Travel Day to Orlando ✈️ Gatwick BA Economy | Disney's Riviera Resort

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good morning it is busy very busy it's spank holiday Monday though so or Memorial Day if you're in America kind of what we expected but we're here and we're on our way and our flight's on time so far and we're trying to dodge all the people while we film this um so yeah this is a travel day Vlog but kind of I'm not sure how much we will film cuz as I said it is really busy without saying a word just making a sound how excited are you so excited there's silence so anyway we are off to Orlando with British Airways and this is a really short trip isn't it Tony 5 days and you probably think we're absolutely crazy for only going 5 days to Orlando obviously if you're American that sounds like a nice long time but for us we have a 9 and 1 half hour flight ahead of us why are we going for 5 days because we can we'll tell you why as well so we're actually only doing one evening in the Parks we're not doing loads and loads of Disney Parks just one evening in Hollywood Studios we're going to spend most the time staying at Riviera Resort which we've never stayed at before we're going to enjoy the resort and the resorts all over what Disney World we've got some other things planned we want to see the Drone show cuz obviously that opened at the weekend and we're going to go and do the mini go which we haven't done so kind of the goal of this trip is to do the nonp parks thing and relax enjoy the pool and and the outdoor movies and things like that and I'm kind of glad we are because cuz it's going to be hot hot hot there yeah like 95 100° and then even higher in the real feel it's been a long time since I felt weather that hot I haven't lived in Orlando for 25 years and we've not lived any but it doesn't matter cuz it's Disney we can to have a magical time yeah come with us also this is our first time staying at Rivier Resort which is our home Resort for the Disney Vacation Club which we just joined at the end of last year for more on that later we are taking British Airways and we will be an economy like I imagine the majority of people are when they travel to Orlando if you want to see what we get up to please make sure you like And subscribe so I'm putting on my magic band now in the airport before we go that might make me a bit sad but there you go also we're traveling carryon only for the first time so we don't know what that's going to be like so we're not checking any bags we haven't checked any bags we've just got these bags that we've got with us it's probably going to be pretty cool but we'll let you know to gate 23 and Beth was saying that we're used to 9 plus hour flights and I was saying that the flight to Copenhagen just a couple weeks ago we blinked and it was over if you haven't seen that video we'll link it in the description down below some of the gates at Gatwick are a fair walk so if you do have mobility issues or you think you might struggle I would book assistance ahead of time as it seems that the Long Haul flights are always quite a way away and some of the travel aters weren't working so again if you think you might need assistance I would say go ahead and book it because we use ba quite a lot we are bronze executive club members which gives us early boarding which is really useful particularly when you got carry-on [Music] bags so we do have both kind of USB which is very useful which I didn't realize it's so nice not to have the entertainment boxes which ba tends to have so they have all this space this just normal normal economy thank goodness looking around then none of the seats seem to have the boxes either no it's like old plan it's the old planes and for those of you wondering this is a Boeing triple 7777 the plane is meant to take off in 15 minutes and there's still people arriving on board like new passengers I've never seen that before okay so that is boarding complete and we are looking at an 8 hour and 17 minute also just figured out why I have so much foot room this seat if you were to sit in it you had one foot here and the other foot here and so on for that one so there's only three spaces for four seats lucky those are not occupied the [Music] all right we took off a little late but we're going to land on time and it's time for the first snack thanks to me having no neighbor I got a bit of a hack because we have a leaner a recliner literally the only recliner in the whole row I'll be using this one next to me for my snack and it's our traditional these which I don't like does any does anybody like them out there let us know in the comments below and our full size Hunan zero and it looks like it's the same over here M delicious also I just realized we've got two leaners here and when the person in front of you is reclining you can't fit your drink in the in the drink thing it won't go any further than that cheers but this one does fit so every [Music] cloud so it's only an hour after we took off and it's already time for lunch we have veggie Curry or shepherd's pie I just told Beth those options and she made a face I think we're both going to go with the shepherd's pie so it looks okay but ba please stop serving this weird quinoa stuff it's terrible they took the desserts off we have a mystery so they've taken all of the desserts all the little brown chocolate pots off of the trays and taking them away so I don't know if maybe they're out of dat something's wrong with one or they would run out they didn't have enough for everyone so that's why they've done it cuz that's happened just before with this with the um pretzels mystery yeah I didn't even notice that thank you Beth our Intrepid reporter on the ground let's find out what the deal is with the deserts I'll ask when she comes back around with our H and zeros mystery solved the dessert contains a whole nut and there's a passenger with severe nut allergy so they've had to take every dessert off of every tray apparently they're going to bring something around sweet at some point to make up for it but at the moment we have no desserts just this nasty quinoa looking stuff and it is nasty but I'm so hungry I might have to eat it shepherd's pie is okay though the shepherd's pie was really really good but as predicted I am hungry enough to eat the quinoa stuff or at least try it so here we go this is really hard with one hand it's edible so with that thrilling excitement over we now left we now have left on the clock 7 hours and 14 minutes 7 hours and 14 minutes [Music] and also this coffee and this is a compliment by the way ba it is so strong it's like an Espress espresso shot but Americano size it is really really strong as you can hear in my voiceof getting closer and Beth has another moan well not a moan just an observation I think that you definitely get less food on planes nowadays because every flight we take we are starving hungry so what do you think have they skimped back on Plain food we had tiny cottage pie and not a lot else what are your thoughts [Music] right so I have no idea if this is a new thing or not but I said to Beth that I was hungry and I wish I had more food further to what she said a minute ago and she said go ask at the back for some snacks and apparently on a ba flight you go to the back and say can I have some snacks and there's a box of snacks in economy not in premium economy or first class or business class I said yeah help yourself so we went and got some love corn and some things that weren't very nice called insane cane not that now sorry Harry Kane the footballer who his face is all over that they just weren't very nice but the the love corn was okay and it's filled a whole 4 hours left so nobody likes flying in economy I get it Beth doesn't like it I don't like it well it's all we can afford really is to fly an economy like most people but they just came around with like a bottle of water and some glasses that's all we've like there's there used to be two meals they used to be just snacks things just to help pass the time and we're starving but like a one big bottle of water and and some some plastic cups and lastly comes like the pastry thing on that yes we are going to fall on the Disney food tonight we're so hungry getting used to this so when you fly this way from England from the UK to the east coast of the US you end up with a four meal day like a two dinner day and I'm really looking forward to my fourth dinner my second dinner my second dinner my fourth meal you know what I mean [Music] [Music] don't worry it wasn't as scary as it looked they just said it was a bit windy in Orlando and so it be a bit bumpy as we came down but the rest of the flight was absolutely fine and we think traveling with carry on only is a really really good way for not going for too long and in fact we didn't even use everything that we took with us we could have packed even lighter than we did once you get to Terminal C again it is a bit of a trek to immigration and the baggage carousels so if you need assistance do please go ahead and book it in advance so you you're taken care of it is nice to walk past the baggage carousel and not have to wait for your bags and the immigration cues were not very long we are AIS preferred customers so our keys and our car were right there waiting for us we didn't need to put in any paperwork that was so so easy now to find our car we always use Avis whenever we hire a car in the States as they don't try and make you take on any extra add-ons they do offer us the toll pass but we turn this down and always pay cash for [Music] tolls drive time from the airport to the Riviera Resort was 25 minutes so not bad at all despite owning DVC points here we'd never actually seen the front of the hotel so it was a really nice surprise and we love the resort and for our fourth meal and second dinner of the day we hit bar Reva which is by the pool at Rivier Resort this was some of the nicest food we've ever had on Disney property the burgers were fantastic and the fries the Truffle fries or the parmesan fries were the best fries I personally have ever had the pasta was also really great in fact we didn't have a bad meal the entire time we stayed here at Riviera one of the traditions of all Disney Resorts is the campfire where you can toast marshmallows and make SES over an open fire so despite it being hotter than the sun we decided to do this as we had some time on our first evening I really recommend doing this I thought it was all free they they are free if you want the small I don't think there's a DVC discount cuz I think everyone hears DVC pretty much one SM kit um what what do you think emotional is also yeah one bag two bags two bags two bags yeah two bags is great thank you oh it's a bunny there's two bunnies I'll take one thank you it's bunny oh yeah okay oh wow you're going to have to help me how to do that yeah how'd you make I don't when do you know it's done to turn black or like brownish black yeah I don't want it's to like fall in and then he oh no it's okay he's happy cheers to find out what we get up to in the five nights we have here at this wonderful Resort don't forget to like And subscribe it really does help the channel so we hope you'll join us again soon
Channel: Travelling With Teens
Views: 1,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel Day to Orlando, travel day to orlando from uk, travel day to orlando florida, travel day to orlando from gatwick, travel day to orlando 2024, travel day to orlando from uk 2024, london to orlando travel day, travel day to orlando form uk, travel day to orlando fomr uk 2024, travel day to orlando form uk 2024, orlando travel day, disney travel day, florida travel day, travel day vlog, orlando travel day vlog, disney travel day vlog, walt disney world travel day
Id: f7YsS5vAVFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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