Transforming the forgotten places | from invasive weedy mess to beautiful native pollinator garden

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and today we're going to be working in my sidey yard next to my garage I showed this space in my April Garden Tour as the work in progress or the not yet done space I am hoping to create something like a secret garden wildf flower Meadow type of experience so that as you walk through the gate um from the front yard into the backyard you sort of experience walking through all these beautiful tall plants and then the secret is revealed of here is where the pathway ends the goal is to continue it through this space and bring the pathway here all the way through the back gate and now flowers on either side as you can see right now is mostly just weeds more weeds tall grass weeds Canada fistal back there and what I think is a peie we're going to try and save that no it's not native but it's pretty and we can just tuck it in back there and hopefully it survives all the digging around what we're going to do today um this was the previous homeowners Garden so you can see there's some like lettuce volunteering itself here I might dig that up and just flop it in the green stock just to leave it so I don't trample over it um and then there's some tree seedlings in the fence which I don't love if I get the chance I'm probably going to chop those down as well and then this area is what we seated for our first little Meadow section I don't know if you can tell I've got some things starting to sprout here now whether this is the seeds I planted or weed seeds is yet to be seen But there is some stuff growing in here that is that section I just laid down cardboard Gass clippings Mulch and then put soil on top [Music] I don't really know where to start with this project [Music] except that I know that thisle is invasive that's definitely going to [Music] go some amount of weediness in this area is probably fine the goal is really that as we put the native pants in out compete all the non-invasive species but some things that are especially aggressive you might have to take them out just to give a new plants a chance at success [Music] most things I'm going to just let compost in place I'm just going to pull them and let them compost but but especially aggressive and invasive weeds like this Canada thistle I'm actually just GNA put it into a plastic bag and throw it away I don't want it to have a chance at receding itself okay I'm sure many folks well already know from the past gardening experience or something someone has told them you should probably not plant men species directly into your garden cuz they will receed themselves and become a weed um I'm not especially upset about this but I might take out some of it as I come across it just cuz it's not what I want to be in this section of the garden [Music] this area already looks world's better I'm going to move remove this little wooden border here and then I think I'm going to start planting it is kind of weird to conceptualize of weeding a wild space if this is intended to be a wild space but I do want to give the native plants that I purchased or got from swaps my new plants that I have acquired I want to give them a fighting chance I don't want them to be immediate overtaken by invasive plants so I'm just knocking back all of the non-native I'm just pulling chopping and dropping if I see anything that jumps out at me as being especially invasive like Canada thistle I'm bagging that and I'm going to throw that away in the trash but otherwise I'm just going to leave it as organic material let it break down over time probably I'll like chop it up with a shovel and just like rake it um and just let it naturally decompose um I am I do think I'm going to take out this wooden border here um it just isn't serving a purpose for me right now and it's kind of a barrier to getting in here and managing plus I really want to soften these Border Lines and really bring the plants all the way up to the pathway so that is my next step here it is a weird concept to think of like weeding a wild space because even as I was pulling pull out some of the weeds I was disturbing things like spider webs and nest for ground nesting insects and I do want them to have a habitat here that's the whole point of planting a Native Garden um a wild flower garden or a Native Garden or a native Prairie or what have you whatever you want to call it that's the whole point of me putting this space in so it feels it feels a little bit like a tradeoff to pull things out but it's all about resetting and giving these species an even better home once this Garden space is complete [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] all right so as a general rule you don't actually need to fertilize or add compost or any type of amendments to the soil for native plants um I'm doing this for one of two reasons one I want to make sure my plantings look intentional so they don't accidentally get mowed down and two I'm hoping that this will suppress some amount of weeds until we get our chip drop Mulch and just provide some general health and nutrition for the soil [Music] here's the next couple plants up in my planting plan another milked want blue indigo these are going to go here plus two let's do one of the blue indigo here one here maybe there's already a hole and then we do a more milk weed [Music] here and I think that's it for today we got some plants on the ground at the last minute I had a stroke of inspiration and decided to grab this decorative border fence um just as a temporary solution until the plants start to fill out and Bush out and we get the mulch and it's more obvious where the garden is and where the walkway begins just so that things don't get trampled um but I think it looks super cute and I am legitimately so excited to see these plants grow and fill out and hope that this is the beginning of such a beautiful native wildf flower garden if you enjoyed this video I will link another one of my videos below about how I'm trying to create more wildlife habitat in my backyard through planting native plants and let me know in the comments Below have you ever planted a prairie or Wild Flower mow or some other type of Native Garden in your yard and what methods have you found to for that to be successful how do you keep the invasive weeds down how do you keep your wild Critters from eating your plants before they are big enough to survive that um yeah just let me know what you think if you enjoyed this and would like to see more content from me please uh subscribe and you can follow along more of my journey thank you so much and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Reyna and the World
Views: 71
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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