Training Your Mind for Anointing

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so I'm going to share with you this morning on a topic that I think a lot of people struggle with and that is how to train your mind to bend or submit to the to the Holy Spirit or the anointing of the Lord how to bring our minds into training and it has to be trained that way in the same way that a child picks up things just simply by osmosis what they're around what they experience they hear they hear their parents say things they develop their axons they develop everything around what their environments from those capacities and so a child is a real reflection of the home that's you know good or bad that's where it is we don't like to think that well there's my son or we'd say he got that from his mother he got that from his father you know we disassociate ourselves from it but we really trained the way that we think and our values are brought around how that our environment begins to speak to us I don't need to tell you that we're now probably more than any other time in history whether it's in my lifetime or historical there's more influences playing against our mind than ever before because there are so many mediums or outlets for that to happen pornography you know 30 40 years ago was simply you had to go look for it and had to hunt for it and it was just you know back-alley kind of things that now it comes right into the living room comes right in you know when you're not even expecting it so there's more pervasiveness than we've ever seen before so by the same token there's an environmental elements that put pressure on us to try to shape our thinking we see in the media now to where there's a lot of liberalism to think like we think this is how you think and if you don't think like we think then you're there's something wrong with your intelligence and so the Bible said in the last days that knowledge would increase but he also tells us that knowledge puffs up and causes people to be arrogant and yet the knowledge of the Lord is the fear of the Lord and the knowledge that the world wants us to shape in us is is the the lack of wisdom and it totally takes us in the opposite direction of fearing the Lord so there is a way that the Bible teaches us definitely how that we can train our minds for the anointing of the Holy Spirit because the anointing of the Holy Spirit can be present with us but will not allow him to let God arise and let his enemies be scattered though it's in us does it have influence to where it manifests or comes out all the time and so the mind whether we want to admit it or not is actually the gatekeeper that chooses to speak or chooses to believe because of we allow things to happen or we allow things not to happen it is a decision made within the mind the Bible uses another word for it as well uses the word mind and soul interchangeably the word soul doesn't mean the part that's eternal with God in the word soul asuka source Sookie cos which is the the intellect your personality that you're so that's how that do you think and so on like that so when the Bible says bless the Lord O my soul he's saying let your mind grab ahold of an intention that I will bless the Lord no matter what I feel no matter how I'm seeing it no matter how I'm acting with that because if the only time that we we bless the Lord we blessed one another is when we felt a particular way or a particular thing there would probably very be very few times that we would bless the Lord oh it's say you know I'm just having a down day I just don't want to do that I just don't feel like praising Lord that's the point to where the Bible says you make a sacrifice of praise a sacrifice is something that has a cost value to it and when you see in in Genesis for the sacrifice that Abel brought to the Lord and they get the sacrifice that Cain brought to the Lord was a different value Cain brought that which he controlled and which was you know that he could grow and do with his own hands but God was requiring a sacrifice of blood sacrifice and so Cain gave God what he wanted and I and Abel gave God what he wanted this is what we want to give vs. what God wants to have and so the sacrifice it's well pleasing to the Lord is the sacrifice that he is requiring of you can't substitute one thing for the other God says this is what I'm looking for I'm looking for worshipers according to John fob the father seeketh worshipers he's not seeking preachers he's not you know seeking evangelist he's just not seeking good people he's seeking worshipers in the word worship proskuneo means to bow and to kiss an intimate and a door it is an expression not a sense of feeling so out of that expression we love him no matter what's going on around us I think that's a sign of a mature Christian is that they can honor the Lord and praise the Lord no matter what's happening in their environment around them so I want to look at this morning how that we can train you can actually can train the mind I mean science has even told us this that you can train the mind to do whatever you wanted to do by doing something for at least 21 days repetitively creates another thought pattern a new habit according to Caroline leaf in her book who switched off your brain and sometimes we see people that switched off their brain longer than then overnight that's for sure so Jesus makes an interesting statement when he's talking to primarily the three disciples Peter James and John that he kept closer to him than any of the others and when Jesus went into the Mount of Olives and and and then went on into Garden of Gethsemane if you ever been there was the Mount of all it was inside on side of the hill there was what they believe to be the Garden of Gethsemane so there he could see the temple he could see you know the place of Golgotha and he knew what was going to happen so Jesus goes into this prayer time and he invites three of his closest ones to come with him and he makes this kind of statements this is the one that you've you've heard many times he's talking to them in Matthew 26 and verse 40 and I'm just gonna read this to you and we'll turn to some more in just a moment and he came to his disciples and found them sleeping remember that and he said to them he asked him could you watch with me in other words because he's there was Pete he knew soldiers were coming they were coming to get him could you watch with me and pray so he said to them he went back and he found them sleeping and he said to Peter so you men could not keep watch with me one hour keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation and here's the statement the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and Jesus recognized that in them spiritually that there was a willingness to do that and we've all met people says I'm willing to do that but they don't do it do you think if you're willing to do that then why don't you do it and he said if you are willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land not just willing but there's an obedience to that and I want to suggest to you there's a huge difference between believing in something and faith believing it's what you think about something faith is what you do about it faith is an action word it's not a passive point of what I believe in because the Bible says even the demons believe and tremble when they see God but they don't do anything I mean they're they're subject to the spirits of Darkness so with that there is a conscious sense that sometimes that we think in our mind as long as I'm willing that I'm doing it remember telling someone someone times I haven't seen you in a long time oh yeah yeah I've been there I've been there when and they got to thinking back because they were willing they just may immediately felt like they were there and so what the Bible makes a distinction and Jesus is saying it here I've asked you just to watch with me for for one hour you were willing and you came but your flesh was weak and all of us have times when our flesh is weak in the word flesh there Sark's SAR X which means the passion of humanity simple it's how you feel about something he'll be a physical thing it could be a mental thing but nonetheless those things overrode or took over the willingness of the Spirit Jesus recognized their spirit that eternal part of them that connects with God knew that there was a willingness there but we don't get to eat of the land and see the good things happen until that we override the flesh or override how we feel but with actions of faith so that our spirit becomes more dominant than just our minds how we think about that there's times that I know that I know what God wants me to do and I just really are having difficulty doing because I know the price it's gonna cost I know the friends I may lose out of this and I know the penalty that's coming with that and so you weigh this out the fear of man or the fear of God the Bible says the fear of man brings a snare a trap but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and so we sometimes have to make the hard decisions when we don't feel like it and it may not be the popular stance around but you know it's in the heart of God to do this so when Jesus makes this distinction he says I know that your spirit is willing and your flesh is weak and he uses this word and I pray that you do not enter in to temptation we normally would think temptation is like I want to die and I'm tempted to eat that chocolate I wished it was just out that was to it where temptation is dealing with the lust of the flesh you know but actually is the word temptation there and it comes in depending on the context Jesus used the word piezo and it simply means the examination of the test of your life if you were in school and you were taking the exam the final exam and it was determined whether you would pass or fail on that exam it is that that as a payaso and piano so is the idea that this is an opportunity to graduate and move you to an advanced move you to another place now the devil temps but God test there's a difference there God tests for the purpose of graduating and giving us what he's wanting us to have for instance Jesus uses the parable of the talents and he said there was he the the house the homeowner the the one that had the money there the master he gave to them according to their ability he saw one their ability was with one talent there was one that had three and one with five so he knew the that had one couldn't handle three because he took the one and he buried and didn't do anything with it and the one that had the three multiplied at one that had five multiplied it so the one that could was trustworthy end up getting the one that had five ended up getting them one that was from the guy that hit it so Jesus looks at us then he says here's the testing and this testing is not for the purpose of failing you is not to show you how weak you are but as the idea that I could sign off on and you're ready to move from one two three to five so with the God God will test for the purpose of advancing as the devil tempts us to cause us to fail God doesn't put a you know a lustful picture in front of you you know for me and it might be a you know this beautiful lady and want you to scan and stay on that that's not God God's not gonna say I just want to see your reaction because the Bible says that men are drawn away when we're tempted drawn away of our of our own last and the Bible says God does not tempt man but he will use piezo which is to test us for the point of moving us on so when Jesus said that you're in the garden here to be my friends but it is also a test if you can overcome everything that's working against you who is early in the morning it was late they were tired there's every kind of reason to acknowledge that but they won't hear where one is wanting them to push back past the momentary light affliction and momentary issues and Sam going on I could I could use an excuse every week I've got something else scheduled I've got something else going I've got something else and it's so easy to steal prayer time because of an emergency one like that but Jesus want them to understand that when you're dealing with a crisis before you it's not a time just to set out and visit it's time to get in the presence of God and he was trying to show them past that point now to deal with the mind if you keep giving in to the mind the mind will keep taking over the more you give it the more it will take and so when you train your mind to be subject to the Spirit of God because your spirit knows your spirit is willing and so you want your spiritual part of you to be dominant and every time you override the Sark's the SAR X the the sense of of all of the emotions and the feelings and all of my physical part of that I overcome that to the best I can I know there's limitations then the spiritual becomes dominant many times I've been asked if I would teach a class I'm going to Mexico next month and and to different churches they are large churches over three four thousand each of the church and wanting to teach on how to hear the voice of God and and prophesy and it's really not that hard you've got to get your spirit man more dominant than your mind man because what's happened if someone comes up to you and I need a word from God and this guy there looks like he just stepped off of a Hells Angel bike you know and mean looking at all that your mind takes over and your mind starts operating out of perception and then you want to say you know brother you need to get saved well what if this guy happens to be an evangelist to bikers and he's just happen to be dressed that way and he's a man of strong power and anointing on him what happens is you miss God because now I'm operating out of my mind and my spirit the weak part of us wants to give in and the easy way out your spirit man wants to take you to the God way and might hit lay the axe to the root of that thing so turn with me that to Romans a twelfth chapter had to give you a long introduction so you know where we're going Romans 12 it's the most popular verse in talking about dealing with the mind or the the soul or the way that we think verse one Paul is saying I urge you capitalize many ways I am pleading with you desperately I urge you therefore brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies I can't present Diane's body I can't present your body I have to present mine present means be accountable present I'm in the moment I'm gonna send my spirit to do it but I'm somewhere else no you got to be there it's in the present present your bodies a living and holy is meaning the I the exclusive use of huh Geass have this and an acceptable sacrifice to God which is your spiritual service of worship in other words I am presenting myself if I'm just reading words off a screen and I'm not participating in worship I'm not worshiping I'm just reading I'm just singing maybe but to get into the moment present your spirit let your body even be responsive to what God is saying then they saying that becomes an area of service that is acceptable to the Lord number two verse two do not be conformed or Chafin or molded by to this world or the thinking of this world but be transformed metamorphosis change from one thing into the other it's interesting to note that is the only time the scripture says this is how you can be transformed your transformed not by getting a makeover your transformed the way God sees that by first of all dealing with the issues of the mind cannot let my mind just wonder because it'll wonder off and my spirit needs to be in charge of my mind just like him a child one draw he gets lost the next thing is you don't know how your mind got to that point I've been there and done that how do I get to thinking about that but be shapin be transformed metamorphosis by the renewing the word renewing means may bring it back to the original as it was specifications when it was brand-new to resuscitate to bring the life into it again so renew my mind back to the same mind before there was a falling away of Adam and so on that you may be able to prove what the will of God is and what is the good acceptable perfect and perfect now there's a couple of things I want to extract out of this first of all when he says that we can transform our mind he's not saying that he's going to transform it he said we have to transform it that we are to transform by first of all realizing that everything around me is trying to mold me into their thinking think like this here's a picture here's a billboard here's the view gotta have this new gadget you've got to have this new thing if you had this you'd be cool if you bought that you'd be the coolest person around that's why they have these ladies selling you know dog food you know I mean you know dog foods are not that romantic but you you put somebody there that's trying to tell you that you got to give your cool if you buy this dog food don't be a nerd buy that dog food so the idea is to shape the way that we think and then he goes on the renewing amantha so that you can prove the word prove there is that dakis moths which means to examine or to order the purpose of God's will so he's saying if I don't have a renewed mind I really can't have I don't have the skills to know what the will of God is do you know that more people are calling 800 and 900 numbers they're our you know calling for a word or you know psychic hotline all that I'm sad to say that I found that there's a Christian place where you pay $10 and they'll give you a word and somebody has a certain level experience if you give $25 then it's a person of a better experience if you give $100 donation they will give you a word that somebody has been prophetic for a long time you know to me that simony cuz of Simon the sorcerer says that he wanted the Holy Spirit by by paying for it so I mean we have the reason why it's become popular is because people are having difficulty hearing God for themselves they don't know what the will of God is and so they're looking for someone else whether they're on the dark side or just nuts to tell them what God is saying and so by doing that we have lost this ability to hear God for a self the very beginning God wanted to have a communal communication with us he told Moses you bring them to Mount Sinai that's all you got to do well they got to Mount Sinai and God says now they're mine I want to communicate with them and they looked up and saw the mountain catch fire and shaking and I said we don't want that God most of you go and so there's created the priesthood came out of that priesthood would in God's first order of business it was that he didn't want a middleman he wanted to be with them God always wants to speak to us but when our minds have become dominant and full of fear and what if it doesn't what if this happens and what if that happens and some of us have been was raised in a very fearful environment so much so that everything you do is going to turn out bad and negative then you're gonna have to reshape and reformat your mind and be transformed by renewing the original way that God had planned what was the original way before before the for mankind fail and our spirit that man was dominant and our natural or thinking Sookie cause mind was was on the bottom because after the ate of the tree of knowledge they their eyes were open to a lot of stuff God never wanted them to know and everything flipped now we're done we're we're ruled by our thoughts our feelings our intentions before that time Adam and Eve could not be offended we are offended in our mind not our spirit when we're dominant in our mind we're more easily to be offended because the mind is always fearful always protective always looking for the negative and the down thing but when your spirit is strong someone could've you and you wouldn't even know it because it would just roll off of you I mean he's like you got Teflon on here someone said you know what they said to you Oh doesn't matter I didn't what Jesus said to me that sticks to my bones and so out of that God's intention was that we would be restored back to before the fall of Adam when Jesus then the Spirit of God would come down and communicate with them without difficulty without division he was right there with them they understood soon as they thought something it was God saying it to them God was speaking to them not even in a verbal way and this he's saying I want to prove to you go back to the original what is acceptable perfect will of God God does not have three wills if you if you've ever heard someone say God has a good will acceptable and perfect will then that is a bad translation God does not have three wheels he's not schizophrenic God's will is perfect God's will is acceptable and God's will is good if you don't find those three things then it's not the will of God so he said I want you to have a renewed mind so that you understand what the will of God is because you know how God thinks and anything that's separate of that you see immediately ruled out that's not God I can tell you that because I now as what first Corinthians tells us that we have the mind of Christ not the mind of the world my mind has been shaping by the way the word of God thinks my mind is shaping how God feels about me and now what about somebody else feels about me never ask someone else if someone said something about you why set yourself up I don't care what they're saying about me it's nice when they say good things but I want to hear what the Lord is saying I take pleasure when I when I know that he's saying this is my son well done enter into the joy of the Lord I mean Jesus knew that when everybody else says crucifying and people like those who loved him or now want him crucified they're spitting on him they're doing all this kind of stuff he feels so all alone there but he is continually has his gaze upon the Lord and when Jesus was hanging on the cross for that split second he knew God had turned his back because it was to fulfill that God could not look upon sin and Jesus was the scapegoat of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin the world and God turned his back Jesus was as the first time he says my God my God why have you forsaken me he had the heart mind soul and everything of God had so internally so he knew when God turned his back at what moment what a place to live in to wear that you know whether you're with God and I don't feel God's presence well you should he's in us he's around us he's ever part of our being and so by that he's saying I want you to to prove show to test to make sure that you're in the will of God and so all of these things he's saying this happens by understanding having a mind for the Lord I mean we continually fight for the Dominion and our mind we continually fight to have a pure mind we continually have to guard against any hostility or anger because it's wanting to come in like a virus on a computer and find a back hole and be a worm that works its way through to the point of saying did God really say maybe you heard wrong or maybe those people really don't love you as much as they say they do and here's what's going to happen and you begin to imagine all kinds of vain and foolish things and if you meditate on it a second then it begins to be more entrenched and more rooted when you find people very insecure you find a nun renewed mind because the mind that is renewed been resuscitated and brought back to the original purpose of God is someone who has the mind of Christ and he's thinking like God thinks no matter if the temporary issue is at hand seems to be really bad you're thinking about the future because God sees that sees everything at the end of something how it is at the beginning how it's already going to turn out better is the end of a thing than beginning God sees everything at the beginning of already how it's going to turn down fear is the is is the is seeing something that hasn't happened yet but I have an expectation it's going to go this way fear is that evident token to your enemy Paul says as a sign of perdition the enemy sees look fear they're falling away they're moving backwards that are on their heels so that means all I need to nudge them a little bit more is to keep pushing them back pushing them back and I'll just confirm to them what they're already feeling and thinking and they'll see it is see this people don't love me see what people do to me and you just keep going back from that point because an offended mind begins once it starts other things start coming in anger comes in when anger has not been dealt with immediately then Hebrews 12 talks about what bitterness does a root something starts a very small a root starts with a seed of something a root of bitterness springs up and then this it's going to start affecting everybody in the household everybody around you everyone you meet this bitterness of soul is just going to come out and then next thing is I don't think God's speaking anymore well they may not you he's speaking you can't hear him because your mind has built up this insulation to where I can hear him but all I can hear is all of this other intrusion and negativity that's bombarding my mind that's why I have to limit how much I watch news you listen to them long enough as if they all know the truth and the next thing you know is that you're so bombarded saying we're all doomed and faith has just sucked right out of you because whatever you listen to you yield your members what Paul said whoever you yield your members to which is your Faculty's eyes ears taste all these people whoever you yield your members to what is it you then become their servant then they can start saying anything they want to and you're going to believe it and hear because you bought into the rest of it be skeptical of the word world and affirming God let every man be a liar and yet God be true just because you saw it on the internet doesn't mean it's God well God speaks to the internet now he speaks to the inner man not the Internet but that was a case I'd have moved to Canada long ago when he's talking about having a renewed mind it's because then it allows the anointing of the Holy Spirit to begin to break through in that in Isaiah the 10th chapter verse 27 we we quote this usually out of context but it still has the the truth to it when he's talking about the anointing and if the anointing is connected to our mind then it's crucial how we hear the good verse 27 speaking to Israel being delivered and they've been in captivity and he's going to bring back a remnant of them and the domination that Egypt had on him and so on that so will be in that day verse 27 he'll be in that day his burden talking about the oppressor his burden will be removed from your shoulders as his yoke from your neck his bird meaning the fact of his control and his pressure on you and the yoke which means that you have no choices at all and his yoke will be broken because of the fatness or the word is anointing the Shema means to shine to be the oily as another word with that the anointing we know is to divine enablement now listen here's how the anointing and that chapter chapter and verse really means it means that you have the picture of some West slave that has a yoke around their neck hands tied up and they go wherever they're pulled and pressed and what he's using that because it was a sign of slavery with them to the to the Hebrews that were in Egypt primarily and he says the anointing or fatness which means the richness of God's presence who he is his fatness inside of you will so increase that the internal will so increase that the external yoke that's on him will break pecks pitcher balloon if you will that you could have something on the outside that balloon you blow that balloon up so much till the internal pressure explodes and gives way and anything on the outside is is blown away that their yoke is broken because of the increase of the internal expression internal richness the internal greatness the internal increasing of the capacity of God on the inside breaks the yoke on the outside first John says greater is he that is within us on the inside than he that's on the outside the way that a person can break an addiction is to get so full of God that the addiction is exploded and it has very little value compared to the greatness of God the way that you get rid of an offense other than repenting but you come to point that I'm gonna get so full of God that if someone could call me anything that they want to it would just it wouldn't stick on me because I'm too oily it is slides right off you know like water off a duck's back and after a while they called you enough things it just doesn't matter a whole lot because you know whether you please God or not and you can please man and not please God and and you get your reward here but there's no reward there so when he's saying that there's yoke and the yoke actually for you and I is our mind that is the issue that is the yoke that is the controlling factor about everything we do the mine is a terrible thing to waste we say but it needs to be trained and directed in the right way otherwise I am continually being deceived and fooled into thinking something that's not even true and I can be so convinced in my mind that it's that way that no one can convince me otherwise because I've made up my mind a mind that's made up your mind said is like concrete thoroughly mixed and set and we just can't break through it what what Paul is saying that the way that you have a transfer a change of mind is not listening to preaching not just being an attender but I'm now going to train my mind to think like Jesus thinks and how he would respond and how he would feel so much so that when I am tested I'm going to pass the test and not fall prey to ever thing comes along and every test you pass you become stronger in your in who you are and you become more like the mindset of Jesus so when someone comes in with some crazy ideas come crazy philosophy your mind immediately says that didn't sound like God because I know what he sounds like God doesn't do that God didn't put that on people God didn't make people to God did not that way he's a God of love and mercy and it's not his attributes in nature therefore it's not God God good devil bad well God sometimes no he doesn't sometimes God is good all the time not just sometimes so when people say well it you know they just give you a cop-out God didn't always maybe doesn't always to you because of where you are but when we train our mind this anointing of the Lord begins to increase within us and the Holy Spirit now begins to speak to us and he said I am the LORD thy God that heals you which is the first thing that he announced to the Hebrews before he even told him who he was comes into Egypt then say hey guys I'm gonna deliver you I'll give you a better life and Canaan it's got better deal over here you won't have to make bricks anymore first thing he did says I am THE LORD thy God that heals you which means I deliver you I set you free and I'll take care of your physical to kill means part of the renewing of the mind is first of all I've got to get get the right perspective of who God is there's some times that we make our own decisions and we say God bless it he can sometimes make lemon out of lemonade's but heat but sometimes he didn't say I didn't go that way but I love you enough to help you in the process of that that's the mercy of God that he extends to us so if we understand that part of the yoke that you and I deal with today not us as a slavery thing back you know thousands of years but there's a yoke of our mind and that yoke can bring us into a bondage and therefore we can't receive the entirety what God intends for us I believe but help my unbelief that's a fair statement remember believing is not what I what I'm doing is just what I'm thinking in Matthew the eleventh chapter which is I'm using familiar scriptures so that we can connect them or we're used to hearing them about these things Jesus is making this statement it's talking about the kingdom of God he just got through affirming John the Baptist and he's the kingdom of God has experienced violence and the violent take it by force the word violence there be odds though which means simply means to crowd out when the King king of the kingdom comes in he's going to crowd out everything that's not of him he's going to take over now he makes this famous statement pick it up if you would in verse 27 jesus said all things have been handed over to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the son wills to reveal him but no one can reveal the father except Jesus if you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ you can't know the father come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden in other words just under the under the yoke under the burden and I will give you rest rest doesn't mean I a taken laying down taking a nap but it means a ceasing from a change of a change of direction take my yoke upon you learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you shall find rest for your soul he repeats it again my yoke is easy so he's saying there is a yoke it just depends on which elk that we're going to get in my yoke is easy and my burden or load his life and he uses this word yoke there and it actually means a coupling joining together as like in marriage so he's saying my yoke is easy in the word easy there means non chafing but it's also where a means employment or engaging my yoke is to engage you to be coupled with me so when it happens sometimes people get saying so well now that I made I asked Jesus come in my heart now I can go and get yoked with anything go out in the world and be a participant of all kinds of lifestyle and because grace you know is everything and I can go and participate with all my friends get drunk wild parties do everything that is totally against the very nature and heart of God and yet because I'm under grace which is a false sense of of what the devil would love for us to believe grace is the word grace Katis is means the divine influence on the heart it didn't mean divine overlooking how much influence is on the heart is the level whether you have grace great grace or abundant grace so when we come to the Lord we come in because the grace not of ourselves lest it be you know the flesh but of God through faith and the grace of God is there and then one east tells us is is that I'm taking this yoke of this world system off your mind but now you're not it's not the idea that your yoke 'less now you take my yoke upon you and I am now coupled with you so that you can begin to think what I think and see what I am to see you and Jesus proved it many times when the woman caught in adultery bring her up here we know what Moses law says we'll see what you do and Jesus instead of being yoked by a law legalism there's a verse in acts 10 talks about the yoke of legalism instead of being yoked by this legalism Old Covenant Jesus starts putting on the yoke of the father and thinking like him he was out first without sin cast the first stone they all left and she said he said go and sin no more in other words don't put back on that yoke that you've had but here's a new yoke begin to think like me instead of thinking like the system and the Pharisees all themself to kill you think like I think which is mercy and truth but don't go back into that yoke again and husbands and wives we're yoked together it's a coupling we need to realize that if one tries to dominate the other person and get their own way what they're saying is I am I am unbalancing my yoke because I'm gonna I'm gonna make it heavy on you I'm gonna make you pay for it Jesus uses the word yoke and the yoke is is translated many different times depending on the context Jesus uses determined and chap Matthew 11 as the word a balancing beam that was used for scales you've seen those scales you know the balancing scales this was called the yoke he said my yoke is easy because I'm here to balance I'm here to couple I'm not here to lay heavy this way in this way back and forth my yoke is easy and we mean in fact it's not going to cut you off because I'm pulling on you this way and choke you that you're gonna be able to walk with me and I'm gonna balance truth with you in a marriage to where that there is a coupling that is being yoked together it means that we're here to balance with one another not to dominate one another not to create an environment it's gonna be heavy on you to get my way or I'm gonna pout and you know threaten you with all kinds of things that's that's a yoke of bondage or bun digits we used to say when Jesus uses the term this kind of yoke is easy and my burden is light he thought giving you everything that you need to carry what I put on you and it's not going to be one-dimensional you're gonna be able to carry all the way through he uses the term coupling in the sense that I want you to put on my coupling be married to me because I'll never leave you nor forsake you he never threatens us he never abandons us he never you know uses manipulation on us anytime manipulations involved that you have using the yoke of the world to threaten I'm gonna run away I used that three times with my parents and I got about a mile away which seemed like took me a long time to get there and I thought it's getting late and I'm hungry I just ran away from the people that love me but I didn't know how to get back into that and I was sitting under an overpass on the highway about a mile from my house and I was under that concrete embankment underneath there sticking him right up underneath there my dad came home that way and for some reason he drove by that's pretty fast road there and he looks up under the bridge and sees me there he backs up son what are you doing up there I said I've run away from home hey so well I'm going home you want to go and I said yeah I think of will cuz I was too far to go back home to get in the pickup and my dad and says you ever do that he didn't tell me this you ever do that again I'll beat you to the entry life he just patted me on the leg and he said I'm glad I came by walked in and dad said hey I sound carried on the bridge she said oh I didn't you know he's gone didn't work at all got a little older I son I'm had my car and so I'm going I'm out of here that's it fine leave the credit card over there I said whiney take credit or now if you're abandoning us we we now go use my credit card I'm not gonna pay for your for your attitude credit card I don't know what I don't know how to do anything without a credit card no gas what happens is that when we try to manipulate God in people what we're saying is I'm using my yoke that I've coupled with you in love and I'm gonna twist it and I'm gonna turn it and I'm gonna make it work for me if you give in to that what happens you're in enabling a yoke of bondage jesus said my yoke is easy because it's weight distributed I'm carrying it with you I'm not gonna leave you my dad didn't say come down hard on me he just loved me with work didn't ask me why I ran away because wouldn't matter reasonings don't matter the fact is you shouldn't have and I can't I can't twist it on him to make him feel guilty he uses this illustration in Philippians the second chapter here's how we develop a mind that that's being renewed here's the practice of it I don't care how old your how young you're the younger you start the better pick it up in Philippians chapter 2 verse 1 Paul is saying and he's using the illustration of being like Christ if therefore there is any encouragement in Christ if there is any consolation alive now remember where I haven't supposed to have the mind of Christ so instead there's any encouragement in Christ this should be the same encouragement should be in you if there's any consolation of love it should be in you there's any fellowship should be of you and fellowship of the Spirit and I know that's key fellowship of the Spirit once a - renew it allows the or the spirit within you to fellowship and that's where the anointing rises and the anointing comes through a through a submitted mind make my joy complete by being of the same mind maintaining the same love United in spirit intent on one purpose here is a healthy mind you if you under the mind check up here it is mine therapy here it is check out are you do you have joy joy is not a feeling what's going on the moment joy is a connection with God this joy of the Lord joy complete by men maintain maintaining love do I have any disconnections there my love cycle life United in spirit am I connected you know in my spirit am i troubled in my spirit intent on one purpose do i have the direction that god's sending me to do i have an eternal purpose then verse three do nothing from selfishness in other words i'm going to do this so i can get this that's manipulation do nothing from selfishness there's times when we do benefit from it but that's not our first motivation if i do this people will give more if i do this they'll love me for if i do this they'll this whatever then that's mine to mind that's not a spirit to spirit speaking do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit but with humility of mind it's a humility the mind it all starts there leat let each of you regard one another as more important than himself that's a god thing right there you don't come out of the womb thinking that you come on the why write the phrase eight change me come on come on what's it they learn right away if you don't get what you want to do to start crying now they get 15 16 years old they don't get what they do they want to cry they want to do something right what attention we teach them that do nothing from selfish or empty conceit but with humility of mine let each of you regard one another as more important than yourself men your wife should feel like she's the most important person in your family even more important than the children no no I don't know about that let me tell you made it covenant within those children will get up and move away and get old when these days and they may never come and see you but your covenant partner the one you're coupled with you're yoked with is the one that you're there to protect that I mean you mean me the kids but I protect my wife from the kids they know you if I come home and you've ganged up on mom daddy's home and it doesn't matter your excuses or your reasoning we're first of all going to line up and repent to mom and then secondly we'll make an impression they need to know they can't not divide the yoke they tried dad and they tell you what mom did well let's go find her no no no no well I have no secrets from her she knows more about me than I do and so once they find out that they can't divide and conquer then you have a house of unity of the spirit and you've got a yoke that has a balanced beam I'm just a Madeleine I know have this attitude in yourself which was also in Christ Jesus let me just point out how to use the word Christ the Anointed One so if you want the Anointed One and to let the anointing rise you got to be a note you have to be yoked with the Anointed One if you want the anointing you have to be anointed with the quicken yoked together with the Anointed One but this might also which is in Christ Jesus who also although he existed in the form of God did not regard equity with God as a thing to be grasped but emptied himself taking the form of a bondservant one who was serving other people bond meaning he's a willing servant I've paid the debt there's no reason believe but I still want to stay in the house that's when they take the the ear do you know the doorposts and pierce it there so now I'm a love slave I'm bonded servant I'm loved by you I don't want to leave I can't but I don't want to but he emptied himself became embalming and being made a likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to point of death even death on the cross therefore God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name as which is above every name why because he chose not to use his deity to walk life out he chose to walk it out with God enabling him as a man so by that we we well that was Jesus well Jesus is in you so what what more can we want Philippians for I'm getting clothes for you that will take your notes verse 8 finally brethren whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is of good report if there is any excellence if any worthy of praise let your mind dwell on these things here's the mind check if someone says if you heard the latest and say hang on safe is it honorable well is it right I don't know somebody told me that someone told them and they turned three other ways is it is it uh lovely I don't know when you call it that is it of good report no that's what makes it so fun he said in other words that I don't want to hear it because then I've submitted my mind to something that is going to cause my mind to take dominance over my spirit when my spirit is saying don't hear it don't listen to it it's got garbage it is just it's distasteful it's ugly it is to make someone else look bad it is to beat is totally dishonorable then that means now you are coupled with them the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me practice these things in other words saying here is how you renew the mind you have to practice these things you have to practice these things now sometimes the counsel I have to hear things that I'd like not I didn't want to hear but that's part of who I am but I can quickly flush it when I leave and without hanging on to it the interesting thing when he says Paul makes is this illustration we've heard it in 2nd Corinthians 6:14 do not be unequally yoked to unbelievers we usually put that into context that don't be married to a person that's not another believer Christian but it's possible to be married to someone who's a believer and be unequally yoked because they're trash talking and they're dishonorable and they're saying things that doesn't bless the body then bless the Lord then that's that and now you are no longer in a balance beam but you're in this and it's a yoke that is choking us there sometimes you're going to hear things that you wish you hadn't and yet it comes on you quick but immediately you just release that and say father I just asked you to wash that up with the washing of the water of the word you are greater than that this is not who I am this is not my life and I just ask you to redeem me from that cursing and so we got to practice these things it's a lie to even go into a marriage thinking that they're not a believer but God can change them he didn't say go get unequally yoked with someone and see what I'll do don't be unequally yoked even in a business matter because they don't have the same righteous principles you have because that means that they can twist it around the other way doesn't mean they have to believe exactly the way you do but there's still an equal equality now for me when I'm married Diane III didn't marry you know I looked at these things and she looked at me and saying I couldn't be married to someone who wasn't agreeable to me about the Holy Spirit for instance if she says you know if she had said I just don't believe in speaking of tongues well I do it's a language that I communicate to my father according to Romans 8:26 then because she believed that I believe that now we're equally yoked because we'll pray in tongues together I think the couple of prays in tongues together they stay together because you're praying for what you want each other you may not know what you're saying that you can't say otherwise but you know you can pray in tongues then your father who sees in secret rewards you openly so there's some things you can say that you couldn't get buying any other way and you didn't you wouldn't say them right anyway we got a problem here let's just let's pick the father shut up Aiko Surya cutsie monolith yeah that's what I think their case closed how much if you got angry all of a sudden you just stop and you shuttle about cool cebra Irie custom anima and all of a sudden what you're in your mind was saying yeah get him get him your spirits things shut up let me take over and all of a sudden the fire has been put out and the Lord has been glorified and you didn't let your mind take over and control we finish up with this Isaiah 58 I'm hurrying Isaiah 58 pick it up verse verse 7 they started talking about this is the yoke how to break the yoke the bands of the yoke and the oppressor I mean I need to go back up to verse 6 is this not the fast which I chose to loosen the bonds of wickedness to undo the bands of the yoke cut cut those bands that can yoke us up the couplets with something is this not the fast which I to choose to lose the bonds of wickedness to undo the bands of yoke and let the oppressed go free and break every yoke you use that term again and again the end it is not divided it is not divided your bread with the hungry this is one of the verses that we use for love indeed when we began it 27 years ago to bring the homeless poor into the house when you see the naked to cover them and not to hide yourself from your own flesh that will means your own family then your light will break out like that on the word light there means your revelation your influence if you weren't your influence and revelation to be bigger they said here's the things that you do now look in verse 9 then you will call the Lord and he will answer you you will cry and he will say Here I am if you remove the yoke from your midst all kinds of yokes remove the yoke from your minson here's one of the yokes he's talking about the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness you're a fault you're at fault you're at fault you're at fault pointing the finger which is the idea of blaming and putting judgment on someone else he's saying if you are into that then your light won't be be seen and if you give yourself to the hungry satisfy the desire the flicked afflicted then your light will rise out of darkness Paul goes on to finish up and he sang in Galatians five and verse one he says for freedom Christ has set you free therefore do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage there's a yoke of Christ there's a yoke of bondage there's a yoke of the world there's a yoke of the tongue so I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly and the power of life and death is in the tongue so choose life so he's wanting to yoke us to him that were married to him and that's my friend it's where you get the fruit of the Spirit fruit is produced out of an intimate relationship the fruit of the Spirit is produced out of having the Holy Spirit being dominant over the mind when he says love joy and peace I know but I don't feel that way today I'm just really mad right now and I'm like it I feel empowered by it more I think about it the stronger I get with it then that's what the mind is being dominant that's the anointing not of the Spirit but out of the mind the point stand with me would father we thank falow God that you're wanting to give us a fresh mind the integrity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and that you're wanting us to see things from your vantage point you've caused us to be seated in the heavenlies so that we can look things eye-to-eye with you instead of being shaping and fashioned by the world in this culture we ask today oh god that is the word came today that you're jealous over us anyone here that you were pulling and drawing and wooing upon that has become distant from you that has it been satisfied with all the world has to offer and has placed you last in position then I pray over them today God that you would renew a right heart and spirit on them that you called them home three times I heard you today what the ministry team does to come stand here
Channel: TFC Tyler
Views: 10,917
Rating: 4.8527608 out of 5
Keywords: Kerry Kirkwood, TFC Tyler, Trinity Fellowship
Id: fgNxfD3Ga_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2015
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