FLORIDA TRAVEL DAY | First Time flying Business Class! | September 2023 |

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[Music] it will be this way Sur will always [Music] be it will always be this way Sur [Music] me it will always be with [Music] n well good morning everybody and welcome back to the channel and what is a very exciting day we're off to Florida today so we're in Manchester Terminal 2 departures as you can see we're about to check in it's just Dean and I on this trip little coup's trip to Florida if you're new around here my name is cat and this is my partner Dean and we do travel Vlogs a few home Vlogs things like that mostly it's just travel and we abs abely love the Disney parks we've been to California Paris and Florida third year four no it's our third trip to a Disney Resort in the last 12 months so we've done Paris and Florida twice very lucky so yes and it's an extra exciting day today because we're flying with a Lingus but we gave ourselves a cheeky little upgrade to business class they were a really cheap really cheap deal to upgrade to business business so we can thank Dean for that because he kept his eye on that price and I will chat more to you about how much it cost us but very excited to go and get in the non-existent queue to check in for business class like this feels very bougy doesn't it Dean we are not we are not we're not business class people so this is going to feel extra extra special today well here we are this is where the cheeky little upgrade already starts to pay off because there's a queue for economy and business is empty so let's get checked [Music] [Music] in oh the C for economy is definitely picked up some hasn't it Dean this now pee checking it in time for our flight so glad we don't have to be waiting in there oh air FRS they're definitely not our favorite [Music] Airline the smell of dutyfree it's like one of the first smells that you associate with holiday isn't [Music] it and the next little pick of flying business class is we've got complimentary access to the 1903 Lounge so that's where we're headed this [Music] [Music] way [Music] what is a little bit scary is this bar is just help yourself so you get your own glass pour your own wine pour your own Spirits so if you like a drink could get [Music] dangerous well I went for a bit of a hot breakfast to store so hash brown sausage scrambled egg and beans and Dean has gone for the yogurt granola and pastries route and a beer to knock it back with well one of us has got to make use of the included alcohol driving anyway I'm driving the plane driving the plane so I definitely can't have a drink no I might have a box Fizz once I've got some food in my stomach I might have a box [Music] Fizz okay so I have made use of the inclusive alcohol I might be a bit Tiddly when I'm driving the plane sorry Dean there's a bit of turbulence it's because of this glass of PCO you can't say no can you but uh we've done the Escape Lounge before haven't we in was it in one or T3 I want to say it was T3 this Escape lunch we paid 20 ahead didn't we to go in it and it was lovely and I would say I maybe preferred the setup like the seats and the tables and stuff but the alcohol wasn't just like help yourself to the spirits like that there was like beers I think included and ciders and stuff but you couldn't have just gone and poured your own apparo Spritz or JD and Coke you got to have some self-restraint in this one my dad my dad would not do well or your dad would get on the plane no dad wouldn't get on the plane if you put him in this room in this Lounge even he would you'd be getting thrown off yeah cheers Dean happy holidays holidays holiday starts now can't see our playing though does that mean we've got a long walk we can't cross the runway but I just defitely it's already here it must be around that way [Music] maybe so whilst we're enjoying the first class Lounge I will the 1903 Lounge I think can you play for entry into this can you pay for entry into this Lounge oh then yet it's a business class Lounge um I'll explain to you a little bit about how we ended up in here because we don't normally fly business or first or anything usually at best it's premium economy for Virgin but even recently we've just been doing economy with Virgin and when we flew to California we just did economy so the only reason that we are here doing business class is because it was such a good deal so we booked our normal economy tickets which were about £420 return with Air Lingus this for these dates which was already half what we paid for the economy flights when we came with the family in May so we already paying half that that for the return tickets those return flights were about 950 each so we're about half and then when Dean sort of downloaded the app and put the booking into the app and stuff it was coming up with an upgrade to business class on the outgoing flight for £200 each how can you say no especially when when he looked for the return flight they were quoting two grand each so Dean was like okay so it's normally worth 2 Grand so £200 is a real bargain and given that sometimes an upgrade to premium economy with Virgin costs £150 each on a good day £200 to go business class with a a bed a seat that Li squat just seemed like too good of a deal to pass up so we booked the outgo flight as business class absolutely made up with that we weren't going to pay two grand Grand to do it on the way home and then a few weeks ago Dean went back on the app and they had reduced the price for the return flight home to again £200 each for return and we just thought you know what we're not going to we'll just we W do Christmas presents this year and this will be our Christmas present to each other so it means that we get bed on the way home and given that I'm sort of going straight back into work once we get back don't want to think about that right now on the way out but given that I literally land on the Sunday straight back and work on the Monday I need to try and get some sleep on that plane so yeah when it's such a good deal reduce on2 Grand to £200 we just said treat yourself treat yourself Dean's very good at finding the bargains like that but yeah can't believe it so all in we've paid £820 to go return business class which is still cheaper than when we did return economy in May May is an expensive time to come especially the weeks that we ended up coming it was expensive so yeah return business cheaper for them than return economy how can you say no you only live once can always earn more money um I can definitely see the perks of it I've always been sort of like oh you can save that money and spend it whilst you're away and I I do still agree with that but the experience this morning has just been so lovely like no cure checking Fast Track security included um straight into here selfservice and like unlimited alcohol help yourself and lovely view nice and chilled it's been spot on been worth it so [Music] far [Music] they had like a little uh jar of sweeties Dean so I got you some trick or treating already I got you some love hearts you I'll see sh IM I mean I should have looked through and seen what they all say cuz might say like be mine or something a bit bit cheesy too cute be my Mickey be my Mickey go on see what see what cheesy ones are doesn't say that does that does my packet say be my mini just a smiley face just a smiley face that's not very you is it you have a smile another a smiley face is it all just smiley faces oh do they don't even say anything anymore I can't crunch love hearts they hurt my teeth if I crunch them I have to suck them be kind be kind well that that's a good one SM always be kind and then people smile there you go that's the message 11:00 a.m. to orando go to gate [Music] 2 are you excited to get called first aboard are you excited to go left when you get on the plane we to The [Laughter] Zo and business class passengers please come forward for boarding through gate 202 please have your Pass open I'm so excited go board business class thank you thank you st Patrick is called Dean St Patrick Show me you're excited dance show me your excited dance yeah h how you thank you thanks wonderful thank very much Miss KN thank you straight down [Music] this how does it feel this is your first ever ever time doing anything like this I was lucky enough to fly upper class as virgin as a teenager I'm us just you been brought you your glass of champers I don't like champag you can't say no though can't say no so give people a little tour of your um your sweet chair goes all the way back a massage function a massage function well massages obviously contain it on Can you feel [Music] it you've got a little storage cupboard I will give you can ask for some orange juice to go with your champagne if you want you know um I will give more of a tour when everyone's sort of seated and we're in the air and there isn't music bluring away in the background I'm already spoiled the uh Hostess has gone to get me some strawberry syrup to make me a strawberry Mimosa so we're going to put orange juice in the champag and a bit of strawberry syrup so the L has brought me over my strawberry Mimosa there's my regular Mimosa then she's also brought me a Wi-Fi card because the Wi-Fi is complimentary in business so that's good and then in here I think is like a little amenities kit so have a little look see that in a minute I'm going to try this strawberry Mimosa oh yeah that is good this is dangerous need to get to Florida feeling hydrated and fresh not over from the business lounge and the business flight that's very good though okay so in our Muny kit we've got a sleep and eye mask a pair of socks to keep your feet warm a pair of Air plugs to block out the noise a hand cream always handy a lip balm again always handy especially when you're flying a tiny little toothpaste white glow whitening toothpast with builtin mouthwash that'll feel nice one towards the end of the flight and a tooth brush very good everything you could possibly want to arrive feeling fresh provided you drink don't drink too many of those probably will come in a bit handier that Amun kit on the flight home when it's an overnight an overnight flight the menu in in for my taste um it doesn't look amazing um let's have a little look we've got um salmon I do quite like salmon but not sure it's like a salmon and Dale and pumpkin cuscus right through fruit Tahiti yogurt drizzle uh that it's for a start of this and then the cream of roast parsnip and seasonal green apple soup which sounds amazing except for it's topped with a blue cheese crumb definitely not a fan of blue cheese uh then you've got roast King oyster mushroom so caramelized balsamic tomato uh we've got card ladies gentle and then we've got Guinness beef which is probably what I'll go for that does sound goodal we are actually a little bit delayed we're supposed to take off at 11:00 a.m. it's 11:11 oh big wish 1111 um so we're 11 minutes behind there's an issue with one of the doors I think so they're waiting for an engineer to come on because the cabin doesn't want to touch it and make things worse uh so yes hopefully we can get this sorted Dean's been looking all week at the like this flight every day this week and sort of tracking what time it arrives and stuff he was getting all excited cuz he was like yesterday's flight arrived at 10 to 3 we could be checked in and everything by 5 but it looks like it's not going to happen Captain's already said that we've got a long flight time of 8 hours 40 which is quite long for Florida really not that I'm complaining cuz it gives me longer to enjoy this uh and yeah now we've got this this delay as well so but if there's a day to get delayed it's today so yeah but hopefully we'll be on our way soon in the mean time I'll have a good flick through the inflight entertainment so never got to go and see this at the cinema definitely on the list to watch I mean it would kill a good 3 hours of the 8 hours oh didn't mean to do that this touch screen is very responsive cocaine bear sounds interesting Elvis I've heard very good things about that one um Megan Magic Mike's Last Dance there I mean there's loads to choose from isn't there let's be honest interestingly the whole first season of The Last of Us is on here and there's a Halloween Horror Nights house based around it we have plans to go to Halloween Horror Nights this trip and I've not seen it so this could be very good to at least give me some kind of idea of the gist of what's going on um yeah it's could be good and you do get nice comfy over headphones so hopefully the sound will be much better because the the Air Lingus economy headphones are awful you can't hear anything really so hopefully the sound will be improved Captain just been on and said that looking at another half an hour 45 minutes for the engineer to have a good look at the door and even then who knows what he's going to say about the door so fingers crossed nothing we can do about it just got to make ourselves comfy great news everyone the door is fixed so we're going to start our taxi and take off off shortly it's 11:43 so 43 minutes to late so far hopefully we'll keep it to under an hour and then we've got an 8 Hour 40 flight so just want to get on the way now really and right on here we've started taxiing excellent [Music] news [Music] [Music] [Music] well I have had one full nap and now I'm being served my dinner complete with tablecloth this is the um roast pasty and apple soup without the blue cheese crumb so they managed to do that for me got some warm bread got a little salad also got a tiny little salt and pepper shaker and a little mini balsamic vinegret and a glass of water and some butter for my bread and it smells incredible well that soup was Absol absolutely beautiful um and the warm bread was amazing that I cannot fault that cannot fault it I would honestly order that again if I was in a restaurant that was F of an apple it was was really good and for Mains we've got the Guinness brazed beef with the mash and onions and carrots and stuff that smells amazing also so let's give it go oh and I've got a glass of red to go with it again that very brazed beef in the Guinness was delicious some of the best clean food I can ever remember having so yeah feeling very full my chocolate mousse dessert is on the way really good food really good I I was asleep when they started bringing food around and was like you need to get your ordering quick and I'm glad I did cuz uh it would have been a shame to miss out on all that food and look at this for dessert it's like a chocolate Dome with salt of caramel drizzle proper Brew in a proper mug milk sugar and one of the best programs on the Telly friends can't get wrong really can [Music] you so I just thought I'd show you the bed when it's in its sort of laid flat configuration if you just you just press the buttons over here for the sleep position and the bed the chair even just goes completely flat turns into a bed you get a duvet and a nice pillow but I might sit in it like this and watch more friends so I promise I'm not just doing this because I'm traveling business class I did this back in May when we traveled economy brought on a little sheet mask and it was really refreshing it helped keep my skin hydrated whil under the airon and everything in the end my skin really dries out so I've done the same again put it on leave on for 15 minutes jobs are good in and this is a moisture bomb hydrating and replumping might look a bit weird but it's very refreshing it's going to help keep my skin hydrated and it feels like a little treat you know like a Netflix and chill day I would do this at home if I was having a chilled duvet day so you know and the fact that there a sheet just makes it really easy really easy so yeah I recommend it it's refreshing can't do any harm and who cares what you look like on an airplane you never going to see these people again anyway so okay I'm going to give you a full sort of tour of the little the little Suite the seat I don't know what they really call it on a Lingus but the business class sort of seat that you get I've got mine set out in the lay flat formation so you can see your feet tuck right under there and you can lay completely flat like a bed and I've been sort of sitting up against this and sort of having all that for my legs to stretch out and I've been comous like that you've got a little storage bin in here where I've got my bags and toiletries and things like that you've got a reading light I assume that will come in handy for a night flight you get a complimentary bottle of water and there's a little water bottle holder right there uh there is a USB port for you to charge your devices this is where your headphones plug in and the headphones provided to use the inflite entertainment are proper over the head ear moths so they're much better than the ones they provide you in economy much much better you get a nice fluffy comfy pillow like a a thin duvet it's thicker than a blanket but it's not overbearing uh there's more storage down here I've just got my iPad in there there is a coat tuck I've tucked my headphones in here because nobody sitting in the seat in front of me and then I think there's more storage down in here you get a bigger television screen and then I also think there's a bit of a storage bin down there as well so there's lots of storage I've just got my shoes here and then you've got this side table when you're eating this table just pulls out to provide you with somewhere to eat obviously your chair would be set up so you get a proper table and then that just folds back away so it goes out of the way might be easier for me to show you on this side so these have more storage down under here your feet can tuck right under there and you also have all of these options for the chair so you can press for Sleep press for recline upright and there's even a massage function on the chairs be comfy you were asleep before and I took your picture but you weren't why don't you just lay flat I've got my bed lay flat but I'm sort of leaning against this you still got it on massage you've been having like a 6 hour massage [Laughter] they did also provide us with Wi-Fi it's not great but it it connects is and it was free with business class so uh yes so the air hostesses have left the sort of complimentary snacks sort of on the empty seat area so crisps cookies I think I'm going to have these with my cup of tea uh some corn snacks there were dairy milk on Dairy Milk bars on here earlier there's Kit Kat chunkies on there it's very nice it's nice having this side table area as well and you can see that the formation I don't want to show you too much because obviously other people but it's one two some of them have got two on this side some of them have got one two one but on this side it's all just one single file didn't I you said you couldn't get seats together well we we debated moving didn't we so we could sit next to each other but thought we're going to spend enough time together over the next two weeks so huh yeah you probably will be in the spare room by the second night there's only one of us on snores and it's not me I'm not sure how much you can hear Dean cuz I've got the microphone plugged in facing towards me just whil there cuz the background noise on planes makes the sound a bit terrible to be fair so yeah it's one two some of them have got one some of them have got two and they sort of reverse it so Dean's feet goes under my side table my feet go under the person in front side table so that's why it's like reversed so Dean's got his side table on the side you've got like more I don't know you got a bit more room here than me but then I suppose someone could brush past and knock you whilst you're asleep go on lie your bed flat go on you've not done it yet H just do it you paid a lot of money for that function on all the all the way keep going keep going it's not is that the furthest there you go how you lie on your side you think you you think you'll get a good night sleep on your way home well they keep on feeding us this is like my third cup of tea of the flight in a proper mug we've got a katsu chicken slider and selection of cakes trying to decipher what these things are I think the one on the right with the icing on the top is Carrot Cake guess this is maybe a petrol and obviously some kind of chocolate brownie fudge something I think carrot cake white chocolate F fito fudge brownie that's my guess let's see going to go in with the chocolatey one first because chocolate's usually my the least favorite it's a chocolate fudge brownie it's very dense and quite Rich so let's find out Vlog this one is it's got to be what chocolate fish okay we roll and wrapped is a current cake a little bit on the dry side maybe could be a bit more moist sorry I know everyone hates that word but it could but it's still [Music] lovely [Music] on beh of eling g k and all of your crew I'd like to wish you a very warm welcome to Orlando the outside temperature is a very warm 33° I'm so excited uh ear actually used the new terminal Terminal C which we discovered when we came with the family in May um so you don't have to do the mon rail or anything like that which is a bit sad cuz that's like the first ride of the holidays the mon rail but the new terminal is lovely uh you collect your bag and everything before you do passport control uh when we flew last time there's absolutely no Queue at passport control which sometimes I know the other terminal can be whether that we just got lucky I don't know we've only been through once so not purely fastened until the aircraft has arrived on stand and the fasten seat belt sign has been switched off in the panels above your head one thing I do remember about Terminal C is that it was a very long walk from the gate where you get off to playe at disembark at and the sort of luggage Halls C the hall and everything it was quite a long walk but we'll see maybe we'll just park very far away that day we'll see we'll soon find out won't we they're waiting with the air gate ready for us [Music] so so do you think you'll ever be able to go back to Flying economy to there through the clouds well imagine how bump that that would have felt towards the back of the plane boys and girls you will very shortly be invited to disembark the aircraft using the second door on the left hand [Music] side well finally Ser to uh security and baggage claim baggage claim took 40 minutes kept stopping no bags coming off they said it got stuck or something so 40 minutes delayed at Manchester and then 40 minutes delayed at MCO but yeah we entered the baggage ho and it was completely empty didn't we and then by the time our bags came off it was a bit of a queue so that was fun but now it's time for car higher going pick our car don't know what we're get we have hired through Alamo the same company that we did back in May so this is like the hall that your security just through there and you empty out into this it's got like a coffee shop it's got a couple more baggage claims I assume from maybe domestic flights possibly um but it's very bright very airy it's [Music] nice so we've just used these Alamo we've already done our Alamo rental haven't we paid for it and everything filled out all the information so we've come straight to this which has saved us from waiting in this uh don't know how I'm that CU Tak it it does seem like it's moving to be fair but yeah it saved us from waiting in that Dean printed off our rental agreement so now we just going and get it just says midsize car doesn't it so that's where we're headed okay made it into the Alamo garage we hired a midsize she said that she was going to give us an upgrade to a full size so showed us this collection of full sizes and we've got Toyota Camry which is what we had back in May um and the fuel consumption on it was I think we used a quarter of a tank in 8 days was it we don't need anything bigger there's only two of us so it's a nice white one with beig seats that aren't going to absorb the heat when they're parked in those theme park car Parks all day but I am just going to do a video of all the any scratches and stuff that are on it to prove that they were there before I touched the car because there is some damage to the rear bumper so as you can see here this is already here we've not touched the car yet so that was already here is there anything else there's some marks and scuffs on here everywhere else oh there's this one this scuff here that's not us it's just evidence to back myself up obviously the date and time that this video was taken will can't quite get around to the front there's a little Mark here right under the Toyota sign that's not off there's a scuff here I think there's a damage wer anyway so even if D and I do damage the car there's nothing for us to pay so there's definitely some marks on it but I've recorded did what were there what was there before we picked the car up so we should be golden but it's a definite recommendation for anyone who is hiring a car from any company anywhere just film the conditions in and then if you drop it off it has happened to us in Croatia to be fair we dropped a car off that we'd hired and he claimed there was scratches on it that we' definitely not done um and he let us off you said maybe someone is parked next to you and opened open the door onto your car or whatever he that offer them scratches in in ctia but he was for he did Point them out and was like where they come from sort of thing so yeah just record the condition of the car my big one will go side by side with that yeah ready you get top I get side and these what was that Keys didn't see them and they'll just slot on there jobs a Gooden huh no you can put on top of there and they're all in one place do you want to do you not want to I'll dve to the thing and youy okay so yeah the thing that tipped it between that car there and this car here is the bige seats uh I mean maybe not great if you're going to eat and drink in it possibly spill stuff all over them but they're not going to absorb the heat as much the white reflects the Heat [Music] look that nice blue sky I mean we've had a lot of moose blue sky at home this week but not the past couple of days though it's been dead hazy hasn't it hais muggy we've had rain full of sand from the Sahara so it's nice to I mean it's muggy here [Music] but [Music] okay well Flash Forward about 2 hours do you think did we get here about half five yeah they there about about 2 hours we've arrived at our accommodation we've had a few minutes to unwind we've had a shower we've got changed and we're going to head to Disney springs for a little bit uh we get a Magic Band included with the tickets that we bought from attraction tickets direct or is it just attraction tickets it's just attraction tickets now um they include a Magic Band that you collect from Planet Hollywood uh and last time when we were here in may we didn't end up collecting the Magic Band until the last night which was a little bit pointless really um so we're going to go and see if it's the same color then we'll probably just tell them to just keep it um but if it's a different color then we may as well have the free Magic Band and we're going to get something to eat we basically just trying to keep ourselves up really um we considered going to a park we had to look at some of the weight times and things but realistically the thing putting us off is the $30 parking for like 3 hours at a park Max it would have ended up cuz it didn't get here till half 5 uh by the time we got changed and everything even if we' just mad dashed it we'd have been out of the house at 6 Hood Studios closes at 9: was it 9: it closes or Fantasmic on at 9: anyway so then it closes so I don't want to pay $10 an hour to park at Disney park so we're going to do Springs don't have to pay to park there can still start soaking up some of the Disney Magic um without paying for parking and it'll keep us out of bed and Dean might get his beloved Blaze Pizza I mean I love a Blaze Pizza too but you especially do yeah enjoy Blaze so yes that might be the plan a blaze or see if there's anywhere else be fancy but Blaze is easy so I think that will be and a cupcake and I've had I've had a lot to eat on the plane today I might hold off on the Cupcake for another evening uh but yeah we'll take you with us we'll head out to the car I will we'll do a tour of the townhouse we're staying on Windsor Hills uh it's a family favorite stayed here for so many years my dad used to own property on Windor Hills he doesn't anymore but he used to so that's why I'm familiar with it it's just in a great location um so we found a little townhouse to rent on was it the Facebook group for wior Hills no on Google oh on Google um and D leave all the links below and yes it's got three bedrooms it's too big for two people really but it was a good deal and it's got a little plunge pool not really swimming pool but a plunge pool and yeah we're very happy with it so we will do a full tour of it but want to get out of the house stretch our legs a bit so let's get to Disney Springs we didn't actually get round to filming a tour of our townhouse until the very end of our holiday so fast forward two weeks and we will show you where we were staying okay so this is where we're actually staying we are on the winds Hills Resort H we're staying in a little townhouse so all these around here are all the same tow houses there's like a whole little block of them almost we're at the very back of the resort so there's no one overlooks US you can see that these here there's like a house right there with their pool and then their pool backs onto another Pool where we don't have that because we're sort of right at the back of the resort we are number 7666 they painted these lovely turo blue color I do like that a lot we're on the end of a row so we only have one neighbor I can't show this actually cuz we're not going to be here it's opened with a code that the owner designated to us and then it's a three bedroom house the that sleeps six people six people there's two double rooms and a room with two singles so you come through the front door as modeled by Dean and you have your foyer you've got your um shoe rack Keys things like that I do like the fact that they've put these little mirrors in the shape of like a Hidden Mickey and then down here you've got your first double room which is decorated little princessy um it's definitely for adults still I would say got your Cinderella up there your TV looks a little bit old the TV but probably still works we not used this room at all to be honest you've got a view out to your front drive and you've got a wardrobe in there nice four poster bed lots of storage and a door into what is actually I'll come in this way so door opens into the communal bathroom and then you can exit and enter the bathroom also through that door there so that's got a full shower bathroom uh toilet sink obviously um so it's kind of an on Suite kind of just the main bathroom then we've got a huge kitchen full kitchen microwave oven hob toaster coffee machine a waste disposal dishwasher the only thing we found is we we bought some cereal and stuff there is nowhere to store our own thing things cuz the storage is all taken up by like plates and things so we didn't actually have anywhere just put some pans in there drawers all full I mean we've not bought much food but um when we did so like we couldn't put the cereal away it's all been used for like household storage I suppose what they intend is that you use this covered here sort of as your pantry oh there's masking tape in there de we need need masking tape sorry guys one of our suitcases has got a hole in it so we can use some of that masking tape um you have got a high chair in here a Hoover a Crockpot slow cooker that looks like some extra pool chair things like we haven't had a full route in here to be honest so I suppose they may be intending you to use this Pantry but again it's storing all magazines and things so yeah there's not really anywhere to store your food I would say h but you have got lots of cleaning and cooking utensils you've got this sideboard here now please bear in mind we are showing you this as we check out we're not normal people we didn't film it as we checked in when it looked all pristine we were too tired and jetlagged I think you've got your dining table seats 4 the house sleeps 6 but two people can dine up on the breakfast bar uh so yeah I guess it's not it's not ideal but it's not it's not a deal breaker if that makes sense two people can just sit up here to eat um two couches I would say they've not been the comfiest nor like normally American couches they like swallow you up into like a cloud of comfort these definitely not so um you've got your big coffee table this has definitely seen better better days um yeah there nail varnish spilled all over and all kinds but this is what happens with rental properties um yeah big TV surround sound speakers your Wi-Fi password there looks like a DVD we haven't used any of this stuff we're just not in the house enough to to use it all um so the pool does have what is required by law a alarm so that you hear that press the button before you open the door you press the button it's an alarm so that if a toddler or anything was to open the door and wander out to the pool it makes everyone in the house aware that someone's open the door and therefore if your parent you can check that your child is supervised before they go out to the pool so it is a safety thing but so yeah let me just press that there then you get you get a good minute I think before the alarm starts going off again 15 seconds oh 15 oh not very long then it is also good for the environment cuz it stops people from having their patio doors open and their air G on H this is another safety feature you can have this all the way across so that if you have got little ones they come out the door they can't go any further than that barrier then you have got a little plunge pool here it's not really a swim pool it's just a cool and off pool it's actually been very very very toasty so it's almost like a huge hot tub it's got seating along the edge there the only downside to this pool deck is there's no shade whatsoever we are south facing so it's early in the morning at the minute so this is currently on shade but once that sun comes up high enough there is no shade out here whatsoever there's no umbrella there's also nowhere to just sit and chill and this also even though we're two adults we can't actually without pulling a brick out of the p we can't actually put that away to bring two chairs and sit sit out here so the deck area is it's not ideal I would say just especially with not having any shade and I think that's it for inside I mean downstairs that's the storage covered I think I've shown you everything really everywhere's got these ceiling fans it is fully air conditioned as well but you have got the ceiling fans as an extra but it's nice and spacious down here definitely nice and spacious okay they'll take you up I like the fact that this wall is very subtly well is it very subtle I don't know there's like nice and simple Disney in a in a slightly lighter paint I do enjoy that touch they've replaced the carpet in here with sort of um what you say it's laminate they got plastic like M it's definitely not wood it seemed better days again the wood has wared a little bit and you can see there's some paint work needs doing along here you got Mickey painting up here there's Mickey everywhere really then up on the landing you've got your washer and your dryer I thought that was a bit of a weird place to have it but you know what I've liked having it up here um been easy just yeah just stick stuff straight in the washer from the bedroom another major quite a big big complaint really there's nowh to dry your clothes other than the tal dryer so we've been using the banister um to hang our clothes over and they do seem to dry after a day or two but there's no like airing rack and there's a there's Sunshine outside pretty much all day but there's no like washing line or anywhere to just hang a few bits on so we've been using that fence that was across the pool and we've been using the banister and then this is your room that's got your two single beds we have actually had cases and stuff on these beds so that's why they don't look pristine it's kind of done jungle lion king themed there's some Bambi there's this mural on the wall with pumber I do like this this is hand painted and then this I think is a decal cuz his legs are missing uh but yeah I do like the hand painting on the walls in here and I do like the fan is like uh leaves big mirror another big storage cupboard in here for your wardrobe I think this is walk in this one yeah so walk-in wardrobe I think this is some kind of I don't know I'm not unpacked it cuzz I've not got a child but there's some baby bits in here I'm not 100% sure what they are some spare beding up in there and new suitcase rack and then this room does it has a full TV storage here and it does also have its own bathroom y so full shower a bath if you have got a little one that needs to have bath um hair dryer in all the bathrooms oh so yes this one's sort of a bit more themed probably the most themed out of all of them sort of Animal Jungle I do like the symbol light he's cute he's really cute oh you've got some simber and moon down there as well again I think they're decals because the sticker is yeah the stickers would have looked amazing in like when they were first done and then this is your master bedroom it looks out onto the pool huge I would say that's like a California king bed huge bed I don't think we've like even bumped into each other in the night in that bed H another walk-in wardrobe with a safe that we couldn't fit where are our passports for that matter in back um yeah we couldn't figure out how to use that safe could we no it's the own safe apparently oh okay the message back oh so that's for his use only yeah um some spare blankets and iron and iron board and then this is the owner's cupboard and then obviously there is a huge this is the biggest bathroom in the property is the the master on Suite unfortunately there isn't two sinks I don't really know why they tend to usually do two sinks but but we've actually been appreciative of having this space for like my makeup my hair straighteners things like that and then another bath shower the shower head uh is magnetic which I think is quite cool magnet's back on a bath sorry there are towels that we thrown in there because we are about to check out uh a bath if you were to want to have one it's been a very comfortable stay it's definitely nothing fancy schmancy in here like a base wasn't it really yeah it is just a base to be fair we stayed in a condo last time we came and this time we said we wanted pool but we've not actually used it I've been in it twice Dean's Dean's been in twice I don't think I've been in it properly uh you just don't get the time really you really don't get the time so think long and hard about if you actually want to pay for a pool sounds amazing but you know I think the lack of shade out there has made me less inclined to use it as well to be fair yeah I would say the furniture does need a bit of an uplift there's definitely some paint workor needs touching up but it was it was cheap compared to some of the other prices but maybe for two people maybe it's lesson learned and we don't we don't need a villa just for the two of us I think that concludes the fall tour we've had a very nice stay it's been I've slept like a baby in the bed to be fair so if anyone is interested this is the address is 7666 Koffman Street in Windsor Hills cimi from the company in vacation Central Florida that's please contact our local property manager so yeah we'll leave a link in the description as well but I'm sure if you Google things things will come up and but vacation Central Florida is who Dean booked it with so yeah I would say it's I would definitely stayed in in and seen better Villas better tow houses but it's done its job it was sort of budget friendly yeah I mean that that it's not cheap but it's friendlier to our budget than a lot of the other places that were coming up so we haven't got too many complaints really especially if you're just using like as as a base and spending like maybe the odd morning or the odd afternoon in the pool or watching telly or whatever but yeah we felt very safe here and now back today one of our holiday and our first evening in Disney Springs that pretty sky over there yeah that's a deal if you drive there because I want to film under the the Walt Disney the Walt Disney World sign I want to make a real you know that real that um we're back baby that one so I might not actually get it in the Vlog the Walt Disney World sign unless I film on two phones anyway this guy is really pretty we're going to Disney [Music] [Applause] [Music] Springs [Music] [Music] so Disney Springs is absolutely heaving but it's got a great atmosphere so not mad about it but we're not sure how well it go trying to get a Blaze Pizza we'll have to [Music] see I've not seen that go up for a long time Dan how much would I have to pay you to go on it $100 $100 I still don't think that would get you on it Go all right I'll think about it it would make very good Vlog potish to be fair you want that balloon [Music] well how happy are you on a scale of 1 to 10 12 what did you get on i s pan I don't know if what I you get but it's so nice and I got pepperoni and pineapple that's what I usually get but Blaze just tastes better doesn't it yeah I got spicy sauce spicy sauce is it very spicy I don't think I've ever seen you devour a pizza that fast even last time that's cuz you were half cut I'm half cut now no you're not I like then maybe you shouldn't have driven us from the airport to our accommodation you can't take it back nowry you look like you're flagging I am tired I'm ready for bed to be fair half hour we need to go to plan Hol W to the magic band and Ron maybe Ron if we go past it then that's fine we go past World of Disney as well yeah should we make a move then now that you've enjoyed your pizza that was the only one you get in this holiday so I hope you enjoyed [Music] it we're on our way home look how tired Dean looks called into World of Disney we're looking at the Halloween ear I've always wanted a pair of pumpkin ones these ones they they're all right they're not for me that bag's not for me I don't like the color scheme I don't think um and and the other ones they're all right but I don't need the these ones over here I don't need any more sequin is with a color bow in the middle I've got loads I've not got any sort of like this and I've got loads like that and unless you're going to have the bag that goes with it it just and I definitely don't need a long slide bag like that so yes I'm going to secure these well I think we are going to wrap up travel day there I have got clothes on I've just got strappy strappy pajamas on Dean is already almost unconscious it is4 to 4: to our bodies and we got up at 5:00 a.m. mhm so we are shattered we are absolutely shattered but it's been a really good day really good travel tr day few delays but nothing too major Dean what would your verdict be on flying business class with a Lingus I think it's like the most comfortable flight I've ever done yeah it was a really enjoyable flight didn't feel like8 hours I was like oh God are we coming into land already but that said de and I agreed that we were happy to pay £200 worth it if you can get that kind of deal on it because you got FasTrack security you got your drinks and food in the lounge in the airport before you departed unlimited drinks food snacks and everything the food was better than when we flew economy in May three course meal like the the air hostesses couldn't do enough for you and the comfort and just you know having your own space and not disturbing anyone being able to stretch out it's worth £200 it's not worth 2,000 you agreed with me didn't you Dean yeah I don't know what you said maybe we'll discuss it more in deps when Dean's got a bit more energy but um successful evening in Disney Springs we got a Blaze Pizza I picked up some Halloween ears that I've wanted for a very long time and I also picked up a Mickey Mouse toy for Jude that was on my list of things that I needed to look for for him so yeah box off his souvenir already within the first few hours so yeah thanks for watching I hope you did enjoy and I hope you're excited for all the content that is to come uh obviously it's Halloween here now it's September very early September but Halloween is in full force we do have plans to do Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party to do Halloween Horror Nights at Universal and then all the regular stuff um like you know the evening the normal evening fireworks at at Magic Kingdom and everything like that and we are also hoping to make it out to Bush Gardens this time because Dean and I are chomping at the bit to ride I guazi like we were with velocci coaster we also are desperate to ride I guazi so hopefully we'll make it out there this trip we didn't get a chance to do that in May so yes please do subscribe so you don't miss any of that future content thank you for watching and we will see you in the next video I guess bye [Music] guys
Channel: Cat Knight
Views: 42,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Florida, Orlando, Disney World, Travel Day, Florida Travel Day, Manchester Airport, Orlando International, MAN, MCO, Aer Lingus, Business Class, Aer Lingus Business Class, USA, Fly, Flight, Air Travel, Travel Vlog, Travel Vlogger, The Knightstrider, Disney, Disney Springs, Windsor Hills, Kissimmee
Id: 8HKiLLeKolc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 58sec (4318 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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