Cobra Kai HUGE FIGHT SCENE COMPILATION Seasons 1-4 | Cobra Kai (2018-2023) | Now Playing

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hey hey watch your car man just leave the door alone this guy eating his dinner at the Mini Mart like a bum wait I think I know this guy he's a jerk off that cleaned my dad septic tank okay explains why he smells like [ __ ] you guys are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day all right oh really get the hell out of here loser [Music] let's go holy [ __ ] [Music] oh is that all you got ladies come on let's go get home oh [ __ ] better watch out Ria that bomb's not here to save you this time okay it's not about me it's my sensei [Music] you're dead man see what you got Miss Robinson face me Val face each other bow Mr Dia sure everything you've learned I don't think this is right Sensei I don't think what's right he's a girl and I thought you said women were equal to men I did say that I didn't mean it like that I meant that all right and sure women are equal and give her everything you got wait I just I just want to remind everyone this is my first day your enemies don't care what day it is they prey on weakness if you want to beat them you got to conquer your fears and jump face first Into the Fire are you ready Miss Robinson I guess Mr Diaz fight don't just stand there fight I'm sorry oh my God are you okay I'm sorry come on [Music] girl's a natural cobra hey Kyler why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an [ __ ] you want another beat down real I'm ready for you Lane mascara this time it's not lame-ass karate it's Cobra Kai [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you that's the case [Applause] get down from there right now [Applause] where the hell is here I'm right here Hey Nobody's thinking about me like that man it's good man what's up bro you got the code yeah I got it I told you my boy would come too what are you waiting on man let's do it let's go I can't can't what remember the code sorry I mean I won't I always get those two confused Robbie Robbie come on man don't do this open the goddamn door it's not gonna happen he's really gonna make me have to do this oh what ninja boy teach you some karate or something bro come on Nowhere to Run nowhere to hide you better watch your ass what the hell are you doing consider this a message from Daniel Larusso what are you gonna do Nancy thank you hey look back up man I got a bat man back up I got a bet [Music] all right look things got away from me okay just calm down where does Daniel Russo live this is between me and you it's got nothing to do with him I made all that [ __ ] up I'll take my licks like a man hey [ __ ] burning hell [Music] yeah let's go on Drive [Music] [Applause] fighting positions all right ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get the first point all right remember the pitching machine don't get it ready and pipe point tears and Rubicon with the point now it's 1-1 hey and hey guys [Applause] time time hey you're right listen to me listen to me look at me just remember to breathe and focus all right you hear me just find your balance all right keaney you ready can you continue [Applause] hey come on Robbie ah pipe [Music] thanks much no point out of bounds hey hey [Music] a two-legged kick [Applause] okay [Applause] come on there's one more influence portable light contact no mercy warning for illegal contacts in the name Robbie come here I'm gonna tell him to end it no no no no no no no no let me finish be careful I found this weakness Sensei it's his shoulder I know we want to win it's got to be the right way you have to fight dirty dirty there's nothing dirty about winning Sensei you taught me that don't worry I got this no mercy whoever wins the next point will be our new Champion it's 2-2 next Point wins all right okay good luck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] congratulations you did what I always thought you could do you want Cobra Kai's back where it belongs back on top everyone closed a book on us they thought we were done but now they see that the real story is only just begun thought you were dead you ain't the only one kid I've been away a long long time [Music] it's good to see you still got that hot temper huh but I like that I like that I bet that's why your student is now the champion trained him well [Music] you forgot I taught you everything you know [Applause] not bad Mr Lawrence not bad [Music] [Music] look I don't want to fight I just want to talk how about what he taught me to fight dirty he broke my second place trophy he tried to kill me I never tried to kill you got a second place for y'all now huh now who's a loser hey come on come on he can't breathe you're gonna kill him kill him kill him show him Mercy to an old man it's very honorable and stupid the Warlock of nephora is back he just died have some continuity still can't wait to read that new issue nice hair what is this your red Hulk phase I saw your Yelp review take it down and ruin my journalistic integrity look I'm sorry but someone had to say something and besides taking it down could hurt my Yelp Elite status you think I'm afraid of you I know who you really are Eli so why don't you rock steady and Bebop leave me alone okay great so this is what it's come to gang assault take it down or we take you down you'd actually hurt me well guess what you're not the only one that knows karate I just joined me on Tito [Music] all right let's see what you got [Music] hey what's going on yeah it's a hard to hold [Music] young in time [Music] no shelter it's easy [Music] I don't have to do this I think he learned this lesson who told you to think Fair now [Music] come on [Music] of course they left didn't have to be this way you could have joined Cobra Kai if you weren't such a [ __ ] at least I'm not an [ __ ] you're dead meat get back you guys need to back off I don't want to have to hit a girl you want to stand a chance five against three more like two and a half [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] you saved your chicken thanks I knew it no but did you see shorty in The Green Thumb oh man I didn't think about that right now let's open the goddamn door it's not gonna happen all right look let's get this stuff we're gonna vote just like that oh here man same [ __ ] different summer what are you doing here Robbie found your stash you're gonna give it all back we didn't learn your lesson last time refresh of course bring it what you forgot this is a three-man job but for a smart kid you sure do learn slow maybe we need to leave him with something to remember us by e [Music] let him go don't listen to him all right grandpa let's do it [Music] your grandpa know how to move like that huh come on let's go it's not stupid John crease's bad news all that crap we dealt with After High School taking that no mercy [ __ ] out into the world and you got it the worst man don't you remember of course I remember people can change like Cobra Kai can change yeah right I'm serious I'm trying to change Cobra Kai my crease is on board do you trust him Johnny you know crease he's always got something up his sleeve no he's a different man besides doesn't say something in your book about forgiveness because all I know is everyone deserves a second chance you know what I think I think I want to play some pool you guys want to play some pool with me yeah I'll play some movie Tommy let's go get a table where you going honey what we're just getting to know each other don't don't touch me [ __ ] somebody can help you with boss yeah we got next that is the uggish kid I've ever seen I'll tell you what My Wish you could suck my dick foreign [Music] [Music] finally as we Embark upon another Academic Year it's important to remember to be tolerant and accepting of all of our peers regardless of them you're not allowed to [Music] Samantha Larusso I'm coming for you [ __ ] [Music] I saw what she did at the party you kissed Miguel foreign [Music] [Music] good idea I'm gonna get a teacher oh [ __ ] I'm not gonna throw the first punch too bad you're going down nerd come and get it [ __ ] some of this [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is out of control give me security and let me quarter right away it's okay sir I got this [Music] [Music] did you just stop it already what's the matter you can't keep up [Music] [Applause] you have to do something Mr Palmer break it up screw this they don't pay me enough not again you can't see your way out of this one yeah like that move learn it from your time let's go [Music] Kai could have been a badass badass now Dimitri I know you're right here I figured you'd hide in the computer lab you say I'm nerd coming for you go [Applause] [Applause] oh now you're in trouble [Applause] come on nope come on get over here what's up [Music] [Music] is that the only way you know how to fight dirty this isn't a tournament there are no rules [Music] ha yeah [Music] we're feeling sick [Music] sorry Eli after taking advantage of Sarah I would never their way to happen [ __ ] Ed no mercy [Music] good day yeah she doesn't love you she loves me I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor and I paid the price for it if I'm extra hard on you it's only because you have the potential to be better than I ever was you want that don't you thank you [Music] I am I'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Applause] clear the way an ambulance for West Valley High Bobby what did you do [Music] what can only be described as an all-out karate Riot called students and faculty off guard sending shock waves through the valley we got enough to worry about these days now I gotta worry about karate gangs in the schools I heard there's a karate attack at the mall a couple of months back thought karate died out in the 80s earlier today students organized a peaceful Gathering of prayer and song [Music] we don't have to punch hate let's go get some brunch and be friends tonight West Valley High administrators are holding a community meeting to answer questions and help settle the years he's still here it's been four hours he's starting to creep out the customers I gave him the bill two drinks ago now he's refusing to pay said he didn't order Coors Light he ordered Coors banquet all right sir it's time to settle your tab and move on light beer it's for [ __ ] do I need to call the cops I don't know do you ran away after kicking fellow student Miguel Diaz off of second floor balcony planting right here on this staircase Kane has since been expelled Diaz meanwhile remains in a coma at West Valley General doctors say his prognosis yay just watching that I'm sorry I didn't realize there's your TV homie change it back it's the bottom of the ninth you want to see the news check your phone I don't have a phone threw it away oh when's the last time you showered going on you smell like a piece of dog [ __ ] took a dunk change it back bro you had a bar people want to watch the game they don't give a [ __ ] about no weather reports and coma Canada oh that's what I'm talking about yeah amigo here you go homie oops that's my bad get loose okay [Laughter] without anything you're doing man it's in your ass oh [ __ ] [Music] you're dead amigo [Music] a night good night hey hold on hey all right [ __ ] Johnny Jesus Christ they're gonna kill a song hey hey get your [ __ ] together all right look at me what do you think you got to worry about right now is survival butthole [Music] besides is not your fault it's fine well you're right about one thing Chris it is your fault we're in here but you're wrong about the rest of it he's not going to survive this character come on you're the ranking officer he looked around the crease there's no rank anymore not in here now this is every man for himself [Music] [Applause] these gym shorts pinch in all the wrong places come on have a little school spirit oh yeah go mountain lions Roar [Music] sure I wish we could do something about those credents you can how councilor Blatt will give us detention just for breathing near them I don't see anywhere to you besides let's game is Soccer without a little physical contact they think we're doormats it's prove him wrong [Music] thank you let's take it easy on the physical contact she loved you you know did you say oh yeah she told me man you had a good thing going with the hottest girl in school and you ruined it [ __ ] a loser hey hey I guess that's why the Europeans call it football [Music] with Sensei said fight smart [Music] you know what that's it everyone to the principal's office now [Music] what's up [Applause] [Music] all right over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was my mom [Music] what's up Russo where are you [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh God [Music] Show Yourself Larusso [Music] that's it all right [Music] no please stop be like stop stop [Music] it do it this isn't overload so [Music] just watching Cars to raise money for a worthy cause they've already raised over a thousand dollars yakido is all about helping people wasn't it a Miyagi doe student who put Miguel Diaz in the hospital that was an accident Debbies I hope so I just know that Miguel needs our help we love you Miguel thank you Samantha this car wash will be going on this evening yeah I don't know I like vanilla not her flavor no more she got a taste for that one shot that who knows thinking maybe she'd be drinking that dark roast next how about you shut your mouth sorry ass punk looks like karate boy want to throw down yeah man go ahead give you a free shot before you see teeth for dice karate is about self-defense wow see how that works out just a warm-up we ain't done with you yet let's get out of here [Music] Johnny Johnny I'm gonna call the cops all right we're out of our element here speak for yourself I'm not afraid of this place no I'm not afraid all right you know what forget it you're on your own even all ready okay guys let's let's talk about this all right you know you can keep the van we just want to know what happened to the kid who had it and then we'll be on our way on your way to call the cops like you said no no no cops all right we can work this house we're not [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on what's the matter with you well me what are you trying to kill that guy you knew what Robbie was well he told you everything he knew he's terrified God I should have known better than a team up with a lunatic like you you're the one that came to me Larusso don't do it again yeah don't worry I won't I can't believe you actually taught kids oh yeah you're some great teacher what could happen to Robbie I'm willing to admit when I fail okay and maybe I did or maybe he just has a little too much EU in them where you going I got somewhere to be better return that car to the dealership [Music] what are you doing here didn't think you could hide from me forever did you what are you gonna do break my arm too you let that happen you don't even fight back just home and cry to Mommy well mommy's not here don't worry I'm not going to break your arm you deserve much worse than that [Music] Robbie Miguel look where they are now it's all your fault [Music] started this now let's finish it [Music] so are you guys going to beat up this Hawk dude don't worry about it all right focus on your combos really use that speed let's go come on yep again and I told you I've been practicing I've got all the moves down oh really what over at Miyagi though I was taught you can learn all the moves but none of that matters unless you have balance understood yeah so it's a co-workout lesson I was just using a Miyagi to like balance is crucial a man can't stand he can't fight give Mr Keen to me a moment alone yes sensei thank you Sensei Krish told me all about you trained in Miyagi doe now Cobra Kai you'll have enough skills to kick all our asses I'll do whatever it takes to win show me what's the matter you're afraid to hit an old man come on show me [Music] did I say take it easy come on no mercy good good now it's my time oh come on you've learned to channel your anger but you're afraid I'm not afraid of anything you lying to me or yourself if you want to be a champion you need to dig out that fear and face it Whatever It Is if you don't it's gonna hold you back forever understood yes insane thank you listen up nerds today's gonna be a World of Pain all right we're gonna fall in we have a new member joining us today this is Devin Lee our new female champion hi my pronouns are she her the only pronouns we accept in this Dojo are Sensei and student s are nouns oh I'm sorry I think what I meant to say it's quiet it's an imperative get in life today's lesson is about cheating an eagle fan karate we don't believe in fighting dirty Cobra Kai doesn't follow the same rules so we have to be ready for any dirty trick they throw at us like when Chong lead threw dirt into Van Damme's eyes and bloodsports exactly looks like someone did their prep work and I saw the sequels too not to mention Delta Force Billy Jack the octagon and Lady Dragon Cynthia Rothrock is a beast hell yes she is I saw last dragon shut the hell up penis breath all right everyone get ready because today I'm going to put you through the ringer except for you DS you're up here with me what tournaments right around the corner I can't afford you getting hurt besides is going to get a little dangerous all right you'd be co-sensitive with me today sound good okay everybody get ready let's begin Cobra Kai pops out your shoulder you got to be ready to fight with one arm like invest to the best when you're overextending your kick try to [Music] not bad I pride myself on ever making the same mistake twice way above this beginner stuff all right don't worry you can help me out with the next lesson all right [ __ ] I can't see your other senses all right not bad penis breath it's all right you'll get him next time no trick is too dirty and no blow is too low for them you have to be ready for it [Music] you got [Music] it [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] I got him good on that one am I making nuggets I feel like you're gonna vomit just swallow it yeah we're in cups right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seems like you're always behind me in line first Miguel now Robbie I have a half eaten cupcake in there if you want some you know I'd kick your ass but pumpster mom thought I wouldn't stay the hell away from my family sorry I don't take orders from tiny little [ __ ] [Music] what are you doing doing what Johnny said I'm not taking her [ __ ] anymore thank you let me go get over here you think I broke your heart you broke mine too [Music] thank you if my dad cares about you just trying to make himself feel better for screwing up with me I don't know we're jumping in the pool [Applause] this is the greatest night of my life foreign [Applause] you got him to come here I had to prove my loyalty you wanted to get back at him right well here's your chance what about focusing on the tournament I am focused the only way that loser has a shot at winning the tournament is with the DS kid right how's that kid's confidence going to be when he sees his Sensei beaten to a pulp it'll totally throw him off balance just like your lesson unlike him I actually hate your lessons captain all right [Music] wow you see this looks like the rooster taught him some defense let's go see what you learn guess you didn't learn much if you want to see some more let him go now [Music] we agreed to settle this at the tournament and that's where we're gonna do it what happened to no mercy you know I thought you knew better than to question me I thought this is what you wanted [Music] foreign 's a client I fixed a crown fracture and his maxillary insides we never doubted you Ron [Applause] [Music] lies [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] over here [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] how are we doing here we're still in second overall but we have three Fighters still alive we just need one of them to advance we can take the lead come on Chris you got this all right guys scores two to two ready [Music] [Music] fight yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] they know our moves I wonder how [Music] all right folks we've witnessed some great fighting today but you ain't seen nothing yet because we have arrived at the quarterfinal which means things are about to get intense of the age boys and eight girls on this stage one of each will be named all Valley champion and then we'll tally all the points to determine which Dojo has earned the title of grand champion and since the points get higher in each round it's still in his Ojos game so you keep your eyes on this here Blue Max because we are just getting [Applause] it [Applause] come on She's Out of Bounds where are your eyes [Music] up up and with that eagle finds hopes of winning girls all Valley Champs have gone up in smoke it's all right you did great out there today Hunter shut me out I should have focused on my low game she's been at this longer than you there's no reason to feel bad I don't feel bad I only trained for six weeks I'm gonna be stomping all these weak ass [ __ ] next year so with you out do we even have a chance of winning anymore the right female Fighters get eliminated and Miguel makes it to the final and he wins then technically there's a chance good chance now with the final match for the ages representing Cobra Kai the queen Cobra herself Tory nickel coach Martha sensei's John Greece and Terry Silva and representing Miyagi do karate the bonds are badass Samantha Larusso pushed by her father and Sensei two-time All-Valley champion Daniel Larusso who I've just been informed we'll be joined by Sensei Johnny Lawrence so we [Music] up I stand corrected follow two-time All-Valley Champion Sensei and John and Lauren let's go don't worry about them you've been fighting all your life now it's time for all that struggle to pay off use all that fire inside you yes sensei hey come on head in the game Nichols all right living story ready kick some ass yes Sensei if that's okay with my other Sensei I want you to win more than anyone whether it's defense or offense Miyagi doe or Eagle Fang I want you to be you just make sure you keep your anger in check up [Music] sorry go kicks competitors take your position [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good luck this way ow face each other about ready yeah bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's that flying tornado kick using miyahito she's fighting aggressive then you get more aggressive I've seen what's inside you let it out come on ready yeah [Applause] ready ready [Music] all right I'm attacking but it's not working what style should I use yours trust your instincts use everything you've learned from me and Sensei Lawrence all of it that's right every now and then [Music] [Music] [Music] fight foreign [Applause] [Music] crucial scores two to two next Point wins ready the block no point I don't know morning elbow to the face go to your sensei's warning that should be a point deduction I need you no it was an accident go to your senses are you all right yeah she got me good but I can still fight she comes in like that again give her a shot to the other eye she can't see she can't fight when I get disqualified why she ran into your elbow do exactly what you just did disguising the counter where she'll get is another warning trust me this ref will never end the match on technicality it was an accident I don't need to cheat to win come on that's not fair I got second place second place is no place you're nothing you're lost you're aloof you suck yeah come on man don't come on who's illusion now who's the loser I don't hear you it's when you display an order let her do what she wants you come this far it was your fight now so whatever happens [Music] [Applause] ready and fight thank you [Music] [Music] Point winner hey you're right [Music] [Applause] get out give it up for your first female champion Tory nickels [Applause] the winner of the grand champion Trophy and steal the man is dojo in the valley [Applause] that's what happens when you broadcast your life all over social media look maybe there's a better way there there is one admit don't you ever think you might be wrong about anything what are we doing here you want to rehash your entire baseless argument from last night in front of these kids no I want what's best for them what's best for them and they're fighting you is the only way I could get there then let's just get this done all right Lewis who let's finish this [Music] face us now face each other bow [Music] [Applause] true to the motto painted on his former Dojo wall and carved into his very being trying to capture the spirit of the thing score 1-0 Lawrence [Music] [Music] where's 1-1 ready [Music] hell yeah we're so tasty Lee all he has to do is score one more point and Larusso is the winner [Music] of course two on the Russo ready oh [Music] all right what the hell man [Applause] you got any more dirty tricks up your sleep I'm not the one who fights dirty too next Point wins ready ready fight are you sure are you sure check the replay go to another angle there is no other angle that you guys have another phone Hawk [ __ ] Eli what happened who did this Cobra guy Greece and silver did this they need to pay Jesus Johnny please he's trying to kill you last time what do you want to fight them both damn right I do look what they did dousing the fire with gasoline that's your answer why am I not surprised since I stopped I still think your way is the only way you were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank the other day but if they stood their ground and kick some ass like I taught them this never would have happened and if they fight every time they provoked what is that lead back to the hospital or to jail come on just cause you spent your share of time Johnny's right doesn't matter how many times we stand up to COBRA Kai if we don't strike back they're going to keep coming at us and you're worried about my influence on your kids that's what you watch honey so I have my daughter the rest of my students acting like you you know you don't have to worry about it anymore because we're done works for me Eagle fangs let's go and now our first semi-final match will be Miguel Diaz of Eagle Bank versus Eli Moskowitz of miyakido all right don't forget to breathe out there all right how you feeling I'm okay I don't exactly the thrilled to be fighting my friend doesn't help that nobody's ever beaten Miguel either sorry shouldn't have said that out loud at least you know how I'll fight because Johnny taught you too listen don't forget your blocks stay patient all right we got this uh you could do this you've beaten Hawk before just remember that Killer Instinct take his ass out what take his ass out Mark is my friend he's fighting for Larusso he picked aside whose side are you on yours are you sure Hawk may be your friend but if you want to win this thing you're gonna have to beat him who said are you on what do you mean gentlemen pick your positions one years ideas always [Applause] yes finally we're the opponent I can hold back right no okay neither am I [Music] back on your marks it's me oh miss each other bow ready boys [Music] you're not a kid anymore you want something you have to crawl across the floor use your damn teeth if you have to and I'm always gonna be here you're gonna be my karate teacher I'm gonna be your sensei got it [Music] [Music] [Music] three point wins good luck everyone ready [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Champion is Eli we win [Applause] bolts into the overall lead it all comes down to the girls fight coming up next [Applause] [Music]
Views: 3,085,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Now Playing, Movies, Film, Cinema, Movieclips, Movie Scenes, Movie Trailers, Comedy, Horror, Drama, Action, Adventure, Family, Musical
Id: d6qv9N6iK3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 56sec (5276 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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