Transmission & Differential Oil Change In the Mighty AC D17! What Will I Find? Water, Metal Filling?

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I think today I am going to try and change the gear oil in the transmission and the rear end of the AC the allis-chalmers d-17 this is the oil fill even says oil right on it and to be honest with you the you guys might be surprised at how gross this oil is so it's supposed to be a I don't know like maybe a greenish color and it is definitely a brown and this thing smells absolutely horrible so this oil has it's got a lot of moisture in it and it has a lot of water and stuff in it and I think what I want to try to change the oil in this thing today however I'm pretty sure this is gonna turn into at least a two-day jaw because it's it stuff is melting outside but it's definitely still it's still kind of cool and you know there's a lot of metal and stuff in here to heat up so I think I'm gonna at least pull the plug today put a bucket underneath this thing and then I will maybe come back to this thing tomorrow with the hopefully all of the oil is out now I've looked up my brother got me for Christmas a set of there's an operator's manual for this tractor there's a service manual for this tractor and there's also a parts catalog so I've looked through both of those and the it's there's two conflicting numbers that come to mind with the transmission and differential in this tractor a one says 24 quarts and the other says it is 28 quarts so 24 quarts is 6 gallons if I remember correctly 4 8 12 16 20 24 so that's six gallons there and then the other one says 28 so that'd be seven gallons so I'm not entirely sure exactly how much transmission fluid to put in this thing but I want to change this thing no matter what and then we will have some nice fresh transmission fluid in this thing so I guess let's let's get started well you guys are looking at over $100 worth of gear oil to change the fluid in this transmission and differential I'm at the back of the tractor this would be the the clutch side of the tractor and there is a bolt I know how well you guys are gonna be able to see this that's right there and this bolt here is the one I'm gonna pull I think the engine and transmission are tied together so all of the fluid from the transmission should flow out of here also so I'm gonna pull that plug and it is a it's an inch and 1/8 socket the drain bolt was it was on there pretty tight but I was able to get it off with a breaker bar you guys ready to see the nastiness that's gonna come out of this tractor you know I have the bucket over top of this thing oh that's pretty gross oh nice yeah look at that oh that's so nasty Wow well it is draining so that's good so I'm gonna let this thing drain I had to switch buckets here I'm pretty sure this thing now takes a that's the 28 quart measurement because this bucket is it's not super full however this one it's really full and that oil looks pretty gross and it smells really bad let's talk a little bit about the oils that I'm gonna be putting back in this tractor so these are both gear oils this traveler came from tractor supply and this harvest king came from rural King so I will I know that people are gonna say oh don't mix the oils and this and that and don't do this and don't do that their gear oils they should be pretty much the same heck they might even come from the same manufacturer they even the tubs on the top both look the same so I'm going to I want to show you guys this the new stuff versus the old gross oil gear oil that's in here I don't know how well you guys can see this but this oil and the new stuff looks a lot clearer and cleaner than the water colored stuff in the old bucket so I'm probably gonna let this other thing drain fill that other bucket for as much as it can and then we will we'll go from there now I also wanted to mention when I bought this tractor I had to put in about three gallons of gear oil into this thing so I drove this thing home from where we bought it at and I had to add about three gallons of gear oil to the rear end of this thing so the this tractor was I think this tractor had sat out pretty much like all the other ones that we have had they all have sat out and that's just kind of just the way things are I guess so but yeah I'm really glad I'm doing this and the engine oil is next on the chopping block I bought a new filter up at Napa that was a whopping 20 bucks for that filter and then another I don't know 20 ish for five quarts of oil I think this engine will take about six so another thing I wanted to mention the what is really nice about the narrow front tractor since the front tires are literally under the tractor itself you have plenty of room to walk around this thing and I you know I can easily get over to the other side and what's really nice I can fit a regular five-gallon bucket up underneath this thing and I won't have there's no clearance issues really or anything I was hitting the drawbar but that's really not a super big deal and we're just about done just about done draining here but this is looking pretty gross there's a lot of icky stuff in there so I'm probably gonna just let this thing drain for quite a while I've let the gear oil pretty much drain a day we're pretty much at a day right now and like I said before the transmission as well as the differential and rear end on this tractor are tied together I pulled the dipstick in for the transmission and pulled the plug on the rear end the plug that I showed you right in here and there's nothing reading on the dipstick now so I've definitely drained the oil in the transmission so I'm gonna put the plug back in and there is a copper washer on this thing I think you can see it there and I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some pipe dope on here and clean these threads and clean those threads on the bottom of the transmission bottom of the rear end and then we'll put everything back together but this is what I'm using it's called thread seal master plumber use on PVC see PVC metal pipe gas lines etc and it's good for gas oil diesel and all that so we're gonna put that on the plug clean everything up and then get we're gonna fill this thing back up again so let's get started now that this gear oil has pretty much drained out the absolute pretty much the most that it can I had thought about putting some diesel fuel in the you know by like eight gallons of diesel fuel and put inside of this tractor so that it would clean out all of the junk and stuff that'd be in the bottom of the transmission and the rear end of this thing I probably should have pulled the shifting gear the gear shift out of this thing again and just kind of had a peek inside the transmission and really I could see a lot of you know really what was happening inside of this thing but I didn't pull that off and I wish I would have looking back on and it also would have made filling this thing a lot easier so what I'm doing here is I actually I was doing a check on this tractor just kind of looking things over underneath this thing and I happen to notice two giant bolts that were missing for the drawbar so I'm I have to buy some bolts there the head on them is an inch and 1/8 and they're probably two two and a half inches long so I'm gonna have to buy some of those and I'm going to ride and get grade eight if I can they're coarse threads so I think Grade eight stuff is usually fine thread but that drawbar we do use it every once in a while this is kind of the tow tractor to tow and pull stuff and in addition to PTO work and stuff so this machine definitely the drawbar definitely gets used and the drawbar the hole at the end of it is all belonged probably half again as much as the original pin probably a third to half as much so this tractors definitely seen a lot of use in its day so I'm just trying to fill up the transmission and the rear end of this tractor and I will tell you what I I forgot how difficult it was to fill this thing with gear oil from a five-gallon bucket I had gear oil everywhere on this tractor all around this fills port and everything I I probably wasted a couple dollars worth of gear oil on this just because this you know you cannot fit a five gallon bucket below the steering wheel and the steering wheel does not move so you are kind of stuck there and once the five got five gallon buckets gets below a certain point I can kind of come in from the side but the problem there is I almost need a stand on a ladder or something to fill this tractor because I can't see it from one side and I have to stand kind of awkwardly on top of this thing to try to fill the gear oil up but it was a it was a just a nightmare to fill this thing up now in those books that I showed you in the beginning allis-chalmers I was trying to figure out which fluid to put in this thing they have like 90 weigh gear or oil 80 weigh gear oil 80 W 90 gear oil they have like 75 140 gear oil I mean there is high trans there's transmission fluid the so there's a number of things that I could put in here and I looked in the manual and unfortunately allis-chalmers said to use allis-chalmers branded oil and [Music] that's how you fill this thing up so obviously allis-chalmers now is AG co and they're not in business anymore of selling oils so what I figured out to do for the second one is I decided to fill up the second bucket about halfway if somewhere around there so that it would make this thing a lot easier to pour it took me about two two and a half hours to pour about eight gallons of gear oil into this transmission it's not the nozzle on the bucket itself it was the funnel restricting things and the hole in the transmission is about the size of maybe a quarter maybe a half dollar or something like that so I mean it's not super big and the hole in the a-10 is probably at least inch inch and a half maybe engine three quarters maybe two inches it's a pretty decent sized hole to fill up the transmission of that tractor and unfortunately on this one it was pretty small so I really had to pour kind of slow and whatnot you can see the paper towels on the top of the tractor they're flying around that was another thing I had to deal with was the wind the problem with the wind is it'll blow the stream of oil around and you know I only had a funnel in there about four or five inches wide so you know it's it's really difficult pouring oil into this transmission of this tractor and if I had to do this over again I would probably get the big this funnel I could find or a super tall two or three foot tall funnel in order to pour the gear oil into this thing but it was pretty much a nightmare and I wasted a decent amount of oil I've forgotten how much of a mess it makes when you pour the oil in the transmission in the rear end of this tractor alright so the list of things I have gear oil on number one my hands number two the floor three the floor pan for the transmission five the transmission cover six the funnel on the outside seven I have someone this switch eight this lever which actually this lever is Trace it down to here it's this one here and you can actually put in a belt drive to run a flat belt on this tractor I have it on the seat and I have it on the steering wheel so I will tell you what I've forgotten how much of a mess this thing makes and I will tell you what this is the the biggest downside to this tractor is filling this thing from a five-gallon bucket from a one gallon jug it would be it wouldn't be that bad but you know when you buy it by the five gallon bucket 5 gallon pail like I do you save quite a bit of money and that's just just the way just the way things are I guess but one thing I'll note here these lids will not the lid these pour spouts so the this is the rural king rural king one what does the same harvest king so that's rural king so look see how there's no there's nothing in there it's just an open hole and this is the traveler stuff from tractor supply and look at the difference this has these little fingers that are in here and this one doesn't this one poor is really quick and makes a big mess and this one just has like a nice even pour to it so I really really like this a lot better and actually to be honest with you these were pretty much the exact same price and I think I'm actually next time I'm just gonna stick with the tractor supply one because if to use this one first instead of this one I probably wouldn't have had such a big mess now I know some people were gonna say I should probably get a bigger funnel and that is correct the wind has been a problem and that's just the way just the way things go so I'm gonna pull the dipstick here and we're gonna see how full we are or how full we aren't surprise surprise I'm back at this again having to add more gear oil so I think all in all pretty much I put about eight gallons of giro oil into this transmission whenever it was at the full mark and we pulled the gear shift off a lot of the gears were still showing like they weren't in an oil bath or anything so I I'm glad we put in extra oil now that I'm pretty sure that this is pretty much full I'm going to check the oil and make sure that this thing is full it's a nice clean gear oil and I'm gonna wipe this off so this is what the oil is supposed to look like maybe a slightest yellowish greenish color it looks yellow on the paper towel but it's like greenish coming out of the bottle so we are about twice as much was where we should be it is right there hopefully you guys can see that right there and it's supposed to be down here so the reason why I'm over filling this number one in case there's any leaks number two in the event that you guys have launched Chucky 2009's videos you'll notice that the his a WD 45 tractor his is there were apparently two plugs or something on it and two were at different heights and he filled his tractor up to the wrong height or something and burned up a pomper I don't really exactly remember exactly what it was to eliminate that with this thing by over filling it this cap in here right there you guys can barely even see it that cap right there is a breather cap so if any extra if there's too much oil in this thing all it's going to do is come out there and I have a heck of a mess to clean up hope everyone enjoyed the video don't forget to Like comment and subscribe for more and hopefully we will see you all in the next one that right there is how you change the transmission and rear end oil in an allis-chalmers d-17
Channel: Love2boat92
Views: 8,014
Rating: 4.8383837 out of 5
Id: hiL2PyTHbSA
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Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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