Trapped In Barbie Dream Camper!

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hey guys I want to show you the new tan RS RV come check it out meanwhile Come on Barbie got to get you in the driver's seat of your new RV well first we have the front and wo huh must have tripped and landed in the driver's seat okay Barbie time to put your hands on the wheels wa what is happening oh come on you just got to leave your hands why aren't you putting them there come on I can't drive this thing no I can't let go oh oh no I'm too young to drive an RV I don't even have a license sweet made it to the perfect campsite now it's time to get out and set up our [Music] camp all right Barbie you're all set up for camp and now time to go to bed in your brand new sleeping bag I got to get away from the [Music] seat wow I had the weirdest dream where I was driving the RV wait a second it's daytime I'm I supposed to be asleep good morning man I'm hungry after that really long long sleep guess it's time to make some breakfast wait a second I'm in the RV and I really was in the driver's seat what is happening and why was I in a sleeping bag in my bed this is weird wait a minute I got to get from my bedroom to the kitchen this way I need to brush my teeth wo what was that woo what in the world is happening like I can't move forward like some's pushing me back whoo Oh no I got it got it yes I got it no wait but but I don't want to go to the front of the RV I want to go to the bathroom where are you taking me it stopped I don't want to open this cabinet what am I [Music] doing it's stuck I guess I'm cooking something now what is going on all right first of all got to get the eggs out of the [Music] fridge okay exit is why am I opening this drawer there's nothing in here um I guess there was something in there but cookie cutters and eggs what is going on it's like I'm not in control of myself [Music] oops I just made an egg sh like a heart I mean it's pretty cool but I don't know why I did it do you guys know why I did it man nothing's better than a heart-shaped egg for breakfast my favorite wait I can't eat it until I've set the table all right a plate for me a cup for me and my e plus the rest of the table is set just in case any of my friends decide to come join today and now my egg wait did I already eat my egg I don't remember what is wrong with me why can't I remember stuff am I losing my memory why is the table set for four who I don't even know where this stuff came from since when if we had these forks and plates and cups and spoons what is happening guys I'm sorry I thought today would be a great day where I could show you the RV but things have gone so wrong M now that breakfast is over I got to go brush my teeth to the bathroom it's like I'm being controlled by something else I'm not doing this hm the pink toothbrush or the purple toothbrush I'll go with the pink toothbrush wo oh now I get to brush my teeth now time to put the toothpaste on perfect amount all right time to brush my teeth now what the the lid won't come off w i user my toothpaste what is going on I didn't put toothpast on now it's time to do my hair first take out my claw clip brush through my hair I guess I'm done what what is happening but but I've already got my hair done no you can't do my hair no what no I guess I'm changing my hair to [Music] then easy peasy I just stick my clock lip back in okay I guess I'm doing the same hair that I had before cuz my hands decided my hair was too messy just took it out just put it right back in WoW after getting ready for the day I got really hungry again and I think I need my favorite snack do you know what that is cookies let's go make some okay since I feel like like I'm more in control of my body again um I think we can finish the tour uh there's this big room which um you saw earlier today um and then we have this room two bunk beds all right my cookies should be ready I just got to pull them out of the oven and we have another [Music] bathroom wo no the microwave oven no no it's the oven I can't touch it m they look so yummy I better eat one just in case you can't grab stuff out of the oven without oven M it's so hot oh wait no it's not these weren't really baking they have frosting and sprinkles on them well let's try them I can grab it but why can't I pick it up they're like stuck to the cookie sheet I don't know what in the world is going on here cuz first the cookies you can't pick him up and then you I'm moving all over the place without even knowing like I'm not even controlling myself it's like the RV's curs now that I'm done baking to top off all that sweetness time for some popcorn and a movie over to my couch the most comfy Barbie couch in the world now time to turn on the TV TV with my purple remote beep and now let's eat some popcorn and watch TV wow that was such a great movie and such a great camping day but it's time to pack up and move on to the next camping [Music] spot now that we're all loed up we can get back onto the road woohoo such a fun road trip Savannah I'm watching Neymar can you come take the garbage outside please coming what should be watch wait what am I doing where did this popcorn come from I can't grab a piece of popcorn it's stuck just like the cookies I'm done with this RV it must be like curse or something because I don't know what's happening but I need to get out wow this is so heavy oh man what it's locked I can't be stuck in here nobody's going to see me I better open the [Music] front all right now that that's open I think someone should be able to see me now oh no not this again at least I'm not actually driving let's just pretend like this whole day has been [Music] wa Lizzie opened up the blinds and she's in the RV hi Lizzy I'm just throwing away some garbage what are you doing in the RV what did she say I can't hear you why are you [Music] driving I think she just said she's stuck wait a minute that's not the handle it's locked Lizzy open up the blindes in the window come [Music] on Savannah I need your help how did you get stuck in there what happened I don't know so many weird things have been happening weird things why have you been in the RV in the first place well I was showing the viewers a tour and then a bunch of weird things started happening weird things like what you won't believe me it's been so weird first I was forcing the driver's seat and I was driving well not really of course uh but and then I woke up and I was in my bed but it was a sleeping bag and I was making cookies and eggs and a bunch of other stuff like I was on the couch watching a movie with popcorn and I didn't even remember walking there wait a minute was your egg shaped like a heart yeah I made it like that it was actually kind of cool but wait a second how did you know that Lizzie I think I know exactly why you're stuck I'll be right back stay there what Savannah but tell me what you're doing where are you going well I'm stuck here I need to make this really quick okay I think I know what's going on here since I was playing in the Barbie RV and Lizzie was also in an RV I think somehow they combined and I was controlling Lizzy's day through the Barbie and when I locked up the Barby RV it also locked up our RV locking Lizzy inside perfect now unlocked and lizie should be able to get out let's go check you're back some you're back what did you do it's unlocked [Applause] now great job sna but I can't get out of this chair why did that not work oh no the Barbie is still in the driver's seat be right back Barbie in the driver's seat you saw talking [Music] about the door is unlocked but Lizzy's still stuck inside of the driver's seat it's because the Barbie is stuck in there let's just get her out of there really quick all right I got the Barbie out let's hope this got Lizzy out too let's go check on [Music] her oh smna there you are can you explain now you can get out of the chair now try it okay but that's still not a explaining stuff it actually worked what did you do yes now go out the door and I'll explain everything it actually did work but I can't get out help me what do you mean you can't get out what are you doing I'm not doing anything it's like I can't get through the door it's not working well would you just explain so I can understand what's been happening to me all day I was playing in the Barb RV and for whatever reason everything that I was doing with the Barbie happened to you oh that made so much more sense why it felt like someone else was controlling me I got her on the driver's seat and I got her out of the RV but it's not getting you out so you're saying I'm stuck in here I'm sorry Lizzie I don't know what El to do wait there might be one more thing I'll be right back what not again darn it Liz he's still stuck I only have one more idea to try I don't don't think it'll work but it's our only hope so let's try it out this RV has a slime but the other one doesn't so if we have Barbie going on this line I think that Lizzy will be free from the Barbie let's try it 3 2 1 wo what was that didn't work Lizzy Lizzy I thought that putting her down the slide would make her get out but she's not anywhere I just had her go down the slide she went down the [Music] slide wao how did I appear on a slide well I'm just happy we're out of the RV now Lizzy it worked what did you do I put the dolls down the slide on the RV and you appeared on the slide oh that makes sense so you feel like yourself again not like you're being controlled like a Barbie yep I think so yes thank you for getting me on the RV you're welcome and thank you guys for watching this video make sure to a big thumbs up H smash subscribe button we love you guys so much as always you are worth it bye guys hey in here
Channel: Tannerites
Views: 2,312,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TraPPeD In BarBie DreaM CamPer!, barbie dream, dream camper, barbie dream camper, tannerites barbie, barbie movie, the movie, barbie doll, barbie dolls, dolls, playing dolls, doll barbie, tannerites, the tannerites, tannerites kids, the tannerites kids, barbie tannerites, savannah tannerites, lizzy tannerites, lizzy, savannah banana, savannah, dream, camper, barbie camper, dream barbie camper, dream barbie, camper barbie, barbie motorhome, pink barbie, real barbie
Id: Efc7gyOptrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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