Trash to Treasure Junk Pile Finds

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to the channel if you are new here my name is yvon and you're on ginger chick rehab where I love to take secondhand pre-loved items and share the process with you all of what I do to these items to give them new life so in today's video this is kind of a junking video so you know when you're out and about state sales auctions yard sales there's always like a trash pick pile um and they're usually a little bit worse for wear you kind of have to see the beauty underneath all the gunk and I'm always happy that it never went to the burn pile so in today's video I'm showing you how to take junk salvaged and make it into beautiful home decor so there's just those pieces these salvaged pieces that so many people like I do love love Salvage pieces but these aren't the best Salvage pieces it's not something that I would put in my retail booth and people be like oh that's beautiful I want to buy that not in this state that's for sure so they have lots of character they have lots of different shapes and designs and definitely these are some porch Salvage but they again they're just ho home and I really don't know the story I don't know what they came off of I don't I have no idea all I know is I thought they were beautiful and I could see the beauty underneath now this one is missing some type of a piece at the side and I'm not going to shorten the top I'm not going to disturb that I'm going to leave that character but I do got to take this nail out and if I can't get it hammered I'm just going to have to snip it off so a lot of these are Salvage findes that I got at auctions for minimal dollar amount because nobody could see the beauty just like this one look it now you would think oh that's a whole bunch of dirt coming off it no it's the Finish it's the stain the top coat is just I can just brush it right off is that not crazy and I'm kind of liking on the wood so I'm going to take my orbital sander I have some 150 sandpaper and I'm going to see if we can get more of this stain and top coat removed [Music] I am amazed that I was able to remove the top coat just by sanding the stain I wasn't going to go in and get into that detail cuz I like that darkness in the detail of making it pop so just got to dusted off and now I'm going to go ahead and just get it wiped off clean it up with some Dawn dish soap and some hot water now not everything has to be painted to bring out its beauty it is gorgeous so all I'm going to do this wood is dry it needs a drink so I'm going to go ahead and use hemp oil just the natural clear to refreshen and bring back to life this wood so if you've not used hemp the oil you just rub it on Let It soak in for 20 minutes and then wipe off the excess but gorgeous oh my heart is so happy with this piece and since this piece will probably be hanging on somebody's wall I'm just going to add a s simple hanging system [Music] now next up I have the porch Salvage pieces and I'd like to actually make them blue I know you would think white chippy but not all the time or Salvage pieces white so I'm going to mix ocean and flower sack together more flower sack than ocean just to make a nice fun subtle blue color so I'm using sweet Pickins milk paint and if you've not used sweet Pickin milk paint before it's a powder paint so you have to mix it with water so equal parts Powder to equal parts water you stir it for 2 minutes and then you sit it off the side and let it thicken up anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes A lot of times these Salvage pieces the wood is dry so if I would put the paint right on top of this it would just soak in I wouldn't get much character with my paint and that's the whole point of using sweet picking milk paint is it crackles crazes chips if helped along a little bit so all I'm going to do is just I just have a candle just a votive and I'm just going to rub it all over this salvaged piece in [Music] now I have this piece and it has a crack character I call that character but we're going to do the same thing look at I me there's nothing exciting about this paint job on these two pieces by any means this one actually looks like it might have been spray painted at one point But there again I don't want complete coverage I want it it to look like it has been out in the weather and that it has just been saw off and taken as a salvage piece so the wax will help wherever I put the wax the paint usually won't stick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know with a true Salvage piece these parts would not be painted but it was already painted anyway so I'm going to cover it up and make it all match to make it into beautiful home decor it was kind of nice I felt like one coat was plenty so now I'm going to go back in with my oral sander try to distress any of the flat edges wherever it's going to chip off it's going to chip off you're going to see that underline color that's really what's going to give it that true salvaged look with it being this shape you can't really get the orbital sand you're in everywhere so I have to go back in and hand sand I like to get those detailed sharp edges and then wherever it will chip off I'll just let it chip off [Music] the thing about using milk paint is you do need to seal it in with something and then here's where the fun begins so you can just use a clear wax like this or you can use like I'm going to be using some antiquing wax to give it that little bit of dirt look so I'm going to start off with the antiquing wax and then rub it in with the clear wax and that'll really give it that age that you're looking for [Music] so you can call me crazy but I bought a whole bunch at of auction like four sections of railing that had these beautiful handmade pieces in them so but they're all unfinished so none none of them are painted I have a few in my booth that I left natural I think I've sold one so now I know I need to paint them so just and it was a barn find somebody taken a railing down made a railing for something I don't know but these pieces are amazing so we're going to go ahead and get them cleaned up they're a little bit on the Rough Side so I'm going to need to sand them just a wee bit I'll just get them cleaned up with some Dawn dis soap and some hot water and whatever I do to these I think I don't know if it was four or five sections I'm pretty sure Chris looked at me like what but I got them all for $ two do y'all so any profit is a profit I the one I already sold for 12 bucks natural in my booth already paid for paid quite a few times for these so but they are such cool pieces so it's worth spending the time cleaning them up and painting them you know there's always that faithful even though it's not a picket fence it was some type of a railing I we got to go for some white chippy that's just how these should some of these should be anyway I got plenty so I can do a whole rainbow of colors but we're going to start off with flower sack to get the first set painted up there again this wood is really dry so if I just put that flower sack on there I wouldn't get any chippy offness I might get crackling crazing so I'm going to go ahead and do the wax on top of it so it doesn't just all soak in [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] it just so happens that I think I have plenty of the ocean flower sack mixture left that I can do three more of these pieces I really do like this soft blue it's almost like a smokey blue gray just a nice subtle blue I am going to paint both sides of these it was a railing kind of like you know the pick a fence you know that they it both sides would be painted the both sides are dry I'm going to take my orbital sander and I'm just going to go to town I've got 220 sandpaper I don't want to take all the paint off but whatever is going to chip off those that sharp edge all the detail I'm just going to let that come through by sanding it now for these blue ones I'm going to do that same as I did earlier CU I really liked how that just gave it a hint of age to it without darkening that blue paint up too awful much so a little bit of the antiquing wax and then I'll rub it in with the clear wax [Music] so there's some beautiful chippiness oh look at that so same thing I'll go take the orbital sander whatever is going to chip off is going to chip off supposed to look like aged pieces oh my goodness I love how this one espe I mean I like how the blue turned out but there's just something about that white that always will have my heart but I do not want to change this color whatsoever so I'm just sealing it in with the clear wax [Music] [Music] [Music] so if I would had to guess I guess this piece might have came off like a dresser some type of table something it still has the pegs on it and I'm glad that they didn't just burn it because just the shape of it it has so much character so it's really kind of easy to remove the I don't want to pull the pegs out cuz I don't want to leave a hole I just want to go ahead and cut them flush using my Japanese saw did I buy with them mystery goo yep I did you know you do really a lot of times you got to look past that like okay either I can clean it up if it comes off or I can sand it off or I can paint over it so you just just you have to look above and beyond sometimes what is Underneath It All well it didn't really wash off very much so we'll go ahead and take some 80 grit sandpaper and I will see how how much of it we can get sanded off and plus I want to get into scuff sanding the paint that's on there and not only will I take the time to scuff sand the front but I'm going to see if I can get these drip marks clean up this back I know it's always the back of the piece but that's just how I am I'm pretty sure with ad0 grit I can sand it down and then where I trimmed off tried to cut the little pegs off flush I want to make sure that they are flush by sanding them smooth I always try my best to do my Mo the most with a power sandard to save my hand but there's sometimes those angles that I just can't get into and then I just have to go back in in the hand sand so I really I'm thinking that I want to have some chippiness and show some of this color through so I'm just going to use another one of these little votives that I thrifted hey I I've still got quite a few left and it just it's just candle wax that's all you need so I'm just going to go ahead and rub the candle wax on this piece for this piece I'm just doing that same classic flower sack color and if you notice when I'm putting it on this is been sitting since I did the other pieces so it's a little bit on this thicker side so I can put it on a little bit heavier so it actually chipped a lot more than I was expecting but I put CLE XX on it so maybe I shouldn't have done that um so I'm going to go ahead and seal this in with some weather defense before chipping the chips off um and hopefully that I'm kind of trying to glue some of the chips on there with uh clear coat is really what I'm trying to do because I'm not sure I want that much of the original piece showing I'm just taking my Cricut scraper and I already kind of know that oh well I'm not sure that I like that color that much of the color showing through you know so I'll go ahead and Chip it off and you know what nobody says you can't paint right over that so I think that's probably what I'm going to do I don't really care for the color poking through so I'll just get all the chips scraped off get it cleaned up and then we'll put another another coat of sweet pickings flower sack on and see what happens [Music] okay that is much better it's not completely chipping off though I'm not I'm just going to start waxing it and whatever it chips off when I wax it it'll be so I'm going to start off with the clear wax first because I don't want to darken up my white paint but I do want to seal in my milk paint so go ahead with a nice BR Big Brush and whatever like I said whatever chips off chips off not I should just get minimal 10% maybe chipping off it was just too it was just too much before so get it all W clear waxed first and then I'll come in with the Aging wax which will really pop the cracking and the craz and all that little chippiness [Music] n [Music] so you know I wasn't going to pass these two boards up just two plain painted boards and of course I could Envision making them into some type of sign and Yep they're already painted they just need some cleaned up but I'm going to actually repaint these I'm not really a fan of that grayish white color and they do have some staining on them from just sitting around collecting dust I'm going for a salvaged look so a Cris paint job is not what I'm going for at all so I'm going to start with some 80 grit sandpaper and see what's underneath this paint which looks like there's some yellow paint underneath the white paint so I thought it would be fun to go totally opposite of the white and with that yellow being a third color in there we're going to go for artichoke I just recently picked this color I've not used this color before and I'm super excited to see how it turns out out I am still going for the chippy aged look I want you to be able to see the white the yellow whatever came off so I am going to do a layer of candle wax [Music] [Music] so now I just went to my Cricket just picked out a font found some fun inspiration off of Pinterest of some signs that I thought people would want to buy the nice thing about doing a chippy paint is you don't have to have full coverage on the boards but yep I just sized them appropriate to what the size of the board was and now I'm just going to go ahead and weed it out cut my stencil out I just cut it out on some vinyl when I do a stencil I like to cut in the stencil as close as I can to the lettering it just helps me really even out be able to lay my grid transfer tape on top it really is all about being able to transfer it from The Vinyl the transfer tape onto the board and do it evenly [Music] [Music] instead of paint I'm going to go ahead and use iod's Black Ink that ink is going to grab onto that milk paint and it's actually going to give it more of a faded look which is exactly what I'm going for now here's the scary part or it could be scary knowing that my vinyl is going to be picking off a lot of that paint but I was really going for a aged look on these signs not a Cris paint job not a brain brand new sign I wanted it to be an age sign so that ink is perfect for this the vinyl is picking off all where that wax was and it's not everybody's look but these signs do sell really well for me when I can make them very aged the parts that didn't have any of the vinyl or any transfer tape that pulled it up I'll just take some masking tape and see if I can get any of it to pull off if not I still can take my scraping tool and distress it a little bit more love that I have the three colors of paint showing the black ink and now I'm just going to seal my milk paint in just clear wax I don't want to darken anything up I I'm loving on the colors [Music] [Music] [Music] so thank you so much for watching today's video and did I inspire you do you have that pile laying in your stash of junk that just needs to be cleaned up just needs to have a little bit it's good but it needs to be a little bit better to add into somebody's home decor so give me a quick comment down below which of the items I made over today were your favorites and do you have that type of stash that needs to be made over so again thanks for watching today's video as always if you're part of our YouTube family thank you so much and if you're new and you're checking out this channel for the first time and you liked what you saw and you're not part of our YouTube family please hit that subscription button along with the notification Bell so you know when I've uploaded a new video and we will see you next time guys and you can see what we're up to bye all
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 22,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, TRASH TO TREASURE, FARMHOUSE DECOR, UPCYLING, Thrifting, secondhand shopping, shop with me, makeovers, salvaged, repurposed, yard sales, garage sales, estate sale, haul, diy, home decor, home decorating
Id: H6t-nxAajMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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