3 Mistakes and Lessons for Ultra Running (Not What You Think)

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do you want to make your next Ultra race experience a positive core memory or at least make it not suck my name is Jimmy Dean Freeman I'm an ultra Runner with two decades of racing experience and I've been coach to hundreds of ultra runners in today's video I'll cover some common mistakes in Ultra training some essential ultr running gear and key lessons for race day [Music] first we're going to cover three common mistakes in Ultra training the first mistake is too much intensity in training too soon this can be running too fast too often can be going too hard can be adding too much volume too soon a lot of times people are daunted by the idea of their longest race so they use that fear to train hard harder suffer more they're running too fast every day they're running too hard up hills they're getting too much volume on the body before the body is ready mistake number two in training Double Trouble a lot of people put too much emphasis on their double long runs which is to say they're running their longest runs of the week on Saturday and Sunday you don't want your training to be so heavily balanced on the weekend that you're doing 70 80 90% of your weekly volume on Just 2 days balance out your training do one or two long runs back to back in the peak of your training and you'll be good for race day third common mistake people make in their ultr roning training is they get too focused on the stress of the workout and not enough on the recovery from that stress it's important to nail each workout and execute what it is you're trying to do in each phase of training but sleep's important hydration is important your diet is important supplementation can help looking at your overnight heart rate your resting heart rate those are all key tools to learning whether your body is ready to push or needing a little more bounceback time focusing on your recovery will help you get the most out of each workout at the right time to get the most benefit from your training all right let's talk about ultra running gear starts from the ground up with your running shoes finding the right shoe for you is the most important piece what type of race are you running is it on trail is it on roads simple differentiator get trail shoes for the Trails Road shoes for the roads where are you going to be performing a lot of your training you might be running a trail race but getting 90% of your runs in on the road having the right shoe for your terrain and for your type of foot is really important if you live in a city that has a running shoe store go meet with an experienced shoe fitter find some options that feel right to you don't get married to brand or color scheme and you'll be a few sips Clos closer to that Peak Performance on race day next let's talk about apparel from head to toe everything you put on your body is going to have an effect on your training and your racing you're going to think about how much of your skin do you want to protect from the sun hats short sleeve versus long sleeve shirts shorts versus long pants and the socks you put on your feet an important consideration is the weather you're going to be performing in on race day the fabric the fit the breathability how things feel in those conditions is important thing to consider if it's cold do you need to layer up if it's hot does it breathe well check that out in your training and you'll be dialed in for race day another key element for gear consideration involves anti-chafing there are products like sticks creams and ointments that can help with it but apparel can also make a major difference form fit shorts with separate base layer and shell socks they'll all play a huge part in preventing blisters chafing and some areas of extreme discomfort let's talk nutrition and hydration how are you going to carry what you consume during the race in between checkpoints there's bottles handhelds vests hydration packs and Pockets these are all areas that you can carry calories and fluids something to consider and experiment with in your training is how much fluid you need what's your sweat rate how do you balance out your electrolytes where are you going to get the calories from practicing all of these things on your long runs is a great way to get a DI in for race day highly recommend finding a lot of different options in case you experience flavor fatigue during the race by practicing these things in training you're setting yourself up for race day success this brings us to five tips for race day going to start off with a 30% rule in the first 30% of the race whatever the distance is keep it easy conversational low effort 60% of your heart rate don't go too hard so you'll pay for it later on in the race tip number two fueling is everything on race day staying on top of your hydration your nutrition your electrolyte balance is key to setting up each hour of running and Hiking so that you perform your best throughout the race a really common mistake is a lot of athletes significantly under fuel not getting enough calories to sustain themselves for the entire Ultra event tip number three is a tricky one throw out the time goal as a focus and discipline yourself to your effort and your process getting locked into your effort in process will get you closer to that time goal but if you get lost in Pace per mile or checkpoint to checkpoint splits you're not going to end up with the result that you want more often than not tip number four having a great race stay plan I call it plan a plan B and plan Z you have to have an established plan anticipate the problems that are going to come up have something to fall back on have a plan B but know that sometimes a race goes so far sideways that you just got to improvise throw everything out and go by Instinct tip number five is establishing a positive mindset this is a very difficult category of running and racing there's a lot of suffering involved but rushing into suffering for suffering sake is a great way to have your worst possible experience how you feel during an event is nonlinear you might feel terrible at Mile 10 and the best you've ever felt 90% of the way into the race what can I do right now to make the next hour better staying in the present moment and executing what it is that you need to do and keep you positive even when the going gets tough find a mantra that suits you that helps you get through the tough moments on race day couple of my favorites are the quicker I run the sooner I'm done and pain is temporary pride is forever in this video we've covered some common pitfalls of ultra training some essential gear and a few tips to get you going on Ultra race day if I can only leave you with one parting thought this is a joyful Soul changing experience maybe not every step of it this is also one of the hardest things you'll ever undertake voluntarily for sport you have to grind up the side of a mountain but at the top of that mountain you experience an epic view it's a tribe it's a community it's place you'll make some of your best friends something I'd like to remind myself on race day in the first half don't be a jackass in the second half don't be soft have fun out there I'll see you on the trails [Music]
Channel: PATH projects
Views: 22,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultra running, ultra running training, running, running tips, running training, trailrunning, long run, ultra running tips, ultrarunning, running tips for endurance, ultra marathon, trail running, run faster, long distance running, how to trail running, how to ultra running, how to start running, running mistakes, ultra trail running, distance running, how to run faster without getting tired, trail running tips, ultra runner, ultra marathon runner, mountain running
Id: J1Caax9NA2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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