trans girl’s first reaction to Ethel Cain |Preacher's Daughter|

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okay I cannot tell you how excited I am right now because I recently just discovered a new artist well I don't think she's that new of an artist personally I just stumbled upon her her name is Pebble Kane I listened to her song Crush so far and I I love I'm obsessed with it I love the sound I love her voice the lyrics are just so expressive and so I looked into her even more and she's a trans woman some of her stuff covers religious trauma and stuff like that at least from the research that I found and I'm just like wow this my long lost sister because I'm just like you you're just like me anyways hi there my name is CeCe thank you for clicking on this video and today we are going to be reacting to Ethel Kane's album Preacher's Daughter I saw that she had an album that came out this year called preacher's daughter and that name sounded kind of familiar to me but then I remember someone commented on one of my past videos like a few months ago telling me to react to Ethel Kane's album Preacher's Daughter it just didn't seem like something I wanted to look into more but I'm gonna be honest after learning that she's a trans woman that sings about religious trauma it's like okay I'm hooked I want to hear this and if you're new here feel free to subscribe and if you are a returning viewer welcome back and let's get into this reaction track one is family tree home quote intro what is this okay there's a man speaking I'm already like scared with like a deep face in the background this is scary [Music] [Music] I'm getting chills already and this is the intro it's just feeling really cinematic damn oh this sounds so good just going from all that sound in her voice to just this guitar oh layers there was so much going on just in the intro the intro itself felt very detailed and its sound and her voice and this is the setup for the album so let's let's move on track two is American Teenager I left her voice so much [Music] [Music] that course came in strong oh these lyrics are kind of sounding relatable [Music] oh I I honestly just want to listen to her music like it's so hard to comment when I just want to listen so okay this isn't so hard I'm pissed I'm pissed that I didn't discover her sooner I'm pissed that it's taken me this long to listen to this album I really should have just listened to this as soon as I got that YouTube comment a few months ago oh my God next track oh this is sounding dark it's that Deep piano thing right there and it's called a house in Nebraska it's just this Deep piano and her voice and yet it's doing so much oh we're starting to hear a little more so we're gonna get like a build up now oh my God foreign [Music] wow how did she do that how is she able to have this song where there is just her voice a deep piano in the beginning you know a drum kick and you know then an electric guitar comes in it's a very minimal song but yet there's this huge impact that it's having I thought Kane's talented I'm just saying that foreign again her voice is so soothing and relaxing and yet it still has a big impact okay [Music] she's just really good with expressing she's really good with expressing herself in these songs I don't think I was as into this track because I was the first three tracks but it still sounded really great track five is family tree oh so I see the religious traumas coming in and the Bells oh these instruments coming in okay girls sing oh oh this last part is hitting [Music] okay I I honestly didn't know how I was gonna feel about that song either like I didn't know if I was gonna like it as much but then it started to build up instruments were added and that last part where she was singing her guts out and just the electric guitar and it was amazing so the song definitely improved as it like it kept going it was just getting better and better [Music] this is definitely a very visual song that's what it's feeling like we've got like I'm picturing like a feel like a long like dress picnic blankets maybe I'm just the cute Emily Dickinson I don't know so I love the lyrics of this and it was a very visual feeling song but it will probably be one of my least favorites in the album just because it didn't do too much for me and I don't really see myself listening to this particular track that much it goes great with the rest of the album obviously the track alone I don't really think stands out at least in my opinion next track is thoroughfare I hope I'm pronouncing that right um oh we're bringing a harmonica in this time oh my gosh okay this is a country song apparently we've got the harmonica we've got the Texas oh my God this is a really visual one too there's like a dialogue going on in the lyrics making me really want to listen [Music] oh oh that line and that line away oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] shut up it's just getting better what an outro [Music] one of my favorites definitely one of my favorites off of this album that song was like almost 10 minutes long and it like kept me going I don't think a song that long has ever kept my my attention spam I have a really short attention span so the fact that this almost 10 minute song kept me listening to it and kept me enjoying it next track is Gibson Girl [Music] oh [Music] oh okay [Music] okay [Music] that Volcan is getting Saucy here Saucy what a word choice for me to use oh this like deep guitar going on right here how oh there was a lot going on on that one too I I really like that one too I mean the sound and the lyrics I want to think of a different word like spicy but it was a nice feeling next track I definitely cannot print out can more creepy voices do you hear what it's saying love you love you is that what it's saying over and over again with the really eerie noise in the background too okay this is quite an intro there's something about this one like it's just Eerie to me oh we're getting that deep voice again oh my God she caught me by surprise right there oh my God this one's all this is just a nut this is another cinematic feeling track like the intro wow wow okay let's talk about the journey that that song brought I mean it started out just Eerie creepy voice in the background it was kind of starting to continue through the song so I was like okay is this a song because her voice was also like really low and quiet and I thought that was just gonna be what the whole song was gonna be like I didn't mind it it wasn't bad but then she started getting louder and louder with that stop stop stop and then just like it just exploded with her scream and then the loud instruments that was just so amazing so impressive it made me like the song so much more like I already liked it in the beginning and that just boom like amazing awesome outstanding oh this is like a less than four minute track which it's a short one compared to a lot of the other ones in this album I'm still processing the last one grow what is going on here oh okay it wasn't as big of a surprise this time but it's still affecting me okay I don't think anything big is happening so nice song with her voice and stuff and it's smoothly transitioned to the next track are you kidding I think I discussed all I need to so now we're moving on to this track I'm just gonna let it I'm letting it continue [Music] oh the piano's building up getting a lot more note tapping going on this is beautiful if this is Ethel Kane just like playing the piano I am so impressed next track is called Sun bleached files I kind of like that title some beach files I don't know it's only that that title is really nice she also a Pianist besides a singer oh here we go here she is oh oh oh these lyrics here we go here's this is okay now it's feeling relatable now [Music] okay here's the religious trauma here is the religious trauma and the visual that's on this song not that building oh my God I can't take this and we're on the last track now last track strangers track 13. and the voice is back is this like her dad because the app is called preacher's daughter I'm thinking of the voice is her dad oh my God what the man is saying [Music] I mean falling in love with strangers that's a vibe [Music] her voice is so beautiful [Music] oh you're so handsome oh oh my gosh I love when this happens in her songs it just goes in so smoothly that transition just getting more and more intense and better wow oh oh my God that last track hit too with the religious trauma and the message and lyrics and the instrument in her voice just wow I'm gonna say it again I am really pissed at myself for not listening to this album sooner and giving Ethel Kane a chance sooner because I am loving her music that I've listened to so far this Preacher's Daughter album and Crush which isn't a part of this project it's on a different project but I mean I'm really interested in the idea of listening to more of Ethel Kane's music I don't know whether I'll do more video reactions or whether I'll listen to it on my own I don't know if you want more cocaine reactions let me know in the comments but we'll see normally tracks that are like really long kind of take my attention away and make me lose my interest but she was really good at keeping me a hold of listening to the track so like she's powerful as I said in the beginning of the video she's kind of feeling like a long lost sister and I feel it even more after listening to this album I would say that my favorite tracks on this album are family tree American Teenager a house in Nebraska thoroughfare Gibson girl I don't think I'm pronouncing that right but that's me trying to pronounce it sun bleached five oh Sun bleached flies girl my brain was reading files instead of flies they both sound like good titles and strangers those were my favorite tracks on the first lesson of this album but I'm probably gonna listen to a lot of these tracks some more what did you think about this album and these songs did you like them did you not like them what are your favorites let me know everything down in the comments below like this video And subscribe for more I have done plenty of other music reactions and I will leave a playlist for that as well as covers that I have done of people's songs and other stuff that I have done on my channel up on my screen for you to watch if you would like to and I hope to see you in the next video bye
Channel: Cece Noor
Views: 5,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crush, american teenager
Id: diDrLdrBr8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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