PREACHER'S DAUGHTER rocked my world :: *Ethel Cain Album Reaction*

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you never thought you'd see the day and I didn't either um yeah so I'm going to be trying to listen to this album again back in like November of last year I tried to react to this album and I just didn't Vibe with it so I held off and then in January I reacted to the song strangers and honestly I've fallen in love with that song I have grown to really really love that song I've listened to it on repeat multiple nights and so I decided I would give this album another try it is called Preacher's Daughter It Is by Ethel Kane and if you don't know Ethel Kane is actually the stage name of someone by a very different name that I cannot pronounce but I understand that Ethel Kane is actually a character Ethel Kane is the character in this album this is sort of like a concept album very much a story album I did look into all of the lore behind this album and it's insane it's a story album and it is a fictional story about a girl who is murdered and cannibalized by someone so that's kind of what we're going into today you know I love concept albums you know I love an album that has some sort of artistic meaning behind it not that like being cannibalized is like super are artistic and great but I definitely think there's some artistic things going down behind the scenes and so I'm excited to get more into it because I didn't really look up like any of the lyrics or anything and when I tried to react to it back in whenever it was I only listened to like the first couple songs I really don't remember much other than there was some preacher sound effects like there was a preacher that was talking in the song it's a very slow kind of lagging sound like there's not a lot of crazy stuff going down and there's nothing wrong with that but that's not really the type of sound that I usually gravitate toward however considering how much the song strangers has grown on me and I mean every time I listen to it it just hits on a different level so I am excited to see what else what else is in store um there's a couple different songs on this album that I cannot pronounce the names of actually I think there's just one but yeah I don't really tell evangelism Sun bleached flies but I am excited did okay I'm really really really praying that I will like this album more the second time around because I want to like it so many of you guys tell me to listen to it and it's a very popular album amongst the people who know about it I feel like it's one of those Niche albums that has a raging fan base so I am wanting to become one of the fans whenever there's a popular album I want to like it I want to get in on it I want to know what all the hype is about so yeah I also know Ethel Kane is tight with like Florence and the Machine I am going to start out with the first song obviously it is called family tree intro I do remember this one sort of I remember that there's a preacher at the beginning and he's saying something I don't remember what but without further Ado let's get into it uh I remember being completely confused by the lyrics on this album and if you think like you're gonna get a lyrical breakdown and Analysis you might get one but it probably won't be correct we're gonna get a story we're gonna get like a whole it's gonna be a whole thing it's very haunting already [Music] no idea what he's saying these crosses [Music] I'm seated I forgot about this Jesus [Music] it's really pretty like it's just hitting because I'm more in the mood for this Blood like I don't know what it means but it's pretty I honestly forgot most of this song past the intro it's a sermon about a mother I don't really know why it's really interesting that that is how this album starts off a woman a mother a mother is a very special thing and other than the Lord Jesus Christ I think that mother is one of the most precious gifts that God gives to the world because the mother is the one who loves the Lord that's obviously very intentional that she would start the album with that and like those themes that's not accidental on an album like this that has been this thought out definitely not accidental and so I'm just wondering why that's the why a mother is a very special thing is kind of like the first theme on this album these crosses all over my body remind me of who I used to be and Christ forgive these bones I'm hiding from no one successfully Jesus can always reject his father but he cannot Escape his mother's blood I don't really know what that means and I'm a Christian I am a a religious person I definitely don't think that the church always gets things right okay y'all I have my fair share of problems with church and certain things that the church does especially because I think every church is different but I don't know what it means my point is like I'm religious but I really don't know what this means there's a lot of meaning here and especially on a first time listen I am not gonna grasp everything that's occurring especially when I'm trying to focus on like the sound and the lyrics at the same time like that's the hardest thing for me um I'm trying because I would like to understand what's going on um call me crazy but okay we love a build [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] swinging by my neck from a family tree [Applause] foreign [Applause] I definitely forgot that this song builds and it builds in a beautiful way and it the drums come in and all the different changes I definitely feel like the first time I listen to this song I just thought it was really boring and really slow and not boring objectively like if you like this kind of music but just for me I was like you know what I can't get into this perhaps I needed to give it another listen because it is really cool like I'm genuinely liking this so much more than the first time I listened to it and it is really cool with the production coming in like that and her voice it's very slow and like haunting and yeah it's just but then I don't know what the lyrics mean so fill me in like you know how I do you can let me know what it's about but I can't promise that I'm gonna figure this out on my own I don't know [Applause] like there's little things happening in the background that are just like [Music] I wanted to go into the next song I would love a flow moment would you give that to me Ethel she didn't give me flow but that's okay I literally hated this song the first time I heard it and I know everyone's obsessed with it so I'm really hoping I'll like it more but I can't promise anything because I have listened to it twice now and I don't like it [Applause] dream [Music] I feel like I'm floating [Music] what is this [Music] yeah [Music] I really do like this so much more than the first time I listened to it I actually have listened to this song two to three times and I have disliked it every single time I've heard it and I actually am liking it a lot more in this moment this album has that potential to be one of those albums that like you have to listen to a few times at least if you're me you have to listen to it a few times so like fully wrap your brain around it especially because I still have no idea what she's talking about I mean I like the storytelling the neighbor's brother came home in a box but he wanted to go so maybe it was his fault another red heart taken by the American dream I did look that up I think it means he went away to war coming home in a box is like something related to war okay don't quote me I feel that they're in the middle of the night when the lights go out like what do you feel I don't know but I kind of like it I kind of like the imagery I'm picturing like a Darkly lit street with like a single lamp and a bike that's Rusty and beaten down and it's like you know the wheel's still kind of spinning like it's this creepy atmosphere but it's also kind of comforting at the same time like why is this album already creepy and comforting in the same wavelength and when I say it's creepy I don't mean that there's anything wrong with that it's just a tone but I'm getting ahead of myself because I have literally listened to like one and a half songs um but [Music] it's just not my year [Applause] [Music] the second verse is better than the first verse [Music] [Applause] you think it's gonna pop off but she goes low she brings it down I'm reading the lyrics that's why saying when I first listened to this song it literally felt like nothing was happening with the production and I couldn't have been more wrong like the drums are everything before it goes into the chorus the pre-chorus you think it's about to go up into this giant thing but instead it goes down it diverts your expectations but then you do get that really satisfying explosion with the chorus and like I do love an explosive chorus okay and it's so satisfying like when you finally get that explosion that you thought you were gonna get in the pre-chorus and so it's like a delayed moment which is often more satisfying because you're really wanting it it's like when you're watching a movie and you're waiting for the characters to kiss and they don't kiss for most of the movie and then the last five minutes they finally kiss I really like this like so much more so so much more than the first couple times I listened to it I don't know if I'm just more in the mindset now I do feel like I am in the mindset to receive this sound I also feel like it's possible it just took a few lessons I don't know but it's hitting so much harder and I'm so glad so I'm excited and the lyrics also are interesting I mean going along obviously with like the religious imagery like Jesus if you're there why do I feel alone in this room with you I feel it in the middle of the night I don't know if that's like loneliness I really don't know like I don't know what this song is about I it's one of those songs that no matter how many times I read the lyrics I'm still just not sure what's going on but I honestly don't really mind that sometimes I can just enjoy a song without like knowing what it's about you know what I mean so I'm enjoying it feels poetic it feels deep like the songwriting is insane it just is and that was one thing I respected about her from the first time I tried to listen was the songwriting I was like the lyrics are interesting they're engaging they are beautifully written beautiful songwriting and so I always appreciated that but I'm glad I'm connecting to the sound more because that is like my thing I always want to also be connecting to the sound and so I do whatever I love that that's like everything oh I feel like I'm Gonna Fly Away literally into the clouds [Music] and then she gives a little sparkly moment sort of yeah I mean the more it went on the more confused I was at like exactly the meaning and the story behind behind the song but already we're getting themes of family we're getting themes of religion we're getting themes of being a teenager we're getting themes of alcohol and being drunk so those are the themes we're getting so far um the next one is a house in Nebraska this was one people were also mentioning why like why is it like an organ that's foreboding and is it not sort of comforting like church but also creepy abandoned church at the same time [Music] the silence is like [Music] she said the aching Sound of Silence used to be our favorite song Meanwhile there's silence present in the song like it's not actual silence because there is that piano that kind of or organ that kind of continues you can hear the chord going but you know it's like silence like she's not saying anything for multiple seconds and it's just you're waiting for what she's gonna say next and then she sang The Sound of Silence I'm like she's a genius like she just is [Music] you are my [Music] World okay it was a love song but now it's sad [Music] Ness [Music] but you don't even if we die tonight [Music] I'm enjoying listening to the song In This Moment it's one of those songs that on paper it's not my song because it's super slow it's super foreboding it doesn't build a lot in the sound of it it kind of just so far I mean we're literally like this is a seven minute song um and we are two minutes in so it could always continue building but I am enjoying listening to it like it's not I'm not disliking it like I did the first time I tried to listen to this album but interesting it's about a love that she is lost I still call home that house in Nebraska where we found each other on a dirty mattress on the second floor it's another line that it's not a pretty line you don't think oh a dirty mattress like that's so romantic you think ew you think bed bugs you think dirt it's interesting like her songwriting is really interesting because it has all these images within it that are kind of creepy they're not pretty they're not nice there's so many songs and albums that the lyrics are super pretty and they're super like idealistic and this is kind of like the opposite I mean she already talked about like being wasted at church you know it's not this romanticized music and sound and it is kind of like foreboding and creepy but also there's something about it that's calming because her voice is like really you know I I hear it I hear it I heard the production don't think I didn't [Music] when really I killed myself to hold you one more time I take back everything I said about it not building [Applause] it is building like she is building it it's just subtle [Applause] you know okay I am remembering I think in the lore she gets swept off her feet by this man who then turns out to murder and cannibalize her as one does um so I feel like this is the love song in this story very dramatic kind of love like you told me if we die tonight that I die yours just very dramatic amounts of Love happening right now and it's possible like he's gonna become obsessed with her and then he's gonna you know do the thing [Applause] I'm just gonna be staring at the lyrics the whole time I'm sorry because I don't know what's happening [Applause] religion again [Applause] and alcohol again okay so he left her I forgot about that I don't know I don't know if it's the same guy but I feel so alone okay loneliness is also a theme I'm saying I know the themes I just don't know what they mean [Music] and it's like stripping it back so you really do feel like she's alone it was all built up when they were together and like and now it's like stripped back it's just her she's alone at the house in Nebraska on a dirty mattress with the bed bugs what's interesting is the lyrics and like way before the song does and then it just has like an instrumental outro [Music] [Applause] I was just about to say I don't like instrumental outros and then she did that respect respect oh what [Music] this is crazy like I kind of like that one I don't know I like the build of it a lot even though it's like not my song on paper this is so just putting me into a trance that's not happening today Ethel this one's six minutes and the next one seven minutes and then it's oh my God there's one that's nine minutes okay [Music] the imagery it's just constant okay so he's a criminal [Music] and move [Music] abusive relationship or he just likes to fight [Music] [Music] I'm trying like I'm trying to understand it's over okay at first I thought she was talking about an abusive relationship when she said I watched him show his love through Shades of Black and Blue but I actually think she continued to say starting fights at the bar across the street so I actually think he's fighting to defend her potentially so it's more of a love type of thing rather than like he's not beating her he's beating other people potentially to defend her I'd hold the gun if you asked me to you know what I'm not gonna pretend like I know what's going on like I'm just not I I don't know what that means like hold the gun to who hold the gun to your head hold the gun to someone else's head I don't know trouble's always gonna find you baby but so will I she doesn't care that he's a troublemaker she still wants him [Music] my [Music] okay it's like Harley Quinn and the Joker well they're both crazy but [Music] yeah like more themes of her father and family and I guess she is the preacher's daughter [Music] I'm like not connecting to the sound of this one maybe I need another listen but it's sounding a lot like the last song to me like it just is I like the chorus I feel like it's gonna grow [Music] kind of like Stockholm syndrome vibes okay that one was definitely the first that I didn't really connect to the sound of it at all it's one of those songs that I do feel like could grow on me because again with strangers the first time I heard it I was like this is objectively pretty but I didn't really connect to it so it is possible that she'll grow because I really like the chorus it just had this really pretty Melody to it I did understand the lyrics for once um it sounded like he's a troublemaker but she's still really obsessed with him like really in love with him and despite all his faults and that it might be a problematic relationship in ways she still wants him so that is pretty straightforward to me at least yeah but it was really slow really drawn out it really I mean that's just her sound and I feel like you either like it or you don't for me I really liked the first few songs uh that one was the first that I was like I don't know it just kind of ran together with the other tracks I might need another lesson and also just might not be my favorite song um the next one is called family tree not to be confused with Family Tree intro these crosses all over my body I like the melody so much I love this straight up like I love this [Music] offering like it's creepy [Music] there are flies buzzing in the background like sun bleached flies I love this I don't know why I love this she's not above violence okay the Flies are getting me amazing it is me let's take a look at these lyrics let him make a woman out of me I'm just a child but I'm not above violence my mama raised me better than that when the preacher talks so her father I'm guessing that man demands his silence like I don't know what that means and daddy said shoot first then run and don't look back so take me down to the river and bathe me clean like am I supposed to be understanding exactly what is happening because I don't know how you're gonna do that this one I don't know why I love this I know it's a lot like the other songs like it is very slow it's very drawn out that's her sound but I like it I don't know I really love that Melody when she's like put the crosses on my body or whatever like that is just all the way to the chapel kind of has this Western sound to it just a little bit like Western rock is that a thing [Music] her voice I've killed before and I'll kill again so that's a theme on this album is killing guns violence take the news off rabbit tighter on my hand okay but she started doing like the super deep vocals and that's not lost on me like that's intentional everything in this album is intentional like it just is it's one of those albums where you know everything has been meticulously placed and planned and nothing is just pointlessly added to the album like everything has a meaning is what I would guess so when she goes into the super deep voice and then says the line I've killed before and I'll kill again like that's intentional it just is I'm acting like I wrote this album but it just is [Music] I just like how it's I don't know [Music] to my love I could fall asleep to this like it's creepy and comforting I'm it's both and the I just realized the album cover kind of creeps me out because she's just staring at me so is that Jesus I didn't even notice he was on there [Music] country and rock at the same time it's some sort of weird hybrid ironically I'm not as into the parts of this song that are like that electric guitar solo and the more instrumental sections I'm really into like just the stripped back like when it's just her voice I don't know why that's like my easily my favorite part of like the entire album so far so I don't know why because it doesn't it doesn't make sense like and this is why my music tastes you know it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense to me it doesn't make sense to other people I've been told I have weird music taste um I can't explain it Crush forgive this I'm about to leave yes [Applause] I'm a living for this explosion I and the vocals are so good yeah I would love to hear that song live we're getting the drums again [Music] he sometimes does the best freaking things at the end of the song um I love that I really did mainly like the beginning and the end the middle of it like with the electric um [Music] but yeah that was one of my favorites so far it's happening this is nice it's like I'm picturing like being on a porch with like a glass of sweet tea [Music] nine going on 18. cause I hate this story and dies with you good guys get to be happy [Music] he's her daddy [Music] [Music] to notice that sometimes sometimes if love could be bad maybe it is about an abusive relationship I just want to curl up into a ball and like Sway and it's really just like lullaby Vibes kind of but like the lyrics [Music] foreign [Music] trance right now like I have nothing to say it's just like a Vibe this is the various [Music] tired to leave she's can't leave the abusive relationship okay I'm now thinking this is definitely like an abusive relationship or like Stockholm syndrome Vibes like bleeding whenever you want too tired to move too tired to leave she wants to leave but she also doesn't want to leave because she has this love for him that she can't really explain but she's too tired whether that's like an emotional tiredness or like I don't how did he drug her like I don't know what's going on okay but obviously like an abusive relationship you want to get out but you yeah it's a really hard thing to get out of so potentially she's trying to escape this relationship and she can't this one's really pretty and just like uh it's like nice but it's it has that beat behind it too to keep it moving keep it grooving really groovy Loki like it was just really vibey the next one's thoroughfare isn't that something with horses or twang is she from the south I think I saw that she is and like I feel that I mean Southern Baptist Church but also just this one's kind of yeah [Music] when you knew 12 years old I'm sorry she sounded exactly like Florence Welsh right there I had to do a double take but it wasn't a feature I'm sorry I said what I said [Music] the vocals like what is her voice doing up in here yay huh I have like like in this I'm sorry like the production matches the meaning of the song and like the lyrics which is cool but I don't like it [Music] this is the one I'm connecting to the lease so far I think it's cool that the production of the song does align to kind of the imagery that is being portrayed Texas guns on the side of the road in some torn up clothes with a pistol in my pocket and the sound of the song definitely gives me like South Texas Vibes yeah and her vocals on this are like have a little bit of a twang to it so I think that's cool objectively but I am just like not connecting to this one it's really dragging for me yeah I don't know if it'll grow with more listens because some of the other songs you know they did grow so we will see but I'm also really hoping she's gonna build it because it's a nine minute song like you better build it or I'm gonna be bored he said it's been a long damn time yeah bring it in she said because the first time since I was a child I could see a man who wasn't angry so it sounds like her father was angry potentially abusive I could be wrong but yeah it sounds like she's got some daddy issues which is a bummer okay I'm doing my best over here I'm fighting for my life to understand these lyrics so just give me a break [Music] like Western Sunshine Southern wet the southern imagery [Music] build it build it just got the sweet tea and get out on the porch because we are in the South y'all [Music] this is what I needed personally [Music] [Applause] [Music] that much again like the lyrics ended the rest is gonna just be an instrumental yeah I don't know I really love that whole build moment though like I was kind of I was hoping that would continue but she's bringing it back down there is some sound effects um yeah as an entire song I didn't connect with it however I loved that whole build moment like that was the thing I needed could be a grower but I also just have a feeling that it's not really my song but the next one is Gibson girl I don't know what that means so foreign [Music] [Music] hurt you [Music] foreign [Music] why do I kind of love this I kind of love the sound of this I kind of am also like what is going on he's cold-blooded so it takes more time to bleed I love that lyric like that is such a good lyric obsession with the money addicted to the drugs says he's in love with my body that's why he's [ __ ] it up great so this is definitely about an abusive relationship like that's definitely a theme I don't know if it like it sounds like it's her love interest that's abusive but it being called preacher's daughter I'm like am I missing something and is her father actually the abusive one I don't [Music] this is so different the effects on the vocals tell him right iconic what is happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the production is kind of iconic literally no idea what is happening with these lyrics I keep reading through them and just being like nope I still don't know because there's lines that almost feel like they contradict each other or just yeah it's just really hard to see what is happening here my brain is slowly melting into a pile of mush you're all the same black leather and dark glasses it sounds like an abusive relationship because she says you want to hurt me but he is using the excuse if it feels good then it can't be bad but clearly it only feels good to him I honestly have no idea what happening like I don't know okay I like it sort of but I'm also like what also what's Gibson like like is that a thing [Music] that part is literally iconic I kind of am ready for this to be over I just need a minute I'm like literally in a trance [Music] literally all up inside my brain right now okay I am literally terrified okay we're getting into the song next that I do not know how to pronounce the title of it I don't know what it means I don't know if she's gonna tell me told me I would guess it's pronounced tolme but it could also be like [Music] a hill I can't keep up with this anymore I was really thinking all the songs were sounding so similar and now she's really just giving me a run for my money it's not the saying like what I don't like that it's creepy no I think I do not like this [Music] huh okay is he getting to the part where he eats her I feel like a werewolf is inside my ear right now like just now Ethel where are you thank God she's here why are you the white light [Music] I'm guessing the intro that lovely intro was the guy I forget his name the like murderer cannibal guy I think that was probably supposed to be his voice I think his name is like Isaac or Isaiah or something but yeah that intro was just straight up creepy like really got like my fight or flight I really wanted to walk out I didn't so hiding from something I cannot stop walking on Shadows I cannot lead him back I don't know what is going on I literally have no idea that's where we're at that's kind of what I expected I just knew that I would really have no idea what's going on so you can fill me in if you want no pressure but yeah Daddy's left and mama won't come home she's been a band like I don't know I am again I don't know if it's already been done I will never listen to this song again because of him I said yeah okay his name is Isaiah I'm really proud of myself for reminding for remembering that under the influence of Isaiah's drugs Ethel begins to hallucinate she confronts the darkness what I mean the song is inspired by allegari's Alec Geary's Divine Comedy Patrol told me named after told me circle of hell oh great that's just what I wanted to hear maybe this is a reference to a Ethel abandoning her family and faith I don't love that like stop [Applause] [Music] the daughters of Cain what does that mean okay the daughters of Kane is a cult whose teachings inevitably led to others depth oh I'm over this I don't like this absolutely not I will never be listening to that song again um yeah we have arrived at the first song that I hated like straight up hated it because it really made me feel extremely uncomfortable and extremely creeped out and I know some people oh I know I'm the comments are writing themselves right now Beth that's the best song on the album oh my gosh Ptolemy is my favorite song of all time great I have no problem with you enjoying it but hell no it was giving me like creepy horror movies and listen I had a horror phase I still like Thriller novels like I'm not opposed to a little bit of creepier and there but that was like I don't know like I didn't like that demonic voice and then I also didn't like how she was like begging him to stop like the whole thing just made me uncomfortable it's not one of those songs that's like Pleasant to listen to I straight up I'm like what like why did you have to put that in there there I was getting a comforting Vibe when we first started listening to the album like the sound of it was really nice but now she's doing some things and I don't know that I'm a fan of them but the next one is August Underground I like that title it's really nice but I'm scared now so I pray that that was the only really weird song I'm really excited for strangers like I'm really excited to listen to that song because I love it so much and I know it foreign [Music] shouldn't surprise me at this point [Music] haunting very dark very very dark Something's Gonna freak me out like something's gonna cause me to jump scare I just know it yeah I don't know I'm like really hit or miss with instrumentals and I'm not really connecting to this I do appreciate just giving me a minute to like take in everything I've just listened to but it's not really like okay okay I kind of like that I'm like ready to move on from this one like it's cool it's nice that it builds she did build the production it did go up to this big moment but I just feel like I'm ready to move on to televangelism sure that'll be a fun one it was like going under a tunnel or like going into a tunnel or something August Underground it flowed it flowed it flowed foreign just a normal one just a nice one let's take it back to American Teenager shall we that would be great you know these songs like probably mean something because I feel like this is a very intentional album so I but I don't know what this like because this one's called televangelism but she's not saying anything it's just an instrumental are the chords in the piano supposed to say something like you know what I mean why is this one called televangelism is that rain [Music] or is ecstatic oh it's static like a TV like televangelism television [Music] she purposely like missed the chord right it feels like this album has been very intentional so I would be surprised if there wasn't like a deeper meaning behind that um but the next one is Sun bleached flies this was another one people were talking about and we got the Flies earlier we already heard them come in is that the TV sound that's continuing into this song foreign [Music] [Music] day God loves you a lot of saving it if they strike once in you just hit them twice as hard this is about fighting back against Isaiah like I don't know oh she always loves to bring in the little beat what like I don't know anymore I tried I think it's about time it seems like it's about fighting back against her captor this one's pretty like I'm just kind of vibing I don't have anything to say some of the lines on this album make it sound like she is leaving her faith in the dust or something or not believing that God is good or God like wants to save her I don't know um if that's the case I don't know that it's like one that I'm gonna connect to thematically because for me personally finding God's love for me has been very impactful to me and has not been a negative experience although I understand it's different for everyone and there's very much like trauma that happens sometimes in church environments sometimes with different religious organizations like there can definitely be things that go down that are not good so I I definitely think that that's incredibly valid I do remember reading that Ethel is transgender and I believe maybe she wasn't like accepted within her Church community I think she grew up in like a really strict Baptist community and they potentially like exiled her maybe her family did as well especially if her dad's like a preacher maybe in the same church so that could possibly be another reason that she's saying some of the things that she's saying [Music] [Applause] I'm literally So Gone right now I like uh when it goes back down and that's all I want now when something's broken it's all I want hmm maybe going back to the relationship objectively gorgeous um it's one of those songs where I'm like I need another few listens I don't know if it's gonna be like my song or not but I thought it was objectively really pretty and there were moments of it that I adored um there were other moments where I was like you know me that whole sound of like it being really flowy and kind of just going into the next thing and going into the next thing and it was super long I don't know I'm just like very hit or miss with that whole sound um but we are on the last song I'm so glad to be here because I love this song so much it is called strangers it is probably going to remain my favorite song on the album I will be shocked if anything overtakes it it is such a stunning song I really love it um I have listened to it on repeat many a night so we can take a little listen I'm excited to listen to something familiar where I know she's not going to bring a demonic voice into my ears that kind of sounds like it's [Music] oh yeah kind of sounds like a sound that was reversed like production that was reversed but it's bringing it back to the first song where we got the preachers sermon I actually thought there was going to be more sermon throughout this album I thought that was going to be like multiple occasions [Music] [Music] like smoke bite how funny I never considered myself [Music] I love The Melodies I just I adore this song no idea what it's about but it's just about the vibes amazing [Music] and the production is really Dynamic like it changes all throughout and I just love like every inch of this song like every single decision she made in this song is something that I love it's gonna build and it's gonna do all these things [Music] my favorite part is coming up my favorite part this is my favorite part [Music] that's the best part I stand corrected [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no the best part is the electric guitar solo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the best part of any song I've ever heard [Music] foreign oh no this is the best part this is the best part when she goes into this I told you every inch of this song is like better than the last [Music] mama just know that I love you that might be the one of the best album closers I've ever heard that is how you close an album like look no further that is the blueprint for how you close an album it's a perfect song it's endlessly stunning it builds in the most beautiful freaking way I've ever heard the electric guitar at the end like every ounce of that song is just like I adore every choice that was made every Melody every production decision it's just one of those songs and I will say the first time I listen to it I liked it I was like this is pretty but it wasn't a song that I was obsessed with until I listened to it a few times and I feel like that is why I can't speak too much to how I felt about this album because so many of these songs I'm like well I can say whatever I want about how I felt after one listen but you just never know how you're gonna feel with multiple listens and I would hate to speak too soon about the album or the sound or the songs when I haven't listened to them more more than once like my favorites initially American Teenager family tree hard times and strangers like those are what I would consider my songs right off the get-go there were some that I straight up didn't connect with like Western nights obviously told me um did not like August Underground and televangelism like I personally didn't need them but maybe they'll be Growers like honestly I don't want to speak too soon about a lot of these songs so maybe with my ranking I'll do a little update on how I'm feeling but it was very much a roller coaster with like my personal taste um like I really liked the beginning of the album I really loved some of those songs like American Teenager but again that was literally the third time I've listened to American Teenager I don't think I'll ever listen to ptolemae again straight up it made me very uncomfortable like that's the one that I'm like that'll probably just immediately go to the bottom because I don't plan on listening to it again again but as for the other ones I do want to give it you know a few more listens and see where I'm at because there was so much going on like there was so much freaking happening at any given moment obviously there's the story of the album there's the lyrics on the surface level and then there's the deeper meaning Like These lyrics were so deep they were some of the deepest lyrics I think I've ever heard in my life there was so much intention behind not only the lyrics but like there was so many like intentional decisions on this album it is an art piece like it just is whether you like it or not that's a different thing but it is an art piece like it is a very artistic very thought out album it's not an album that was just like slapped together one day uh her voice is like comforting and haunting and creepy not creepy but like it has this way about it that it can get creepy at Parts like when she goes into the lower register and she sings a creepy lyric it can feel like it's creepy even though her voice is pretty it has a comforting p useful voice but at the same time she can get a little bit weird and so that's interesting it felt like haunting and creepy but also comforting and homey at the same time like there was this duality in the sound it was like this really slow dragging songs that just kind of drag on and I don't mean that in a negative way although for me sometimes it can feel a little bit draggy but I understand for other people like that's their sound I was just talking to a guy at work the other day and he was like I love the slow drawn out songs and I'm like that's funny because I'm the opposite so it's just interesting how different people have different tastes um yes we were actually talking about Ethel Kane um I was like oh like I haven't listened to the full album so now I have um honestly I didn't really know that I would do this album but here we are um so much to unpack like I don't know it is like 1 30 in the morning so honestly I'm probably not gonna do a deep dive on the lyrics right now but honestly like the lyrics just confuse me like confused me so much for me I'm gonna have to look up what other people say about the lyrics and learn that way because if I was just listening to this album with no knowledge about like the story behind it even I would be even more confused and even with the knowledge that it is a fictional story about a girl Ethel Kane I still didn't get a lot of the lyrics even though I had that context so it's deep the songwriting was very good it was very good songwriting I mean I'm not surprised to say that because back when I tried to listen to it that was one of the elements of the songs that I did appreciate so the imagery so specific like so detailed you really felt like you were seeing a very personal narrative take place if that makes sense it's so complex like everything about this album is hella complex and anytime that's the case you know you're gonna have to take a few listens with it at least again if you're me we will see but yeah I'm glad I checked it out I really am because it was something different for me it really was like this is not the style of music that I typically listen to and I like getting outside my comfort zone and trying new things and I think that's one of my favorite aspects of having this channel is I listen to things that maybe I wouldn't have listened to otherwise so I am glad I checked it out I am intrigued um but what you guys will have to say in the comments like literally please let me know what's happening please someone else let me know that I'm not the only person who hates ptolemae that would be great should I read like one thing online that like says what it's about you know what I mean oh okay yeah like Christ forgive these bones I'm hiding from no one successfully someone wrote in that it might be about gender dysphoria obviously don't know like that is just what one person said but yeah like transgender individuals are often discriminated against and hated in church communities I mean it all depends it all depends on the church it all depends on the community like there are churches that openly welcome members of the lgbtq community and there are churches that do not and are very hateful toward those groups of people it all depends on where you go this is like one of the issues I have with the church is like they could do a better job could do a much better job some of them it makes me sad I just wish we could all get along and like just accept each other for who we are and I wish all churches did a good job of that and not just some Churches I yeah like this album is deep and it's not an album I can wrap my mind around in one sitting like it's just not it would be great if I could tie this up with a bow I so badly want to like I so badly want to be like this song means this and this song means this and therefore the album means this and tie it up with a perfect bow but I can't I would love to sit down with Ethel and be like hey like what does this mean um yeah Ethel if you want to come on my channel you are welcome to I would like nothing more than to have a convo about this album with you I'm sure you're watching this and I'm sure you will reach out but yeah obviously like her father was the main character on this album preacher's daughter and she mentioned him a lot apparently she had a boyfriend named Logan like I don't know how do you sum up your thoughts after that album Like That album was just it was a journey like it truly was a roller coaster okay I'm sorry about the light when I say that the third time I listened to this album I don't know why but like the third lesson I just fell in love with this album I mean I still don't like Ptolemy okay I'm not gonna sit here and be like oh yeah I love all the songs now I don't like that song I don't like um the August Underground televangelism like those are the ones I still can't get into but like and Sun bleached flies those are the only ones I don't like this album is insane and I'm so glad that I listened to it again and again and again and actually like took the time because it's one of those albums that with every listen I like it more every I'm picking up on like different things it's just the type of music that like I don't attach to right away but it takes some time but then I I have attached to this album the sound of it is freaking gorgeous the songwriting I mean I talked about that but it's insane um I am just like obsessed truly I have to be in a mood you know I have to be in like a very I listen to it in the car when it was rainy one day and let me tell you like that was just the vibe um oh my gosh but I am truly truly blown away by this album now that I have like I get it now I really do I mean I still don't really get the lyrics on all the songs but I love the sound of it so much um so I just wanted to check like I had to I had to update and be like I this album has rocked my world like I hear people talking about how this is maybe one of the best albums in the years and I the more that I listen to it the more that I'm agreeing with that statement so I just wanted to check in thanks for listening and I want to highlight I truly like honest to God never thought I would see myself loving this album as much as I do I truly was like you know what it's one of those albums I can appreciate but I don't think it's ever going to be my album and like I was wrong I was so wrong this is my album ranking what are some of my favorites some of my least favorites always open to change and evolve over time and feel free to disagree with me thank you so much for watching I know a few of you are going to be very happy I finally listened to this and I am too I'm glad I checked this out feel free to like And subscribe and all the things thank you again for being here and I will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Beth Therese
Views: 17,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preacher's, daughter, preacher's daughter, preacher's daughter album reaction, react, reaction, preacher's daughter reaction, ethel, cain, Ethel cain, Ethel cain album reaction, album, album reaction, Ethel cain reaction, listening to Ethel cain for the first time, preacher's daughter album, american teenager, american teenager reaction, music, commentary, music commentary, music commentary channel, new music, preacher's daughter Ethel cain, preacher's daughter Ethel cain album reaction
Id: eZFoE7TRxa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 30sec (3990 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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