Transform Your Life with this Incredible STEALTH Trailer!

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Keon tman everybody what's up guys Keon what's up man it's been a long time I know I'm back I'm doing something completely different now no more veins I actually love this but I didn't understand the concept until you told me about it when I saw you at a festival and then you brought it to my attention and I was like oh my God you you're about to change the game yeah you're changing the game for sure tell me about your new Venture first of all you come a long way I've done two van tours with you this is yep two van tours and this is our third tour if you guys remember me from the previous tours I had two Vans before this but now I'm tapping into something different I'm doing trailers now oh and I also have my own shop so before I was leasing out of my friend shop Nick Kelly uh which is SoCal custom van shout out to them um but I had me like a little corner and I didn't have no table I was just kind of cutting my wood on like on a trash can or something but now I have my own space yeah not much going in here because they actually have you I mean I'm going to back up a little bit yeah it's it's little don't don't mind the mess over there but here's my here's my trailer guys I'm super excited to show you this newu project that I've been working on this is just like a concept for right now I'm just kind of working out some things just to see what the people like um so if you if you don't mind just give me give me some criticism give me tell me what you think inside the comments and uh yeah just let me know all feedback is is is good all right so why switch it up from a van that has an engine a chassis and all that stuff why start doing trailers first of all it's easier to build so if you guys know Mercedes and pro masters they all like start straight and then they kind of like curve at the top but this is super easy to build it's literally just a box so there's no scribing or anything and it's a lot cheaper too I don't have to spend $100,000 on a brand new Mercedes Vans or $90,000 however much they are and also a new proas too I kind of got tired of buying used vans and just converting used veins because usually uh sooner or later they come they they they have some problems all right so without giving too much information mhm Tillman trailers is a company it is my company that you're starting uhhuh you are now selling the this is a client build yes but you're selling these trailers and your design and your build what's your range of pricing because it is a company and you can you can range in pricing right right so the range of price if probably I was started at maybe $115,000 going up to like $50,000 so that depends on what you want inside of the trailer now the layout does not change just because of weight reasons it took me a long time just to think about the weight because as you guys know if you have a trailer and you're driving it down the highway you got to make sure all the weight is at the tongue of the the trailer and up in the front and not in the back so it took me a while to think about that but ranging from $15 to $50,000 depending on what you want now you can get it totally maxed out with all the bells and whistles heated floor a huge battery system a 55 in smart screen TV and it just it just depends on what you want inside of it so the price varies so I wouldn't give it like a set price but depending on what the client wants depending on that depends on what your price will be now what are the dimensions of this trailer that's behind you now so these are the ones that I want to tap into now people ask me all the time they're like hey can you do a bigger trailer can you do a longer trailer I could but I rather stick with the small one so the dimensions here are 12 ft long 7 ft High I got that custom made 7t High cuz I'm about 61 so I like my head room so 7 7 ft high and then it's about 6 ft wide so 12x 7 by 6 wide and when I saw you at the festival you brought up an amazing point I want people I don't want them to but it would be a great idea for people to Airbnb these or have it as an extra house in your driveway this thing super small it fits into a regular parking spot again it's only 12T long so you can put this in your driveway and have an extra bedroom extra house a getaway a man cave um a place where you want to just go and relax and get away from everybody or you can put it in your backyard it's fully self- sustainable it does have hookup so it does have Shore power does have a water hookup so if you want all that you can um but it it is fully self-sustainable so you don't have to plug it up but if you have it in your backyard and your front or in your front D driveway then it makes sense just to plug yeah obviously just check with your HOAs and everything like that but now in you are in California now in the state of California they are fully allowing adus which technically this could be Adu stands for additional dwelling unit everybody so that's a great idea man and I love that idea for for you so let's kind of get into the build I guess we're going to start actually on the back patio here is this the only entrance this is not the only entrance there is a door on the opposite side of the trailer and I'll be showing you guys that but this is the pad so I turned the back door which is the ramp into a patio so you can sit out here and have your drinks and your Beverages and kind of have like a picnic if you got like a soft rug or bean bags or something like that whatever you want you can put on top um on there and just kind of relax if you're at the beach or anywhere like that there will be a bug screen up here just just don't have it yet the can you do a full screened in porch like can you like have poles come up that would be nice can you do that I could do that yeah you could that is customizable yeah I'm pretty sure they already make those um I don't think that would be too difficult to attach there but just something that extends out that would that be kind of cool screen porch so the the back ramp also comes down so that way if you do want to put bikes or something like that um inside of it it will be easy just to kind of like ride it right up the ramp but this is the back patio and then it's when it when it closes um it also acts as like the back wall so it's also really nice too you probably just have to sweep it off a little bit if you're like at the beach or something like that this is a very nice touch and very useful idea that I did for the back door here you know I just had a thought people are going to ask waight and I forgot to ask you that before we go inside so do you know what it weighs I don't know what it officially weighs but it's rated for 2500 lb that's how much Um this can tell I don't I I I don't know how much it weighs yet because it's not 100% complete again this is just kind of like a concept that I'm doing but you know it will be done soon and then once my website is up and everything I'll give you guys like the total weight of it um I'll have that information I mean your best gas my best gas is probably around two yeah probably yeah that's what I was thinking too so it probably be around 2,000 lb and this is I believe your only single axle you're going to start doing double axles exactly so no more single axles this is just the first one um I actually have another client after this and they have a double axle and there's is Al also going to be white too so I can change the color of the exterior I have gray black and then I have like a charcoal gray too so like a darker gray than that but I do my next clients does have a different color and it will be double axle the reason I ask weight is because it depends on what vehicle can tow it yeah definitely you know certain Jeeps can tow this Toyota RF 4S can even pull it like there's a lot of vehicles that can pull something like this exactly crazy so you don't need like a massive truck either to to pull this thing if you have something that just has like a a hitch on it yeah you can definitely tow this thing wherever you want so you should build me one for my F250 I'm I'm down man let me know all right let's uh can we step on up yeah for sure we can uh step up so just to get like a kind of view from the back here as you can see we have on the right side we have a 55 in scen TV it does connect to the the internet so that way you have Netflix Hulu all your apps on there too um and then just down below we just have some cabinet oh man this is so pretty yeah this is like the Keon design now yeah man very earthy very earthy yeah I I definitely like the the the tones here I love the green this is like a t I think it's like a te green so on the left here we just have like a regular bench now this can be moved out into a uh bed but it's not the main bed that you're going to use to sleep in here but inside of This Is All Storage so it's all empty it just has the lids that you guys see pretty much in every bench you just lift it up and then you can store things inside of there and then you have your Lagoon table here with I mean it's obviously huge in the van industry which you know it's nice having a van Builder build out a trailer because I guarantee you like somebody that's building a trailer might not take van ideas but you you did I'm I'm literally taking the van build and putting it inside of a trailer I'm using the same oppon the the batteries the whole electrical system literally everything that's in a van is just putting in a trailer you know I did that with my tiny house and it's not that it wasn't frowned upon they just didn't get it yeah the tin house Community wasn't ready for for us yeah yeah definitely but now you're now you're bringing it back cuz they I guess they're used to putting house stuff inside of the TR man because it's like has to be plugged in yo you built this off grid exactly yeah so what is your battery capacity on this I have over 600 amp hours of uhk batteries got a 3,000 WT inverter solar panels on the top is over 800 WTS of solar so that that's a lot yeah has some some really nice panels so we have some windows here we got your 120 volt Outlet some 12vt Outlets here I'm going to step in Keon how tall are you again I'm about 61 okay you're 61 yeah and I'm five we we we're going to say eight but I think I'm shrinking I stand here very comfortably but that is not what is above me and you're about to like you can fit it's not your ceiling it's not the ceiling at all it's not the ceiling it's actually the bed so the bed is on the platform on the Happy Jack platform I know you guys seen a lot of these in other Vans before but I think I may be the first person to put a happy jack system inside of like a trailer or a small trailer for sure a small trailer yeah definitely which is which is nice because of the way the Happy Jack works it takes up so much room in a van because of the curvature of the van exactly man you killed it so this is completely straight it was easy to install all I had to do was just screw it through the wall and put my platform right over top of it so it's it's really nice but yeah you don't have to duck under it if you're under 61 if you're a little bit taller than 61 then you're probably going to have to duck a little bit but my head hits it a little bit but I kind of like don't even mind it you know I can just walk in and out of here but the bed up there super nice one time I lowered this down and it hit my laptop and almost broke my laptop so you just got make sure you close you got to be mindful that all your like stuff's out of the way but yeah the the button for it is right here okay as you can see the bed come past the television so that way you can watch TV and still be in the bed here and then you can kind of just use this as a back rest do you know what size bed that is it's about 6 ft long and it's probably about like five I would probably say like 55 or 56 wide okay okay you pretty much can sleep any direction yeah yeah definitely yeah a lot of people are like well what what happens if you kick the TV well don't kick the TV don't kick the TV if you're a crazy sleeper then sleep on this side I guess yeah but um you still have your window here this does have a bug screen and it also is fully blacked out if need be and you still have your 120 volt outlets and 12vt outlets on the wall so if you want to charge your phone or be on your laptop while in bed you still can this is nice because you can keep all of your blankets and pillows on here and literally just lift it right back up into the ciling in theide of the way but this is a really nice bed the one great thing I do like about having this bed here is that if you're sleeping here with a partner you can get off of your bed you still have access to the fridge you still have access to the bathroom the sink and you can the the stove and everything like that that's in this area here you can also use the bottom of it as a bump bed so this bed doesn't have to go down all the way you can bring the bed up maybe like right here and stop it and have your kids or your company whoever you have extra over can sleep literally sleep right at the bottom and then both of you guys still have access to everything that's on this side this is not your living area obviously your bedroom was up top this is your living area you said this is actually capable to have another sleeping area so you could sleep more than you know one or two whatever exactly so can easily sleep four people I'll probably on my next one this uh this bed will just slide out um right now this one's just like a stationary bench just because that's what the client want it all my future ones if you're a a future client and you want this to be pulled out and turn into another bed then you can you know what I mean it's up to the client whatever they want what I'm curious now what I see it on your door right there but what material is this um it's just Baltic Birch um I just painted it and I got it CN seed so I got these little uh these groov CN seed out but it looks ni 3/4 in btic Birch and and then you you made the grooves this is actually half inch oh it is yeah and then you made oh it's very thin yeah very thin so I I believe we went in probably like a quarter of an inch that's crazy that's good yeah it looks good but the CNC machine did all that stuff it would take me forever to do this with my router yeah but shout out to the CNC machine um that got shout out to the CNC machine to the CNC machine but this is the only thing that the CNC machine cut um and then and also these uh faces for the for the bed too but everything else was cut by Me by hand so should we move into the kitchen area we have some Cabinetry up here um it's not 100% complete so I'm not going to show the inside of it okay people be let me see I want to see it I want to see it well open something else that maybe is complete but we have a we have a wardrobe up top here so you hang up all your clothes inside of there um down below we do have a drawer for all your socks um extra luggage makeup whatever you want to put in here yeah um I am going to on my on my next trailer I am want to put a a mirror right here so for all the ladies that want to do their makeup and get all pretty you have a nice little window not a window a mirror a mirror right here so that way you guys can kind of check yourself out when you're doing all your stuff and we have our fridge here and again you went with the what people use in boats and vans uh Vito or isoone it's Vito Vito yeah and then we have freezer fridge combination here brand new fridge freezer really deep couple shelves here so you can put all your produce and stuff in there I love it so there's your fridge freezer uh we can step foot into the kitchen here we have a deep black uh stainless steel sink here um and then we also have a propane stove a lot of people like propane I've never used a propane stove before but I have in other people's like Vans and tiny houses or just someone's house in general but it's nice to have that flame you know what I mean especially if you're a cooker so I was going to say the people in the trailers love the propane cuz they can put the propane tanks right at the front on the tongue and the is that what you're doing that's exactly what I'm doing so that's where I got the inspiration from usually I would use an induction stove and all electric like all electric um but it just up to the client what they want but the propane tank will be on the outside of the trailer and and it will save a lot of power for sure but yeah you have um you have your running water here you also have hot water do you have a gray water tank or ises that just drain straight to ground no it doesn't drain straight to ground there is a 30 gallon gray water tank that is mounted underneath so you have 33 gallons of fresh water 30 gallons of gray water that's mounted underneath and then the freshwater tank is mounted underneath the sink and everything so the freshwat is inside the fresh water is inside so technically you could you know if you a cold weather climate you could actually have this in cold weather climate definitely so it is rated for cold weather climate you have a drawer right here for all your silverware all that stuff goes goes in there that's some upper cabinets here if you want to put a blender Toaster air fryer up there um my next clients instead of this being an upper cabinet they're going to put a air uh I think they're going to put a oven here oh cool they're going to have a they're going to have an induction oven that goes right here and then on this side um would just be like storage so it's fully it's whatever you want if you want it on this side you you can if you want an oven you can put it on ins side and then on the side can be storage completely up to you obviously this is the door for everybody to be like what the heck yeah so this is your side door right here so you don't always have to have the back door down you this opens up just like that C Door yeah it's nice it also has a deadbolt on it too so there is a security system on here so this can be controlled via Wi-Fi Bluetooth so you can track to see if it's unlocked or locked um who comes in and out there is a touchpad on the outside of it so you can either use your fingerprint or your PIN or just unlock it from your phone but there is a deadbolt here just for like safety and there will be one on the back door also I love that man yeah up here in the ceiling we have your 12vt dtic AC unit here so it does have AC it does have AC and you didn't go with like a mini split which is what like a lot of tiny homes and trailers would use you went with a Dometic AC which what we use in the van life exactly yeah cuz I have over 600 amp hours of battery and eight you know plenty to to power this thing so you know it's fully off grid capable works just like a van so we talked about possibly being a cold weather climate do you have a heater in here as well yeah there will be a diesel heater in here you said this isn't done yet it isn't done yet it's not installed yet but it will be and all my future ones will have diesel too so there'll just be like a separate tank that's mounted on the outside and have its own little car I'm going to be honest with you that's exactly how I did my tiny house is it really yeah I had a diesel tank sitting on the front on the tongue oh wow yeah yeah and you had propane too no no prope I went all electric but then again I had a 24t tiny house brother and I had 3200 WTS of solar on my roof it's a little bit different than having 800 WTS of solar I had a bigger roof bro that makes sense that makes sense but yeah well I'll I'll have a a heater in here too so if you do want to take this in cold climates you can you have a heater if you want to take it in hot climates you have a AC so this is my favorite part of the trailer right here this is the shower it's a big shower you can probably fit two people in here I wouldn't say probably but you definitely can fit two people here if you're into that kind of thing um but you have a full shower here there is a drain obviously at the at the um floor of the shower and it drains right to the gray tank so does the water for the sink but you have this huge marble it's not actual marble yeah step in here and you have a skylight in the top here so the sun shines through there will be like a curtain that goes and closes up for privacy so if you're somewhere and people are towering over you and can see down into your trailer there will be something that can close that up and there will be a nautilus door here so just like a sliding door that just comes right across giving you privacy for you to shower and also use the bathroom yeah so there's a toilet oh wait P the pay the camera to me what you got guys in my last maybe two probably both of my tours that I did with I know this for a fact with J I know where you're going yep there were so many comments like show me your toilet show me your to try and you you never wanted to no no and I was like I don't come what did I say j i don't come to your house and ask you where your toilet is so everyone was asking me where my toilet so this is the first time in history that you guys get to see my toilet and it's out in the open it's right there and I yes and I I never saw your toilet in your other Vans although they were there I know they were I don't remember the other the other uh if you use a compost if you use a dry flush I don't remember which the other ones were compost so I upgrade it big time you did upgrade to the Le drive one of my favorite it is absolutely amazing um obviously I have one in my tiny house would you ever do a like propane incinerator if you're going to be doing some propane I I could I've never worked with one of those before but I heard great things about them I heard uh one of my friends have the incinerator toilet but I'm not opposed to it you know the propane one I think is really good for because it doesn't take up so much power yeah oh yeah that's very true I mean well this one doesn't take this one's pretty nice too this one's beautiful what I like about this one is that you can also take it out too so it's not that heavy so you can take that thing out maybe sit it outside or sit it in the living room area wherever you want um and you just have the full shower to yourself so so you could I was going to say you could do your business while watching TV is that what you're getting you can do your business while watching TV if you're in here by yourself yeah for sure but we do have your max air fan right here as you can see part of it is inside of the the shower so that way when you're showering all the moisture and stuff from the hot shower that you have can literally be sucked right out of the the vent there look at you with your plant I love plant some plant guy plant Dad here I'm not going to call you plant daddy plant Daddy come on man just one time artworks beautiful yeah that's Ikea I was going to say it's got to be Ikea but uh good stuff buddy all the little plants and the little knickknacks are from Ikea but everything else all the furniture and stuff I built by hand so I love that well yeah I wouldn't want you to put Ikea furniture in here but yeah I know yeah but there have been others that have done this that yeah especially when you're working with something Square does sound like a good idea but I just want mine to be a little bit more custo customized and a little bit more durable than what like Ikea uses cuz this is all Baltic Birch this is the expensive stuff you know what I mean and you know normally I would go to the outside but you kept it Bare Bones because you want it to be Incognito you wanted like it's almost like a like a stealth trailer that's exactly what I want it to be so when you decide to if you decide to put it inside of your driveway like I said it fits perfectly inside your driveway I don't want it to be not noticeable I don't want neighbors complaining about it I just want them to be like well they just probably have like a a toy hauler they probably got their tools or just extra storage in there but no one would know that you have like this tiny house inside of here unless you actually show them you know what I mean so that's why I didn't put too much on the outside yeah definitely very Bare Bones but this is it this is the tiny house this is my new idea and uh I really really would like some feedback just to see what people think about it if they like it if there's something that they will buy keep on keeping on I appreciate it I love this man give your a shout out one more time where you're at where people can find you if you want to follow my my personal page and you can see all the other tiny houses that I I built before I have some other ideas and things that I've done in the past you can follow me at Keon Tillman and then it's going to be right but if you want to email me and you're interested in specs weight customization what you can take and put inside the vent I'll set my email right here Sarah and that is tman trailers just put it right here at the corner wherever you want to put it tman trilers put it right over your face so that's just my last name trailers Tilman trilers yes and that's for any one of these trailers again what dimensions am I standing in so we are in a 12T long 7t high and 6 feet wide for people that don't understand that is about the size of a proom master everybody it it actually is this part without the the it's actually more height more height than than a Pro Master I got it customized I got the I got an extra foot it came six but I got it seven just for like head that's beautiful so yeah it's literally the same size as the Pro Master just without like the front so like the back of the proas 2500 literally the same exact size without the weird angles so well you did a fantastic job you fit everything in here uh Keon I can't wait to see what else you come up with and when you do some more I know you got a really cool build coming up I'd love to tour that one I do uh when that's done maybe in a month two months whatever it's going to be let's tour that one okay definitely definitely thank you guys so much I I greatly appreciate all the comments and all the nice words and likes until next time guys appreciate you later buddy peace [Music]
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
Views: 220,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailer tiny home, tiny home, tiny house, tiny home airbnb, trailer camper, trailer conversion, van life, vanlife, trailer tiny tour, tiny home tour, tiny house tour
Id: UMP6B52el7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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