TRANSFORMATION LIES WITHIN YOU. | Pastor David Ibiyeomie | TEDxPortHarcourt

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now what it takes to transform the world into a better place is within you it's not somewhere else you know why God said you can do all things not some things and while text about the kingdom of God here on earth is also within you everyone that wants to make impact you must stick a revolutionary tough yeah me very well if you are truly a child of God which is omnipotent God you can't afford to be put it what you think that time is who you are on to your mind is renewed your life cannot be transformed they can give you all the talks here all these speeches here and you go home say wonderful I attended tell it was so powerful but good seminars good talks don't make good people and as good decisions backed up with actions that produce results don't allow your thinker to be conformed to the happiness in the world and listen to some of the speakers transform your own mind with possibility mindset and it's time to dream new dreams and face the world will bravely and they shot any out dwell on his bravery why I want to dwell on that is because the brain has a size but the mind is limitless your brain is in a box called a head by the mind you can stay here and since something happened in America because the mind has no limit if you can't take it you can make it happen plans are good but auntie they are torn into reality then why produce good works so we must wake up from our slumber every one of us many are full of fear and on Saturday live because of what they've heard from news Brahm will take something that you cannot afford a mental philosopher the greatness of the American nation ever talk about AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA even the Americas that even know what made them great America has a major philosophy America home of the free land of the brain and has called you home of the free but the land of only those were brave never enslave your life and destiny to anyone else we're taught bravery slavery would not end i repeat without bravery slavery in any man's life will never end all let those who are brave take what belongs to them life will not give what you desire it will give you what you demand out of bravery only the brave becomes great you must possess a mentality of possibility mindset because God Himself made a statement he said the entire of his kingdom is within you now I'm going to give you a typical example of great people who and the world took the world by storm because you are young people most black young and the one that was impossible the first man to ever rule America for four times his name is Franklin D Roosevelt Franklin D Roosevelt had polio at the tender age they often refuse to him as FDR oh it was an American Statesman a political leader who served America for 933 totally died in 1945 a one-day record of four elections a man who had polio never baked became a star so no matter where you are you can be great the motherland challa physical deformity you have you can see makayley life another man called Hillary her Edmund this man was the first man to climb the mountain to the top of the mountain and he said not a man to be conquered but ourselves the third man is a man called Benjamin Franklin he had only two year formal education but became one of the greatest founders of America and better me frankly the whole world today celebrates him they will have a very very frankly day in America they were a scientist a diplomat an educator and a national celebrity who was only two years ago into school a man also called Michael Faraday many of you were a sciences in your school's me about Michael Faraday Michael Faraday was actually a bookbinder - sorry Davis Michael Faraday became a great man by turning his wall into bravery and today you can't talk about science without talking about mecca for adding another great man we bravely turned from an attic mechanic into a notable event of the diga in the Second World War he produced 50% of the earth moving equipment his name is called aerogel Tony Brett returned a young man in his 40s that time a black American to become the first black president of America called Barack Obama bravely can't own a cowboy - a champion bravery is the cure to slavery in the Word of God there are four lepers who became great step into the camp of a place called Syria today Syria and they took the world by storm all stars in every field of endeavor have this as the back of their strength why am I saying this the greatest secret I have is what I'm trying to share with you because I was told to look at my strengths and tell you what has made me what I am it is risky not to take a risk you must rise from all mediocre thoughts and our lives we taught a heart no one can make amok I want you have a Lion Heart you can have a large share so as young people yes they've told you wonderful principles how you've gone great but you need it hard to step out how come if you look at the lion is a small creature look at the lion for instance very small elephant is very big that room now the big difference is now called the king of the jungle how come they call a small I own the king of the jungle if you put an elephant and put a lion the lion is right and I can pass on that the elephant but what makes one is the heart when an elephant is before a lie on the lion sees the elephant as a meat he doesn't panic for the elephant elephant panics for a liar so what makes you is not your physical size at the heart you have once you have a strong heart you will also make a mark on the earth yeah me and hear me well when I came into a poor Accord for instance they said is not possible to do anything in this town in the area where I am and I loved before any major thing is done here you must bring people from outside for how code to make anything happen it broke all rules everybody I broke them today you all know five nights of glory is a global event from portico that transmitted into our world so no matter where you are don't set it with whatever I said there brick every natural rules brick history and then you move forward once you have a heart you can make it happen it doesn't matter who is looking down on you as you make it now here it is and I quote they say he would accomplish little was sacrificed little but he would accomplish much more sacrifice much if you want to do anything then go for excellence because excellence is the deterrent a wise woman said two sets is my racism once to excel in any field in life nobody wants to do your background they will never bother to know whether you're black white there is what will imagine Eliza's because they don't excel and once you excel nobody wants to know where you come from now let me say this to you stop talking about problems that define your problem is not intelligence and it's finding solution to a problem that is intelligence don't forth fine remedy we are privileged to be alive where there are many problems so it's time for us to wake up from all the challenges and face them with privity now yet because every solution you prefer to any challenge makes your success in those days computer I used to be very big massive but a young man called jest even reduce it to a table size inverted what we call it dad stop computer and all he did was also problem all that big gate is doing is solving problems intellectual ability it is not money we need first you need to discover a problem fest and then find a switcher to easily become great God created you to solve a problem I want to stop that problem you are born to solve that you find your business as a problem that prospers a man every give that is in you is actually to make you a great man so business now finding something to sell is simply finding a problem to solve look at your neighborhood look at your city look at your culture look at the world at large and find a plan to solve when you match that gift with a problem you are born to do you're bound to excel and you will answer let me say this to you there's nothing before you does not right before that you cannot handle their present position may not be pleasing to you your past failures will be haunting you but don't allow them for Street you hear the good news you can still make it in spite of what challenges there's no challenge you cannot handle all you need is just to have a brief heart and step up the beauty of the orange is when it is squeezed you will find the juice of the orange or do you squeeze it so sometimes you go through pressure in life because God wants to bring the beauty out of you so the pressure you're going through is not actually to destroy you the pressure you're going through is to bring pleasures out of you stops sitting down it's time to get up whatever you don't pursue you can't possess if you are planning out nice time to as good all your plants let me say this to you bravery must be expressed with prompt action no matter once against you now take from action I said I will step off rise about the song about your life and sedation the idea you have is good but you don't have all the time on earth let me say from my own little experience if you have to play football which Americans call soccer the British and we here call it football you can't play football at 35 so you don't have all the time to waste whatever you want to do stand up now and do it procrastination can become a full-time occupation the idea is wonderful but it's under bother why do we need to be brief because it was overseas not non-abusive 'table I had a young man who spoke was very powerful talking about Brandon and the rest I was laughing because in one of my books I wrote about branding it's not to show you where that makes who you are and what is the you that makes we were why you need to be bravest because you can't taste the good things of life without bravery - you can't get to the top without bravery three you remain in the urban areas of lively bravery and fall to get in the next level in a bravery how to poop rebel to walk let me close on this note ever watch me is a Genesis if you want to bravely to walk number one magnified the Almighty God you say sit on about church how come my America is the greatest nation on earth that is the only religion that said in God with trust on the occurrence II if you don't magnify God it will limit you there were many great destination was they are the only nation that magnified got an edge with everything push the America is a free nation I said that zolina should have rectified God elimination with in God with traceur their currency if you take go to the background you may never Excel know about to look inward look what focus your god-given potential that's great treasures on the inside what do you love to do I can see the doctor talking she was talking medicine with ease and saw the young man with Ben we're talking in his own strength so that's something on your inside I have a flair to do that's what makes you great about three despise every opposition actually opposition is a compound what opals it your position and I put it this way every time is your position it means something's of posting your real position so stop talking about the problems you are facing in life stand strong and then you make it happen all I've said is is have called it down rise and take a long steps believe it can be done know that goddess could be able to make it happen it's time to move ahead and succeed start that business now start a school you dropped now declare you can do all things go for that make it happen well let me say this to you I said from the beginning that when they run all do is talk and it was tough football is that through when mess is talking about stuff football that's how I will conclude without talking something to end my speech in the next one minute I have two minutes while I spend time alone but I'm going to use only one minute let me close on this note have you ever won that their beauty of creation every time you take your bird only to him to the sky he just flies and if you take that bed and put him in a cage you don't see his beauty have you ever won I would take a fish you put him to the water he sees beauty you tell that selfish put him in a plate without water you don't see his beauty have you ever wondered you take an animal you put him to the bush he sees beauty you take that some animal put him in the water you see the opposite of it because everything has a sauce wait confirm when it came to you your beauty will only come because God did not bring you from the forest they brought you from himself or until a man has leisure with God something's missing his life your beauty will never match until you go to your sauce which is God fish came from water birds come from the air and the Wasco from the bush and man came from God god bless you see you again [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 65,782
Rating: 4.9197812 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Life, Achievement, Ideas, Individualism, Motivation, Spirituality, Truth
Id: ySmdBiJx5_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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