Trapping Tilapia in the Pond Didn't Go Like We HOPED!

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hey what you boys every time you walk by me it's like a flash of light goes by them are the wildest colored crocs i've ever seen man so what's up guys we are back with another video before we get started go down there subscribe ring the notification bell and like this video today so today we are at the pond and we're gonna try to catch some tilapia that's right but we're gonna do something a little bit different aren't we we didn't bring any fishing poles this time nope what are we doing we're gonna set out traps hey looky there jacoby spoke on camera give me knuckles that's right jacob we're gonna put out a couple fish traps we haven't done a fish trap video you know since like i don't know probably june or july so the game plan today fellas is try to catch as many tilapia that are filleting size as possible because we have a really big cold front coming and once the temperature once the water temperature gets below about 48 degrees these tilapia will die off these big umbrella traps work really well for us for big bluegill and stuff and i think if we can get the tilapia interested in some fish feed inside we might be able to catch some of them now we could bring a fishing pole over here and catch a few but the problem with these tilapia is they're pretty smart so once you catch one or two of the bigger ones the other ones kind of disperse so let's load up a couple traps and see what we can catch we'll rob a little fish food out of the feeder here put in there and bring me that other trap that was oh no i forgot to tie the bottom off it all just fell out the bottom so let me do them one at a time so i can video you if you can get it out that far right there yep okay oh i may have to do it for you kobe you landed upside down is that good enough yep they come all the way up close and eat all right phyllis y'all think we can catch any tilapia i don't know you don't know you think we can catch any big bluegill yeah what's your prediction on these on these traps come on man i know you got one um i say we'll probably catch about um i'm gonna say about five or ten quick throwing fish food out we want them to go in the trap okay we got fish food out everywhere but we want them in the traps you think five or ten what fish favorite bluegill well probably about five blueville maybe five tilapia what about you five bluegill and eight tilapia well we'll let them sit hey i got to put the lid back on this i'll fix it off camera but anyways we're gonna let these set for a few hours go back well we're gonna go uh fill up a couple deer feeders check a couple trail cameras cook some lunch and whatever else i can get these two boys into so maybe we'll have a trap full of tilapia later [Music] the deer have definitely been hitting these uh molasses blocks these flavored blocks that are that hang from the trees they used to be a lot bigger than that so got a few pieces of corn on there dumped some corn out but the deer are definitely using them i don't know how you know how much they actually get from them but it attracts them to a certain area so that you can at least get some pictures on a game camera all right fullest let's go fill up that deer feeder yeah so this is one of my revel tacticam wireless it says cell phone camera and this thing is actually working really really well so i put two of them up on my property one stays on my driveway is just for security purposes really just to get pictures of anyone that comes in and out trying to get the camera lighting a little bit better but the way these cell phone cameras work you know it has a sim card in it but i don't come over and pull the sim card out like i do on all the rest i mean i come over here and throw a little feed on the ground every once in a while but i don't actually have to come to this spot if i had you know a feeder set up or if it was on a trail or something but the way it works is you download the app and it just sends pictures now i've got two cameras tied to this so you'll see some from different locations different pictures from different locations so we'll start here at the top the tacticam revel app opened up i'll put it up on the screen so you can see it just took a picture of us when we pulled up and then there's a couple girls my daughter and her friends on the four-wheeler there goes someone going out friends of ours come in she picked up her daughter too her daughter my wife left anyway so here's some game camera pictures from this camera pointing across the field over there you can see our little hunting blind in the background this is the spot where emily and weston both emily and houston both harvested their deer during the youth season so there's a lot of deer moving it'll send you notifications on your phone if you wanted to there's a pig last night little buck there so it works great there's our pig friend and i'm able to just get all those pictures on my phone you don't have to go pull those cards it's really nice i like it the quality of the camera the pictures as you can see is really good and i haven't had too many problems the battery life's a little short on them but other than that seems to be working great sure yes it does lift up push that now if you let go it's going to sling around and hit your arm so if you want to let go it'll just come down on its own ready [Applause] [Music] well that's why we're here find a hole see if it works it works you've been corned [Music] so a couple days ago i posted some pictures on facebook from this game camera right here and there were about 15 maybe 20 wild hogs on the pictures and i'm telling you what they they range in size from like 250 pounds down to about 50 pounds and they're just thick right now they they kind of pass through their they they don't stay on our property all the time but this time of year they pop up because we've got a ton of oak trees and the acorns are falling on the ground but a couple people made a comment about we shouldn't be using deer feeders putting corn out because we're baiting in the feral hogs well maybe by about this much that's true we're putting out i mean that that feeder is a five gallon bucket that hangs in that tree so it holds about 50 pounds maybe 40 pounds of corn and that'll run for a week week and a half so it's not like we're putting out a ton of corn but my neighbor right after i posted those pictures the next day i got a text message from a neighbor who was literally just a few hundred yards through those trees and they caught 14 of those little babies in a trap but see he's got about probably a hundred cows next to me on some on a big piece of property and he uses creep feeders which if you're not familiar with a creek feeder basically his calves can go into a feeder it's small enough that the calves can fit in and they can eat all they want anytime it's self-feeding basically for the small calves well the hogs come in and they eat that feed also so he puts up traps next to those feeders so i'm not complaining about my neighbor using creep feeders at all but he's got to do what he's got to do to raise his cattle herd the way he wants to so my little deer feeder that puts out a you know a couple pounds of corn a day that's not what's attracting the hogs here they're already here it's not that we're bringing them in by any means those things are here and they they uh they don't like pressure so you hunt them just a little bit put a little bit of pressure on them and they'll leave but they come back and a barrel hog around here has almost no predators and they have babies every three or four months so if one sow has seven to ten maybe more babies in three or four months she's gonna do it again in three or four months she's gonna do it again and all those generations behind her are coming up doing the same thing so they're terrible invasive nasty species and we need to get rid of them a lot of the united states are struggling with feral hogs and i don't know what the i don't know what the answer to the problem is but i can promise you the problem is not a few pounds of corn on the ground so we use it for the deer and if a hog comes in a hog comes in if we get a chance we take out as many of them as we can all right it's about six o'clock this evening these traps have been out for about six hours and it looks like the fish feeder just recently went off and it looks like they are just not starting to come up it feels like it's warmer today we're gonna see if we caught any tilapia i don't know it's kind of cool out here the water has cooled off a lot i don't know how active they are right now but uh only one way to find out and i'd sure like to catch a bunch of these before they die off all right jacoby first trap i remember you said uh five bluegill and three tilapia eight tilapia yeah well it's not looking good i don't see any tilapia well that's a bummer there's a bunch of little tiny bluegill in there one two three four five six seven i don't know what about ten bluegill yeah something like that just has purple on it he does he is pretty it's good to see those little small bluegill like that that means they're they're spawning and reproducing i think what we need to do boys though we'll check that other trap let's leave these out overnight just to see i really think we can catch some tilapia so let's toss this back out there hopefully the water hasn't gotten too cool already are we gonna pick this one up again we're gonna pick this one up yeah pull that other trap in hey what you boys every time you walk by me it's like a flash of light goes by they were the wildest colored crocs i've ever seen man where'd y'all get those oh fans and toss them somebody sent them to you yeah hey what do you say thank you thanks nice i'm almost kind of glad i didn't get a pair because those are awful flashy for me oh i hear something something splashing around in there definitely not any big tilapia but a big bluegill yep one decent-sized bluegill boys can i keep him that's not a good sign you know what i know got him he's about the size of my hand mm-hmm go ahead and throw him back in the pond oh he about went back in the trap throw him back in the pond competition hey jacoby's trap had more bluegill but houston's had a big one so i don't know who won that one so we're going to leave these traps out overnight because what these guys don't know is about a week and a half or two weeks ago i came over here and threw one of those traps out trying to catch some big shiners we've got some really big shiners in this pond and actually there's a ton of big shiners in here and i left those traps out or i left that one trap out overnight trying to catch shiners to use as bait for fish in the lake well when i came back the next morning there were about uh 20 filleting size tilapia in that trap and i just let them go probably it was probably a mistake but i let them go because i wanted to let them experience that and i wanted to shoot a video for it and let it you know show you guys catching those big tilapia in there so we're gonna leave these traps sit overnight hopefully hopefully we haven't already lost our tilapia you got down in the high 30s low 40s last night but that's the first time the temperature dropped low enough to really drop that water temperature so i bet they're all still alive it's just the water temperatures have dropped quite a bit and i'm sure they're moving slow what do you think yeah all right then well i guess we'll see you guys in the morning so i don't think houston thought this through very well yesterday when he said we could leave him out all night yeah that might that might have been me though actually yeah so uh we went to church this morning and weston and i had to cut a bunch of firewood after church and now the weather has turned nasty on us earlier than i thought it was going to so we haven't checked these traps today it's about three o'clock so they've actually been sitting untouched since what 5 30 something like that yesterday afternoon and it's about 50 degrees and light rain and uh jacobi doesn't have a coat on i'm freezing because i got all sweaty cutting firewood houston's got a coat it's colby where's your coat man it's winter time you're tough though huh is it fall yeah it's fall but it sure feels like winter yeah so let's go check these traps before we get the camera too wet i mean that green bright green well it's nice it's some kind of algae bloom on the pond but i couldn't tell you exactly all right jacoby i got faith in you this trap better be full of tilapia it's set all night long is there anything in it well it's heavy oh where did all our tilapia go look out buddy boy you got the so i don't know what just happened but we're gonna have to finish this vlog out on my iphone my main vlog camera just all of a sudden quit i don't think the battery went dead it was unless the battery meter wasn't working right but jacoby pulled the first trap in i just knew you were gonna pull in a whole load of tilapia nothing but perfect bait size bluegill i mean if we were going if we were going to go take them to the lake those would be perfect size to catch anything that swims all right houston let's check your trap have to have faith in me now i mean it's probably because of those wild crazy crocs that's probably you got the wrong shoes on you're not holding your mouth right something come on be full of tilapia it is heavy oh i feel something moving well i got some tilapia i think let's see oh that's it is that a shiner no you got three tilapia but they're not big enough to they're not big enough to fillet let's pull them out here and see them all right let's see that is not a keeper-sized tilapia but hey yeah have you ever seen a topia yeah have you okay i couldn't remember if you come over here and caught any with us or not no no where have you seen tilapia at here oh yeah all right well that's kind of a bummer fellas like i thought we would really catch a bunch because i'm telling you i came over here one day and i caught a bunch of them in that in that exact trap and i threw them back that was a mistake wouldn't it yeah all right well let's let these fish go not a whole lot we can do with these i'll kiss it jacoby's over here uh doing lots of fish kissing you've been hanging out with jimmy houston too much whale pooped we didn't catch near as many tilapia as i expected i'm telling you guys i went over there without the boys one time and caught more than enough to feed our whole family probably a couple meals and i just hate to see those big tilapia go to waste i don't want them to just die so i've heard that as the water temperature drops they'll kind of come up to the surface trying to warm their head because they they need the heat from the sun and you can scoop them up with a net so maybe we'll get lucky and catch them on the perfect day for that i i don't know it's it's going to be kind of tough but i sure don't want to waste all those good eating tilapia in our ponds so we may have to go there with a fishing pole in a few days or something but it's supposed to get down in the 30s and maybe the water temperature won't drop too far and we can actually get some sunlight on that water in the during the daytime or something but uh last night so right now it's oklahoma muzzleloader season for deer so it's like primitive firearms season and uh the kids don't muzzleload or hunt just yet but let me go let me show you guys a few pictures that i got on my revel cell cams last night so the rut is just starting to fire up here in oklahoma we've got new bucks showing up bucks that i've never seen on camera what is rut the rut means the breeding season oh so that's why we do so much work to feed our deer population to draw the does in keep the does here on our property and the more does we can keep here the more opportunities we have at a at a new buck showing up a new big buck cruising around looking for a good looking girlfriend so i'll show you guys those pictures and uh guys that's all we've got for today thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it y'all have a great day and as always we'll see our next video peace all right you didn't know where the lens was at foreign
Channel: Arms Family Homestead
Views: 255,113
Rating: 4.9199133 out of 5
Keywords: Arms family homestead, farm, farming, homesteading, tilapia, trapping tilapia, fish trap, minnow trap, pond fishing, perch trap, bream trap, sunfish trap
Id: I3r1y4R3ltw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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