Transplanting Sweet Corn

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hi this is Daniel with in time country living in on this video I want to show you guys how I'm planting my sweet corn in a very compact area and kind of lay it out and what kind of spacings are and some of the methods I'm using to do that so that's coming up so I really like to get my sweet corn started in my greenhouse that eliminates the birds and other animals coming and eating my seed and I know which plants are gonna germinate and I'm only setting out very vigorous plants so you can see here here is my sweet corn here and have this in a 72 cell tray so the 72 plants in here give or take there's a few that didn't germinate so and there's also a few that maybe not as vigorous so I'll eliminate those as I transplant them out so one of these one things that I'm really excited about is these bootstrap farmer little six pack seed trays so what these are these these are polypropylene and they're very rigid they have a little bit with a little bit of give to them so they're not going to crack on you but they're very sturdy and will last a very long time you know many many years of use and reuse so awesome slipping that's durable is very important and these are also the bootstrap farmer the 10 by 20 flats so these are very nice to go in here I could you know hold them in anyway and they're not gonna collapse on me so they're very easy to move around and not worrying about cracking so works really well and these have a lot of water and a lot of a lot of weight to it to them here so makes makes it fairly easy to to get these things started so I have my plot out here where I've done corn in last last year so you really need your corn in kind of a block area because it is wind pollinated and not pollinated by bees so you want wind blowing this way and that way and although be able to if you have just a you know a single couple rows it's the pollination of them is very difficult so that's why I have them in kind of a block area here so before I even started my seeds I made a plan of how I'm going to grow them how many plants I can fit in a certain area so that I know exactly how many plants to start and when I get ready to plant them I know exactly what I'm gonna do here so I have my clipboard here with my plan plot here of how many rows of corn and I already figured out the correct spacing of it I did this last year so it was fairly easy just to copy it from last year but the corn plants they seemed the sweet corn release works pretty good at 10 inch spacing so that's I'm gonna do it as my rows right here are going to be about 21 feet and that means I can fit about 25 plants evenly dispersed within each row and it's about a seven foot width spacing here so I'm going to put in six rows I can fit in there with a nice walk pathway in the middle so I have three rows and then a path and then another three rows so that's how I'm going to lay them out so I have my three pound sledgehammer here this is very handy for driving stakes two o'clock something out and I also have my two hundred foot measuring tape so these are very useful tools for laying out any kind of beds so the first step here is to figure out exactly where my my rows are going to go here so I'm gonna just lay out some tape the ground here step on it there will come out okay now I just need a look at the tape here and trying to figure out exactly where everything is going to go I need about a foot pathway in the middle so I got so 1 foot 2 foot 3 foot I leave a space there for the walkway between 3 and 4 feet that gives me another 3 feet of space on the other side so that means like instead of set up my stakes here now that would be the edge of the bed so that would be starting at the edge then I have a little about 14 inches or so of a walkway on the other side here so that means I want me to set my stakes if I want these to be exactly where the row is set up we want these to be at between the feet so that'll be at 6 inches and then my next row is going to be at 1 foot 6 inches and then my next row is going to be at 2 feet 6 inches and then my my path will start at the 3 foot mark right there and you know in my path over the four-foot mark so my next row is going to be at 4 foot 6 inches 5 foot 6 inches and 6 foot 6 inches will be my last row there okay so let's get these in here that spacing right there so it's good to figure out what your space where you gonna put things before you start driving stakes you don't have to pull any out this is about where I want to started here with enough room to get by behind me with the wheelbarrow or something like that okay and the other ones next one's going to be let's use a little bit smaller stakes here a little easier to get in one foot six inches okay another two feet six inches here no just uh let's see yeah look that's fine yeah so we'll put her in another steak that was a little bit too big some smaller ones here no three steaks here these are my firewood steaks have another video showing how to make these steaks very easily all right so 4 foot ends there alright so we're at four foot six inches so these rows will be one foot apart so now I'm going to go to the other side and get the same spacing in there and try to get them fairly lined up so there's not crooked but all crooked rows but try to line it up by eight and get a fairly rectangular plot [Music] okay [Music] lighting it up here and that was a gift for fourteen so two feet so they've got a two foot space in there that will line up with the other stake on the other side so we're gonna go another foot here this way just enough walkway here don't need to waste the space Hey in their little matchup cross so that I'm going to space these out [Music] fifth is a six inch mark there's a little tip on there you can just press it to the ground I'm gonna go out seven feet [Music] Hey if mistakes [Music] set these up real quick okay so this one's gonna be at next six inch mark here [Music] first row so I can just see here that let's go a little it's got a little teeth teeth on it on here so I can grip onto the end of a log or works really well for gripping on the end of a stake so you can stick this over the end and pull and Mark your L [Music] all right so I'm gonna straddle the road here and use my pick Mattox here two little line in the soil here that allows me to see where I need the plant and also breaks up the saw just a little bit so I can get the starts in there nice and easily you could use the same technique if you want to plant seeds so just you would just be dropping the seeds in there every ten inches or if you want to make sure you can drop two in every ten inches but corn has a pretty good germination rates [Music] so this is kind of a nice little tray here that was I got it secondhand from somebody else and so it's kind of at 20 22 or 21 by 21 tray polypropylene and very rigid see the bottom of a little bit there it's kind of a mesh or latticework so it holds two ten by twenty flats so that makes it really nice for carrying large amounts here so I can take out the little seed trays here and you can pull on the little corn stock here to get it out comes right out like this you can see the roots here are getting quite long and they're actually sticking out the bottom here so I've been having to bottom water the corn which I usually do with most of I starts is to do a bottom watering and then they'll soak up through the soil all the water they need and also keep the roots wet that are coming out the bottom looking to grow there so I'm gonna get these put in here we've got my trowel here so I'm gonna want a ten inch spacing so that means from here to here can gives me my 10 inches you'll probably start in a little cup about five inches or so here [Music] take down my measuring tape here don't need ever know what [Music] then I can measure one to the other here since the balloon my next one is and so that's I'm going to get these planted out here so anyway it should go pretty quick here just kind of move along the row [Music] so I hope this gives you a little bit of inspiration on growing your own sweet corn it's quite delicious to be able to pick it right off the stalk and also to freeze your own - we like to just with these 150 plants we get enough sweet corn to last us all year round just we cut it off and we freeze it so I may give you some inspiration to to grow your own good quality food so anyway encourage you to do things in an orderly way our God is a God of order and decency and to lay things out in a very systematic way and to find systems that you can repeat over and over I'd allow you to have success and deep things just just in a very orderly way rather than half as early trying to figure out how to do it or throw some seeds in and hope it all does well so one of the reasons why I have this channel here is is to educate to you to give you some of the skills and knowledge allow you to live in the country to provide your own food or even provide your own food in the in a city setting but it's very important in this day and age where a lot of the crops that are coming off or from the commercial industry are just just not full of nutrition like they should be to keep you healthy it's very important to have a good amount of minerals and vitamins and protein and things like that in your food and it's just it's just going down and down as we see you know the tests coming in from industrial agriculture and to be able to grow your own in a way that is allows you to have that nutrition and that's what I'm want to encourage you to do o be sure to hit the subscribe button if you're on YouTube and if you're on Facebook looking at it go to my facebook page in time country living or if you're already there be sure to LIKE the page so that you can get updates on when I post new videos and other posts that I put on there also share with your friends that allows more people to find it and supports us so encourage you to do that right now so also give me a give me a thumbs up that helps other people to like this video too all right talk to you see you on the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: End-Time Country Living
Views: 32,391
Rating: 4.8089552 out of 5
Keywords: homesteading, country living, end time, adventist, sda, gardening, last days, preparing, prepping, survival
Id: jea1dmdsuxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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