Training Montage Compilation | Cobra Kai | Now Playing

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oh my God [Music] ready [Music] laughs what does the Cobra do what does a cobra do there's no tapping in karate [Music] [Music] all right [Music] where's the Cobra do Slither okay [Music] you want a fair fight dream on you can't always think your enemies are going to play by the rules what if that baseball was your enemy's friend coming at you from behind you have to be prepared for everything no it's fine it's fine nope just don't be a baby hello uh it's five o'clock Twilight is upon us all right what's going on I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours just to get more students we need [Music] to Center your energy so no one wants to fly you all just want to stay in the nest pathetic all right fine you win you could bore Cobra Kai into submission [Music] you all failed grab your crap let's go it looks like you got what you wanted thank you [Music] thank you nice move larusa [Music] you've trained hard you've gotten stronger tougher faster you've done your best you're ready for this tournament am I right yes I say wrong the best day [ __ ] if you want to win the all Valley under 18 karate tournament you got to get me better than your best which is why from now on you're gonna get my worst do you understand yes are you nerds are you sure your enemies are all around you destroy them anymore [Music] [Music] there's nothing to cure except for fear itself who's not falling in a bunch of sharp metal and broken glass so don't do that oh my goodness [Music] you gotta be hungry you guys hungry [Music] done so are they oh [ __ ] don't be afraid they smell fear that's my girl [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] some people have a good the rest of us we have to fight for every inch of what's ours everyone's got a sob story that doesn't give you the right to be a bullying [Music] everything [Music] great job today Jefe you crushed it really didn't feel like I did much of anything hey no negative thoughts just positive energy I'll uh keep that in mind what's this this is a collection of the tastiest babes of 1988 and you're not going to get to see them unless you grab it okay now you're gonna have to try harder than that you know I can just find these pictures on my phone right it's not the same chicks are hotter on the page but you won't know unless you get off your butt or you could just keep getting foot rubs from that panzy ass therapist come on damn you all right all right I got you bud here we go all right give me a minute we'll go again I think I still have my Vanna White Playboy I'll get you going don't you get it you could dangle a new PlayStation in front of me I still wouldn't be able to stand up hey um was the first turn clockwise or counterclockwise number Point even has a stupid dance Gonna Save Us in a fight all right dad dad what are you doing Mr Miyagi built this a few years before he died he said it was a monument to balance but today it's not going to balance bone size it's going to help you to learn the wheel technique hop in you actually want us to get in there could have told us to bring our swimsuits come on a little water never hurt anyone all right nice and easy oh oh it's cold come on it's not that bad get on each side oh my god dad why don't you step there's nothing it's nothing don't worry about it if we can't do this on the ground how are we supposed to do it on this on the ground it's hard to sense when your partner is moving on that deck trust me you're gonna feel it right away come on get up there they go they're easy easy just relax find your balance done well find your balance Sam you're all right okay here you go get Robbie sense each other and you go okay take your starting positions [Music] there you go good there you go there you go [Music] all right all right not a bad start okay you're just finding your footage I don't feel like we're finding anything dad come on guys get back up that was great come on Sensei what are we doing here at midnight are you sure we're supposed to be here yeah don't worry my buddy's a night janitor okay okay all right let me see your hands hey what are you doing you're in a fight first instinct is to use your hands right you gotta unlearn that and think with your legs uh how do I think with my legs well I just died those legs take your way out [ __ ] drowning is for [ __ ] all right don't be a [ __ ] use your legs [Music] but if you knew how to swim [Music] never die say it oh my God say like your life depends oh my God never dies now I'm not gonna help you this time all right all right you have all the power in your legs you need mirrors it to kick your way up do you understand yes that's it come on come on come on come on [Music] keep kicking hello princess [Music] shut that leg up like a man [Music] stick your enemy in the face no mercy three minutes keep going that's it 10 minutes yeah run I wish I could show my mom what I did to those boards but if she knew where I was right now she would kill me what's wrong with you nothing put your costume on I'm driving you to that dance and we're gonna pick up some more students what the hell is that it's my Halloween costume yeah yeah I made it started off as Deadpool then I think it was Spider-Man and then it just kind of became some generic superhero yeah poor when it died you're poor Mitch yeah well I can't let you go out like that we have a reputation up home what do you suggest good bird remind me not to piss you off ass face you're next does my nickname gotta carry over from the previous Dojo you want to be penis breath ass face is fine good penis bread all right Deus you're up imagines is a guy I stole this frisbee from all right just picture his stupid white dreads all right good hustle who's next I can do it Santa say here we go it's fine I got it all right getting a side stance use the balls of your feet [Music] all right everybody take five go get some water but not from the fountain I saw some meth head wipe his ass in it it's okay if you can't do the things you could do before nobody's expecting you to be your old self gotta be [ __ ] me what what happened they canceled the all Valley they did what they canceled it Tony hi hi I'll go get Miguel I'm not here for Miguel [Music] thank you no I don't know where I'm going [Music] but I soon [Music] I'm here [Music] [Music] [Music] one day over 400 years ago there was a fisherman his name was shimpo Sensei ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land that's it big circles right circles left circles walk on the left side of the road safe walk on the right side of the road safe walk down the middle squish like ring Center yourself Johnny look inward find your balance there you go now show me the moves that's it balance good karate good everything isn't even level or maybe you have a little imbalance inside of you I still don't see me using any of this in a real fight I've been trying to tell you Miyagi dough is not about fighting you know what Mr Miyagi said was the best defense in all of karate High outside block against an ax kick best defense is Nobi there I mean don't be there guy teaches you centuries of his ancient Family Karate and you can't help him with his English don't even go there with me John all right we've done it'll have to sit in here and freeze my nuts off to find inner peace no we're done you got a taste of miyakido that was the goal well get ready it's tomorrow you learn a real man karate oh I can't wait to hear all about the illustrious history and wise teachings of the eagle Fang come on Johnny time to wake up I'm ready for Eagle Fang training and that sound that is ridiculous out loud as I thought it was you sure you're ready as I'll ever be the hell what where the hell did you take me an abandoned Factory this is how psychos and horror movies act you know man you want to circle around things your whole life wait for problems to show up at your doorstep that's not what an eagle does here at Eagle Fang we do not follow we attack we lead we grow into what we were meant to be and what were we meant to be Johnny man an eagle Embraces the pain all your life the world's been trying to make you less of a man light beer veggie burgers automatic transmissions might as well let another dude bang your [ __ ] he realized the coals are supposed to be shoveled into the forge right don't question me Newark keep shoveling let's call him so start climbing stepping up those soft hands push can't wait to get hit and a strike before the hit gets to you then there's a blocking exercise do you think you should be defending you should be offending the human response to dangerous fight or flight it's an eagle's response is fight and flight oh move it be aggressive attack accident good manliness is Next to Godliness we got this find your limit and soar past it come on go ahead keep climbing the Russo you got this Focus [ __ ] your fangs into those balls that's it [Applause] [Applause] yeah keep going foreign
Views: 1,111,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Now Playing, Movies, Film, Cinema, Movieclips, Movie Scenes, Movie Trailers, Comedy, Horror, Drama, Action, Adventure, Family, Musical, Cobra Kai, Ralph Macchio, TV Shows, cobra kai skateboarding, martial arts, daniel larusso, cobra kai, cobra kai compilation, cobra kai training compilation, cobra kai fight scenes
Id: I4flnQGM7lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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