Trash to Treasure Macrame Chair & How to Behave When Someone Steals Your Idea. thrifted & Up cycled

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1887 they didn't have YouTube and people would ask me what kind of glue do you use no no don't ask me what kind of glue I used if I would see someone try and get a camera out and take pictures of what I was doing I would be like hey no pictures this project is inspired by two artists Melanie Whittaker and Melanie Mel they both created amazing projects so I asked them if they would share their tips with me and be part of my video Bobbie is operating the camera today so if it's shaky or crooked that's why I got this chair off of Facebook Marketplace and it only cost $20 aren't you gonna help me Bobbie this is Melanie humility in a lenny Whitaker at Windmill vintage design she's my retailer in Santa Fe she took this old sofa and she stripped it down to the skeleton what do you think Bobbie can't take to a chair Melanie actually we're gonna strip it down to the skeleton we're gonna rip all the stuff off hit the little button nope um this one let's just say you come up with a really good idea somebody else sees your idea and they copy you scrolling through Instagram and all of a sudden you see this this rendition of your idea and this person has has copied it and you're reading all of the comments and everybody's telling the person wow that's amazing and the person is just taking credit for it it's as if you don't even exist but I'm the one who thought of that as if I'm invisible and that is a very crappy feeling I first saw this project on Facebook it was from my retailer Melanie Whitaker she took an old sofa stripped it down to the skeleton and created this amazing reclaimed piece I knew that I wanted to try it so I asked her if she would help me Melanie sent me a video breaking down her project step by step I should have paid closer attention because this project was way more intense than I thought it would be in fact we have been working on this since last September gross at this point I decided to go back and re-watch Melanie's video this is what she had to say you've got to get all that old fabric and Springs and everything off of that chair so you have to dig in girl put on your gloves and just go for it the things I like to use some kind of exacto knife you're gonna cut your fabric and you're gonna just put your foot and pull and rip it's when they take so much effort just be so good this guy helps you can get under that fabric and you're just gonna drag it if I had one word for Melanie Whitaker it would be badass she has a YouTube channel with all kinds of projects like this one I will put the link above and below Bobbie and I ripped and pride and deconstructed that term for hours and hours [Music] [Music] these little sharp things are dangerous like little metal teeth and now they're hanging in my hair and cutting this guy he will get underneath all those upholster nails and tacks there were so many staples and tacks bobby and I pulled them out until the Sun went down that day Stephanie and Melissa were not that excited about this project what do you think I think that this sucks and then I see another sofa whoa this girl who made this sofa was clearly copying Melanie Whitaker because she had also stripped off all of the fabric and the batting and took out the staples but then she did the whole back of the sofa with the macrame situation Melanie's sofa quickly sold so then she made another one and people started copying her idea then I saw an idea that totally blew me away by one of Melanie's customers so I asked Melanie number two if she would show me how she did the macrame and send me clips for my video hello my name is Melanie Martinez I've been watching Debi's design diary since about 2012 I decided you know what I'm gonna try let's find a retailer and I come across one retailer in the entire state of New Mexico a cutest little store called windmill vintage design I became a fan really quick scrolling through Melanie's Facebook I come across this awesome bench that she had made from the sofa I said you know what I'm gonna tried it I'm gonna copy melody I began to look at the rest of the frame and I'm stuck I don't know what to do because my frame is curved her frame wasn't curved I'm just gonna have to think of something else I thought well would it be cool to like macrame in the back I'm just gonna wing it and this is what I came up with I decided that I wanted to share with Melanie that I had took her idea and put a little twist on it Bobbie are you mad please my new shoes mm-hmm wouldn't you have everything stripped off you're gonna build up the basic of your chair you're going to use the jigsaw something like this out with the curvature don't kind of like this put it on something and cut it out the next day Bobby and I went to work putting the planks on the bottom of the chair frame we measured and cut and measured and cut this process will vary depending on the base of your chair or sofa I tried to suggest that we create a pattern out of paper but bobby was not interested in that so it was trial and error all the board's finally did fit together [Music] Burnie we started the chair last summer I think we we don't circle back to it every time I walk by that chair and I think about it I'm like oh my god I don't I don't want to pull out any more staples for three more hours and then I get an email from Melanie Debbie are you gonna do the video or did you change your mind because we both really worked hard at recreating the project for you and the other Melanie she put a lot of time and effort into to making the video clips for you and if you're not gonna make it just let us know because we are we're kind of bummed about it okay alright and it wasn't that I didn't want to make the chair when things get hard I will procrastinate I've been that way my whole life I promise you we're gonna do it we're gonna finish this video is gonna be good here we are back at the shop can't swing nifty new staple Poland dolls are you excited about making this thing not really why not we've already been working on this for like 50 days they stapled it good this fabric was not meant to come off of this frame Melanie this sucks this is why it's taking so long these things did help but actually these little jewelry pliers we were able to dig in and pull out the staples but it did damage the wood a little bit but thank God we're going for a rustic distressed look so what's the next step you guys we got a sand in town for more iron sand some more we're supposed to be easy probably about 80 grit sandpaper mm-hmm and all we have is 150 if it says 80 after we sanded everything down we applied a coat of MintChip and black wax to the frame of the chair [Music] then we added a coat of dark and decrepid liquid patina which will act like a stain over raw wood its water-based and easy to apply covered all of the baseboards and wipe back the excess DIY waxes are non-toxic and very soft here we are working it into all of the details of the chair [Music] this is a what if I made the sofa and I never mentioned Melanie or the other Melanie I never reached out to them and asked them if it was okay I'm just gonna make this couch and I'm gonna post it to my youtube channel if I would have done it that way they would be like this girl totally ripped me off we want to be inspired by other people when you do post the photo tag them link to them or at the very least say I saw this and this is the person who inspired me I know that when I post a video a lot of people are going to see it and so the very first thing that I wanted to do was ask Melanie and Melanie if it would be alright to make a video and did they want to participate with me and they were both totally excited about it and I am linking to their videos Melanie shared a video showing us how she drilled the holes and attached the macrame I test it out to find out which drill bit work best on a scrap piece of wood folding your macrame cord in half it should glide through with these drill in those holes nice and slow so you don't tear up the wood once you're all done it should look like this resembling Swiss cheese [Music] and then after you're done with that you're ready to start painting I have this little piece that I'm going to drill my holes into right now I'm gonna drill it with this bad boy of Taemin about Melissa drilled the holes using her finger as a spacer [Music] last we have two hours of daylight we have all of this rope I'm stressed out are you stressed out I'm really stressed I've never met remain in my life Melissa wants us to do string art instead and Julie's over there in the corner with duct tape I didn't put my lips that's how out of control this situation is holding that girl Wow we're gonna need your backup a course small little screwdriver to push it through and a good sharp pair of scissors for each hole you're gonna have two strings to work with so did you find that measurement you're gonna want to triple it we're going to take it just like Melanie Mel said pull it straight down here but instead of having enough to fill through there we are going to have it go all the way down and under and we're gonna staple it and it's totally gonna cut time and it's gonna be just as perfect okay Debbie after you've kind of figured out a couple basic knots you could make a pattern this is just a simple pattern [Music] we used the square knot most consistently in this project so Debbie asked me to give you a breakdown of how one is formed you want to begin with four strands for more ease and control take your two middle strands and secure them fairly taut down below next you'll take your outer left strand cross over your two middle strands creating what resembles the number four next you'll take your outer right strand making sure it's on top of the tail of the number four cross behind the two middle strands [Music] then back over the top of the number four [Music] you should ultimately end up with a knot that looks like this [Music] repeat that over and over until you reach your desired length and/or look [Music] don't it green being past room changing faces in the crowd flies turn to dust some interest to the ground we finished the macrame attach the staples and then Bobby came to help attach the boards to the base of the chair [Music] like each person who contributed to this project I wanted to add my own stamp on it so I applied the bohemian border from iron orchid design [Music] with Melanie's have created their own videos going into even more detail I will link their YouTube channels and their social media in the description box if you liked this project please follow them and tell them that I sent you please follow me on Facebook and Instagram my social media handle is the colored caboose I I did go have Bobbi by the staples for my staple gun and at some point I'm gonna finish it off correctly but this is how it is right now we just tied all the strings together and that's what happened sometimes you just do what you got to do because this video needs to go out [Music] inspiration can come from so many places and I love how it evolves from person to person if you find someone who inspires you consider that it only takes five minutes to give them credit and that short amount of time can totally make someone's day change we go live from my store every Friday at 10:30 this week we'll be talking about where we get inspiration and we'll be recreating one of my favorite projects from Stephanie be sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you'll get the notification and define the products used to make this project or to sell DIY paint in your store click the link below thanks for watching
Channel: Debi's Design Diary
Views: 52,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chalk paint, how to paint furniture, how to distress furniture, how to macrame, vintage chair makeover, debisdesigndiary, diy paint, clay paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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