let's do that. Okay, with Connecticut I'm kinda gonna cheat because we didn't do anything in Connecticut but we ate at the Welcome Center so I don't know if that counts, but I'm gonna add the sticker because why not? And we saw the Capitol of Hartford from the road. Okay, there we've got Connecticut. And now, since we're here, we're gonna add Maine. Here we go. Now in a couple of days here, we're gonna add Massachusetts and Rhode Island. And, unfortunately on this trip, we're not gonna be able to add Vermont or New Hampshire or Maryland or Delaware for that matter. And those states were in the original plan but as you know, if you've seen the previous videos, this trip got cut really really short. Anyways, we're tired. I think tomorrow we're gonna go to Acadia National Park. Good morning, we're at the Wild Duck Campground. We are near Portland, Maine. And I'm still half asleep. But it's beautiful out here. (reflective music) We're staying at this place, it's called Wild Duck Adult Campground, which basically means it's only adults, no children here. And this is the furthest north Minitini trailer has ever made it. We only have time for one thing here in the Portland area, so we are going to go to the lighthouse. And why the rush, you might ask? Well now that I've driven all the way up here, I want to see Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. You know I have to return Big White the monster truck in about a week in Miami, and we still have to go to Boston after this, so let's just see the lighthouse, hitch up, and continue the journey north. Anyways, here we are, the Portland Head Lighthouse. The views here are starting to look promising so let's find parking. ♪ Riding riding ♪ My RV (bright music) Fort Williams Park. We get our first look at the rugged Maine coastline here. And the lighthouse, of course. The lighthouse here, still operational by the way, dates back to 1791, making it the oldest one in the whole state of Maine. (waves crashing) The other lighthouse, called Ram Island Ledge Light Station, marks the northern end of the Maine channel, the main channel leading to Portland's harbor. And here's Portland's Head, again. Let's walk around a little bit. I am assuming that is part of Portland over there in the distance. If you notice, everybody's wearing jackets. It is kind of chilly up here, our first taste of the upcoming fall. Are these the foghorns, hm? Pretty cool. (bright music) Time's up. If you ever come to this campground, beware, there's a really deep bump on the road. It looks like the leaves are about to start turning in this area. Eventually, by the town of Gardiner, we get off the interstate in favor of more secondary roads. And also, in order to avoid tolls. (energetic music) It is a little bit of a rollercoaster ride the rest of the way, a little more fun than the interstate, if a little tiresome after a while. Here's Belfast, Maine. Let's drive around to see what it looks like before we continue. (happy music) As we leave Belfast, Maine, it is time to take a break. And there is a state park nearby called Moose Point, and I don't know how much it is, but we're gonna stop there anyways for an hour or so. $4 per person for non-Maine residents, so $8 for us. A little steep for just an hour, but I need a break. Here we are, upper Penobscot Bay. Someone's been getting artistic with all these rocks here, and very pretty, very different landscape up here in Maine. See how Minitini is sort of off-level? This truck is just too high, even adjusting the hitch to its lowest setting, but you know what? It is all I've got for now. (contemplative music) Nice oceanfront property, huh? Well, took my break, it is time to continue. (contemplative music) We're about to cross the iconic Penobscot Narrows Bridge, one of the towers even has an observatory at the top. Hm, rainy weather up ahead. Must be getting close, lots of traffic, lots of places selling lobster. Here's our campground, Mount Desert, which is pretty rustic. In fact, they don't even allow RVs over 20 feet long. Let's find our site and rest. Because tomorrow, tomorrow we are going to wake up way before dawn to try and see the first sunrise in the United States from Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. Okay, we are at our campground. Very close to Acadia National Park. We got some wood. Very nice. (reflective music) It is around 3 a.m., and it's really dark out here. Why have we woken up at this ungodly hour, you might ask? Well, as I said, we want to drive to the top of Cadillac Mountain to see the first, well allegedly the first sunrise in the United States. Its high altitude here in the northeast makes it a prime location for this. And I think we came too early. By the way, the reason we came so early is I hear the parking lot usually gets full. And when that happens, they don't let you come to the top of the mountain. The outlook looks grim with all this fog but let me walk around and see what we're up against. Beautiful view. I really feel sorry for this guy with the tripod and the nice camera, and all of us, really, who woke up early. I mean, it's beautiful fog and it's really eerie but it's just not what we came to see, right? Sad part is everybody woke up early. Nobody's gonna be able to see anything, nothing. Sunrise is imminent, let me go back. I'll be honest, it does not look promising. Sunrise is supposed to be like in five minutes. Maybe all these clouds will lift up and we'll be able to see it, but as I said, does not look promising. I'm still gonna play my sunrise music because why not? (relaxing music) Oh well, that was an epic fail. Sun should be coming up right now. Well, maybe we'll come back later. Maybe we'll come back tomorrow morning. Y'know, we're still here, so. It's cold. Well, I think we should go. (upbeat music) Okay, so far Maine is an interesting state with all these cool looking rocks but I don't know, Mother Nature is not cooperating. Wait a minute, I see something here on the right, some islands perhaps, and it looks like the fog is starting to clear up a little. Maybe this is the view everybody talks about. Yay, found parking. Here's the famous view of the Mount Desert Narrows with all the islands. Well, at least 50% of it as the fog begins to lift. (reflective music) And there's Big White. Here we are, Bar Harbor. Let's walk around and look for some breakfast or brunch, preferably with some lobster in it. Greetings from Bar Harbor, Maine. Well, here we are, very picturesque town so far. Check out this fountain here at Agamont Park. (water splashing) Some mimosas here to start at this place. Hm, and a Lobster Benedict sandwich. It is called Stadium Pub and it was outstanding. (bright jazzy music) This is the Ivy Manor Inn. The town seems to be slowly waking up. We're gonna pass by the National Park Office because Acadia is so fragmented that it is impossible for them to have a gate at the entrance to charge admission. So what you do is you buy a pass here for your vehicle at the office here in Bar Harbor, and if you have the America the Beautiful Annual Pass like we do, they just give you a holder that you hang on your rear-view mirror and you put your card in there and you're good to go. This here is the Bar Island path, only accessible during low tide, which obviously it's not now. And you can actually walk to that island. Maybe we'll come back later when it is low tide and compare. By the way, very touristy around here with a bunch of boats where you can go whale watching and all that stuff. Well, let's go explore Acadia National Park. There is supposed to be this park loop road. (happy music) This is the Otter Cliff Overlook. Initially, I thought that that was like a whale or some other large animal, but apparently it's just something under water like rocks that break the waves. (waves crashing) Very interesting granite rock formations everywhere. There's a small trail here where you can experience all this. Actually, it is part of a much longer trail called Ocean Path. Okay, let me go back. I don't think I want to do the whole trail today, although it is tempting. It is very beautiful out here, for sure. And I just can't get over those layered rocks. When I get old, I wanna be like that. Let's go back up. (bright music) Anyways, let's continue towards the next outlook point. Check out the small fishing boat fighting the strong current. Otter Point, Otter Cliffs, shore access. Once again, we see all these very interesting looking rocks here in Maine, all this eroded granite. The result of a long, continuous geological process. And check out all those birds. I'm going to walk a little bit here on the Ocean Path and admire the rugged landscape. (bright music) We continue, but let's check this place out. It is called Otter Cove. It is very pretty out here, I wish I could see it when the leaves are turning. Hm, perhaps next year. Here's looking towards the ocean, and here's looking towards the cove. And I also wish I could fly the drone around. But hey, as you probably know it is forbidden to fly in any national park. We stop once again to admire the rugged coastline. (bright music) (waves crashing) Okay, one last stop. That's another overlook. We're gonna go back to the campground, take a break, and then we'll continue exploring. Well, we stop one last time here to see Eagle Lake. (record scratching) Wait a minute, why are we leaving, you might ask? Well, when we arrived, there was a note on our picnic table so we went to the office and they told us that we have to move to a different site because this site was reserved for someone else, even though they had assigned me this site when we arrived yesterday. So I said you know what? I want my money back, we are leaving. So we are. It would have been such a hassle to break camp and move around with this big truck and such a narrow road. Besides, we were leaving tomorrow anyways. Wait for it, wait for it, boom. I just broke my sewer cap. There was this root on the ground on the side of the road and this big white truck doesn't have a wide enough turning radius so I hit it. (relaxing music) Let's head down to Boston. We will have to revisit Maine some other time because this time, it wasn't so great was it? There wasn't enough time, for sure. The weather did not cooperate for sunrise, and Mount Desert Campground here really dropped the ball and they weren't even apologetic about it. Next time, I think we're staying at the KOA. What we missed, well in the afternoon I was planning on going back to Cadillac Mountain and go have a good lobster dinner and wait for low tide to walk on the Bar Island Path. You know what, at least we got a taste of what is possible here, and we got to add yet another sticker to our map. Next time, we will probably allocate a whole week just to Maine, as I had originally intended. (upbeat music) - [Robert] We're going to Boston but we're still in Maine. Not for long though. Here we are crossing into New Hampshire. - [GPS] Welcome to New Hampshire. - [Robert] This will not be a long stay because here we are now, Massachusetts. Let's go into the welcome center, get a map, and take a picture with the sign. You know I have to update my intro, right? Today we are visiting the Cradle of Liberty and possibly the United States' most historic city, Boston, Massachusetts. And there it is. We're driving over the Mystic River. (techno music) Of course, like every major city, there is a lot of traffic and I think we are about to hit the afternoon rush hour. Next, we go underground. This big tunnel here is known colloquially as the big dig. At the time it was the most expensive highway project in the United States and it was plagued by all kinds of problems from water leaks to falling light fixtures. And we emerge on the other side, along with all the other thousands of people trying to leave Boston today at 3:30 p.m. Eventually traffic begins to improve and over an hour later we begin to approach our campground near Plymouth. You didn't think we were going to park the RV in Boston, right? Actually there were three main campgrounds to choose from. One to the northwest, in the woods, another one to northeast by Salem and this one, on the south, called Ellis Haven. It is a shame we are basically here just to sleep because it looks pretty nice. Okay, here we are at Ellis Haven campground. Near Plymouth Rock. And that's exactly where we're going next. Yeah it is kind of late to go back to Boston now. But we'll do that tomorrow. Instead, let's check out the Plymouth Rock which is really close and get something to eat. We're famished. There it is on the right, the Greek looking temple. That's where they have the Plymouth Rock. Let's park. Well here we are in Plymouth, Massachusetts. And we are now going to check out the Plymouth Rock of course and have something to eat. Imbibe some adult beverages. And I might do a live video. And here is Big White. Very nice anchorage here in the Plymouth Harbor. Very cute town overall. And over there. Yep, that's where we're going: Plymouth Rock. Landing place of the pilgrims, 1620. This is the rock. That's it. You saw it here first. Check out all these ducks here. They are going crazy. Anyways, this is all very pretty, but let's go eat. That used to be the lighthouse. Let's walk uphill here for about two blocks towards Court Street. At the Laughing Moon. Hmm, cool looking lobster. I think we are going to this place called New World Tavern. 34 beers on tap and over 120 bottles. Hmm, not bad. So we're actually not having Cigar City. We're having Pilgrim IPA. Um, chowder. It's a huge poutine. And tiramisu. Oh thank you. Yep, that was good. And now we shall see the Plymouth Rock once again at night. And the moon shines through the clouds. Very pretty. (upbeat techno music) Well we had some leftover wood, so we made a fire and called it a night. (gentle music) (bright music) Well good morning. We are going to Boston. And we plan to spend most of the day there. By the way, we couldn't have asked for better weather. Why are we driving into this city you might ask. And we've been going back and forth on this one, but contrary to popular belief, there is plenty of parking in Boston, especially on a weekend. By the way, we seem to be in Chinatown. Anyways a round trip ticket on the commuter train would have been $23 per person. Originally we were thinking of parking at the Boston Commons underground parking, which is $32 on the weekdays, but only $18 on weekends. By the way, today is Saturday. But that was with Old Kia. With this big F250 monster truck, we are going to need something with a little higher clearance. Like this one: City Place Garage, which is going to cost us $32. Still, a lot cheaper than the train. Plus we have more flexibility and mobility and it'll save us time in the long run. Hopefully we'll be okay here. In the original plan this was the garage that we were gonna park at. But the clearance of the truck. Yeah, the Boston Commons Garage is only six feet and three inches clearance. But there's also plenty of parking here on the street, at least today on a Saturday morning. And they are having some kind of march here at Boston Commons. The Boston Public Garden here, very pretty. Very nice place to like decompress in the middle of the bustling city. Also here some of the nicest gardens I've seen in a while. (bright violin music) (bright music) Here we have this equestrian sculpture of George Washington. Picture perfect with the Boston skyline behind it. The statue itself dates back to 1869. That building looks kind of familiar, doesn't it? It is of course, Cheers, where everybody knows your name. And it is about to open, filmed before a live (clears throat) YouTube audience in this case. And they just opened up, so let's go into the set bar which is upstairs. And this will be pretty much breakfast for us. And I'll pretend to be Norm and sit here. It looked bigger on TV. Yeah, that's the people going inside. Downstairs they have another restaurant, but it doesn't look like the Cheers from the TV series. The menu? Themed after the show's characters. And the collectible napkins. We get a nice IPA, although I think this is more of a lager town since Samuel Adams was from here after all, right? New England clam chowder in a mug. And the Octoberfest special and a club sandwich. Well I think we sat at Frasier's favorite spot. But anyways, that was Cheers. Okay and this is the lower portion of Cheers here. Yeah, let's just see what the lower level looks like. This is not at all like the original Cheers. Obviously there was no room down here for the set bar. The walls covered with memorabilia as they should be. At the beginning I thought I was sitting at Norm's stool at the upstairs bar, but it was on the other side. Anyways, they even have the wooden Indian statue. Really, really cool. That was Cheers. Very cool to be here. And now we're gonna do the Freedom Trail. By the way, the upstairs bar, they could work on their service a little bit. But other than that, it was great. Well now that we've had our fun, let's immerse ourselves in history. And there's plenty of that here in Boston. (easy listening music) This here is the Sailors and Soldiers Monument, dedicated to those from Massachusetts who lost their lives during the Civil War. And here's the World War I sea mine. Alright, let's do the Freedom Trail, which begins here at the visitor information center. Okay, let's do it. We're supposed to follow the red bricks on the sidewalk. Boston, so far, great, vibrant city. I love it. Although I suspect most of the people around us here are tourists just like us. Here we are approaching the Massachusetts State House. Basically the state capitol dating back to 1798. And here's a relief. The State House here was built on land once owned by John Hancock, Massachusetts' first elected governor. Paul Revere was also here, you know supervising the construction and in 1997, the dome was reguilded in 23 karat gold. We continue towards the Park Street Church. Continue following the Freedom Trail path. Here, across the street from Boston Common is our next stop. (sirens wailing) Something big is happening and this is... It is a pretty noisy city, by the way. Hmm, I wonder what's going on. Our next stop here is the Granary Burying Ground. Here we have Paul Revere and the five victims of the Boston Massacre and three signers of the Declaration of Independence: Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Robert Treat Pain. Their final resting place. Here's John Hancock. - That's the stone that has the pennies on the top. The men were profiting in some way off of the slave trade. - [Robert] Perhaps we should have gotten a guided tour, but we decided to explore on our own. By the way, here's Paul Revere. (woman sneezing) - [Woman] Excuse me. - [Robert] Bless you. Some very interesting grave stones. And the pyramid in the middle that says Franklin, that's not Ben. If you remember, we saw him back in Philly. These are his parents and relatives buried here. It's the Tremont Temple. We continue walking the trail. King's Chapel. Next stop is the King's Chapel, a historic unitarian church and a fine example of colonial architecture. Actually let's step inside. The current church was completed in 1754 but it was actually built around the original 1689 building, so they wouldn't disturb services. When they completed construction, the original church was demolished and removed through the windows. Pretty cool, huh? This is the old burial ground. This is Boston's oldest burying ground. Okay this was very interesting. Let's continue. This is the next thing. This here is the Old City Hall. Nowadays the Ruth Chris Steakhouse. Okay. Old city hall. There's a famous Benjamin Franklin statue, who was actually a Boston native. - [Woman] Once they're outside the city they are alerting dozens of other prearranged, prestationed groups of men. He's not the only one. So how did you all get brainwashed? School, yes. School made you read and probably memorize something. - [Robert] This is also the site of the first public school in America. The original Boston Latin School. - [Woman] What if we left housekeeping? (group laughing) - [Robert] Who is that? Boston Five Cents Savings Bank. Something interesting and peculiar about Boston is that many of these old historic buildings have been repurposed. The Five Cents Savings Bank Building is now a Walgreens, just like the old City Hall was a Ruth Chris Steakhouse. The Old Corner Bookstore is now a Chipotle Mexican Grill. This is the Irish Famine Memorial, commemorating the Famish that took place between 1845 and 1852. Benjamin Franklin was baptized huh? It's the Old South Meeting House. Well gentrification, but anyways this is the birth place of Benjamin Franklin. We'll continue down the Freedom Trail. This old building here, standing among all of these skyscrapers is none other than the Old State House, the oldest public building in Boston and the site of the Boston Massacre, which was one of the events that led to the rebellion against the British authority. Of course. And they have a saxophone player somewhere around here. Let's continue. This is a subway entrance. This was the site of the Boston Massacre right here. March 5th, 1770. The site of the first Meeting House. There's our saxophone player. Actually the sound carries really well in this corner. Great acoustics. Next we're going to check out the Faneuil Hall. Nice juxtaposition of the old and the new. Here's the Faneuil Hall and the modern Boston City Hall across the street. Talk about an eye sore. This place has tourist trap written all over it. But let's check it out anyways. There's a statue of Sam Adams. - [Man] Holding this all the way up guys. Nobody move. - [Man] Nobody gets hurt. - [Man] Once again, ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for our volunteers. Everyone make some noise for our volunteers. (crowd cheering) Make some noise. - [Robert] Alright, let's go inside the hall. - [Man] Now volunteers, arms up. - [Robert] Here's one of four original cashier booths and outside it is a circus. There's the market. I have nothing against street performers, but to me, in this setting, they don't add to the experience, in my opinion anyways. Except for the drummer perhaps, but I'm biased. I am partial to musicians, being one myself. And this guy's really good. (vibrant drumming and chiming) This is the Quincy Market. Ooo, check it out. There's a Cheers here too. Alright, let's go hang out with Norm and Cliffy and Frasier and the rest of the gang. Norm has aged a bit. Something light and refreshing so we can continue exploring. There's still a lot to see here in Boston. (bright music) More street performers here. Here we have another street performer. This one with a Scottish theme going on I guess. There's so many people here. (energetic violin music) Ooo, he's still going at it. This tall gentleman here is Kevin Hagan White, former mayor of Boston. Pizza alone won't fill an emptiness in your soul. You also need beer. Hmm, Ben Franklin would agree I think, although his original quote was actually about wine. But anyways. We are walking towards North End, which is the city's oldest residential community. Continuously inhabited since the 1630s. As we get closer, here for example, is the oldest continually operated restaurant and oyster bar in the United States. Established in 1717. And this street also looks kind of something out of a Harry Potter film. Doesn't it? And here's the oldest tavern. The Boston Stone here was brought from England and according to legend, served as the zero milestone, or mile marker zero of Boston. Some kind of festival here. Or farmer's market actually. Yep, big farmer's market today. Okay, we were interrupted here. - Sweet pineapples. - [Robert] This open area here is the Rose Kennedy Greenway. And this is where the central artery, as we say in the south, expressway, used to go through before they built the big dig and moved it underground and made this nice linear park. And we are now in North End, which is also the Italian neighborhood, with some of the best Italian restaurants I hear. Hmm, I wish we were hungry. This is Hanover Street, the main drag here. But we're going to take a quick detour first to see Paul Revere's house, where he began his legendary midnight ride to alert the Colonial militia that the British forces were approaching. Paul Revere's house. And this is it. (crowd chattering) (bright music) The Sacred Heart Italian Church. - Alright. Here folks, we're gonna cross over and then take a right on the other side of the street. - Should we tag along? Hmm, maybe not. And we are back on Hanover. And here's Paul Revere's statue. But the park is all under construction, so let's continue. And here we stumble upon the San Gennaro Feast. San Gennaro Comes to Boston. Our friend Rob Nestore from Philly told us not to miss it in New York which we did, by the way. And now we find it here. Isn't this awesome? Again, I wish we were hungry. (speaking in foreign language) It looks, it smells and it sounds like it's going to be a fun festival. But first, we want to finish the Freedom Trail here. The next spot is the Old North Church. Just like Paul Revere's House, which was $5 to go in, the church is $8, so we're going to admire the architecture from outside and keep going. Needless to say we are getting a little tired of walking and we're going up hill, because next stop is the Copp's Hill Burying Ground. This is the city's second oldest cemetery, by the way. It was from that steeple that Paul Revere told three Boston Patriots to hang two lanterns to warn the people of Charlestown across the Charles River about the movement of the British Army. (bright music) We continue. Now going over the Charlestown Bridge over the Charles River towards our last two points of interest here. The first one is that obelisk called Bunker Hill Monument. The other one would be the U.S.S. Constitution. Here's the City Square Park. Fly pelican. St. Mary Roman Catholic Church. And there it is, Bunker Hill Monument. Let's see if I can make it all the way to the top. Well, here goes nothing. It is 294 steps and it gets narrower the higher you get. Ugh, only 1/3 of the way there. As it gets narrower it is more of a bottleneck. Well, made it to the top. But it is very crowded up here. Very claustrophobic. Everybody waiting for their turn to look out the window, although some people just take possession of a window without any consideration for the rest of us. You know there's only one window per side, right? Well I hope he got a great shot, because none of us could. Thanks. It is finally my turn to get some nice shots of the city skyline. (bright music) Oh by the way, it would be nice if they cleaned the glass from time to time. Just saying. Down and down we go. Actually going down is almost as tiring as going up just because you have to go so slow. Well that wasn't the greatest experience. And if you are claustrophobic at all, do not do this one. Whew, that was a pretty hardcore climb all the way up there. Very crowded. They should really limit the amount of people. But, great views of Boston from up there. I went all the way up there. (jazzy music) Next the U.S.S. Constitution, but I don't think we're gonna have time for that one today. There is something else I want to do by sunset and believe it or not, it is almost 5:00 p.m. We'll be back tomorrow and go inside and all that. Right now we're going to take an Uber to the parking lot and off we go to a different city. And a different state as well. A new state for us. We're heading down to Providence, Rhode Island, because tonight they have this event they do some nights in the summer called WaterFire. In which they literally light up the river on fire. It is supposed to be really cool and our timing today would be perfect. Besides, it is an opportunity to add a new state to our sticker map. And that's just too good to resist. It is about an hour drive and here we are. Providence. Parking might be an issue since this is such a popular event, but we'll see. There's the capitol building to the right. Well yeah, as I suspected, the parking lot we had chosen is full. Hopefully we'll find something somewhere else. It is a little bit congested here, but while I was stopped I looked on Google Maps and I think I saw a large parking lot by the capitol building. Here we go. Event parking, $15. I'll take it at this point. And we're parking here for the WaterFire? - [Man] Yeah, it's $15. - [Robert] $15? Alright, let me get-- - Yeah I got it. - You got it? (jazzy music) This is where we parked Big White. In front of the Rhode Island Statehouse. Let's walk down to the river and see this thing and then eat. Actually we haven't had anything since Cheers this morning. It is quite a nice downtown. I wish we had more time here. But as you know our time is very limited. We'll probably return next year around this time. And here we are. I think this is going to be as good as it gets location wise to see the event. This is it. I'm claiming this spot right here. This event, by the way, attracts roughly 40,000 people. The tradition began in the mid 90s. WaterFire is, and I quote from the Wikipedia here, simultaneously a free public art installation, a performance work, an urban festival, a civic ritual, and a spiritual communal ceremony, well known nationally and internationally as a community arts event. WaterFire's symbolism and interpretation is both inclusive and expansive; reflecting the recognition that individuals must act together to strengthen and preserve their community. That's what they actually light on fire, which is apparently aromatic wood. After what feels like ages, here they finally come. It is going to be awhile 'til they make it to where we are. Little by little they start lighting up all these floating torches or bonfires. I don't know exactly what they are called. Oh wait, I believe they are called braziers. Hmm. (bright music) - [Woman] They haven't started. (thoughtful music) - Here they come. It is all very artistic, if perhaps a little slow for my impatient tastes. It was certainly lucky to find out about this event and be here for it. As soon as I knew we were going to be here on this Saturday, I made sure to try and make it. If only to see this unique spectacle. It's pretty much all lit up back there. (woman singing in foreign language) Really cool to see and smell, actually. Yep, it is all this drawn out ritual, lighting up the fires. And they are finally done. Now let's go eat. (happy music) It is very mesmerizing for sure. Everybody seems to be, anyways. I guess the combination of fire and water have this profound calming effect. Oh by the way, they do offer gondola rides. Okay Union Station Brewery. Let's go in there. When it is cloudy, you know it's going to be a good IPA. And we order the burritos as well. Why not? Well this was very nice. Here at the brewery. Now we have to drive all the way back to Plymouth. Oh by the way, great burrito. (sighs) Let's find out car now, or the monster truck or what did I call it? Big White. Yeah, that certainly hit the right spot. Although the burrito tasted more Italian than Mexican. And that's totally okay. It was delicious. And check out the moon. (bright jazz music) Gotta love a city with street musicians. Um, we got some break dancing here. It's been a while since I saw that. (funk music) (crowd calling out) (gentle music) There it is. The Rhode Island State House, made out of white Georgia marble. It is the fourth largest self supported marble dome in the world. The statue of the independent man, originally called Hope. (sighs) It's been a long day. We're tired. And the monster truck is somewhere up here. And there's Big White. (energetic music) Well goodnight. Well good morning. We are going back to Boston. We are going to see the U.S.S. Constitution and we are going to eat some Italian and then I have to drop Ili off at the airport, because she has to fly back to Miami. And then I have to drive back to Miami, nearly nonstop because I have to return this big white truck by Wednesday. A little tight at this curve, perhaps. Hmm. (pensive music) We go back in the big dig; quite the engineering marvel. Aside from all the problems it had. And we found parking. It is going to be like $11 for the three hours or so we are going to be here. And that is a little tight for Big White, the monster truck, but we'll make it work. Here we are, the U.S.S. Constitution. Launched in 1797 and named by President Washington himself after the then only 10 years old United States Constitution. Let's go below decks. The ship was apparently stronger and more heavily armed than other frigates at the time. There's an even lower level. I guess this is where the crew slept. Let's walk to the aft section. I guess this back here are the officers' quarters. Notice the low clearance ceiling. Perhaps people were shorter back then. I'm kidding of course. Perhaps headroom wasn't a major concern on a ship designed for war. She's the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel still afloat and probably one of our most historic ships. By the way, I do believe all these cannons are replicas put here when they made the ship into a museum. Let's take a picture at the helm, behind the wheel. I was really tempted to ring the bell, but ultimately decided against it. That was the U.S.S. Constitution. Now let's go eat. And with that we bring the Freedom Trail to a completion. The U.S.S. Constitution. Now lets go get some Italian and then off we go. (upbeat music) For the sake of saving time, we're gonna take an Uber to North End, where parking would be lot more challenging. So we are leaving the big truck in Charlestown. The birthplace of Clementina. We get some bread and hmm, olive oil, delicious. (Parisian music) Olives, scallops and a pasta plate called Rosetta. Tiramisu for dessert and espresso. And there seems to be some procession happening outside. (bright band music) Ooo I see. This must be part of the San Gennaro Festival we saw yesterday. Okay we're back by Paul Revere's house. By the way that restaurant we ate, Lemoncello, really good. A little pricey, but it felt so authentic, our waiter he was from Genova. And you know, an old timer, really cool guy. So yeah, I fully recommend it. Unfortunately our time here is running out, so yeah we're gonna go. (bright band music) Actually, before we go, let's follow the music a little here. I have a thing for marching bands and we still have a little time to spare. We kind of continue walking on Hanover Street, kind of sort of following the procession. There are actually two bands. The one in the front is playing now, which is more of a waltzy downtempo style. Very serendipitous to be here today in the middle of this procession. This is actually the first year they do the San Gennaro here in Boston. The original celebration of course has been taking place in Mulberry Street in New York since 1926. It is still great to be here as they are bringing this Italian tradition to North End here in Boston. This is an original reproduction of the statue of San Gennaro. Blessed by Pope Francis himself in person at the Vatican. Well, time's up. We're walking back to the car. (jazzy music) I'm going to take Ili to Boston Logan Airport here, where she has a three hour flight back to Miami. And then I'm going back to the campground to get ready for my three day drive back to Miami. Although I am going to try and do it in two and a half. Yeah, I'm leaving tonight. ♪ Riding, riding, my RV We've got two more states to add to our map here. First of course Massachusetts. And of course, Rhode Island. And my rule for this is you either have to sleep in the state or do something significant. And I think Rhode Island qualifies. We saw that WaterFire in Providence. So that's a very tiny sticker. But gonna put it, gonna put it right there. Anyways, now back to Miami. - [Robert] Well, we are leaving New England. Ooh, bumpy. We're really, really far away from home. Over the next two-and-a-half days, I am going to be driving nearly nonstop using the fastest possible route until I make it back to South Florida. On this first part of the trip, I am driving west on Interstate 195. ♪ Riding ♪ Riding in my RV Approaching Rhode Island. ♪ Riding, riding ♪ My RV Soon after-- - [GPS] Welcome to Connecticut. Welcome to New York. - [Robert] It is a long, tedious, nocturnal drive, and fatigue starts to set in as I approach the most stressful portion: crossing New York City. (quirky industrial music) As we approach the city, it gets progressively unnerving, especially those white signs saying, "Passenger cars only." What if I make a mistake and exit at a low-clearance overpass? If it was daytime and I was 100%, I probably wouldn't mind so much. But right now, it is a white-knuckle drive, for sure. To add to my predicament, it isn't the smoothest of roads either as we drive across the Bronx. As we approach the Washington Bridge, more height restrictions and 'No Trucks' signs. Let me tell you, this is not for the faint of heart. The GPS thinks I'm in a car, so it's telling me to do one thing and the signs tell me to do another. I mean, it is definitely an experience. But next time, I'm going to do it in the daytime and rested, not after four hours on the road. And the reason I'm doing this right now, it is Sunday night, so I figured traffic would be lighter, and it is. The other choice would have been tomorrow morning, Monday, rush hour; ah, I don't know. Anyways, besides, I want to get to Miami as soon as possible. This is it, the George Washington Bridge, spanning the Hudson River. - [GPS] Welcome to New Jersey. - [Robert] Thank you. Pretty nice views of the Manhattan skyline, although, from the bridge, I never saw it with my own eyes. I just pointed the camera in that general direction hoping to get something. Trust me, the drive required my undivided attention. (sighing) I need a break, badly. There is a truck rest area coming up, so I'm going to stop for a few minutes. And remember Rob from South Philly? Well, I remember he did offer his business in Camden, New Jersey, as a possible boondocking spot. It is about a two-hour drive on the New Jersey turnpike, so I'm going to send him a message to see if it is okay to crash at his place tonight. Well, Rob said yes, so off I go. I'm gonna take the New Jersey Turnpike here. And with that, we say goodbye to New York. Until next time. Most of the trip is uneventful, until the very end. It's raining pretty bad, pretty hard. But we are six miles away. Actually, nine miles away; six miles from the exit. (sighing) I've had enough of this rain. - [Man] How are you? - [Robert] Hi, how are ya? - [Man] (inaudible) - [Robert] How much? - [Man] $35-- - [Robert] $35, here you go. Ugh, I'm so tired I can't barely talk. By the way, $35 for the turnpike with my four axles, ouch. $35.80. - Keep right. Take the next right onto-- - [Robert] Finally made it, I can't believe it. I am gonna crash so hard. And Rob was waiting for me, so thank you so much. See you next time we're in Philly. Well, tomorrow will be another day. (upbeat pop music) Good morning! I slept well and had my Cuban coffee, so I am ready for an all-day drive. The goal is South Carolina; we'll see. We're about to cross into Delaware. - [GPS] Welcome to Delaware. - [Robert] Let's go into the Delaware Welcome Center here, get a map. And it looks like I'm going to have to go all the way to the trucks section. But there is plenty of room. Inside, it is like a service plaza. And the actual welcome desk was closed, but I was able to get a map. They left 'em conveniently laying on a desk. Ooh, I don't think I'll ever again complain about tolls in South Florida. Hmm, who am I kidding? Of course I will. But still, the Northeast is pretty insane when it comes to toll roads. We're almost in Maryland. - [GPS] Welcome to Maryland. - [Robert] Now crossing the Susquehanna River. The next challenge: Baltimore, not only because of the heavy traffic and the relentless rain, but also because propane is forbidden in the tunnel and they do have signs all over, unlike other places, so they must be really serious about it. So, I must search for an alternate route. I'll set my GPS to avoid highways temporarily and we'll go around and see a little bit of Baltimore in the process. I love this part of the country, don't get me wrong. But driving an RV in this area, you know, the large metropolitan areas here on the Eastern corridor, especially one with propane, is just inconvenient sometimes. Well, at least we are getting to see some of the city, huh? Here's Little Italy. (light electronic music) The last time we were here? Christmas 2012. The city was deserted. We didn't have an RV back then either. And we are back on I-95, going towards the nation's capital, although I think we're gonna take the Beltway and try to avoid the worst of the traffic. - [GPS] Welcome to District of Columbia. - [Robert] We'll revisit DC some other time. Really? How about Virginia? - [GPS] Welcome to Virginia. - Oh, thank you! Well, just took a shower here at the Virginia Welcome Center. We are in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Got my map. And I always like to take a shower, when it is a long driving day like today, nonstop driving, I like to take a shower more or less halfway because it kind of resets your clock, you know? - [GPS] In 800 feet, merge onto I-95 South. - Thank you so much. And then you're able to drive much longer. As you know, this part of the trip is pretty much nonstop driving. I have to return Big White here back to the Tires Plus shop. He told me to take it to him, so that's what I'm doing. And it's been a little bit of a miserable drive here. You know, it's been raining. I guess this is like a cold front and I'm just, oh, shoot, I'm driving south with it, which is kind of-- - [GPS] Continue on I-95 South for 56 miles. - Hold on, I have to merge here, and sometimes it's not as easy as it looks. There we go. The goal is... The goal is South Carolina, but I might make it to Georgia; I don't know. It will be really cool to be in Miami tomorrow. That way I can return the truck Wednesday morning. We'll see. I was gonna say something else, but I forgot. Oh yeah, I haven't been filming much. Yeah, it's been mostly GoPro footage because, you know, I'm not gonna stop anywhere except South of the Border maybe. I wanna thank Rob Nestore for letting me crash at his place last night. It's really cool to have friends on the road. And definitely, in my line of work, making videos, it facilitates that, and I'm very grateful, very lucky to know so many people on the road. At least, so many people know me on the road, which is good. All right, catch up with you guys later. (upbeat pop music) We are now in North Carolina. - [GPS] Welcome to North Carolina. - [Robert] Let's stop at the rest area. (upbeat pop music) After many more uneventful hours, I am finally reaching my destination, which, in this case, will be I-95's most famous tourist trap here at the North and South Carolina state line, very appropriately called South of the Border. - [GPS] Welcome to South Carolina. - Thank you. They do have this somewhat cheesy faux-Mexican motif. Wouldn't this nowadays qualify as cultural appropriation or is that not a thing anymore? Regardless, and I am kidding of course, I always like to stop here the few times that I've come across it, and this is the first time really that I come here with an RV. And conveniently, they do have a campground called Pedro's. I think Pedro actually "owns" everything here. Here's my site. Let's get settled in and have some dinner and relax. Well, this is where we are, South of the Border. Let me show you around. And here we are. The tower with the sombrero on top, it's actually an observation tower. Well, this is the Sombrero Restaurant, and I think that's where I'm going to eat, I think. I don't see any other place. Beautiful afternoon here in South Carolina, just south of the border with North Carolina. I begin with a Dos Equis, a Mexican beer, not an IPA. And the menu has a Mexican section and a Southern section, by the way. But I ordered a burger because it's not like we are in Mexico or anything like that, right? Anyways, goodnight. Well, good morning once again! I slept pretty well last night too, so today it is Miami or bust. And this guy just broke down, right here. Seriously. Look at all that smoke coming out. Well, I'm going to make use of my mad backing-up skills and go around the other way. (upbeat banjo pop music) Gotta return my keycard here at the office, and I'm also gonna fill up the tank. I-95 looks pretty much all the same from here all the way to Florida. And then, the only highlight is really perhaps Jacksonville. I do get some rain here and there along the way. Now crossing Lake Marion. And the sun is coming out, finally. And you know what's on my mind? I'll give you a hint: We're crossing the Savannah River. Yes, you guessed right, we are now in Georgia. Let's fill up here at the Flying J because pretty soon, pretty soon we are going to be in a different state. Well, we've made it. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Florida, although don't celebrate prematurely. We still have about six hours to go, assuming I don't have to stop, which I do. Yep, clean the lens. Much better, huh? It's incredibly hot out there. (laughing) I'm starting to miss the crisp air of the north, but (pausing) it is what it is. The trip is coming to an end. Here we are. We are near Titusville, Florida. You see, I'm not kidding you. For most of Florida, I-95 is really this boring; not that it is any better in Georgia or the Carolinas, but at least it is an easy drive. Let's go into the Fort Pierce Flying J here to make one final dump and to put gas. We're about two hours away from home here and I'm getting really tired. Ooh, it's hot out there. Anyways, very clean dump station here at the Flying J in Fort Pierce. Two more hours to go. We're on the homestretch. Got me some Pilot coffee. Ah. (coughing) Woo! Let's do this. You're not gonna believe what happened. (laughing) I forgot to put gas! Some gas stations can be a little hard to navigate towing a trailer. This one, mmm, it's not too bad. ♪ Riding ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ 'Cause I'm free in my RV, yeah ♪ ♪ I'm riding ♪ Riding, riding ♪ I'm riding in my RV ♪ My RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ 'Cause I'm free in my RV, yeah ♪ Well, to make a long story short, two hours later, I made it to Miami, thus ending a road trip where very few things went as planned. This was the road trip where Old Kia, my trusty tow vehicle, finally died. A trip that originally was going to be two or two-and-a-half months long turned into two-and-a-half weeks. Still, we accomplished a lot, we saw a lot, and learned a lot. Now, on to the next one. I hope you enjoyed. As always, thank you so much for watching, and see you on the road. (light upbeat pop music)
Channel: Traveling Robert
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Keywords: rv lifestyle, rv life, rv life on the road, recreational vehicle, rv, RV travel, winnebago, minnie, micro minnie, 1706FB, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert, urban camping, new york, boston, philadelphia, philly, phila, boston market, geno's, cheesesteak, gramercy, danny meyer, maine, acadia, bar harbor, lobster, robert morales, little house on the road, rv cooking, location independent, rv living, living in an rv, camping, rv camping, boondocking, nomad, microminnie, F-250, rving, road trip, vlog
Id: afRP1RoBYhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 52sec (14332 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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