Training in the Alpine | Ep 7 Ultra Marathon Training 2024

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good morning it is Sunday June 9th and we are going to be doing a high mountain workout today so before we get into the details of that I just wanted to say a few things really quick first I just hit 2100 subscribers on YouTube which is insane so I just wanted to say thank you so much for tagging along for being here I genuinely appreciate it so much and it really does mean so much to me so thank you guys for the love and support I am just really excited and hope to continue to just you know keeping the channel authentic and true to me which is just enjoying high mountain adventures and Mountain Adventures in general so thank you so much for being here part two of my little intro and I'm going to try to keep this as brief as possible I'm going to be honest this week of training just really has not gone as I would have liked or as I fully intended it to last weekend we had a really epic weekend and I made a whole video about it I'll link it on the screen we used our Rooftop tent for the very first time and I did back toback long runs I didn't get a good night of sleep Sunday which just left me kind of physically tired for the rest of the week had a lot going on at my office and it was 90° all week so this week you know weekday runs didn't really go as planned I did get a 16m run in actually 17m run in yesterday so point to that being is is there's going to be some weeks where you feel like you're hitting all your marks and you're showing up getting your workouts done getting your runs in and it feels great and then there's going to be weeks that you know it just does not work out that way and that's okay that's life if we didn't have those bad weeks then the good weeks wouldn't be quite as Savory so as a reminder love yourself give yourself Grace be patient adapt to life all that being said today's workout so I'm here at the twin sisters trail head which I was here literally 2 weeks ago and you're probably like God you're so boring but the one nice thing about that is I've kind of scoped it and I know that I can you know run it it is it the trail gets up to 11,000 ft I'm really hoping to just get some altitude in and some elevation so point to that being is I'm going to try to lap this two times the trail is about 7 and 1/2 miles like one lap of it so I aiming for two laps it should be over 5,000 feet of gain so the name of the game today is to stay on top of nutrition and to just like keep it moving we just got to keep it moving keep it rolling and do the best we can so it's about 7:00 right now and I'm going to get on trail I'm hoping this takes me 4 to 4 and 1/2 hours which might seem ambitious without further Ado I'll see you on the trail [Music] 34 minutes 2 miles in feeling pretty good just had a gel yeah moving pretty good like another two-ish miles it's less than that but if I tell myself two it'll feel better when I get there quicker right we are at about 10,500 ft and I'll be honest I found my rhythm pretty good it's crazy how I feel like when I'm at altitude after about 20 minutes my body kind of adapts me how I feel about this on lap two [Music] though offici in the outline [Music] so we made it to the saddle we're at 3.7 mil 1 hour 8 minutes 1 hour 9 Minutes in I'm just going to keep the watch rolling I'm going to tighten my shoes really quick get some water down start eating and we're going to start getting down it's about probably 8:05 a.m. made it up here in really good time feels good beautiful Bluebird day so 11 life 6 mes mil in and I think my legs might be starting to feel it just technical technical technical but just trying to stay present not get ahead of myself think about refueling and what I want to grab at the car to be efficient because ideally I'll be off the summit before 10:00 for safety so yeah feeling good [Music] just made it back to the car 2 hours 1 minute and we are 7.48 mil in the watch stays rolling so switch out this bottle get a new electrolyte bottle in I got my homemade gel the Starker day and almond sea salt goo energy put a little more water in [Music] [Music] here all righty lap two let's do this leaving the parking lot it's 9:03 I'm not going to lie I kind of love like a little self-supported car crew it's fun gives it like a race Vibe I'm not expecting to do this quite as fast but we'll just focus on fueling and just making it up the mountain so I'm hoping I know I said 10:00 but maybe no later than 10:15 we'll just have to see we're back on the trail legs are going to be tired for this but time for some more fuel going to do the homemade gel I'm really afraid to open this just hit the 3-hour mark got about a mile left to the summit so just as I expected probably will'll be up there about an hour and 15 this lap running a lot less but still hiking pretty strong [Music] so back in the Alpine legs are are feeling it 4,500 ft of gain and we we keep on going we got lap number two done 3 Hours 27 minutes I am going to really quick change my socks and lube my toes with some aquafer just because I'm getting some hot spots on the balls of my feet I think on my last descent I got some debris down my shoes so we'll do we'll be kind to our feet you know little foot Lube delicious I am making some mental notes of how some of these mountains look because I want to get get on to some high peaks maybe next weekend more Alpine running 12.6 miles in I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to have my the sterker I don't know how you say that can somebody like phonetically spell how to say it in the comments um but I'm going to have that bar 13 and 1 12 miles in and I'll be honest running some of these downhills feels really hard my ass feels so fatigued right now my knees are a little sore too but for the most part we're still moving and feeling pretty decent so just not moving fast you [Music] know we did it oh we did it 15 and2 miles 5,000 ft of gain 4 hours 32 minutes and it's it's 11:30 so heck yeah honestly I feel pretty good I do feel tired but like all in all I really do feel today went pretty decent I am going to change out of these clothes and try to find a bathroom so no luck on the bathroom but that is going to do it for today solid effort I really do feel good I started the video out just being honest and letting you guys know that you know this week really hadn't been going the way I would have liked have seen it Go and there's just been moments throughout this 100K training block where I feel like I'm falling short but then there's efforts and runs like what I had today where I really feel I can do this and there's been moments on runs and runs where I get in my head and I'm just like I really don't know if I'm going to do this I really don't know what I'm going to do and then I do something like I did today and I can do this we're going to do this 100K it's going to be hard but we can do this so yeah it just left me feeling hopeful it left me feeling like yeah just keep showing up doing the work I'm also feeling really stoked that the high peaks and Alpine area they're looking good they're looking like ready ready to be explored just about so if that's your jam if you're interested in seeing more Mountain Adventures or ultramarathon training consider subscribing because that's what I'm going to be posting a lot of here over the next coming weeks and months so yeah consider no obligation but if you are subscribed thank you so much you're amazing and if you made it to this point in the video thank you so much for watching it was seriously a beautiful day out there and I'm really glad I was able to share it with you as well as everybody else on the trail if you happened to be out today and you saw me let me know down below there was a lot of really awesome people out there today it was just a great day to share with other humans comment down below did I pronounce the sterker bar correctly have you been able to get out in the Alpine I'm dying to know so that being said again thank you for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day hope you find some trail today and I'll see you in my next adventure bye
Channel: Mountain High Life
Views: 3,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultra marathon, ultra marathoner, trail runner, ultra training, ultra marathon training, colorado, mountains, adventure, fitness, female runner, training, marathon, marathoner, Rocky Mountains, health, wellness, female ultra runner, vlog, vlogger, runner, run, altitude, altitude running, altitude training, high altitude, marathon training, running, trail run, trail running, 100km training
Id: Dq0fN-SSgZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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