Sunny CAN'T WAKE UP in Minecraft!

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in today's Minecraft video melon and I were exploring this abandoned Village when suddenly a zombie villager bit me sunny fell into a dream paralysis and couldn't wake up a hey goats this place isn't so bad look how beautiful it is now I have to enter Sunny's dream and save him from slipping into the nightmare realm melon what are you doing here Sunny we've got to get out of here goats press the like button to get us out melon do you remember hearing about that abandoned Village I really want to explore it oh absolutely SUNY and I've already got our gear prepared let's go iron armor and what's in the chest iron swords and lots of food let's go I think we should probably grab a bow and arrow as well all right I think it's in one of these chests there we go bow and arrow and yep Sunny uh there's only one so I'm going to have this dang it I'll find my own bow and arrow I don't need your help it's fine sunny I can be the long range sniper and you can get up close and person nah bro it's fine I just found some arrows and I saw a crossbow in here earlier let's go follow me sunny the abandoned Village is this way going on an adventure hey melon what's that no Sunny no chill chill chill chill chill catch ow many hours later melon it's been many hours the sun is set the Moon is shining but we found it the abandoned Village yes sunny here lies great treasure but also zombies no not zombies zombies clear them out they're attacking the melons but be careful Sunny these aren't any ordinary zombies they're cursed I'll take him out die oh wait I don't want to get bitten back up make sure you don't get bit Sunny be careful shoot it ah die that was close bro he almost took a bite out of me but it's okay sunny we saved the Watermelons and now we can claim the loot let's see the loot ski noodles should be over here look inside of these watermelons for Hidden Treasure no Sunny stop well what if there's hidden treasure under here Sunny stop I'm going to kill you no Mel melon look I was right there was hidden treasure another wer stop it okay chill let's see there's a chest in here with some emeralds I'm rich yo we got to loot every single house here Sunny yeah bro check this one out I'll cover this part of the village ah zombie ow grou it bit me sunny are you okay are you feeling cursed nah bro I feel fine oh I guess it was a myth then anyways where's the hidden treasure nothing in this one Sunny there's got to be more loot around here somewhere oh a chest no way it's filled with Emerald blocks Sunny we're rich Let's go also melon I'm feeling kind of tired I think one of the houses over here had some beds do you want to try and see what it's like sleeping in an abandoned Village no I just want to go home okay well I'm going to sleep with this Village oh Sunny you idiot now I have no choice because I have to protect you no not at this house oh here's a bed good night melon almost forgot can't sleep in your heavy armor very uncomfortable good night Sunny night meel don't let the zombies bite what a lovely morning to be in an abandoned Village I hope Sunny's doing okay and didn't get eaten by any more zombies look at Sunny he's actually sleeping in this is perfect it gives me a chance to take all of his Loot and stash it I'm going to be rich and sunny will have nothing 1 hour later all right goats I stashed my loot in the most top secret location Sunny will never find it speaking of Sunny is this guy actually still sleeping in sunny sunny wake up dude this is ridiculous it's like 3: in the afternoon Sunny get up bro get up oh no I think something's seriously wrong with sunny Oh No this must have something to do with the zombie curse where am I this place looks awesome oh wait a second I smell something it's sweet it's delicious it's candy give me this give me this no way one second I was in a cursed zombie village and the next I woke up here in the most beautiful delicious world of all time somebody pinched me I must be dreaming no way a unicorn hold up can I ride it no way I could actually ride this thing okay okay I grabbed the rest of the candy I put a saddle on the Unicorn this is so cool this is so cool no way my diamond senses they're tingling diamonds I'm rich this place is perfect I wonder where these diamonds are taking me and where the heck's melon actually come to think of it eh whatever more for me this is awesome ooh diamonds with a chest and more diamonds talk about being rich I've got unlimited diamonds now DK thank you Mr unicorn quale quale something is seriously wrong with sunny we went to the abandoned Village then he got bit by a zombie then he was fine but then he went to sleep and now he's not waking up oh no this is a serious problem and we need to hurry what do you mean quale he's currently facing a dream paralysis from the zombie villager bite he should be in the dream realm now that kind of sounds cool he can get whatever he wants well it is pretty cool for now but we need to hurry because soon he'll switch to the nightmare realm oh no how do we save him well actually it's quite simple all you have to do is enter his dream and place a dream teleportation pad just hurry it shouldn't be a problem really but if you are too late and it switches to the nightmare Dimension it's too late take this dream warper and quickly you must enter Sunny's dreams thank you quondal I won't let Sunny down Sunny I'm going to save you Sunny I'll enter your dreams and get you out of there let's go wait how do I even use this thing is it this button no this button maybe this one yes it's working wo I wonder what else this place has in store for me it has nothing in store for you Sunny because you're heading home melon what took you so long isn't this place amazing uh yeah it's pretty cool and everything sunny but it's only temporary soon this will all be gone and you'll be transported to the nightmare realm what are you talking about bro this place is awesome I got candy and I got diamonds look at how I am do you need anything but Sunny we don't have time for your shenanigans we've got to get out of here I don't know bro why would I want to leave sunny I I actually don't have time for this I need to find the dream teleportation pad and get us out of here okay melon while you do that I'm going to take advantage of this place you're telling me it's a Dream well that should mean I can wish for anything let's see I already got diamonds and Candy what about ooh enchanted golden apple no way I just got 10 of them okay that is actually really awesome Sunny okay let me try something let me try something I want a big house it worked I've Got a Mansion this place is amazing I'm never going to leave Sunny you have to leave I'm telling you very bad things are going to happen if you don't and it's super simple all you've got to do is Imagine A Dream teleportation pad bro I'm never going to imagine a dream teleportation pad ah dang it what the heck I don't want want this thing Sunny we need to use this thing to get out of here nah what we really need to do is enjoy this place I want to go carting like go cting like I want to race you oh my goodness it would be so easy to leave right now Sunny You've Got 5 minutes after that we've got to get out of here nah how about we do 500 laps my track just look at it sunny this is absolutely crazy how about this if I beat you in go-karting then we leave this dream world sure you got a deal cuz there's no way you could beat me whatever bro imagine two go-karts imagining go-karts imagining go-karts go-karts oh this is awesome all right Sunny you're on in three 2 1 go see you nerd this is my dream world I make the rules oh yeah shy well it looks like I'm in the lead and that means we're getting out of this place no chance brother I'm going to destroy you in this race I just need to take a short cut no way no way wait a second what's that feeling something's not right something's not right oh no melon I think we're in the nightmare realm sunny I told you why didn't you just listen to me for once I'm out of here what the heck B what are these things oh I'm on fire ew ew they're gross they look like absolute nightmare fuel Sunny I'm too scared let's get out of here bro we've got to find the dream bed it should be somewhere this way ow bro the grass here keeps cutting me run for it wait who are these guys it looks like more nightmare creatures Sunny I'm going to kill him no wait he's friendly chill we got trapped here hundreds of years ago we're just like you uh I don't think you look anything like me you guys are lit nightmare fuel yeah I'm not going to lie you're pretty scary we weren't always this way we've just been here a lot we tried to escape but failed wait there's a way to escape this place yeah there's a way to escape but no one has ever done it all of them end up like us just nightmare fuel yeah yeah whatever just tell us how to get out of here sunny and I never fail head up north to find the obstacle course but be warned if you fail you'll turn into a nightmare thank you my good sir we'll be the first to escape this nightmare realm and maybe we'll even come back for you later but probably not bye see you guys uh sunny I know I seemed all confident in everything but I think we're going to die and be stuck here forever nah this is going to be easy this must be the place melon look at it there's parkour and some creepy structure in the distance that looks like the nether yeah I'm really scared sunny but we've got no choice we've got to make it out of here and whatever you do do not slip and fall yes I know because then you'll be nightmare fuel uh-oh sunny it's ladder parkour you can do it I believe in you don't slip I got this yes yes yeah we're actually going to make it home come on come on I'm the goat come on I'm the goat I am the goat too easy let's go momentum you can't stop us we made it to this creepy nether castle but now what are we supposed to do this place looks cursed oh wait there's netherite armor yeah I'm Boni and sunny and I'm getting an upgrade me too bro and look at these tools and there's even some iron blocks here let's go now melon where exactly are we going I don't know what's the point of those iron blocks I'm sure they'll come in handy later melon be quiet I think I see monsters oh no it's the evil nightmare Sunny there's spawners of them oh I'll break the spawn or you kill the Monsters ah die sunny sunny why did you just listen to me in the dream world this would have been so easy I found more iron blocks ow I'm getting withered Sunny there's so many of them there's so many of them they don't stop spawning I'm running forwards I'll break their spawners Sunny you got to hurry up bro there's so many and they're strong it's okay I broke the spawners I think I got rid of all of them no you didn't there's like eight of them on me oh that's a you problem melon that's a you problem die please they're so strong my axe can't even kill them are you serious what is this die oh no oh no melon they're swarming me yeah I had to just run past them Sunny there's just too many of them how are they making it around these blocks I'm trying to parkour over the castle but it's still not working Sunny get rid of the spawners bro it's our only chance I already did no there's so many of them it looks like I found a safe place open this up what's in here oh that was close I escaped with just over one heart and I've got nothing to eat but nekrum actually that thing is gross I don't want to touch that melon did you find any food I'm kind of hungry uh I'm kind of trapped right now Sunny the nightmare people are surrounding me yeah I barely made my getaway and I got to fight one more there we go he's dead ooh a chest melon you are not going to like these nightmare people it's pumpkin pie no way they're actual nightmare fuel I've got to find another way out of here this just led to nothing what is even the point of this ladder so melon while you've been getting lost I rubbed my brain cells together and I realized something yeah what's that the tower that we entered in has a beacon that's lit and then there's more Towers in the distance but no beacons I think that's what we need the iron blocks to do to power the beacon it actually makes so much sense Sunny we've got to do it that should get us out of here if we power up all the nightmare beacons it should get us out of this place okay come on come on o I got nine more blocks of iron Sunny very well played but I don't see a beacon in this Tower maybe it's at the very bottom melon be careful going down there's lava everywhere uh melon there's no beacons under these towers either yeah sunny I just checked another Tower and there was no beacons there either do you think maybe these iron blocks were just some type of distraction it is a nightmare realm after all it could be I'm just going to check out this Tower with the actual lit Beacon that's not a bad idea maybe it was all a diversion to prevent us from seeing the obvious uh yeah sunny I think I found the obvious there is a giant nether portal in this building oh I guess this is the way out I'm dipping same ah melon I don't like this so you think you can escape my Realm no Mr Creepy sir who even are you we just want to go home home this is your home no no no this isn't home this is definitely not home this place is cursed Sunny we got to take these guys out but they're a lot stronger than the other nightmare moms bro these guys are humongous and they hurt they're literally stomping on me wait I just took one out I hit him with the ultimate Wombo Combo that's it I won't let you walk all over me oh I just crushed them you really you think you can escape here that easily I will be your undoing now die Sunny ah what is this it's herob bride I thought he was a myth but it seems like he's an actual person we've got to take him out oh I'm destroying this guy bro you got nothing on me Herobrine you nerd die that's right you were merely a figment of our imagination you never real and no one loves you you may have won but I will always live inside of your nightmares sunny sunny bro can you wake up up oh that was crazy did we really just fight Herobrine I think we did Sunny inside of your noggin that was kind of crazy does that mean I'm crazy cuz I had a wicked cool dream and then I imagined Herobrine and how are you even in my dreams no Sunny it means you're an idiot for not listening to me I had to go to quale use this dream warper get into your mind all to try and help you escape but you refuse to accept my help bro it wasn't my fault I was trying to find the emeralds in this Village and then all of a sudden a zombie came out of the house like it bit me and then yeah I guess I kind of passed out at night and turned into the dream realm anyways you know what the real dream is that subscribe button press it right now to get goated and if you don't you end up like this pig
Channel: Sunny
Views: 165,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tV2Y8Qr0gas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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