Training And Socializing A Feral Cat * Part 22 * Days 204 - 215 * Cat Video Compilation

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I'm trying to leave and get on with my day and the back door has turned into like a cat Beach they all want to lay here in the sun Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Buu the lucky ferals good morning Simba Simba's been jumping the gates good morning [Music] [Music] boo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boo slept in this cat tower pretty much all [Music] night that is if he slept at all because sometimes I think he just looks out the window the whole time [Music] boo would you like something to eat would you like breakfast want some [Music] food [Music] [Music] here's the remnants of last night's cat party there's still a pizza on the ground and a campfire Stella's is all ready for breakfast that's her new thing she waits right by the place M I just dumped out some of the water and that's the bubbles in that little dispenser hello hello Ste all of the cats are getting the same breakfast today it is the Nature's Variety instinct or all chicken bites with some additional water than for for 9:30 a.m. I was just preparing my lunch for later today and I look down and look here's Stella she's laying in the grass hey Stella this grass is completely overgrown it's starting to turn yellow and um it's almost time for me to grow new grass no no pets hello Stella how are you Stella Stella has such white fr you are so white Stella look how white your fur is you keep yourself so clean she hears boo boo just jumped off the cat tower Stella it's okay it's okay it's okay what's the matter Stella what's wrong she doesn't like the fact that I pet boo with the same hand that I pet her she says how dare you pet Boo and then try to pet me Stella you're a nice girl Stella you're a nice girl Stella you're a very nice [Music] girl nice girl Stella right you're a nice girl you're nice to all of the Cats I'm nice to all of the Cats you're nice to all of the Cats Stella I think I'm going to make a video of affirmations for cats so I could play it for Stella it'll say I'm nice to all of the Cats I get along well with all different kinds of cats Stella Della I'm telling you the affirmations you're hitting me I'm nice to all different kinds of cats I like cats maybe she just wanted to go back to her grass without being filmed I think sometimes Stella just gets annoyed with the camera I'm sorry Stella I'll put the camera away simma and splash are now in the cat towers in the window it's almost 11:00 a.m. I giving Hydrox half a can of food and some fresh water I just put the catgrass near Boo's door cuz I thought maybe Stella would like to lay on it but Simba found it Simba looks like a chicken laying in its nest like he looks like he's sitting on eggs he's waiting for eggs to hatch that's what they look like Stella is looking in Boo's room she's walking by I'm going to move the camera back to Boo's door see what we catch hyrox came out to eat his food now the question is is this Hydrox the cat that I saw yesterday looked exactly like Hydrox now I don't know how exactly like Hydrox it looked but when I saw it from a distance I thought it was Hydrox and I was completely shocked when I saw hyrax come go running after it so I don't know hydrax has a twin hydrax could have a brother I just heard a cat fight something is going on here between Simba and Buu Simba is not happy see his ears are back Simba what's going on what's going on Simba what's going on Boo now I feel like I need multiple catgrass beds maybe boo wants a cat grass bed on his side but he never really uses it hey boo hello boo boo this is Simba Simba's your baby boo Simba's your baby he's your baby you don't want to hurt your baby and Simba you need to behave you're going to behave behave for your daddy going to be a nice boy for your daddy right boo you're his daddy boo you're Simba's Daddy yeah he's your baby boy he's your little kitten boo Simba's your kitten Simba's laying here with like his back to boo right now boo Simba is your kitten okay we're going to have crunchy treats for the good boys all good boys get crunchy treats right we want crunchy treats crunchy treats Simba crunchy treats boo what I want to see is I want to see two cats laying in the wheat grass at the same time I think that would be so funny me you could fit two cats one on each end it'd be tight but check them out look they're both like laying near each other together I'm sitting here working on my computer and Stella is sitting here with me she's been relaxing on the sofa now this is something relatively new for her she never really hangs out on the sofa before but maybe she smells boo up here because buo loves to relax on the sofa while I'm like editing videos and stuff so I guess Stella has decided she wants to do the salsa which is fine they don't bother the furniture except for like the corners of the arms but even then they're really good at that now that they have more scratching posts in here I just went to walk down the hole and splash spash was laying in the cat grass right by Boo's door so Simba's been laying there Splash has been laying there the thing is can we get Stella to lay there will the cat grass be so inviting for Stella that she doesn't mind booze on the other side of the gate that is the question 2:10 p.m. I'm trying to leave and get on with my day and the back door has turned into like a cat Beach they don't want to lay here in the Sun or the shade Stella's in the shade but she was in the sun meanwhile there's a live stream going on and the live stream is watching the cat towers but there's no cats in the towers CU they're all in the sun it is 8:30 p.m. and I just fed the down moner cats and boo did not eat any of his breakfast boo how come you didn't eat your breakfast it is 8:50 p.m. and we just ended another live stream today and I want to give a shout out to smarty Plum for the 20 lb Super Chat thank you so much smarty Plum that is so nice of you and so generous it is definitely appreciated and look at the cats look they are all in their beds how cute is that it is ridiculously cute oh my gosh Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Bu The Lucky ferals it is about 9:2 20 a.m. right now this morning Stella jumped on the bed when it was still dark out which I'm assuming was around 6:30 in the morning because the sun's been coming up around 7 and she wanted me to pet her so she laid down on the bed and I think I pet her for 2 hours I did not end up getting up until that 8:00 so I was petting her from like around 6:30 or six to around eight that's a lot of pets but Stella was a good girl and that's like her girly time because none of the boys are around it's pretty much like the only time she has away from the boys they don't follow her up there here's flashy they're waiting for their food I gave them some time upstairs to look out the windows and stuff because once I give them their food then they'll be down here for a while so boo could be on free roam actually Boo's on free roam today the other cats run free room yesterday right now he hears me and he's crying in his room boo can be such a baby sometimes come on Simba simma just went upstairs to see if Boo's okay the camera that I normally have near Boo's door for some reason the battery keeps going dead on it really fast it's a rechargeable Arlo and right now I'm recharging it again but I just realized yesterday that it had not been working for like the past 5 days which I thought it was working so I thought I was getting all this great footage of the cat lay in the wheat grass but no such luck right Stella good morning boo turn around it is 1:20 p.m. I'm just about to leave for the day Boo has free roam right now buo can be anywhere he wants to be and this is what he wants to do he wants to lay in his cat tower because he has a beautiful view of the yard and it's warm and it's sunny he has a sunny window the other cats are downstairs right now they're doing a live stream from the round cat beds last last I checked St was in one of the beds I don't know where the other cats were Simba likes to go on top of the cat tower and then splash just kind of usually ends up in one of the cat beds also hello boo buo would love it for me to just stay here with him all afternoon and pet him maybe if buo put a harness on I could take him to work boo you want to come into my office the problem with buo is that he doesn't like riding in a car so every time he was in a carrier in a car he pooped in the carrier so I don't think he likes traveling I think he gets afraid I think he thinks that I'm like taking him away somewhere and he's never coming back right boo you like it here you like it here boo boo do you like living here inside poo do you like living here inside he says he loves it he loves it can you see that he actually has some white you see the white do you see he has like some gray hairs some white hairs he's not 100% black he has a few stray white hairs right now he's holding my arm okay boo I got to get going I'm constantly running late this morning I had more phone calls than I thought I would have but that's fine he's looking like a pant okay boo he's like he's like leaning half out of the cat tower he loves it when you rub like the bridge of his nose okay boo you going to have a nice day okay you have a nice nice day okay I'll see you later boo boo just reminded me that I have to defrost their food so for convenience sake I've been putting their food in the Ziploc bags again and it's been definitely um helping me with time management and helping me remember to take the food out because it's so much easier I can just remember and then take it out of the freezer versus remembering and then scooping it and measuring it and all that stuff it's also less things to clean it is 8:53 p.m. I just got home and this is Boo's dinner it is the Nature's Variety Instinct raw bites and I haven't been putting additional water in because when I'm feeding him on these paper in these paper bowls uh the Water kind of seeps through the bowls so he's just been getting these with a big bowl of water next to them and he ate all of his breakfast so I'm really happy that he did that hello boo how are you you a good boy you going to eat your dinner the downstairs cats enjoyed their breakfast look they practically lick that platter clean okay so for dinner today they are all getting the Nature's riday Instinct raw chicken bites normally they also get the Primal raw turkey nuggets but I did not have that defrosted I want to give some shoutouts to some people who gave donations today so I want to give a shout out to Paul kery for his $30 donation thank you very much Paul I want to give a shout out to Lucas a for his donation of $12.3 it says testing this new thing LOL uh thank you so much Lucas that was actually a €1 donation and I want to thank Roslin Hamilton for her donation of $15.89 it says for the well-being of the furry bunch thank you so much Rosland Lucas and Paul your donations are very much appreciated and will be put to good use on cat food cat litter cat supplies and um anything else related to uh the upkeep of this Channel and the posting of videos hello Stella how are you the cat's just had some Crunchies it's really late right now it's about 10:00 and I need to go finish tonight's video I've just been sidetracked with some other things today there's Splash 12:30 a.m. it's been a busy day and a busy night and the cats want their Crunchies right Simba you want your crunchies SBA do you want your Crunchies they've been waiting patiently for Crunchies pruny time crunchy time Simba want some crunchies he's so fluffy Simba you're so fluffy he's purring he's purring okay Simba we are all going to have Crunchies by Boo's door and I'll move the grass out of the way come on Stella we're going to have Crunchies booze in his door and there's Stella giving him the evil eye okay Stella crunchy time okay guys ready Stella Crunchies Crunchies sometimes it's hard for them to see the Crunchies on the rug boo boo got a little over excited right now and he scratched my finger splashes at the other end of the hall I have to throw it Crunchies to him okay Stella Simba boo Stella you got a whole bunch of Crunchies here eat them Stella is disgusted with boo Stella you want Crunchies come on you got a whole bunch of Crunchies here I rais boost gate a little bit oh look at this Sim's eating right near the gate Stella's in the living room I put a little bit of Crunchies near her in the living now you okay I know this is kind of gross but I am just documenting what's going on with this cat litter so the litter in the litter box on the left is the Dr Elsie's litter and the litter box on the right was the world world's best cat litter but the cats like never used it and so what I did was I took out half of it and I put half of the Dr Elsie's litter so right now it's a mix of the world's best cat litter and the Dr Elsie's litter and they actually used it more than they have when it was only the world's best cat litter so um that's a good indication like I mean it's obviously the litter that they prefer they prefer the Dr Elsie's litter to the world's best cat litter but at least if I mix half and half they use the litter box and hopefully maybe that will keep it from getting caught in all of those slats in the bottom it is 2:30 a.m. I'm just about to go to bed I'm up way too late tonight and look at the cats look they are all in their beds how cute is that it is ridicul ridiculously cute oh my gosh they look so happy and so comfortable Hello Kitties Stella always has to get up I was just petting Stella she's so warm like where she was in the bed like she's toasty warm from that bed that's why they love those beds like she's so comfy and [Music] warm Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Boo the lucky ferals good morning boo how are [Music] you [Music] today is Valentine's Day and the cats are eating on their Valentine's Day plates the only plates I could get were these little round plates um I can not find like the big platters for them so they're each getting their own individual plates today this is Boo's Valentine's Day breakfast and I just realized that his water bowl matches the Valentine's Day plate that's cute I have to bribe him to eat with a few additional Crunchies on his food hello Stella are you ready to eat you want some breakfast I don't know what happened down here last night but there is water everywhere I don't know if you guys can see that that tray like so much water has been spilled all over the place and there's like food in the water I don't know what they were doing they're having some kind of cat party there's Stella eating from her plate there's Simba eating from his plate and I thought I would try giving Splash his plate a little bit farther away from the other cats and there's Splash eating from his plate so let's see what they do it is 11:02 a.m. this is what is going on right outside of Boo's door St is laying in the cat grass right near Boo's door I mean it's not right near Boo's door it's a few feet away but it's a few feet away from Boo's door and splash is laying on the rug next to her and do you see what Stella does every time I have a camera on her she gets up and moves the reason why Stella gets up and moves every time I have a camera on her is because she knows that there's some people that are watching videos of her that are not nice to her and that that say mean things about her so everyone needs to be very conscious of the fact that these cats are fully aware of what people are saying about them especially when it is something that's rude and insulting and hurts her feelings Stella is here by the door see look I was petting her very nice I just turned the camera on and she walked away for Simba you want me to put the toy on Simba would you like me to put the toy [Music] on [Music] m [Music] 11:40 a.m. and here's hyrox he's hanging out by the house looks pretty comfy to me the thermometer outside says it's about 40° but the sensor says it's about 50° and when the sun comes out it feels really good the sun just came out oh it feels so nice and warm I wish I could just sit outside in the sun today so I am going to give hyrax a can of food I really want to put that remote thermometer in his cat shelter but it does require taking like the cat shelter out and taking it apart and a lot of setup and stuff and I don't have the time to do that right now I really wish I did so I'm going to hope for another warm day sometime soon um when Hydrox won't be hanging out in his cat shelter so I could put the thermometer in there I've been saving it for that purpose okay I just gave hyrox a whole can of food and I gave him water and as I am saying this I'm realizing it's a nice day it's the middle of the day it's a holiday I am going to give Hydrox his Valentine's toy this is the piece of cheese from the cat's Pizza that I put aside for Hydrox normally Hydrox does not like toys he never really plays with them so it'll be interesting to see if maybe he'll like open up a little bit to a toy the other thing is like I don't want to throw it at him and since I just gave him the food and he hasn't moved from his comfortable spot in the Sun what I'm going to do with this is I'm going to put this near his food bowl and I'm thinking if he goes to eat the food maybe he'll smell this and notice catnip and uh maybe he'll play with it then hi DS this is your toy this is for you this is when we all had the Valentine's Day Pizza okay all right Hy docks I'm going to put this near the food cuz I don't want to scare you and I'm not going to throw it at you okay so I'm going to put this near the food for you but this is for you to play with part of me is thinking maybe I should put this in the cat house but even to get into the cat house maybe I should put this in the cat house so here's the whole cat house set up and um there's the vestibule so the V vle pulls out and then I can access the other door so here's what I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm just going to pull the vestibule out and then throw this catnip toy into the cat shelter I think that would be good for him if I did that versus just leaving it out here okay so that is what the inner door looks like the inner door has the plastic flap on it to keep wind from going in there and I just tossed the toy uh inside so hyrox now has his toy Simba would you like to pose with the Valentine's presents Simba are we going to pose with the presents today that over okay Simba pose Simba Simba here you want to pose with the presents here look at me hello Simba okay this is the Valentine's Day presents that the cats got from their grandparents it says have a Valentine's Day that's just perfect and then look we have Stella here and on the little side table there's a picture of Boo and a picture of Splash you guys see that boo and splash that looks like Stella doesn't it in her favorite color which is purple and here's some Simba look how cute it looks like [Applause] Simba and who's this this Hydrox looks like Hydrox right so there's three cute tags on the package now let's open it and see what the cat's got Simba wants to hang out with buo near Boo's room I would let buo out right now like IID put a harness on him and let him out but there's no way for me to open this package and watch Boo at the same time you want to come out boo and after the last time that I did this and I let him out and he got into that big fight with Splash um I need to be able to keep a watch on him so Stella just showed up she said she's going to help open the presents right Stella we're going to open the presents okay let's open the presents okay Stella what did you guys get for this untie look Stella what did the cats get if you ask me it looks like food let's see is it all your favorite food we have Trader Joe's tuna for cats we have Trader Joe's tuna for cats we have Trader Joe's ocean fish salmon and rice [Music] dinner we have Trader Joe's chicken turkey and rice dinner we have Trader Joe's turkey and giblets [Music] dinner we have Trader Joe's ocean fish salmon and rice dinner we have Trader Joe's chicken turkey and rice dinner we have Trader Joe's chicken turkey and rice dinner we have Trader Jo ocean fish salmon and rice [Music] dinner and we have Trader Joe's chicken turkey and rice dinner the cats got 10 cans of some of their favorite food now that the cats have played with all of the toys from the pizza I'm giving giving them the box and Stella was having a good time with it but she closes it somehow she always manages to close this box and splash likes to chew on it I'm putting the wheat grass right by Boo's door to see if anyone sits in it it's about 7:45 p.m. I just got home and look they closed the pizza box these are the catnip toys that the cats got earlier today uh they were scattered all around the upstairs so I gathered them up and I am bringing them down here for the cats because um once the cats eat their dinner they will be down here for the rest of the night until way later in which case then they'll have free roam so um oh my gosh guys did you see that Splash came so close to rubbing up against me like he's never been that close to rubbing up against me before wow that's pretty amazing I just put one heart to to in each bed so they have their Valentine's Day catnip toys in their comfortable beds this was their breakfast they ate everything hello Stella are you ready to eat your dinner are you ready for dinner Stella's in a good mood today I think she smells catnip on my fingers from when I was moving the toys splashes on the stairs waiting for his dinner so for dinner they're eating their Trader Joe's ocean fish salmon and rice dinner this is kind of like their Valentine's Day treat because they do like fishy foods and they're eating it on their Valentine's Day plates Simba is licking the breakfast plates Simba we're having dinner you don't have to lick the breakfast plates this is what all of the cats are getting I put some Crunchies on top as like an added treat and I going to give this to them for dinner so Buu has been in his harness pretty much all day since I put it on him this morning for those Valentine's toys and right now he's eating his dinner and he's thrilled because it's canned food he loves canned food he gets fed raw food because it's better for him so CAD food is a treat and usually on special occasions that's when I give them canned food and today Valentine's Day so that's what they're getting look the food almost looks like a heart right now that's funny Stella would you like a meaty stick there you go good girl Stella did you you like that did you like that you know want me to Pat you yeah good boy Splash you're a good boy Splash here get your mey stick for good boy Simba one thing that I noticed about these media sticks is that they include pork as an ingredient so it's chicken pork pork liver turkey pork grind Brewers dried yeast sugar animal Plasma Salt yeast extract um sodium and pyrro phosphate lactic acid and then we have vitamins and minerals so I'm not happy that there's pork as ingredients but I guess because I'm only feeding them one meaty stick each and they're eating it in a small amount like that maybe that's why they haven't had any adverse reactions to the pork in it uh specifically Splash has not been vomiting from mey sticks I don't know pork grind animal plasma yeast extract these are not really what I would think are quality ingredients but the cats love these meaty sticks so again this is an occasional treat the last time they had a meaty stick was on Super Bowl Sunday because they correctly predicted the winners and today they're having a meaty stick because it's Valentine's day going to have a meaty stick it is slow it is slow boo it is slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow down okay yeah yeah okay good boy okay eat it slow good boy okay boo I'm still so amazed that I could feed buo a mey stick out of my hand and he's not trying to like bite or mul me that is such a huge progress okay and he knew that these are my fingers and there weren't a Mei stick good boy [Music] boo Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and boo the lucky ferals 8:30 a.m. hello Stella how are you today hello Simba this morning Simba was the one that jumped on the bed to get some pets Stella has decided that she likes the pizza box she's been laying in it for the past few days hello Splash hello Simba good morning boo how are you today hello boo are you going to go eat are you going to eat is praying are you going to go eat your food your food SP eat your food I just found booze day toy from yesterday and um I think it's really funny so here's what it looks like there's what it looks like all around here the stitches are gone so he was able to he got the heart open and he had all the TR so this is Boo's breakfast he's getting the same thing the other cats are getting this time I'm feeding him on a flat paper plate I was feeding him in the paper bowls just because I had paper bowls but then someone brought up the uh the fact that sometimes cats with the I think it's darker whiskers Boo has darker whiskers sometimes cats with darker whiskers um have sensitivity when the whiskers hit the sides of the bowl um so I'm just going to feed him on this plate and see if he eats his food better but he was eating fine on uh the ceramic plates I just switched to paper to try to uh save myself time and also to save my hands from having to wash so many dishes my hands have really been taking a beating this winter with all the [Music] [Music] [Music] weather [Music] [Music] [Music] he it's about 11:30 a.m. right now I just came downstairs Stella and splash were sleeping in the cat beds and once again I put the camera on Stella and she has to get up and move hello Simba how are you hello Stella how are you Stella a good girl it's almost 1:00 p.m. and I just came outside and Hydrox was laying on this chair the problem was I couldn't see him cuz the table was in the way so he jumped off of the chair and here's where he is right now there's hydrax I just gave hydrax a full can of the food it is the pride by Instinct chance chicken formula I gave him some fresh water and look at this do you see the straw sticking out of this cat shelter to me that would indicate maybe someone has been using using it I don't know who but someone's definitely been poking around in there or at least poking around in the doorway to the shelter that's pretty interesting I just came inside and there's Hydrox eating his food at least I think it's Hydrox hello Stella do you like your bed Stella loves her round bed she's so comfortable look how perfectly Stella fits in her bed look oh my gosh Stella's been laying on two hearts whose heart is she laying on for some reason Stella loves laying on these Hearts Let's see this was splash's heart I think it was splash's heart look at that see all the green that's where the catnip juice is coming through but these are still together they haven't torn him apart like buo did then here's another one this one is in very good condition this was Stella's heart I could tell because it was pink and white she had the only pink and white one and Stella took very good care of her heart and this is splash's heart and then here in the other bed we have Simba's heart has to be Simba's heart cuz the other one was splashes and stellis and this heart looks like it's in good shape too you could see some of the catnip juice coming through but that's the difference between Stella Splash and Simba and Buu Stella has taught her boys to have good manners and to respect things and not tear them up that much whereas buo just tears into things although I shouldn't say that because if we remember Stella and her zebede Mouse Stella tore that zebede Mouse up so fast and that thing was flattened all the catnip was eaten right out of it and nothing was left but a disgusting shell Sim has been sleeping on top of the cat tower I just woke him up because I'm trying to get him to go into one of the round beds on the couch so he could be in a live stream look how tired he looks oh Simba so if anyone's watching the live stream and is wondering where Simba is this is where he is he's on top of the cat tower all curled up he likes it here because he has a view out the window this is what he does he curls up here and he looks out the window see he loves [Music] that [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it is 7:45 p.m. and this is Boo's breakfast he ate most of it he did not eat all of it this is Boo's dinner it is a primal raw nugget and the Nature's right instin grw chicken bites hello splashy did you have a nice day Splash is going to eat with simma and Stella good A lot of times Splash will like hang back and eat after they do so it's good to see him eating with them he always used to eat with them and then I don't know I guess he decided he likes it better to get after them it is 8:35 p.m. and we just ended a live stream today and we're downstairs with the cats in their cat beds and we had some Super Chat donations today so I want to give a shout out to F hatti or fatti I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing that I know I am for the € donation and also hello to Daddy Secret Garden for the 2 donation thank you guys so much for contributing to the channel I would also like to thank Paul Cary for his $25 donation today thank you Paul that was very generous of you and very nice of you and it'll help pay for some cat litter for the cats there's Stella hanging out on her scratch and roll she's been watching me as I've been chatting with everyone on the live stream tonight hello Stella hello Simba hello Simba I was feeding them Crunchies I was throwing Crunchies into the cat beds and Simba will go and eat them but Stella she refuses to eat Crunchies out of the cat beds she only wants to eat Crunchies when I put the Crunchies either on a plate or on the floor hello guys right now I have the container of Crunchies like I'm holding in my arm so um that's why they're sitting here they're like give me more Crunchies but they're not on unlimited Crunchies when I say Crunchies I just mean dry cat food so they only get a certain amount of dry cat food per day and um I've been using it as treats and as training tools and it it's actually working out really great that way and sometimes um on special occasions they'll get meaty sticks or they'll get like cat treats but for the most part they just get their dry food as treats and they love it 9:15 p.m. it's about 12:20 a.m. and all of the cats are eating Crunchies they were on free roam earlier tonight and I went to look for them and they're all down here and buo has free roam the rest of the night like he has overnight free roam and um so that's good so I don't have to Wrangle the cats the cats were the cats have wrangled themselves and uh they're happy down here okay guys you just missed it because I did not have the camera with me so I was walking down the hallway and I saw boo laying in this cat grass like the other cats do it was the first time I've seen boo laying in the cat grass and of course by the time I get my camera and come back he's no longer laying in the cat grass so um thought that was interesting the other thing that I wanted to mention just to document is that earlier today buo was like laying in my lap and I was petting him and he let me cut his nails he let me cut a whole paw and half of the other paw for for for for [Music] super boo is watch watching me open the box I think buo really likes his cape Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Buu the lucky ferals good morning Stella how are you today hello Stella Boo's playing with his turbo scratcher in the other room I don't know if you could hear it would you like to eat some breakfast Simba so funny I just refilled the cats water bowls and I am about to feed them their breakfast but he was not down here it was only Stella and splash so I yell upstairs I'm like who's eating breakfast Simba are you eating and right on Q you just hear plop from wherever he was perched and then he comes running full speed through the house and down the stairs it's so funny I wish I could somehow figure out how to record that hello Stella you ready to eat are you hungry Stella 10:30 a.m. this is something new for Splash he's all crashed out on the kitchen floor boo is relaxing on his day bed hello boo Stella's relaxing by the pizza box she was in the cat tower with Simba but I guess she saw me moving around with the camera and so she had to jump down and there's Simba in The cat tower it's a rainy day today but at least it's kind of warm it's like in the ' 50s but it's just a rainy gray day Stella has decided that she wants to lay on top of the box Stella are you a pizza Stella do you think you're a pizza or you just waiting for a pizza let me you want me to give you the pizza I just put the pizza in the Box for Stella see has has decided he wants to eat the pizza Simba is saying this entire Pizza is mine nobody else can have it he's claiming it 12:27 p.m. Boo's been laying in the wheat grass he looks like he's ready to hatch an egg boy you like your weat grass like the cat grass is it comfortable comfortable I just put the wheat grass right inside of Boo's door right now the other cats are supposed to be on free roam today so I put buo on free roam right now and when I leave then he'll be in his room and the other cats will have the ability to come upstairs so even when I leave I'm going to put the wheat grass inside of Boo's gate and let's see what happens it's about 1:00 p.m. I just came outside Hydrox was relaxing on his chair just jumped down when he saw me there he is hanging out under the corner of the house it's kind of a rainy day so I don't understand why he's kind of hanging out in the rain but at least it's warmer today it's almost like 60° okay so I just took some garbage out and I saw what appeared to be hyrox in my neighbor's driveway and I looked at the cat and of course I don't know if it's hyrax or the other cat and when I looked at the cat the cat meow at me and I was like okay that's weird Hydrox normally doesn't do that so I didn't know I thought it was maybe the lookalike and then the cat started walking to my neighbor's backyard and from the back the back of the cat like one of its hind legs was mostly all white now hydro's hind legs as far as I remember are not all white like it was like all white up to the thigh of the leg so um I'm thinking I just saw they lookalike again but I don't know where hyrox is I don't see him around his food it's a little after 1:00 p.m. and I am setting up today's live stream and I'm straightening out Boo's day bed and I look and I see like all this stuff all over this like white uh little cat blanket it's all the catnip it's the catnip from that heart toy so when buo was playing with it he must have been playing with it up here when he ripped it open and it's no wonder he's been laying here lately every time I look in he's laying up here in the day bed it's because it's covered in catnip hello Stella okay so Stella just did it again I took out the camera and Stella decided she wants to move hello Stella how are you [Music] Stella [Music] o [Music] it is mail time and I have buo here with me maybe he's going to help me open the mail boo would you like to help me open the mail okay we're going to start with the smaller envelopes and work our way up to the bigger boxes this is is the first package oh Bo did you want to play with that this envelope said open ASAP oh my gosh look oh my gosh look it's a a cape for Boo and it says super boo oh my God that is so cute you think I could get it on Bo let me see if I could get it on Bo guys look look I got the cape on him it's super boo I have this little tin that I've been putting Crunchies in oh my God it's super Boo the only way I could put the cape on him was to give him Crunchies because he's distracted eating the Crunchies that's the only way I could get the velcro like under his chin or else he tries to bite my hands when I put it on him but so far so far he's okay it's super boo he might like to wear the cape kind of like he wear likes to wear the harness I'm going to open another package and see what he does I'll save some more Crunchies so basically I have this small tin and it holds about I would say a half cup of the Crunchies and the cats are really only supposed to get a quarter of a cup of Crunchies a day in addition to the um raw food that I give them so um I thought if I put some Crunchies in here it helps me portion it out for them H boo hello super boo H oh my gosh he just shook and now looks like a bib oh my gosh look he's so cute super Boo come on super boo thank you zoa that is so adorable did you make that yourself zoa super boo is eating his Crunchies okay while boo is eating his Crunchies let's open another envelope it says Happy Valentine's Day love ZaZa and little Stevie well thank you ZaZa and little Stevie we have a Petco Gift Card for $25 that is so cool this will definitely be put to good use on cat supplies thank you so much zaha and little Stevie okay now let's open this box let's be careful with the box cutter CU Boo's close by super buo is watching me open the box I think buo really likes his cape boo do you like your cape boo do you like your cape boo it says Happy Valentine's Day there's a cat on it and it looks like Simba it says you're in my chair it says Dear L Stella Buu simma Splash and Hydrox wanted to give you small gift for taking such good care of them hope you have Happy Valentine's Day boo boo baby girl and me well thank you so much boo boo baby girl and Craig what do we have here Swarovski oh my gosh I love these uh Swarovski boxes I love this color blue oh this is a really pretty cat also look at that look how Spark L and shiny this is this reminds me a lot of Stella it also kind of looks like Boo though look how pretty that is oh my gosh that's amazing guys this will looks so nice with the other Crystal cat that you gave me for Christmas Craig that's really lovely thank you so much for this amazing gift videos never really capture just how sparkly these Swarovski crystals are it's really really nice thank you again Craig and Boo Boo and baby girl boo is still watching me he's watching intently hello boo hello Boo Boo's a happy boy with the cape on you happy boy boo I think the cape makes him feel special something smells really really good this says hi lucky enjoy your gift jaha and little Stevie I think I know what this is yep it says zumbar frankincense and myr M this smells so good this is probably some of the most fragrant soap you could ever uh smell it is just super super aromatic looking poo he's wearing the cape like a bib and then we have a a package of superior maker lint rollers this is a five pack of lint rollers this is great because I've been wanting to get another lint roller to keep in my car because sometimes I'll leave the house and I don't realize that I might have like cat hair on my pants or something like that and I'll be in my car and I'll realize what's going on and I'll be like oh no you know how am I going to get this cat hair off of me so I've been wanting to get a lint roller to keep in the car for that very purpose this is great and it comes with all these refills so uh thank you so much Jaa and little Stevie that was very nice of you boo is such a happy boy in his [Music] cape [Music] hello simra Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Buu the lucky ferals 8:53 a.m. I'm just about to feed the cats this has become like splash's new spot or one of his new spots hanging out on this little rug near the kitchen door there's actually two rugs here near the kitchen door like that rug is the old rug and this rug is the new rug and ideally there would only be the new rug but the cats like laying on this old rug also because they're both here so that's why I've haven't taken this old rug out yet but the idea is to take the old rug out get rid of it maybe put it in the garage and just keep the new rug good morning Stella Stella Stella it's okay it's okay to stand still when the camera's on you I realize that Stella think she has to move when the camera's on because you know it's a video and you want to see movement in a video but Stella you don't have to people just like looking at cats sometimes you could just pose nicely and let me take a beautiful picture right there's nothing in my hand right now it's just I wash them Stella loves that soap hello oh she here Simba okay you've had enough okay you've had enough the cats love these cardboard scratchers but you know these cardboard scratchers the cardboard gets all over the place but the cats love them it would be great if they had like self-cleaning cat scratchers and obviously any cat scratcher that is not cardboard is a self-cleaning cat scratcher but for some reason they really love the cardboard ones Splash is getting so good like he and Simba were both standing near the scratch and roll and they're both staring at me so I went over and I petted Splash that's huge he did not run away he let me pet him and he just sat there like a regular cat and we know Splash is a regular cat but you know what I mean when I say that I'm basically saying for Splash that's really good because he used to always run an hide hello splash I've decided that splash's new name is Mr remarkable look okay we all just witnessed that Splash walked over to the trampoline but he did not go under it he's sitting near it in the past he would just run and hide under the trampoline the fact that he did not do that that's great progress and that's why his new name is Mr remarkable it's not really his new name it's just kind of like a little nickname Mr remarkable Mr remarkable Splash are you Mr remarkable Splash are you Mr remarkable what was it was it like a little rascals episode where they had that kid and the kid would just be like remarkable remarkable that's splash splash is Mr remarkable because his progress is remarkable so we have pretty boy Simba Queen Stella and Mr remarkable it's 10:15 a.m. I'm outside I'm giving Hydra some food his water is all dirty that leads me to think that there's been some raccoons washing their hands in it I just gave him a full can of food that should last him the whole day I have no idea what time I'm getting back after a few days of warmer weather it's back down to like 32° and we're supposed to get snow tonight and I'm hoping it's only rain and not snow it is 10:30 a.m. and the geese are back they actually arrived the other day I want to say they arrived like on Valentine's Day um which would have been a few days ago and and they've been mostly across the street today is the first day that I've seen them actually in my yard boo do you see the geese Boo's right next to me in the cat tower he's looking at at the geese do you like the geese boo boo do you see the geese do you like the geese boo do you like them I wonder if Boo's friends with the geese don't forget he lived outside with them maybe he knows them the goose is looking at him while I would love to stand here and film a video of geese for cats to watch I have to go to work today it is 6:44 p.m. I just got home and it was a really long day I walked about 8 Miles miles today and uh I did not defrost the food for the cats so right now I took some food out I'm going to wait for it to warm up and what I'm going to do is I'm going to give them all some Crunchies so they're going to have Crunchies as an appetizer today because right now I am too tired to uh referee cat fights and do integration and stuff like that I need some time to relax maybe maybe later I could work on that I'm very disappointed in boo because he did not eat his breakfast look his breakfast is still there he licked up all the water that was around it but he didn't eat the breakfast hello Stella did you have a nice day did you so I was sitting in the living room and Simba was on the cat tower in the living room and then all of a sudden he like meowed and jumped off the cat tower ran across the living room and landed here at Boo's gate and then I got up and I said what's going on and I just turned the camera on so they can interact with each other through the gate right now hello Simba Simba's really looking like a tiger look at all those tiger stripes simbody are you a tiger pretty boy s Simba pretty boy Simba got fluffy so fluffy Mr Fluffy Fluffy [Music] Boy you want to eat some dinner want some dinner right now it's really late for their dinner it's like 9:45 p.m. but they had some Crunchies so it's not like they're starving hello Simba they love any kind of round cat beds I don't know if you could hear it but Simba is purring don't put your claws in me no claws in me cut your nails we going to cut your nails right now let me see if we can cut your nails okay I can't cut his nails because I don't know where the Clippers are I really need to get like more than one pair of Clippers I should have like a pair inage room okay want to eat some dinner would you like some food somebody you want some food food want to eat are you hungry Splash who was on free roam last night was it you or was it boo who was it Splash who's on free roam last night was it you or boo I can't remember I can't remember Stella who was on free roam you or [Music] boo two cats in the tower at the same time and one of them is Boo Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Bo the lucky ferals boo had free roam last night and he spent part of the night in the cat tower looking out the windows and the other part of the night sleeping on the bed this is his dinner from yesterday he ate most of it he also had some Crunchies and right now I am going to feed him very quickly I am going to feed the other cats very quickly and I have to get out of here unfortunately I also have to work today good morning Stella how are you today did you just sleep nice did you sleep well Stella did you have a nice night do you like your round beds you guys like the round beds yeah do you have fun with Simba and splash do you miss boo Stella buo would like to join you guys buo wants to hang out with you and Simba and splash Stella says I'm done with that conversation Stella is purring hello Stella that's the camera strap Stella that's the camera's drop do you like it Stella you have so many toys you have so many toys Stella she thinks she hears boo when she does that she's always on high alert for [Music] boo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sometimes she likes to use my hand as a pillow she sees a bird outside Stella you're so fluffy you're so fluffy Stella Goofy you don't like being called floofy the cats are getting their Nature's Variety Instinct raw chicken bites with some water I don't know where Simba is for some reason he a come down to eat so that's weird I got to go upstairs maybe he is just like engrossed in the snow there's Simba he heard me coming up the stairs Simba what were you doing look at that snow it is 8:25 a.m. right now and everything is covered in snow because it snowed overnight and it's like really really dense wet snow because the temperature is rising and today it's going to get up to like 47° and and tomorrow is supposed to be like 60 the next day like 70 something like that so I really don't even want to waste my time shoveling and right now I can't because I have to leave here so right now all I want to do is give hyra some food right here you can see his paw prints and you could also see that where he stepped it's just like slush in there it's because it's warming up and everything is like melting here's the snow on the table and you can see that the picture of water in the can of food sits on top of the snow that's how dense the snow is like it's not soft and powdery because if it was and those would sink down into the snow but the snow is like hard packed I gave him a full can of food and I gave him fresh water I don't know if you can hear or see what's happening but the Sun is melting all the snow that's like on the branches and then is all coming raining [Music] down for it's about 8:30 p.m. and the cats are getting their dinner they are getting the Primal raw turkey nuggets and the Nature's vary Instinct raw chicken bites also getting water with that it's 9:41 p.m. and I'm giving boo some Crunchies he has his harness on and his leash because he is super excited for some reason right now and I feel like we need to take a step back because the mood that he's in is just really prone to jumping around and getting in trouble so right now we're having a refresher course on uh the leash and we'll see what happens if the other cats come upstairs the doors open so they can come up and uh we'll see how boo does now we have to remember that for a cat to wear a harness and a leash that's a privilege that is like you know Advanced Training because not every cat can do that a lot of cats you can't get a harness and a leash on them and when you do get a harness and a leash on them they're not well behaved at all so so the fact that buo can walk around with a harness and a leash I mean that's really good for boo that's not a negative that's a huge positive because if it was up to me every single one of these cats would be able to walk around on a harness and a leash now I haven't tried it on any of the other cats yet but um hopefully someday I will right now we're just going to see how it goes with buo so right now Boo's justang hanging out here and as I was talking to you Simba came upstairs and he's decided he wants to hang out near the campfire with Boo and splash is in the hallway and right now this camera is saying my battery is about to die so we'll see how long it lasts Simba said he wanted me to light the campfire so I just lit the campfire one of the main reasons that I know buo is like over excited right now is because like he's again after doing so well for so long he's like starting to want to scratch me when I have the Crunchies in my hand so I don't know what's going on with him but you know that's how cats are they make a whole lot of progress and then you know they might take a few steps back and then they'll make more progress so I don't know what's going on with boo but he's just a little over excited it looked like Buu was going to maybe not be nice to Simba I don't know what is up with poo but he's just like super excited today it's like he's lost all his manners and I don't understand like it's not like he should be hungry I mean he had breakfast he had dinner he has plenty of food all the cats have plenty of food Simba has decided he's going to be super boo yay Simba you're super boo super boo he's super Simba hello super Simba how are you I had thrown some Crunchies over here for Stella Stella's over by the front door so she's probably like 8 ft away so Simba's Simba's vacuuming up the crunchies super boo Buu Jr so we have Buu in his harness Simba and Boo's cape and we have Splash hunting for treats I mean Crunchies buo is eating his Crunchies he's still a little bit over excited Simma's eating his Crunchies and splash has made it onto the rug Splash and Simba are eating together now Simba moved over near splash I don't know if Boo's too happy Simba's wearing his cape and here's boo be nice boo nice boo what a nice boo I didn't catch it on film because Simba walk pretty fast Simba is doing the combat crawl in the cape I guess because he has the cape on so I guess he feels like he can't stand up it is so funny I wish I hope he does it when he comes out of the room and I still have batteries in this camera well let me go see if I could actually uh get the other battery hold on Stella has decided to join us I don't know if she's going to stay or just if she's passing through Stella would you like some Crunchies she's growling at boo okay Stella just wanted to glare at boo for a few seconds and then she walked away I gave her crunchies but when I wish I could have seen it when I gave her the Crunchies she gave an attitude like how dare you give me the same Crunchies that you're giving boo it was so funny so now Simba showed up and he's going to eat them but somewhere Simba got rid of the cape look he he had the cape on when he walked into Boo's room and then somehow how from Boo's room he walked around the house and then back and the cape's gone I don't know where the cape went we was in the living room but he heard someone kind of like uh poking around in the litter and uh it was Simba Simba just jumped all the way to the top of the cat tower so I guess boo was hanging you want to hang out in your room want to hang out in your room okay we can hang out in here I swear I'm missing everything because I don't have the camera on enough so I just sat down on the daybed cuz I'm like I might as well just make myself comfortable and as I sat down Splash goes like running out from under the day bed and um you know buo was like he didn't even know what happened because it happened happens over as poor boo Splash scares him and vice versa what are you doing Simba what are you doing Simba you happy to have your Tower this is what buo does when he wants Crunchies he just walked all over the house looking for stray Crunchies on the floor and then he comes back and he sits next to the container I just sprinkled a whole bunch of Crunchies all over the pizza box Simba's sitting a couple feet away but I guess he doesn't want to eat n boou right now so right now buo is sitting on the play rug I think he's pretty much eaten every stray crunchy in the area so he's here right now and splash is watching from the hallway he's been eating any stay crunchy that I've been throwing his way and Simba is watching from the other side of the room he's watching from near the front door and yeah that's the uh pet gate the white one that I haven't really been using so it's just kind of sitting there right now and I feel like they're doing the same thing that they do VI near Boo's door when the gate is in Boo's door like when the gate is in Boo's door they hang out by the door just to watch Boo and that's what they're doing now like one's on one side one's on the other side and they're keeping their distance and they're watching boo and splash just found another crunchy this is the pet remedy natural destress and calming spray and Lisa M did a video where she sprayed this um on her rug and her cats Sheba and Muffy they were so cute they were like rolling around on it they were it made them like really happy so I thought what I would do is I would spray this on the rug also and see what kind of effect it has on these cats will they do the same thing so buo is afraid of the spray he ran um and he's kind of like off the rug now maybe it's the scent of it I don't know so there's boo he ran over to the side over there and uh he's just kind of chilling there Simba was smelling the air see he's smelling the air like what is that it definitely has a smell it has an aroma it has like a Valyrian Aroma a very polite way to describe a valarian aroma is to say that it is earthy I also sprayed some on the rug over there in there Splash and he's just like sitting there like nothing maybe I need to spray more I just gave boo some Crunchies so he came back to the rug but I'm thinking that this valaran spray this pet Ram spray is like making me relaxed because I've been smelling it a lot and uh yeah I feel like it's relaxing me check this out look like remember I was showing you how buo was like you know over excited over the Crunchies look now with the pet remedy spray he's not even hitting my hand anymore I mean he's been hitting my hand all night with these Crunchies and now with the pet Ramen he's not hitting my hand hand that's really interesting like watch let me show you watch here we go again look look he's not hitting my hand he was hitting my hand right before I sprayed the pet remedy spray and now that I sprayed it he's not hitting my hand that is really interesting Splash has decided he wants to come around to the other side of the rug Simba has made himself comfortable on top of the cat tower he has a room with a view I got Simba in the hoodie harness this is the first harness that I got for buo it's the one that looks like a hoodie so under here this is Velcro and buo does not like the velcro sound it freaks him out and then like here it has like a harness strap and then it has a hoodie and Simba's wearing it Simba you look so nice in your harness with the hoodie except the one thing you know it's really you know Simba is not like a you know a skull and crossbones kind of cat I don't think any of these cats are skull and crossbones kind of cats so I'm not really thrilled about that print on there I think Simba would look really uh nice if it was a different print but at least I know it fits them and at least I know I could put it on him Simba's trying to get out of the harness do you see what he does like he's going to choke himself do you see this see how he does this this is why I can never put like I can never put collars on him I have to go get that out of his mouth now oh he took it out yeah like he's fine for a while and then he realizes he has something on and look it's like a horse's Bridal Simba Simba Simba Simba take that out of your mouth Simba looks like a bad boy all of a sudden with that harness on he's looking like a bad boy I better take it off so Simba found one of the spots where I sprayed that pet remedy and he's been rolling around in it Splash has just moved over closer he's on the rug now Simba is licking the rug so yeah boo is afraid of this pet remedy this time I didn't even spray it this time I just took this little bottle and I kind of held it up to his nose just to see if you know he smelled any scent on the bottle he made a face and then he like ran now I don't know could it be that the last time I used this was when I like sprayed the carrier before he went to the vet Maybe he has memories of that Simba on the other hand seems to be enjoying it but Boo's hiding in the corner and splash is just hanging out now it must be having a good effect on Splash because I have no zoom on this camera at all like I'm right near Splash and he's not running zimba has laid down next to the spray Splash has started to roll around in it Splash is doing so good on this pet remedy like he's just hanging here which is great for Splash I mean you see look he's still a little bit you know super cautious but uhoh I just took the Crunchies out and Boo's not even getting up to get Crunchies he's just sitting there so Simba eting the Crunchies instead okay check this out so crunchy time is over and um been playing with some toys and I put the scratch and roll back over here where it used to be and now now we have Buu on one side of the scratch and roll and Simba on the other side of the scratch and roll and so far everyone's been getting along I mean there's been a lot of cautiousness but so far so good buo has both toys he won't let go of either of them he wants this one he won't let go and then this one he won't let go I don't know how he has both of them but he does BU has jumped onto the top of the cat tower in his harness and Leash and I'm just sitting here next to him because I wonder if Simba will jump in the other cat tower that would be a first if the two of them them could successfully hang out together on top of these cat towers I think that would be pretty phenomenal right now Simba's on the bottom of the second cat tower he's playing with a toy down there if he could jump up and if they could get along that would be great my concern would be that if he jumps up he might spook Boo and then that that could be a fight syba looks like he's going to jump there he goes that was interesting come on we're good boys right we're good boys good boy boo what a nice boy you are Simba has decided that he's a pizza Simba what kind of pizza are you cheese pizza meatball pizza pepperoni pizza anchovie Pizza vegetable pizza Hawaiian pizza everything Pizza Simba what kind of pizza are you Boo's a good boy he's been resting on top of the cat tower two cats in the towers at the same time and one of them is boo now all the other cats hang out on the towers together like Simba and splash Simba and Stella Stella and splash like every combination so this is huge for boo to be up here with Simba right now and um yeah I think maybe it would help Buu feel more like part of the group if Simba just chills out right now then uh you know buo could feel like maybe he's becoming part of the family again [Music] Stella Stella that's Simba that's your son you don't recognize him cuz he's in a cape Stella splash Hydrox and Buu the lucky ferals good morning splash I tried putting Simba on The Wheel earlier today like I picked him up and I put him on the wheel and then made the wheel move but the minute I let go of him he jumps off Splash just let me pet him while he was sitting on top of this cat tower he didn't let me pet him for very long but he did let me pet him so that's great for Splash that's only the second time ever that he's let me do that good morning Stella I just came downstairs to give the cats their breakfast and look there's a strawberry here at the bottom of the stairs there's their dinner from last night and there's a soccer ball and there's an eyeball from here it looks like a pingpong ball but it's an eyeball hello Stella I'm holding their bag of food hello Stella Stella is a very good girl and I keep telling Stella she's a very good girl right Stella you are a very good girl you behave so nicely yes yes Stella you behave so so nicely and I am talking about you you are a good girl Stella you behave very nicely Boo's making a whole bunch of noise in his room it sounds like he's running laps Stella you are a very good girl yeah you are a very good girl because you know Queens have to behave in a certain way Stella Queens have to you know they have to go by Royal etiquette right so I know you're a really good girl and that you like to behave with royal etiquette right Stella so Royal etiquette means that you're nice to all other cats right you have to set an example for everybody your behavior sets the example for everyone else's Behavior right and as a queen you have to keep calm at all times Stella Keep Calm the queen always keeps calm right Stella Stella you're a good girl I need everyone who's listening to my voice right now to tell Stella that she's a very good girl Stella you're a good girl I need you to tell her that she has perfect Behavior I need you to tell her that she always behaves nicely Stella you always behave so nice sambba has decided to come downstairs and knock that ball around Stella you are friendly to everyone you are everyone's friend all of the cats like to be friends with you Stella even Boo buo likes to be friends with you buo is your friend Stella you you are friends with everybody because you're so nice yes Stella you are a nice girl you are such a nice girl that's why Everyone likes you Stella yeah mhm so remember a queen has to act like a queen and queens are very nice people they have to be manners because they have to set a good example right Stella Queens have to set a good example of their behavior so everyone's looking at you Stella they're all saying what a well behaved queen that is right right Stella they're all looking at you and saying my doesn't she have such impeccable manners isn't she so well behaved isn't she so nice to the other cats she's so nice to all of the other cats right right Stella I need you to tell Stella what a nice girl she is Stella you're such a nice girl Stella can feel all of that energy that you're putting out to her and then she'll be a nice girl because Stella is a nice girl sometimes she forgets Stella everyone's going to remind you that you're a very nice girl so you don't have to forget anymore okay we'll remind you you are a nice girl 10:50 a.m. I just looked out the window and it looks like Hydrox it looks like it's Hydrox it looks like he's going to go lay by the house where it's warm and it looks like he does have a back leg that is mostly white so it looks like the cat that I saw the other day that might have been the impostor was actually hyrox it's 12:00 p.m. it sounds like Simba has a hair ball I've never heard Simba cough before I think they've been getting too many Crunchies lately too much dry food I'm shooting this through the gate so if you wonder what that stuff is it's the gate boo is standing here with me Boo's concerned he's looking through the gate at Simba there's SBA right now it's about 2:00 p.m. it is about 45° out so the snow is melting but it's still really cold and it's really wet so I just gave Hydrox a full can of food and I gave him some fresh water and there's Hydrox he's hanging out near his shelter I think he was inside of it where it's warm and he heard me so he just came outside so I am going to go inside so he can eat his food and then go back into his warm shelter how are you Hydrox are you a good boy good boy Hydrox there he goes he's eating his food right now it's about 400 p.m. and Stella and splash were're laying in their cat beds I just opened the gates between the upstairs and the downstairs because Boo's upstairs on free roam and Stella Splash and simar downstairs so I just opened the gate and they can come up if they want boo is not in his harness he's not on a leash so um we'll see what happens there are two nice boys eating Crunchies together nice boys and if I had another harness that fit Simba I would put Simba in a harness also but I don't like the harness with the hood that he was in yesterday I hate that pattern pattern on it I'm not turning him into a bad boy so he's not wearing it and I have that one other harness it's like a steeping harness but it's too small for Simba I've tried it on him and he looks like he's choking in it like it's really small so I have to get another one of the harnesses that like Boo is wearing cuz I think that is the best type there is I got that one at Petco and I still have some Petco gift cards so I think that's what I'll do I will get some more of those harnesses at Petco now I could put uh the cape on Simba that's what I'm going to do actually I'm going to go get Boo's Cape so Simba sits here and he lets me put the cape on him no problem like he didn't even move I just put it around his neck and he's good to go so buo has his harness on Simba has Boo's cape on hello I don't know if Boo's too happy that Simba's wearing the cape boo do you think Simba looks nice in the cape I think Simba looks nice in the cape don't you boo I think Simba just realized he's wearing a cape sometimes he doesn't realize things at first Simba's a little upset that it says super Boo and not super Simba no Simba's very happy to be wearing his daddy's Cape Simba was laying down in it it looked really cute but when I put the camera on him he sat up Stella just showed up she's sitting in the doorway near the front door she's like what is going on here it's like when Mom comes home and you get busted cuz you're having too much fun it's kind of like that she's like why is simbba wearing a cape and why is he eating Crunchies with that man I just gave Stella some Crunchies she's actually eating them and simbba went over to her and boo is eating Simba's Crunchies boo you've been very boo you've been a very good boy Stella Stella that's Simba that's your son you don't recognize him cuz he's in a cape Stella Stella we had a talk today about good manners Stella Stella you want to go downstairs she's growling at Simba Stella okay right now Boo's not happy he's running away his Tail's big this is why buo needs to be on a leash because then things are controllable because when there's more than two cats things can easily escalate into something much worse than it should be when there's like only two cats and you're bringing a new cat into a cat that's already in the house it's very doable because there's not a whole lot to uh there's not a whole lot of factors to keep in consideration but when you're dealing with four cats that's a lot look at Boo's tail it's like huge somehow Simba has lost his cape okay I just had the cape on Stella and she was literally like jumping all around the room in it the problem is I didn't have the camera so I went upstairs to get the camera and by the time I came back down just has Cape off here's boo his tail is huge you guys just missed what happened here and uh yeah it was it was crazy so let me kind of try to reenact this for you so I was sitting right here in booze door like this Stella was sitting right here in the grass Buu was sitting right here in the hall buo was only a few feet away from Stella and everything was great they were just like relaxing Simba was in Buu's room now Simba wanted to come out of Boo's room so he wanted to come out of the door next to me so like right here Simba went to leave Boo's room but there's only a little bit of space between me and the door so Simba decides he's going to just make a little jump over my legs and jump into the Hall wow so Simba jumps into the Hall fors out Stella because she's on edge with Boo and she goes running and that freaks out buo so buo takes off meanwhile he's in his harness and his leash but I didn't have my hand on anything because I was on the phone all I know is that there are three cats bouncing around the house it was like a pinball machine and this is exactly what I was just saying how it could easily get out of control because exactly what I said all of a sudden just happened like there was no controlling this there were just three cats flying around the house and and there's no way to know what was going on so finally I found Boo and um I kind of was able to just like stop him from running and he was like a nervous wreck like his tail was all big he was scared to death so then he ended up underneath the dining room table he's still wearing his harness and Leash at that point but he's under the dining room table I had no idea where Estella and Simba were at the time I found Stella under the kitchen table and Simba was is under my bed in the bedroom so all three cats were completely spooked out and they're still completely spooked out Booz in his room spooked out Simba is kind of trying to make his way into the kitchen to go downstairs spooked out and Stella is downstairs spooked out so this is just it was like a really bad incident now no one was attacking anyone which is good because it's not like anyone was going after each other it was the exact opposite they were all running away from each each other and um yeah they're all scared and that's what happened that's what happened because Simba decided to jump over my leg into the hallway and then it spooked Stella and it spooked boo and I got three spooked cats here's boo under his bed boo are you okay are you okay are you afraid meanwhile I uh picked up the um pet remedy spray again and I was going to spray it on the carpet but the minute I pick it up boo gets afraid of it and like starts running away so I really think it's related to when I used it in his carrier and brought him to the vet that time I think anytime he sees that spray or smells it he thinks I am going to be bringing him to the vet like he absolutely hates that spray now now meanwhile um meanwhile I think it really works well to relax like Simba splash and Stella because they were very relaxed from it yesterday but boo hates it Stella is sitting here with the cape on the problem is that the velcro is like under her chin and if I try to velcro it she tries to bite me it is 10:30 p.m. and Boo's been sleeping for hours now it's like the cats are all traumatized from what happened before it's ridiculous I want to take his harness off and uh give them food and then I want to go to bed cuz I would like to get some sleep tonight this is what's left of booze breakfast he only ate like half of it and uh I'm going to give him some dinner now but he doesn't even seem to be hungry Stella Splash and Simba ate all of their breakfast and they're really looking forward to dinner right now hello guys are you hungry would you like to eat are you hungry Stella hello splash somehow they have pushed the arch here and they push this branchy thing next to it and then they push the scratcher M next to it and this scratcher they really like using the scratcher look what they do to the cardboard the cardboard is all over the place tomorrow I have to vacuum and I'm tired I want to go to bed but instead I'm sitting here and I'm going to feed Crunchies to the cast Stella Splash Simba hyro and boo the lucky ferals good morning boo good morning Splash hello Stella how you guys doing how are you today sometimes boo jumps on the bed and he watches me get dressed and ready for the day so I was showing him what clothes are and I put his cape on him because I said boo these are your clothes so he likes it hello super poo it's a bird it's a plain it's super boo boo do you like your cape how are you boo super boo super boo super boo sometimes the cape gets like flipped around and boo ends up wearing it kind of like a bib but he doesn't mind it like he likes it hey Boo there's a bunch of geese outside making all kinds of noise if Buu did not love his cape he could easily get out of it the same way that Simba easily gets out of it it's held together by a little bit of velcro and the hole around his head like the neck area he could easily slip his head out of it so Buu really enjoys his capee because he makes absolutely no attempt to get out of it right boat Simba comes upstairs and he goes straight for the cat tower because the geese are outside they're not too happy about the geese Splash likes to say hello to boo Splash is fine with being at Boo's gate like that but but when buo is out of his room Splash you know keeps his distance from buo but you know I mean I think it's good that Splash can be closed to him by the gate I mean they look fine now I just heard like a cat squabble sba's tail is all big bigger than usual his ears are back Stella is coming up to see what's going on Stella is standing kind of near me and looking Stella just rubbed up against my legs now she's standing right next to my leg glaring at boo oh here she comes she's going to lay in the grass Maybe she's like the school mom she's saying what's going on here and I don't know why my camera is doing that do you see how bright it got all of a sudden I don't know what's going on with that Splash just said don't mess with my pizza because it's all his notice how he sat on it he said this is my pizza right now this entire room has pretty much been just like overridden with cat stuff with cats stuff everywhere it need to be cleaned up they have pizza pizza box campfire scratch and roll whirly toy CAD it circuit they have an arch they have an undercover Mouse another scratch and roll all kinds of like wand toys they just take these toys and do whatever they want with them hello slash here we have the sensor push smart sensor ht1 humidity and temperature I'm just about to set this up this is what it looks like in the Box it says humidity and temperature smart sensor download apps and more at sensor now as we speak I am am downloading the app for my phone there's what the sensor looks like and I'm not sure what this is there is documentation included this is what the documentation looks like so I guess that means download the app and I guess that means open the app so here's the app it says add device to start We'll add the device add sensor hold your sensor over the image do I have to match it up yep follow it as it moves connecting okay allow new name let's name it Hydrox done um do we need to calibrate it I don't know let's go to sensor details says it's loading sensor data oh here we go on this page it says it is 72 degrees and it is 38.9% humidity um that seems right today's a beautiful sunny day the sun just came out actually and it's warm so what I would like to do is I would actually like to put this sensor because it's small and compact in hydro's house and see if we could then monitor uh the temperature and humidity in his Little Shelter I was just going outside to put the thermometer and hydroxy shelter and he just walked over to the food there's dry food in there I refilled the dry food and I wanted to reset the time that it dispenses and I did it wrong so it just dispens dinner when I was refilling it and now that I say that I think I need to um hit reset on it again but I'll wait for him to eat and then I'll go out this little disc appears to be some kind of sticky material so maybe I could use that to stick the sensor uh in the cat shelter hello Stella how are you are you [Music] comfortable [Music] col you cake [Music] all right so I took away the sun room took away the vestibule cleaned everything off took the bricks away now I am going to pull the cat shelter out and and let's see what we have in there this is what the inside of hydroxy shelter looks like there is the cheese toy uh from the pizza it looks like he hasn't even touched it or anything and then this mat right there is uh the heated pet mat and um this pad down here is the self-heating pet mat so to me it looks like he walks in that door and he pretty much just make you know sits down over here and that's it because you could see the difference on that mat I don't know if you guys could see it but I could see it so like right here that mat is all clean and then starting here and up here like it's dirty and you could see it's been used it's more like matted down and everything so this whole area like that whole area on that mat has definitely been used whereas like this Edge really hasn't so I mean I me that's good he's been using it okay so there is the sensor push thermometer I just hung it here above the door um I wanted to hang it on the wood and not on the uh insulation and it seems pretty sturdy I've pushed it in really good that seems pretty sturdy and I figure that'll give us a good estimate because the vestibule will be on the other side of it and Hydrox if he's in here he'll be here on the heated mat and the temperature sure there will be a pretty good indication of what kind of temperature it is um when Hydrox is hanging out in the shelter so I am going to put the lid back on and then um yeah we'll see how it goes there's his cheese toy now I've always said that Hydrox is like immune to catnip like he just has no uh he just gets no joy out of catnip so that could be validated by the fact that it seems that he hasn't even touched this toy so there is the cat shelter everything has been reconstructed and put back together and uh yeah let's see what the temperature is 2:32 p.m. Simba was all sprawled out near the back door it's a beautiful sunny day today hello Simba how are you today it's about 9:00 p.m. and I'm picking up some uh raw food for the cats and I just want to remind everyone if you're buying raw food always squeeze the bag and if the bag is just like one giant lump like this bag is don't buy it if it's squeezable if it's all separate pieces then didn't buy it except I don't buy the rabbit formula anymore so this bag that's a good bag it's squeezeable Splash is very excited to eat Splash are you're hungry would you like dinner Splash want eat dinner gr Flash Stella wants to eat Stella are you hungry would you like to eat some food Simba how about you are you hungry would you like to eat some food Simba they still have a little bit of their breakfast left so it's not like they're starving or anything so there's a fly down here somehow fly came in with me Simba's going crazy he's going crazy trying to get the fly it's buzzing around Stella hears it too it's 12:30 a.m. and I'm tired I want to go to bed but instead I'm sitting here and I'm going to feed Crunchies to the cat and I'm going to Fe [Music] crunchy okay so what I was saying was it is 12:30 a.m. I'm tired I should be going to bed but instead I'm sitting here and I am going to feed Crunchies to the cats now what just happened was that Stella stuck her paw through the gate and she tried to smack boo Buu got really scared and he ran away and I didn't see what happened on the other side of the gate because I was looking to see what buo was doing so um yeah looks like Stella wasn't happy but she needs to get over it okay I just gave them some Crunchies I gave boo some Crunchies on this side over here and Simba came running up the stairs so Simba is eating Crunchies on the other side of the gate so right now it's bu and Simba so buo and Simba have been eating a whole bunch of Crunchies and splash just came up the steps I don't know can you see them yeah they're Splash now he came up the steps he's poking around for Crunchies okay guys that's it no more Crunchies I'm going to bed good night boo good night Simba good night splash good night Stella good night everyone okay guys so I just figured out why Stella was so nasty uh a little while ago it's because she is supposed to be in free roam tonight and boo is not supposed to be on free roam tonight boo was on free roam last night um and then when I was out most of the day buo was in his room today so then I took him out of his room and I figured well I might as well just let him a free roam all night but it's probably not a good thing to do that cuz Stella's pissed off so let's put buo in his room and then give Stella free room and then she'll be happy again I just took the water bowl out of the thermo Kitty C Cafe like the heated cat feeder and there are peanut shells there are peanut shells in the water bowl Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and buo the lucky ferals 8:30 a.m. boo heard me he just jumped off his cat tower the downstairs cat did not finish their dinner they did not eat their turkey nuggets so Boo's new thing is laying in this wheat grass he likes to lay in it but then what happens is like when I come walking down the hall he like jumps out of it and runs away it's like he doesn't want to get caught laying in the wheat grass boo you could lay in the wheat grass that's okay it's not a problem you can lay in there is it comfortable do you like it and yes the wheat grass is all squashed down it half of it has turned yellow and um I think they like it that way because when they're outside you know it's real similar to the stuff that they were laying in you know out in the woods no one's manicuring the grass out there it's all overgrown and it doesn't get the amount of water that it to get so this is more like the natural grass they would lay in versus someone's nicely manicured lawn it kind of reminds me of like Easter basket grass but like natural Easter basket grass all I did was like look move it up he did not have his claws out he was just pulling me boo boo are you going to take all the grass out of the tray are you going to take all the grass howoo are you having fun in the grass it's 10:00 a.m. and I'm in the kitchen and Boo's on free roam right now Stella's Splash and Simba were on free roam last night and I put them downstairs to eat breakfast and I let boo out and I opened the door to the downstairs and Stella was sitting like right on the other end so I said to myself I wonder what would happen if I just let Stella up so I let Stella up and then buo comes walking into the kitchen he's not wearing his harness or anything and they were fine Stella was in the kitchen boo was in the kitchen and everything was okay I was petting Stella for a little while and I was petting Boo and things were good and then Simba came up and uh you know Simba walked past Bo Buu they stared at each other for 10 20 seconds and it could have been an issue but it wasn't Buu just sat where he was and Simba kept walking and then Simba sat in the hallway and then splash came up so Splash was by this door Simba was by the hallway Stella was kind of by the cabinets and boo was kind of in the middle and then I said okay well this isn't right because Buu is surrounded like there were cats on like all sides of him so then from there Stella walked under the kitchen table so Stella was sitting under the kitchen table like you know in between all the chairs and then Buu walks over and he was sitting where Stella used to be sitting and then after a few minutes he goes and he attempts to walk under the kitchen table toward Stella now with buo when he walks toward a cat he doesn't give you any indication if he is then going to to jump on the cat or fight with the cat he's really good at hiding those intentions and I say that because I've seen him do it in the past where you know he'll look fine and then it just turns nasty so when I saw him walking under the table to where Stella was and knowing How Stella has been lately I did not think it was going to be a good situation so I scooped buo up and I put him in his room and then I went downstairs and I bribed the cats with some Crunchies to get them down there now the other thing I want to say is that the cats got weighed this morning and they've all gained 2 lb they did not gain 2 lb they gained. 2 lbs which is like 2/10 of a pound which would be 1/5 of a pound and I know they've gained that weight because of the additional Crunchies that they've been eating because when I've been using the Crunchies to integrate them for training I have not been keeping track of serving size all the time so I knew that was going to be an issue so I'm glad that I weighed them and I got that information and now I will be uh paying better attention to the portion size on their Crunchies Boo's watching Jericho and thunder he's watching them get their new toys I know that these toys are going to be big hits with Jericho and thunder I'd like to thank everyone for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day see that boo they just think thank you for watching it's 12:30 p.m. I'm sitting here in the kitchen working on my computer Boo's been sitting in the wheat grass he just saw me put the camera on him and then he decided to get up but I thought he'd like it here because it's near the door and it's really sunny over there I thought maybe Stella or Simba would lay on the other side Simba came upstairs to The Landing he's been looking out the door and Buu just walked over to the cat grass it's like sometimes they like each other and other times they want to fight Simba is rubbing himself up against the gate bu Simba wants to play with you he wants to play with you okay do you know how to play you have to be gentle with him when you play okay he just wants to play with you so be a little more gentle when you swat at him okay don't be like Stella Sone wants to play with you he wants to have fun okay okay boo you guys want to play together so when he puts his paw through the gate he just wants to play with you right now okay he wants to play poor simbba looks upset that boo swatted at him like that there's Boo in the cat grass he looks really comfortable but unfortunately I have to go downstairs right now to set up a live stream so I am going to have to make him move I'm sorry boo yeah you'll have to move I know you look comfortable all of the thermometers inside are showing like 80° and above this thermometer is showing 70° so it is a ridiculously beautiful day today I just took the water bowl out of the thermo Kitty cafe like the heated cat feeder and there are peanut shells there are peanut shells in the water bowl I don't know what kind of animal dunked peanut shells in the water bowl but that is weird I just gave Hydrox half a can of food it looks kind of weird because uh I mix water in with it and I just filled up the water bowl with fresh water now that I have the thermometer and hydroxy shelter I could see that his shelter is 78.5 De inside the shelter let me show you something else that is super cool with this so it keeps track of the temperature here is the hourly temperature you could see that the temperature is going up here is the daily temperature so overnight around midnight it went down to a low of 64.5 De in hydroxy shelter so you can totally follow all of the temperatures from this thermometer I think this is so cool hydrax was just eating his food hydrax is a really big cat I don't know if you guys can notice that but he's big we sitting out here in the Sun by the back door because it's a beautiful day and I need Vitamin D and because I love sitting in the sun and Hydrox just walked over and ate some food while I was sitting here I think the food bowl might be empty oh no there's food in it I guess he just didn't like the fact that I started talking so next time he goes to the food bowl I'm not going to say anything but I mean it's good that I'm sitting here and he still walked over to it I'm probably about 12 ft away from it so it's not like I'm really close to it but I'm still out here on the patio it is 7:30 p.m. and we just ended today's live stream I want to give a shout out to smarty Plum for the 10 lb donation uh smarty Plum says it's for the kitty fund thank you so much smarty Plum that is so nice of you and yes I'll put it in the kitty fund um for the next time that I need to go out and buy them some food or litter or supplies so Stella Splash and Simba ate all of their breakfast and I really did not give them many Crunchies at all today it's about 8:00 p.m. I think and splash has been chewing on the pizza box I just walked out of the room to get the camera and he stopped but he should start again Buu just jumped off of his Tower to see what I'm talking about Simba's watching from the chair Splash is like what's going on on it's 11:00 p.m. I'm just about to give the cat some treats I've been rearranging stuff tonight making room for cat stuff cat food cat dishes cat supplies and this entire rug look at that scratcher look it's everywhere it's like you vacuum it and then 2 days later it's everywhere again the cats don't mind you don't mind right I think they actually like it Stella you like that scratcher right you like it when there's cardboard all over the rug maybe not Stella so much hello splash simma just got some Crunchies Stella has her Crunchies and splash has his Crunchies if it wasn't so late and if I wasn't so tired then I would give boo Crunchies at the same time I would either bring boo down here or bring them upstairs to be with boo but I really don't want to turn this into like a big thing and that ends up usually taking up an hour or two of my time and I'd like to go to bed soon so three cats eating crunchies okay that's it they've had enough Crunchies they still have some of their dinner that they did not finish and um yeah that's enough food for them [Applause] today for for for it's about midnight right now and I just gave buo his dinner a little while ago because he just finished his breakfast only a few hours ago and uh he's been playing in the living room and now he's hanging out in the wheat grass right Bo and I'm just about to go to bed [Applause] [Applause] Stella is like a warrior princess she is the bravest of all of the Cats Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Buu the lucky ferals good morning Stella we're not eating yet we'll eat it in about 20 minutes okay about 20 minutes okay soon hello boo hello boo how are you today h the thermometer in hydroxy shelter says at 60.9 De F and this is the temperature chart for the day so as you can see uh the temperature peaked yesterday afternoon and it's been falling since then and right now it's at a low point so we'll see how today goes hello boo I was showing you the temperature in hydroxy shelter and boo jumped on the bed he wants some attention look right now I can rub his paws and he's not getting agitated he's actually purring hello Boo Boo's waiting for breakfast now boo ate his dinner super late last night I gave him his dinner gosh around 11:00 p.m. maybe even later and he finished it I just checked his dish and it's all gone so I think what happens with boo is I give him his meals and uh his eating schedule is different than his feeding schedule so I feed him at certain times but then he doesn't actually eat at those times he eats at different times and boo was on free roam last night and he appeared to be up most of the night at least uh the few times I woke up he was up and looking out the window it rained last night so was kind of noisy but when it rains out boo is plenty to look at right okay you don't want me to Pat you he's paring you paring so in my kitchen I have like this baker's rack and I used to have all of my cookbooks on it um until yesterday and I decided to move all of the cat feeding stuff here so now this is like the cat feeding station and I have like all the canned foods for hyrock or when I forget to defrost raw food I have Boost plates I have these other bowls I don't really use these bowls so much so they could go uh downstairs in the closet but for now they're here right now this is just to get organized these are the bowls that I defrost the raw food for the downstairs cats in when I defrost them in the bowls um these are the freeze-dried raw nuggets uh that I give to the cats sometimes um so right now this is the feeding station and I kind of like having it here separate from the rest of the kitchen counters um I don't know just for sanitary reasons for myself um I like it that way I don't like cats sharing uh the same food prep spaces uh that human Sher like these cats never go on the kitchen table and they very rarely go go up on the counters and when I do catch them on the counters they know to jump off immediately because there are certain places they are not allowed to go so um yeah so I'm really happy with this setup right now and we'll see how it goes the only other thing I want here is a dry food dispenser and I bought one at HomeGoods and that's the real reason why I made this the cat feeding station is because I had a dry food dispenser um the kind almost like the kind that you see in petting zoos where you know you turn the knob and a portion of dry food comes out I want it to help with portion control for the cats the problem is it's too tall and it doesn't fit in this area because like here's the top there's about a 16in clearance and the dispenser was 17 in so what I'm going to do is I'm going to return it to the HomeGoods that I bought it from and they did have another model I'm going to see if that model is lower and if that model will fit because I would really like a dry food dispenser so this is is where I defrosted the cat's raw food and right now what I am going to do is put booze on his plate and serve him his breakfast now I really feel like I have a restaurant for cats here because this little setup is making me feel like it's a restaurant Prep Station if you've ever worked in a restaurant or a food establishment um yeah that's totally what I feel like right now I have to laugh good morning Stella how are you did you have a nice night Stella Stella did you have a good night okay there's definitely a cat party going on here so there's a scratch and roll there's that tree thing I really don't even know what to call that thing if anyone knows what to call that thing let me know there's the arch there's the cad it Digger there's the Box everything's moved all around there's a strawberry there's a rug all bunched up there's their platter tossed to the side there's one of those blue tinsel fish near the water I don't know what you guys were doing but it sure looks like you had a good time right splash splash you hungry Splash want to eat I'm trying to make a smoothie this morning and Stella has decided she wants to lay down exactly where I need to stand to make the Smoothie because the blender is on the counter right above her Stella would you like some of my smoothie it has catgrass in it it's a wheat grass smoothie Stella would you like some okay I know I need to plant more wheat grass I know that's what you're telling me and you're right I can put some wheat grass powder on your food is that what you want me to do okay let's go this is the wheat grass that I use for my smoothies so let's go sprinkle some on Stella's food I just put some of the green powder on her food food maybe she'll eat it 11:44 a.m. Splash is laying in the cat tower in the window Simba is laying curled up around the cadet circuit he's sleeping here he's sleeping on the undercover Mouse curled up around the caded circuit buo is in his room sleeping on his day bed first he's grooming himself and then he's going to take his nap this is kind of like their schedule so they will be up in the morning and you know they'll be roaming the house and playing then they get their meal and then a short while after their meal they usually like like to look out the windows and then after they look out the windows they take their naps and they pretty much sleep all afternoon and then they get up around dinner time like I would say like 600 7 or 8 that's when they get up and then they'll be up um for hours and then they might take like another nap um in the evening or sometimes they sleep in the middle of the night then they get up so they have like a lit sleeping schedule whereas humans tend to you know sleep for 6 to 8 hours straight at night um the cats tend to split that up into two sleeping shifts in the afternoon they usually sleep I would say anywhere from like 3 to 5 hours and then in the middle of the night they'll get another 3 to 5 hours of sleep and a lot of people say that cats sleep you know like 20 hours a day I don't really find that to be the case with these cats of course on the live streams they sleep a lot because that's their sleeping time um but the rest of the time usually when I'm home they're not really sleeping that much unless I'm home for a full day like if I'm off and I have the whole day at home then that's usually when I find them sleeping the most and there's Stella she's sleeping in her round cat bed and look look it's her pink heart she's sleeping in the round cat bed and there's her pink heart right behind her they love these hearts and look at this she ate the food with the wheat grass powder on it notice that she ate only the food with the wheat grass powder on it all the other food like around the edge that did not have the powder on it she did not eat it it's about noon the thermometer on the side of the garage says it's about 40° the thermometer in hydro's sun room says it's about 48° the thermometer inside the shelter says it's 61° and I just checked that before I came outside and it's definitely not 61° out it is cold and it is wet I just gave Hydrox half a can of food and some fresh water 12:08 p.m. Simba is now sleeping on the bed Simba's been laying on the bed and telling me how cute he looks and he said I'm so cute right now why don't you take out your camera Simba has decided he's taking over the bed for the afternoon Simba you have a fluffy belly Simba you have a fluffy belly Simba's purring do you hear Simba purring Z's puring he just headbutted the camera look how fluffy he is Simba you're so fluffy okay you're done you're done Sim are you done Simba has Paws that look like booze Paws did you notice it looks like booze Paws all of Simba's Paws look like booze Paws Simba has his daddy booze paws say no pets okay you want to hold my hand while you sleep it's like 9:20 and uh I'm just getting home and I'm GNA feed the downstairs cat Boo's on a live stream right now and I just want to point out the fact that Splash has been with Stella and Simba and look he's not running away he's not backing off he's letting me pet him he's just like right up front and center with the rest of the cats this is great for Splash right Splash splashy you're such a good boy see he's right here look look at this Splash is right here no running no running away for a splash he must really be hungry I fed them a late breakfast today like they've been on a later schedule but what I did not do was give them any Crunchies I don't even know if I gave them any Crunchies today at all all three cats are eating their food I'm vacuuming the house today look at this look at all of that cat hair and stuff that it has sucked up like this amazes me but at the same time it grosses me out and I still have two or three more Rooms To Go this is pretty much just off of the cat's play rugs oh my God it is so gross but at the same time I'm so happy that this vacuum is picking it up okay guys check this out so Stella kind of likes the new vacuum look so I just came I'm coming downstairs and have the vacuum right now now it's a couple feet above Stella normally in the past like all the cats would run from the vacuums and look she's not running she's just sitting here and watch watch what happens if I turn the vacuum on [Applause] watch she's not running she's sitting there trying to figure it out Stella [Applause] [Applause] Stella is like a warrior princess she is the bravest of all of the Cats all the boys are scared to death of a vacuum and still says yeah so what there's Stella there's a [Music] vacuum Stella is not running away okay now she did maybe it's a little too close for comfort no but she's back look tails in the air Stella you like the vacuum so it ends up that this is one of Simba's favorite positions to sit on the stairs with his like one front leg down like that I don't know why but symbol loves sitting on the stairs like this to me it kind of looks uncomfortable this is the heated pet bed that is currently outside in hydro's cat shelter and this is what he has been using all winter and I have it plugged into an extension cord that is then plugged into the Outlet on the side of my house and it is one of those GFCI um Outlets I believe it's the ground fault circuit interruptor so if there is an issue with the power um it will shut itself off and it's been doing a really good job keeping the cat shelter warm right now the temperature outside is 37° and the temperature in in the cat shelter with this heated pet bed is 56.8 De so it's about 57° so it's keeping the cat shelter about 20° warmer now the thermometer in the cat shelter is actually I would say maybe a foot above where this heated pet bed is so that's assuming the cat is in the cat shelter right now because it does say that it is thermostatically controlled to warm directly under the pet so when the pet is laying on this heated pet bed um then this warms up underneath the pet and the temperature that I'm showing here is from using this heated pet bed in an insulated outdoor cat shelter and the cat shelter is made out of wood and it is also tucked under part of a building so the temperature on the thermometer is the Ambient Air Temperature in a cat shelter that is using this kn& Electro soft heated pet bed and I think that's pretty awesome um for it to be 37° out but for the shelter to be 57° um that's a that's a big difference so that would mean that when the temperature Falls below freezing uh chances are really good that uh the shelter is staying toasty warm and not just the shelter but the cat that's in the shelter the cat that's in the shelter is going to be warmer than what I'm showing on the thermometer because the cat that's in the shelter is going to be laying on the heated pet bed look Splash is here near the pizza Splash wants some catnip Splash you want some catnip Stella Splash Simba Hydrox and Buu the lucky [Music] ferals [Music] [Applause] [Music] pap [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I [Music] I'm trying to go downstairs and feed the cats and this is what I find on the steps the cats are getting their new place mat rug I got this at the Christmas tree shop several weeks ago and I find that when they get these little rugs in they go super fast so it's kind of like you have to buy it when you see it because you will most likely never see it there again um it's a St Patty's Day accent rug 17 in by 26 in this is similar to the size Rug that I had for them around the holiday times the one with the little gingerbread men on it and this one says so very lucky and that's true right these cats are so very lucky so I thought it was a very appropriate little place matte rug for them to eat on there it is Stella has already laid on it that watch see Stella likes it Stella is giving the rug her seal of approval and yes I took the tags off Buu is also getting his new lucky place mat for St Patrick's Day well for the month leading up to St Patrick's Day he's checking it out right now and I also got this at the Christmas Tree Shop I actually got this at a store called an that which is the new name of the Christmas Tree Shops when they open them in new States outside of New England and again this is something that you have to buy when you see it because when you don't see it they don't have it and it goes fast so I found that and I thought boo would like it and there it is I put it on top of this kind of like it's like a rubbery mat it keeps things from sliding around um that's what it looks like it has hearts and paws on it and then I put this on top and this matches the beige and this matches the beige on that mat and then um boo will get his food and water on top of this because buo is a lucky boy right my boo you're a very lucky boy and the reason why I give them these seasonal placements other than the fact that they're cute is because cats like to feel special and this makes the cats feel special boo is in his room today because the other cats will be downstairs all weekend I'll be away all weekend and buo will be up here on free roam all weekend so to make it fair for everyone the other cats are going to be on free roam up here all day and then boo will have free roam for the next 2 days and right now that is definitely the best arrangement for everyone all of the cats have been making good progress um they've all been getting to know each other through the gates or during the times that they've had together without Gates and the process will continue to evolve hello Stella how are you Stella was just rolling around on the ground I just got home Stella was sleeping on a live stream all day she was sleeping in the round cat beds and I checked in a few times and she was sleeping the whole time I think maybe Stella slept all day Stella did you sleep all day is that what you did all day okay Stella would you like to eat ready to eat would you like dinner Stella's ready to eat Stella you ready for dinner ready for dinner they did not have any Crunchies today I snuck some Crunchies too Simba and splash when they were upstairs in the living room like I was very very quiet about it and Stella was down sleeping in the beds and uh so they had a small bit of Crunchies each of them but Stella has not had any Crunchies they ate all of the breakfast Stella is eating her dinner they're getting their usual dinner which is the Primal raw turkey nuggets Nature's Variety Instinct raw chicken bites I did not put any additional water in it tonight because I don't have a bottle of water open I just finished today's live stream and Simba's sitting here kind of like pouting when I get home they want me to give them attention and they kind of get a little bit upset if I sit here chatting okay Stella I'm going to go upstairs and eat dinner and then I'll come down in a little bit okay okay Buu ate most of his breakfast so that's good and now I am going to give him some dinner okay so I think it's it's around 1:00 p.m. and uh that's Boo's dinner he hasn't eaten it yet so I just gave him some Crunchies on top and around it and I'm putting him in his room uh for tonight the other cats are on freeo splashy has been laying in one of the cat beds I just came down to get the cats he looks so comfortable I don't think he wants to move meanwhile Simba is sitting here on the stairs next to me hello Simba how are you and there's Stella hello Stella we're going upstairs come on I think Simba's trying to use the remote control look at Splash there's Splash in his bed Splash looks so comfortable Stella is rubbing up all against my legs right now but Splash is like the perfect combination of Stella and buo so Splash has Stella's white fur and Boo's black fur and Simba is the other perfect combination of Stella and buo because Simba has Stella's Tabby fur and Buu's black fur right Simba and something that all four of them have are the exact same eyes I don't know how much you guys could see of that on the videos but Stella Buu Simba and splash all of the exact same eyes which makes me think that not only are Stella and Buu parents of the kittens but since Stella and Buu are the same age and they have the same eyes I think they're brother and sister also because they were always hanging out together before the kittens were around hello Simba Simba came upstairs look for his Crunchies hello Stella Stella came upstairs and she's sitting on the pizza box and that was Simba's butt that just walked by okay time to play with the cats for a little while making still happy splashes on that side I'm trying to go back and forth with this toy Stella Splash Stella Simba there's Splash and there's boo in his room the reason why buo is in his room right now and not out here with the other cats is because Stella needs some play time with me one of the reasons why she hasn't been very happy is because I'm spending too much time with Boo and not enough time with her and I really have not had much time to play with Stella at all or to play with Simba and splash like the three of them have gotten really short changed on like how much time I've been able to spend with them so today um that's what I'm doing now I'm spending some good quality time playing with them because honestly I don't remember the last time I did like we're talking I don't know a week or more because you know days go by fast so um that's why because if Bo comes out of his room right now then Stella gets mad and she leaves and then like she'll go you know sit downstairs somewhere or she'll go uh hide under a table so I want her to come out and play because it puts her in a better mood and I think maybe uh if I could spend more time with her and uh more time like playing with her and interacting with her then she might be nicer to boo right Stella see she blinked when she blinks it's like a yes okay we now have all three cats sitting in a semicircle Stella simma and splash well someone just walked he moved and uh Splash has joined us and all three have been playing with this cat charmer toy but this is how they play they play just by sitting there and putting their paws out looks like Splash also has the mushroom from the pizza boo was playing with that earlier I'm not lighting the campfire because I don't want to scare spash by doing that this is so good for him to be sitting here with the other cats Simma's just hanging out on the scratch roll kind of like ignoring everything so Stella has now moved over to the scratching roll Simba has taken her place on that side of the Rock and splash is still over here he's fully participating in the play time this is really good for Splash like he's not hiding he's not running he's playing okay now it's crunchy time I'm giving them eat some Crunchies still is eating some Crunchies on her scratch and roll and Simba he eats his Crunchies so fast and splash is getting Crunchies and Simba is stealing splash's Crunchies look Splash just came even closer for his crunchies this is so good for Splash usually I have to throw the Crunchies to him in the hallway and he's not doing that he's here on the rug and he's getting closer and there's Stella Stella's saying where's my Crunchies Stella has had enough Crunchies she's sitting on the pizza box near the pizza and there's a whole bunch of Crunchies on the pizza she doesn't want to eat them she just wants to sit on the pizza box now it could be that she's mad because I went over to boo J and I gave him some Crunchies under his gate ever since I did that she's kind of gone into sulking mood see she's looking over there now and splash has gone over there to watch buo eat the Crunchies okay I need to play with Stella some more [Applause] [Music] still Simba is going to eat those crunchies Stella will go back on the scratch and roll there's Crunchies right here on the carpet [Applause] Stella has decided to hang out in her cardboard cat house for a little while she loves her cardboard cat house right Stella you going to chill out here yeah okay you could chill out here I put some catnip on the pizza there's some catnip on the pizza box I put some catnip in Stella's house Stella there catnip right there I gave boo some catnip under his door yeah still is smelling it and now she's discovering it for still is [Music] growling Stella are you a mean cat Stella you're a nice girl remember Stella remember Stella you're a nice girl remember you're a nice girl look Splash is here near the pizza Splash wants some catnip Splash want some catnip do you check out Simba he's decided that the cadet circuit is like his little lounging [Music] area [Music] a
Channel: Lucky Ferals
Views: 28,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feral cat, feral cats, training, taming, training a feral cat, taming a feral cat, socializing, socializing a feral cat, feral cat shelter, feral cat feeder, automatic feral cat feeder, documentary, feral cat documentary, feral cat vlog, cat vlog, cat vlogger, vlog, vlogger, animals, pets, black cat, boo, boo day videos, feral kittens, TNR, cats playing, cats eating, cute cat compilation, feral cat compilation, cat compilation, cute cat videos, funny cats, funny cat compilation
Id: swaWPRUioFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 17sec (13697 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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