Trapcode Particular 4: New Features Tutorial

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hi Bryan being for red giant here to talk about the new features in coat particular part of code sweet release 15 so the big thing that we want to talk about today is fluid dynamics it's a new physics model in particular where particles behave as if they're suspended in fluid with fluid physics you can create beautiful organic animation like smoke and tornados and churning liquids and it's really like nothing that you've ever been able to do in After Effects before and probably the coolest thing about it is that the fluid systems can interact with each other so the best way to be able to create these fluids is to use the designer so let's go into the particular designer and take a look at how they work so before we get started with fluids one of the things that's new with this release is the introduction of a blue playhead so as we hit play you're gonna see that move from left to right and it's just a small way to be able to see where you are in time it's a super useful addition so to get into our new physics mode we're gonna click this physics block and if we go over to the physics model in the settings you're gonna see Aaron bounce which you're familiar with and have been in particular for a long time you'll see the addition of a new physics model and that's fluid so if we click fluid immediately you're gonna see the way that the particles interact at the world change so this arrow that's here is part of the UI for fluids and it's one of the reasons that we're using a designer today you can do all of this setup with the normal twirl downs in the composition window but it's much easier to be able to go into the designer and see how things are interacting through this UI so let's switch our emitter type to an obj so we're gonna go to our emitter type block then choose obj model from the emitter type drop-down and let's go into the picker in particular comes with a lot of models that we can choose from and we want something that has XY and Z because fluids are really helped by something that has a volume of space to it so let's select the sphere smooth and click OK and as soon as we click OK and load up the obj you see that our animation is now much more dynamic so let's go ahead and increase the particles and as I do I want you to look at this little gray line that is in our time line so I set it to a thousand you immediately saw that gray line it's a kind of scale across the screen so let's try that again if we scale it to mm that is caching the fluid simulation and that's definitely a change in this release in particular it's caching what's going on with the particles so you can see the playback is still very fast now let's go into opacity and we're gonna select that bell-curve preset just to be able to get our particles to fade on and fade off and then let's go into color and we will select the fire preset and now we've got kind of a cool swirly fiery look so if we go back into physics the first mode that is always selected is called buoyancy and swirl and that's one we're gonna take a look at first this box here is called the force region size and that shows that it is 500 pixels wide so we can scale that up and down and that's going to just affect how our system is working and what's going on with it if you can see that we shrink it down the particles that are being affected by it are inside of the box and these elements that are outside of the box are being affected less so if we adjust the buoyancy that's going to cause the particles to rise or fall I like to sort of visualize it as bubbles or coins and then if you turn the buoyancy up you're gonna see this arrow start to get bigger and you're gonna see the particles want to rise faster through the fluids because they're lighter than the fluids are and if we turn that down you'll see the arrow getting smaller and then the arrow is going to flip upside down and as we increase that value downward you're gonna really see the particles want to fall down faster sort of like coins falling into a fluid the position of our fluid force doesn't have to be centered up so we can go to force relative position and if we move that around you can see that the force is affecting a different part of our emitter so outside of the designer you could animate this and be able to have this move around adjust the size you know all of this stuff is key for amiable outside of the designer but it's important to kind of note just how the particles get affected if they are outside of the volume of the force so swirl here is going to cause turbulence inside of the fluid so with our buoyancy at zero if we start to crank that up it's gonna get more and more chaotic and the further the particles travel from their original position and we can scale that up higher numbers are going to slow things down a little but you can get some really nice tight swirls or if we take the swirl scale and we go that down it's gonna create a simpler but larger swirl inside of the fluid if you want to sort of visualize it in your head it'd be sort of like looking at the fractal noise plug-in and that as we turn up the value it's gonna create a smaller and more detailed level of Sorel and as we scale it down it's going to be simpler but bigger so we can switch XYZ linked under random swirl to XYZ individual if we select the drop down and click it you'll see that immediately it switches to only applying swirl in the X dimension so if we change that to zero and now set it to Z you can create some really interesting effects by only affecting one dimension you can also mix those so there is x and y and then if we change the random seed it's a way to kind of dial in and experiment with different looks change the number and you get a different animation so now that we've had a chance to look at buoyancy in swirl let's take a look at the vortex ring you'll notice as I selected it's going to turn on a set of controls underneath random seed it's also going to change the UI so our box has gone way and we are left with a line and if we tilt that line you'll see that it's actually a ring so in the vortex ring it's shooting particles up through the center and so we've got a couple of controls that can control that as we adjust the strength it's good to adjust the amount of force propelling the particles up through the ring and if we take that and make that negative it's gonna start sucking the particles down through the ring very much like a whirlpool in the ocean and our buoyancy controls still work so if we have a small strength and we've got our buoyancy set to 5 but we turn the buoyancy down now these particles are going to feel like they want to fall but the vortex is going to be trying to suck them up and push them up so vortex tilts and vortex rotate allow you to change the orientation of the ring in space it's not gonna affect the force that's in the strength so it's still going to suck up or suck down based on the vortex strength but you can reorient where that force is directed towards so if we have that set to zero it's going to force the particles up but if we have it set to 90 it's going to push the particles out towards the screen we've also got a set of controls called visualize relative density and it's going to control the way particles appear when there are a lot of fluid forces in an area and a lot of particles so if we turn on opacity you're gonna see that anywhere there are a lot of particles and a lot of forces it's gonna get more opaque this might be easier to visualize if we turn up the number of particles so let's go from 1,000 to 10,000 and it's gonna take a second to cache and you're gonna see that it's opaque where there's a lot of forces in the center and out towards the edge it's more transparent so more particles more fluid forces 100% opacity less fluid forces less particles more transparent and if we switch that from opacity to brightness now you can see that anywhere there's more of these forces and more particles it's gonna get brighter and the opposite in the areas where there's less going on so I ended up using this brightness mode a lot it's sort of like a transfer mode like add but also an ambient occlusion so with this fire you end up with these really cool Chloe bits where there's more going on and then towards the edge you get sort of this smoke effect we've also got these controls up at the top called apply force and it gives us two options let's start and continuously continuously is just going to always have that vortex working and always continually sucking up things through the tube so if you choose at start you're gonna get one big burst of force and then the particles would only be influenced by buoyancy swirls and any interaction from other fluid particle systems oK we've reset our master system and now we're going to take a look at the vortex tube' fluid force if vortex ring is like a whirlpool then vortex tube is sort of like one of those dyson vacuum cleaners it's sort of creating a tornado or a cyclone where it's spinning the particles around the central core and it's not shooting them up or shooting them down it's just making them go around and around and around so we've got all of the same controls but instead of shooting them up or down we're controlling the strength of how fast they're spinning in one direction clockwise and if we adjust the core size it adjusts the diameter the vortex force is used to spin the fluid particles and one way to think about the core size is if you picture a hurricane this inner circle is the eye of the hurricane everything is calm inside of this and you can start to see the particles that are sort of in the core not doing a whole lot and then all of the activity is happening in this kind of meet of the circle between the outer ring and the inner ring and so if we adjust that core size down it's gonna make the eye of the hurricane that much smaller as things spin around and around and around so we've also got tilt which is going to just change the direction that those are in we can rotate it and then if we adjust the strength and go negative those particles are going to start flying around counterclockwise so those are the Australian particles so next let's take a look at the global fluid controls the fluid dynamics have individual settings and that's what we'll be playing with but they also have global settings which control all of the fluids think of it like a set of controls that control the nature of the tank of fluid fYI if you're working with more than one fluid system the global controls will only be found in the master system so fluid time factor controls the speed of the fluid physics basically it allows you to speed up or slow down the animation of all of the fluid interactions and this is keyframe belen after-effects so over time you could create your bullet time effect like the matrix or go crazy and have it go much faster so please switch to ten that is a pretty crazy look if we go back to four it's still crazy one that's the normal time and then if we go down to 0.5 that's gonna be half speed and then one is back to normal speed so next let's talk about viscosity so viscosity is going to be the thickness of the fluid that the particles are going through at 20 that's sort of like normal water if we turn it up to a hundred that's kind of more like it's trying to go through something that's closer to two molasses or honey maybe a little thinner than that and if we go the other way it's just going to make the water that much thinner and so there's really not a lot of resistance to keep the particles moving through the liquid and finally simulation fidelity a higher number yields more micro interactions or finer detail in the fluid behavior higher numbers are going to be more complex and lower numbers are gonna be simpler but run faster if we crank it up it's gonna spend more time thinking about how all the particles are gonna move you know you can see here we've got 50 thousand particles now and it's taking a long time to think about what it's going to do but it's gonna be highly accurate once it calculates and that's a really good way to get very fine detail but if you wanted to go faster so if we double click on simulation fidelity and reset it to 4 it's gonna go back to the default and it's gonna run faster and then if we go to 1 it'll think through much faster but it'll be simpler so we've looked at single fluid systems but the real power of this tool is being able to use multiple fluid systems together so I've got this setup loaded and let's figure out how to make two of these interact with each other so I'm gonna go to my master system and I'm gonna hit duplicate and you're gonna see that immediately the effect is going to get lot stronger because there are two systems on top of each other so let's hit pause with that second system I'm going to go to the color and we're gonna go back to the fire that we've been using and let's go to the emitter and let's move where the emitter is living so let's move that way over to the right and then let's change the vortex strength to be negative instead of positive so let's go negative 400 and now if we go ahead and play back let's see what happens now we've got our two systems shooting out and smashing into each other so one thing to keep in mind is that if you turn off the system the particles are still there you just can't see them so you can see that our system is still active and our particles in the master system are smashing up against it so this could be a really cool way to create a visual effect you know imagine that someone is projecting a forcefield and someone has an energy beam that's shooting up against it you know that force field could propel the particles like this and that could look really cool there's probably all sorts of other ideas that you could come up with as well so each system in your setup also doesn't have to have the same fluid force so let's try switching this one to for text tube from vortex ring and you can see that they're both still in the same fluid but they're interacting in different ways we can try moving that in a little closer and you can see how they'll interact so we have one more fluid force to look at and that's none so we'll go back to system two and let's try switching this to none and now we'll go back and when we hit play you're gonna see that the second system is just sitting around and waiting for the other system to come and interact with it so now we're back in regular after-effects and let's take a look at how to adjust things out here so I'm going to go to show systems and make sure that I have master system selected and we've got the same global fluid controls here that we do inside of the designer but now they're keyframe whole so let's go ahead and set our fluid time factor to one and go up and maybe set another keyframe and then few frames later let's go ahead and set that to 0.25 and we'll see what happens it's worth noting that you can only access the global fluid controls from the master system and now we've created our slow-motion effect so we can also adjust the regular fluids through the effect controls so if we get our systems and we select system two and we go to physics and twirl down our fluid controls you can see all of the controls that we've been working with here and if we go ahead and move that position or change the size it's going to dynamically affect all of our simulation lastly before we go I wanted to show you the presets that come inside of the preset panel there are a lot of both single system presets and multiple system presets to help get you started and all of them are adjustable once you load them up also in the black section there are new fluid presets to be able to get you started there so it's also weird noting the particular inform both have fluids but they act a little differently in particular we kind of have a hose that's in the water emitting particles into this fluid and those particles are then affected by the forces that are in the fluid with form we have those same forces but the particles aren't emitted particles in form are always present that means that the way those forces affect those particles ends up creating vastly different but still really cool effects we'll cover what happens in trapcode form in another video I can't wait to see what people do with the plugin thanks for watching you
Channel: Red Giant
Views: 142,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red giant, visual effects, vfx, motion graphics, filmmaking, color correction, compositing, tutorial, gaming, after effects, adobe, premiere pro, final cut pro, trapcode, magic bullet, universe, pluraleyes, particular, mir, movies, video, training, how to, diy, maker, iron man, ilm, vlog, blogger, content, youtube, creator, vlogger, vlogging
Id: Plrwdd4D01g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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