Transfer motion capture data to custom rig

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[Music] hello guys welcome to another written tutorial in this one we are going to graph some motion capture data and transfer that to our rig okay so here I'm on a maximal that's one of the popular platforms to get animation okay so I'm gonna steal something over here okay let me go ahead and search for okay okay there is some cool kickin animation maybe we can go stay alright let's see maybe this one okay so let me go ahead and download that and I just need an FBX and I don't need the skin 24 frames per second and that should be it so go ahead and download this guy okay when that is done then I can go grab that okay let me know let me put it to my project so here okay now let me go ahead and open that now it is an FBX but I can actually change my files of type to all files and I can actually grab this guy and open it don't need to save anything you can see we have it's taking animation right cool so to start with I need to convert it into a character description and one thing to be aware of is that you wanted let me change my UI back so you want it to be in a tea post or in its original post basically before you do that so I'm gonna grab all the the root zones and go for select hair Rakhi here and then go ahead and zero out all the rotation to make it go back to the bending posts and then I can go there could be something on the center of gravity at the root joint but I just don't know what that value is so I have to just use what it gives me okay and then I can go for the character a human IP part and then I can create a character definition here and then I can go rename this character to be maximal maximal description whoops yeah and then we go ahead and start setting up the joints that's pretty straightforward you just grab the toilet and fan out the proper joint here when you see those drop down drop down there actually means that you have something inside so let me grab the clavicle here right and right click here and add our aside selected bone okay back here grab this guy okay and then do that oops and just keep on going until we have everything at it you can see it's able to recognize the other side okay now here in the hand we can go to the inside and you can see what how we have actually a bunch of bones also so we need to do that to do that one by one okay right so oops if you did something you're not sure you did it correctly or that you can clear it and then reassign just to be sure right yeah and I hope that there is like a automatically recognition because sometimes I feel like you know they have this outer ring already future building already I think maybe they're able to fan what's going on if it's a generic ring but you just have to it have to do it manually for now oops yeah I'm selecting multiple words okay all right now you can also hover the cursor here and see what what Jones are assigned here three two one for the middle index right hand is probably the most difficult part alright and then we can go to the root here and add that and one more here for that and there is a bunch more you always go from the root to the top so the next guy will be this guy you just go from the root right the next guy will be this guy so keep on going and if you don't have more you just leave those empty here we have the neck so let me grab the neck and add it here and we have the head right that's gonna be this guy and then moving on down to the legs just add that and that and eventually we can grab that you know the whole joint okay cool now that's actually everything mm-hmm and then when we were done with that we can go ahead and save this guy so save Cena's and I'm gonna save this as kicking animation okay all right now one more thing I want to do I want to do is go ahead it also saves its description so I'm gonna hit the save call this guy max no and the file Sonny will be in this path in your C Drive so you could also change that but if you put it here then they are able to be found very quickly and when you open a different file anyway I'm gonna save it here for now whoo now go back to our rig and we need to do the same thing so I'm gonna grab this joint and start by creating a character definition okay you can rename our character to be Sophia definition our character alright and then again we need to do the same thing for the drawings all right so we go from the roots next one and here we can hit the double arrow button to select the child if that's faster and here we're going for the neck it's a downward arrow button but that's gonna be the Hat so they do that here all right okay here we can go for the bone okay back up here and grab the year now that's the clavicle but here we can go select our shoulder right the elbow the wrist okay you can it's gonna tell you like there's something wrong over here if you look at it it's it's basically saying that it's not parallel to the x-axis because our character is actually rigged in a in a april's right so here is actually something you have to be aware of if you're captured data is actually Teeples you probably want your character to be Tebow's so here just to make it a little bit more consistent we can actually clear these guys okay so what we could do is we could make our character go for Teeples first and that's gonna generally give us battery's out so I'm gonna grab my controller here and ctrl G to group it and then name that group people's okay and they basically make it people's more or less so I'm gonna go for I don't know 55 degree and to the same thing for the other side T posts also 55 that that way is gonna be more like a tea pose I could also take my other controllers but just for the simplicity we just keep it like that it should be fun we can trick the animation later the captured data will never be perfect so you always have to take the animation anyways alright so let me do that again this time I'm back to our character and we can keep on going now and grab the clavicle a clamp ooh is there already and we can go grab this guy okay and this guy and then this guy okay now this is still gonna give you that warning but we know that it's the t-post already okay and for the inside let's just do it a little bit differently because I have the joints but I also have my controller let's try the controller this time see if you can transfer the animation right directly to the controller okay so that and that and otherwise it doesn't really hurt us either because and we actually don't have the controller setup for the fingers anyways in the control setup later on so it will be it will be actually better to try it to have the controller over here instead that's uh I can you'll see what that means but anyway let's do controller there that one more here to keep on going oops keep on going here here okay now that's the fingers back here to the other side I have the fingers also that's real nice because it actually knows that the other one for some reason okay see yeah that's the right side fingers alright now go back here to our legs right just go grab the leg do it okay and go inside I'm gonna grab the last joint over here alright so that's gonna be our description the description here I can see it still says that the arm and the two arms are not parallel to the x-axis but that should be fine in our case so let's go ahead and save our model here let's call this guy so very this scription oh yeah and then we need to go ahead and use our rigged controls to build a a custom rig so this will be the last icon here called create custom rig mapping and we'll go ahead and click on that and here then that's where we grab our controller and then send them to those different various pieces and unfortunately it's not able to recognize the symmetrical part in the default setting okay so we have to go ahead and do that myself our selves but it's fun it's not a lot of controllers anyway so we just do i FK in this case you can see we don't have fingers up there and that's why I hope something is wrong with this fever for some reason why did I wrote here do that here too that's not a very good sign because that means our tea person is not correct for that part don't know when I did that anyway hopefully this is not gonna be a big deal and let's go back to our humanity here and keep us standing our controllers okay you can see there is no set up for the hands so I guess I don't know why it would be better if they have hands they're awesome but they they don't so anyway I'm gonna go grab that you shoot over here and at it now inside of it we can then grab our first controller down the span and that's how I have and this guy will be the chest head the neck have ups for the neck I have one too and this one is actually the head and I'm moving on down to the legs and just the same thing right at the light controllers from the side to the need to the alcohol and even chale my it doesn't have that either yeah there's no talk to it for some reason so I'm gonna go here also I right here yeah that's okay so that's gonna be my custom rig setup okay let's go ahead and save this file one more time just on break finished all right now it's time to bring in our animation and match it so we do here is go to file and then we can go for a create reference and then go grab our kickin animation and reference that the reason we're referencing is because we can easily carry the reference by kicking that out and that's gonna leave us a very clean file right otherwise you're referencing a lot of stuff and you delete something in the viewport you still have some random node maybe is you know roaming around or just not really helping you and they're gonna be like garbage right in your sim file and so I'm gonna go again to the source here right it doesn't matter what with what I select it because I'm selecting myself via rake here so I'm gonna go to the source and choose now the maximum description okay let's see my model moved a little bit that means now my model here Marek here is actually following the animation of this one and that's what its source is the animation is how many frames 62 so let me change that to 62 here you can see we're already capturing the data isn't it okay alright go take a look at what we have and then those admissions are baked right on the surface on the from our animation right to the controllers and for now they're they're actually a connection they're not baked so we want to pick them that's right so go to the human eye click here and go to the little icon go for bake and we can then bake it to the customer rate okay that's when the animation actually transfers to our rig and then we can go ahead and save let go for reference editor and kick that out by grabbing this and delete that and remove okay so now that rig is gone or that animation is gone let's show now and show polygons only see this is our character I can see the animation is transferred over to our right now right oops why is the iMovie the ice having some animation maybe that's something I forget to delete when I was reading it and if let me go fix that so the animation then is now baked down your controller you can see every frame has an animation right but for a motion capture data used you know this is this is not bad but you still need to tweak it right because your character is different and some of the moment maybe it's too drastic or not enough right so based on your your character you to have to like tweak it afterwards and but that's that's what when the animator came into play right that's when they started to clean it up and add new details and possibly make changes if you know they need to change that alright so after this let's also talk about how do we change the animation to a different animation right we spread all those to have matching things up but what if I wanted to grab another one let's go ahead and get another one here let's see this one looks pretty cool let me go grab that and download it okay let's say okay I want this one this one also right how can I even do that it's also called kicking kicking let me go change that name to kickin 0-2 and copy that to my seat okay and now back here I'm gonna say I could save this okay let's call this guy Sofia rig mmm kick with your one animation and then I'm gonna go over the kicking 0/2 I open that okay and you can see our choice over here right I'm gonna good I'm gonna again grab everything here and tries to zero that out I could actually just right go right here and we can go for the route okay and then create character definition and before we do any actual seven because we have done that before around the same Jordan structure so we could actually now load our template that you can see it's already here at this assume that's the thing we saved earlier so we can just go ahead and hit OK you can see it's all about giving a set oh we actually have to do since out that's right because if we if we don't do that then we're considering those this shape this process the default pose so probably need to do that right away so let me go select the hierarchy and zero out the rotation that's at least the thing we have to do right back here's the human eye can see now it's all happy let me do that just redo this just to be safe okay go ahead and load I have to select the route to do that okay all right now it's all happy and let me ridden in this guy this is a little bit of kicking little too okay and I can save my file so save Cena is kicking there too should be fun and then I can open my Sofia great custom rate finished right that's the one we just finished set up and then we can then go ahead and reference in our King Lear - okay and again we just go change our characters source to kick in there - because you're our model move to that position let me actually disable the animation only I don't know why I have that so great connections all right now if I go ahead and play the animation you can see now we'll play the other animation all right let me go ahead and bake the animation to our custom rake all right and then I can go to the reference editor and kick that out so now I have my animation pic on my rig now look at this one you can see we do Patridge starts to see some imperfections like here this is the arm is in there right that's the rotation you know captured so that's how accurate data but your character could be different and that's what's causing the problem here let me change my few settings to one yeah so if you see those weird like things like that it's stitched sticking out from the model when you zoom away that's because of the nuclear plant just make that something bigger like one or so turn on that and I assisted have a better we were you can see the moment is there is just having that offset that you have to fix so capture data are not perfect for all the rigs you have to make your own adjustment in virtually all right cool so that's basically the the basics of transferring the motion capture data into URI in Syria this should work with other rigs but it's easier if your rate has like my rig have like a simple deformation to unchain right then there are connected and they're just a separate system outside of the rating system down here that way it's easier to pick your stuff and how so much easier to transfer this to a game engine that's for sure okay I know alright this that's gonna be everything I want to talk about thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: UIW 3D Animation and Game Design
Views: 38,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion Capture, Custom Rig, Transfer, Animation
Id: SYv_Z1TdBvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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