The Ideal Companion | FULL Documentary | The Best Cat Breeds Explained

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foreign [Music] [Music] although the modern cat dates back about 12 million years it was the last of all animals to be domesticated because unlike a horse cow or even a dog a cat was a little-known use to man and so it would remain until 4 500 years ago when the ancient egyptians discovered that cats had taken a fancy to the succulent mice that roamed their granaries immediately ingratiating themselves to royalty because of their hunting prowess and bewitching grace and beauty cats were loved and deified by the egyptians named mao for the meow sound that the cat makes the animal that had been solitary and independent for millions of years began to enter courts and ordinary households alike slowly accepting the company of human beings today the cat is one of the most common house pets and enjoys a popularity that equals that of a dog divided into short hair and long hair categories there are over 40 different recognized breeds in north america each with its own traits and personality when purchasing a cat you should look for a breed with characteristics and needs that match your temperament and lifestyle for instance some breeds such as persians are placid lovable companions but take more time to care for because they require a daily combing while others like the siamese require little grooming but tend to be active and high strung and demand lots of affection the following presentation was developed to help you find the ideal companion to match your temperament and lifestyle and features 20 different breeds of cats please bear in mind that many of these breeds are available in other colors in addition to the one you'll be viewing on screen [Music] the abyssinians originated in india in and around the bay of bengal they claim that they've been there since just about forever people claim thousands of years i question that the abyssinian is an extremely active cat if not one of the most active it is not the kind of cat that you leave in a house unattended uh if you're into home renovating it will help you if you're into playing with your cars it will help you uh they love computers and we'll try to take over there as well the abbey is a very unique cat in that it's what is known in the cat fancy is a ticked cat the fur is layered by color if you were able to take a single strand of abby fur you would find that the different places on that strand there were different colors and this is what they call the ticking there are four terms used for abby's there are sorrel there are ruddys there are fawns and there are blues and in each case it it talks about the shades in the various places on the strands of fur they've only speak when they've got something to say they don't go around just babbling i'm of the opinion all cats are indoor cats the problem is that they're such individual creatures that if they get outdoors danger can come to them very quickly because of their attitudes so in my opinion there is no such thing as an outdoor cat it's a family cat for an active family again if the family likes to sit and watch television the abbey will be standing in front of the screen trying to get you to do something else the abbeys are active and they like an active family they're excellent with children because children tend to be active so they fit into the abbey's way of doing things very well they're very well with other pets except that they tend to run the other pets other cats pets dogs whatever don't realize that the abbey's running everything the abyssinians are normally excellent travelers when we bring them to the shows we have one young lad who sits in my lap most of the way he prefers to look around see what's going on and just generally enjoy the trip they're very low maintenance cats there isn't much to do in the way of cleaning up after them they don't shed much and they normally don't need much in the way of grooming with a bit of health care and with some good breeding and some intelligent ownership they can live into the late teens [Music] it's an actually natural mutation to the siamese it's a long-haired siamese it's been recognized in the states and in canada in canada 15 years in the states about 30 years uh they originally came from england actually and they were born like even 100 years ago in litter of fulbright siamese now being the purest that they were they would destroy them or pet them out because they would not recognize them so and then somebody a lady from california actually brought them down and she went to england was very interested and she's the one actually that made the breed well known to america they're very playful they're quite similar to the siamese except they're not hyper uh they're a very gentle cat they're uh they're very family oriented actually a very very affectionate they live in groups definitely uh they're pack rats actually they're great cats very docile too they travel actually very well because you know i travel a lot with my cats and i'm telling you i've had the odd one of them that didn't travel and it's quite painful when you have to be 10 hours in a car no they do travel very well show cats usually get adapted to that very well every cat to me does not matter the breed or indoor i really protect animals a lot especially cat because i love them dearly and they should never be outside we do not live in a world today that our cats should be laid out unless they're protected and you're there no indoor definitely they are vocal and they talk but they're not loud they do not have the screechy voice of the siamese we do have a dog at home and my cats have brought up the dog and they do love the dog actually and they actually boss her around and she's a big dog yeah they own the house you don't own your house anymore once you have a balinese healthy good balinese can live anywhere from 12 to 15 to 16 years actually very similar to the siamese which actually you know if it's a healthy one has got quite a long life and as breeder we try to make sure that they're not inbred because this is what causes a lot of health problems you know and that they actually live very long by taking proper care as well like their shots annually and everything and tested for leukemia and all these things that a good breeder should do if you're a little bit lazy it's great because they have no undercoat the coat is made of it's it's very very silky very fine coat no undercoat and actually what mattes on a cap is the undercoat and there's about 90 we say they're about 90 to 95 percent non-shedding and it's great and the great thing about it although they do not require brushing they just love being brushed which is great ideal owner is somebody that cares that wants to love and be loved that's the ideal owner to me [Music] the bengal breed was originally developed in california from a hybrid of an asian leopard cat to domestic cat the asian leopard cat is a small leopard like an ocelot or a margay but it comes from china rather than south america and it's also a little wild cat that's not endangered and they used to be sold in pet stores as as pets and with this one lady named jean mill purchased one and it bred her domestic cat she assumed that the offspring would be sterile like most hybrids are but the females are actually fertile once they get to the fourth generation you have both fertile males and females and you have a new breed and those are the ones that we're showing now the breed started about 14 15 years ago it's only been recognized for showing in canada for about the last six years in the united states about eight or nine years in one word they're very outgoing very social they love people they are into everything very busy very active they're not a cat that just lies around all the time they're wanting to be with you and on you and helping you type and helping you do the dishes they're very very personable cats they travel very well they seem to be very adaptable and if you take them in a car they'll stand and look out the window like a like a dog rather than hiding under the seat and screaming like most cats will they can be vocal if you teach them to be vocal they i don't like my cats to be noisy so i don't reward them when they when they make a lot of noise if you get a new kitten and it cries and you pick it up it learns within two days that by meowing a lot it gets attention so um they're very intelligent and they're not naturally noisy but you can teach them to be pretty noisy the bengal is a very good cat with children they're very tolerant they will take an awful lot of abuse and and if they need to get away they'll they'll struggle away without using their claws there's really not a lot of grooming or brushing involved with a bangle because they have a single uh pelt-like coat there's no undercoat so they really don't shed very much they are just patting them is mostly enough to keep them shiny maybe brushing them down with a chamois every once in a while but they really don't require brushing bengals live average at cat years which would be approximately 14 to 18 years some might go a little bit more others go less if they happen to be in contact with with diseases that are common to cats the bengal is a is a breed that's extremely tolerant and because of its high intelligence and the hybrid health that it tends to have it makes a very good family pet the ideal owner for a bengal would be a person who's around quite a bit who's willing to spend a lot of time with their cat because the bengal will demand their attention and somebody who's willing to pick up on the cats wants for new toys and to cat proof their house because the cats will get into things if they're bored and they don't like to be left alone a lot so children are great families are great very active families are wonderful for bengals [Music] the breed originates from burma was introduced into europe in 1932 approximately and then brought over into the u.s after that it's a breed that was almost eliminated uh in europe during world war ii and then again a few outcrosses were brought into the breed to bring back the breed into the u.s they're almost classified as a dog-like cat a cat that likes to follow you around the house loves lots of attention very people-oriented cats the cats that i bring to the cat shows i do not cage i let them run around in my car and they love to be in the driver's seat sitting with you again they're a very good companion cat so they're not a troublesome cat in the car and they they do travel well they enjoy the the trips out to the all purebred cats to my knowledge are indoor cats and with the diseases that are prominent in outdoor cats we do not recommend any any cat being an outdoor cat they do like to talk to you when they want attention they will speak to you in their own distinctive little voice but it's not an annoying type of meow very very soft in in tone and very lovable sound out of this cat all our cats are bred within the household and we have found that the berman cat is very very sociable it likes attention from everyone in the family it's not necessarily a one person type of cat like you will get some breeds that will attach themselves to one person this is a cat that loves to play especially with some of the cat toys that they have out there it's an enjoyable time to play with the cats and and they like to participate with everybody they can be manhandled so to speak and they enjoy that type of rough housing and playing and a child can be like that at times and with their temperament they they take a little bit of abuse from kids but they do love the the play our cats get introduced to many different types of households with a variety of animals not only cats of the same breed but of other breeds as well as dogs and they adapt very well to new environments with other animals a berman doesn't have an undercoat like a himalayan or persian so it's classed as a very low maintenance cat the brush just slides right through the hair even though it's classed as a long hair cat combing them is very very easy it picks up all the loose hair and really a berman is a cat that doesn't need the attention as far as the grooming aspect goes as a lot of long-haired cats are ideal owner would be anyone that likes cats and likes to have attention likes a cat that participates in outings we've sold cats to people that have their cats on boats sailboats so any any person that wants the company of a cat would make a fine owner [Music] the breed is a very old established breed in england where the breed came from and they were just brown tubby street cats and after the first war they nearly lost them all and the persian breeders took them on because they liked the body type and this is how you get all the different colors it's at least 100 years old they were just natural street cats they're laid back cats they're quiet and affectionate but they're also very playful as kittens they like to help with whatever you're doing and they get on really well with other animals children i have quite a few adults at home and they all help me they come to bed with us they are teddy bears that purr they're beautiful one of my females that i brought from england with me talks i have a friend that calls and she knows when it's her that's on the telephone and she has to talk to her some are vocal some are not they're not as not vocal like a siamese or an abyssinian but but they talk so kittens to people with children dogs birds anything they get on really well it's definitely a good family cat it gets unwell with small children adults other pets in the house established pets new pets that come in i've sold kittens to people with a bird that flies free in the house and as far as i know this was three years ago and the bird is still alive they get on really well with it with everything there's not much grooming with the brit they shed roughly twice a year spring and fall when they're losing their winter coat and getting their summer coats in but just the normal hand grooming and this and a soft brush is enough there's not a lot of of grooming they're an easy care cat it doesn't matter whether you're an active or a sit sit couch person it doesn't really matter they'll they'll come and sit with you they just like affection [Music] well the brumilla originated in england in 1981 and it was an accidental breeding between a burmese and a chinchilla the british liked the breed so much they entered into an organized breeding program it's new to canada we imported the first vermillas three years ago in england the vermilla is actually called an asian cat that's that's the grouping and every time you get a different pattern on the coat of the vermillo the british have named it a different breed so you have like an asian self it's a solid colored cat that looks like a burmese you have a smoke that is basically 75 percent color 25 silver which looks like white if you run your finger backwards over the coat you have a shaded which is about 50 percent color 50 silver and then you have a tipped which is about 75 silver and only about 25 um they also come in all the tabby patterns so the the um burmila as we call it in england is only the shaded version we don't we don't deal with term asian we call them all brumellas and they come in short hair as well as long hair they have a personality that is very similar to the burmese because the origin was a breeding between a burmese and a chinchilla persian and in developing the bramilla breed rather than just continuing with that first generation offspring and breeding brumila to vermilla you breed down four generations and so in the first four generations you breed back to the burmese three times and that is to ensure the burmese body type and temperament what becomes unique to the chinchilla persian if you wonder why did you breed with it in the first place you get a lot of genetics from it and you get the the different colors the pattern and the genetics for specifically silver and the color black which doesn't come in burmese the vermilla is a very easy going cat that likes to be with its people and so if you're going somewhere your bermilla wants to come with you very good with kids very good with other animals they get along quite well with dogs especially if they're introduced into the house as kittens they're a little less talkative than the burmese like the burmese they will have all those characteristics and they will will probably be long-lived cats for 20 years the breed originated in 1981 so you're just coming up to 20 years now so most of the original burmellas are still living the ideal owner is is someone who wants to interact with their cats maybe likes to play it's a cat that will sit on your lap quietly and sleep if you're watching tv or or reading but it's also a cat that will run around the house and and play especially if you're doing that or another animal so it it's both those things but ideally the burmila like the burmese should be with another cat they can live as as only cats but they do really really well as companion cats with another animal especially another cat the brumilla is a great breed to to own you've got a burmese cat in a fancy coat [Music] the color point short hair is a hybrid breed it originates from a siamese cat bred to a registered american shorthair tabby point which means it has striping on it the original siamese breeders decided that they'd like to see a cat with some barring on the tail on the face and on the legs so about 50 years ago this is the breeding they did now you can breed that's the lynx point by the way and now you can breed only color point to siamese or color point to color point to get the barring on the face the legs and the tail so it's a man-made breed but it's out of two registered cats the color point short hair uh to live with is very similar to a siamese since the american short hair jean has pretty much been bred out of the cat so the personality is of a siamese the blue eye color etc are the siamese and it's vocal as in the siamese it likes people it does well with animals it does tend to be very active can get bored on its own it also like the siamese will retrieve i can throw a piece of crumpled up paper and until i get tired the cat will bring the paper back and keep having it thrown at it so it is a very active and interactive type of animal virtually no grooming they're very low on dander very low on shedding they're i don't like the term hypoallergenic cat but if someone has cat allergies or pet allergies a siamese cat they tend to do and a color point they tend to do very well with um several of my cats have gone to homes with children with allergies and there's never been a problem they don't need to be bathed i bath them just before a show but that's the only time they get bathed and because they're so short-haired they really don't need brushing at all so very low maintenance they tend to live 15 to 20 years they've picked up that side of the genetics from the siamese breeding american short hairs which was a founding breed do tend to live to about 15 years so they pick up a long life it's an excellent family cat it relates well to anyone of any age from a two-year-old up to a retired person more active cats i would probably slate with someone with younger children one that's a little more shy and retiring i would put with a slightly older person they do well with pretty much anyone whether they are on their own or whether they have a large family group or other animals in the home they are a pretty good cat to have around [Music] the breed originally originated from cornwall england what happened was it was a genetic mutation of a farm cat it was a litter of kittens there were four kittens born in the litter and one had curly hair and the mother was going to take that kitten get him neutered and give him to her daughter but when she took him to the vet he realized it was a mutation and then what they did was they brought it back to the mother and got more curly-coated kittens now at the same time the devin rex cat came along the same thing happened in the litter and they tried breeding them together but they only got straight coats so that two different jeans so both breeds originated about 50 years ago so it's a pretty new breed they are the closest thing you're going to get to a dog without walking them and then even though they they'll walk on a leash they'll greet you at the door they play fetch they wag their tail when they're happy to see you they're there and everybody cat they're always with you they'll be sitting on you they don't just go to one person they go to everybody as soon as someone comes in the house they're on their lap they're wanting to play i have some that do answer you and they'll go around the house and just meow at you but most of them don't it's a great family cat because it'll go to everybody and they really love children and they love playing and interacting with everyone in the family right now we have i call them two dogs in a bit we have two bouviers along here chihuahua and they get along great i've got some in homes where they're with parrots and ferrets and rabbits you name it there with them for grooming all you need is your hand and you have two of those and you just rub them down the more you rub the tighter the curl gets or a car chamois just a plain chamois that you would buy from a hardware store just to rub them down with that's all they need the corner tracks doesn't shed a lot of people say they're great for allergies yes and no a cat doesn't matter what breed of cat it is one with hair without hair they can't provoke allergies just as severe as a regular cat but because they don't have the shedding or the it's like real hair it is more tolerable for people with allergies any owner that loves a cat would love a rex because they don't run and hide you always know there because they're always with you and interacting with you [Music] it started in the united states with a cfa a group of breeders and judges and they decided that people were unhappy with the long coat of the persian or the himalayan because it knotted however they loved the type of the cat they loved the big round eyes they liked the little button nose the short cubby body and the little ears but they didn't care for that coat that was a lot of maintenance a lot of work so they decided they needed a short hair but keep the body tight and facial type so they brought in three other breeds to use to create this this breed called exotic short hair which was the british short hair the burmese and the american short hair they used these three breeds with the persian to create a short-haired persian we'll call it but it is officially called and registered as an exotic shorthair the breed itself is 30 years old in that it was recognized for championship 30 years ago they do not jump high so they may jump up to your couch up onto your bed if they jump on your table they should be scolded and they will learn they're very intelligent kittens and cats this is why i was in a persian breeder and moved into the exotic because of the intelligence you just point your finger and they seem to understand that you don't like what they're doing and they'll stop what they're doing until you leave the room these are purebred cats all purebred cats are indoor cats so they're strictly an indoor they'd actually be quite frightened if they were left loose outside if you talk to them they'll talk back so like little little sassy children when they want to eat so they'll they'll be over there talking to you letting you know you actually think you're talking to a child seriously the exotic really doesn't need to have a second cat in the home they tend to really adore human beings more than another cat so while they'll play with another cat if they have their choices they'd much prefer just having you all to themselves meaning if you have two of them and you're laying down you'll have one here pretty soon the next one up here and pretty soon the next one up here and another one that they will constantly try to get above the other because they want to be with you and be top cat grooming is much easier than the persian however you would take a warm wet makeup pad to wipe the eyes once a day that's to prevent any drainage that they might get which is generally a rusty color and or clear tearing okay it should not be excessive because that would mean that it was uh irritated more than than anything else combing is just you know maybe two minutes you'd have an exotic comb you'd comb everything upward towards the head if you're calming the chest it's upward if you're combing the back of the body it's upward towards the head that makes the hair stand straight out like a little pom-pom ball and the older they get the thicker the coat gets and the shinier it gets the more you comb the prettier they are [Music] a lot of books will describe the breed as dog-like because they're they're very much into wanting to be with their humans i think the personality of the burmese is one of the the things that makes it a very desirable cat for families they're very very good with children it's the kind of cat that that a child can dress up and cart around the house no more than once a week i don't think they should do that daily but they are very very good and they're the kind of cat that they won't stay if if children are harassing the cat the cat will just go away and hide rather than scratch they travel very well especially though if you if you get them as kittens and you put them in a carrier um the key to to a well-traveled cat we found is as a kitten if the cat goes somewhere other than to the vet a ride to the cottage or somewhere else then you've got a cat that travels well we recommend that all purebred cats stay indoors probably one of the basic reasons for that is genetically they've been bred for generations as indoor cats so a number of them have lost some of the the street smarts that they would have the other thing is you expose your cat to a lot of diseases the immunization program that you do annually only covers you against some of the more well-known or common diseases and your cat just there's a lot of outdoor dangers and things short-haired cats she had a little bit less than long hair i believe the only cat that doesn't shed is the sphinx because it doesn't have any hair but if you if you brush your cat during the spring and later early summer that's that's the high season for shedding because it will pick up a little bit of an undercoat uh in the winter time for protection and so it sheds they also shed when they're nervous so at a cat show like we have today your cat will shed more as well the burmese and the burmella are very talkative cats they're oriental cats that's their origin so like the siamese they like to interact and part of that interaction it's not just following you to the food dish it's talking to you they are long-lived cats the the burmese can well live into their twenties to have a cat that's gonna look pretty and sit on a window ledge somewhere and never interact with you that's not the burmese they're not particularly a quiet low interactive cat they run they play if you have two of them you'll never need to watch television again because you can watch your cats every evening instead [Music] they originated in england about 1930 and they've been perfected to the look of the breed now which is very short hobby bodies very short nose the first breed was originating from a siamese crossed to a persian and now the only allowable oat cross is back to the persian to keep the short cubby body look they're very laid back very docile very owner dependent very quiet cats they make excellent apartment cats because they are not very vocal they are very chirpy little voices actually very much persian temperament very very much a lap cat because of the long coat and the very owner-dependent personality they they really are not an outdoor cat that would know how to look after themselves they normally do travel very quiet very good as they say that's the temperament of the cat so they're not easily stressed they they don't mind different environments they travel two and three hours to shows go through a two-day show and go home again and they make excellent cats for seniors who don't want a very active loud cat especially if they're in an apartment building they adapt very well to other animals dogs and cats they shed the same as any cat would but they shed their hair in little clumps instead of like you may pick up a short hair cat and just be covered with hair or himalayan shed in clumps and that can be controlled by good grooming at least thorough combing twice three times a week and bathing your cat at least every two months show cats our bath more often than that but basically it's the grooming and good nutrition the average life of a himalayan is from about 12 to 15 years and some actually there is one show judge that had one that was 18 years old so again it depends on you know how well you look after them and keeping them indoors is the big secret to me the ideal owner would be first of all a person that really loves cats that does some homework and understands the breed that they're buying you know if they want a very active cat then a himalayan isn't for them [Music] the manx is it's a natural breed and it's one of the oldest breeds and it originally was found on the isle of man which is in the irish sea the main characteristic of the manx cat is its taillessness and the taillessness is what nature gave us so the cats on the isle of man are without tails the manx is hundreds of years old it's it's a it's a natural mutation so they've been around long before people started breeding and noticing these different breeds so there's dog people and there's cat people and we each like our own species for specific reasons so the banks are very dog-like and the characteristics which would associate that is the fact that they're companion animals and they tend to follow you around they don't necessarily like to be picked up but if you sit down they're on your lap within moments they will tell you when somebody's at the door they will tell you when something is amiss and they will definitely let you know when it's time for their food or when it's time for their catnip if i wouldn't call them an active cat no but i don't want you to think that they're that they're lazy either they they have their definite play times one thing i like about the manx is their floor cats they're very solid very heavy cats so they hang around on the floor they get up on the chairs on the table when i'm not home but generally speaking they exist in the lower part of the room which i really like so they're good companion animals they really bond with their family and so that means when company comes over or when you want to really show them off they're nowhere to be found so they're definitely they bond with the whole family and they're very good with families i'm a groomer in this town i groom dogs as well and i have manx cats in my shop and they are not afraid of dogs at all so they don't really need a lot of grooming but they do have a double coat they're one of the few short-haired cats that do so they will shed a lot but they're very easy to groom it's just a matter of combing them out every now and then and removing the undercoat for uh you know for the pet in the home because it's the undercoat that they ingest and would cough up as a furball and it's the undercoat that they leave on the furniture the long hair version the kimrick is about the same the only thing is with the longer hair they tend to sometimes soil a little bit easier and whatnot but the long hair does not mat so that is one good feature an occasional bath and dragging the comb through the hair much like i do with mine this is all they need the ideal owner is somebody that wants to communicate with their animal it's not for the person that just wants a cat to sit pretty those people should have ceramic cats to sit on their mantelpiece the manx cats talk they are very expressive and they do talk a lot so the more you talk to them the more they will talk to you quite often they're they're the type of cat where they want to be the only animal in the house and the only cat in the house and if they are they will just they will be on your shoulder they will be on your lap they will talk to you constantly and let you know what it is that they need [Music] it originated by mistake a woman was trying to invent a new kind of siamese an abbey pointed siamese and she was she tried that by breeding a seal point siamese to an abbey an abyssinian a ruddy one that's with the black spots on every hair and the first litters were phenotypically abyssinian but as she tried and tried again she finally got a spotted kitten that wasn't what she was looking for but this was something neat it was a wild looking cat that people would enjoy with no wild blood so she also introduced another breed the american short hair and by introducing that she got the silver color and the striping and the placement of the spots so it's still a fairly new breed that was 1964. and they're very robust meaning like their strong cat because they got the best out of the three breeds the american short hair the abyssinian and the siamese they got the best out of everything they're very dog-like where they like to they'll fetch they'll come when they're called they hate to be alone so i suggest people have other pets birds dogs cats and if they're away a lot i sort of tell people don't buy one because they really hate to be alone oh they travel like a dog in the car i let them i put a litter box behind the seat and they'll travel up in the back window or up on my knee they're very good travelers this is an indoor cat they're such great hunters that you would just lose them if you let them outside and they may get hurt hit by traffic or something going after a bird or something they're just so active and so athletic very talkative each one has a different voice i can tell their voice from a different room i know which cat is talking to me if i call them they'll answer and come running i just i love their personalities they love small children i don't have any small children at home but when people come to see the kittens small children don't bother them at all in fact they're amazed like they they think this is neat someone closer to their size and they're very active cats and so when a child plays and runs that's what they love they'd love to run 100 miles an hour and and then stop and come and sleep on your knee and then they'll go racing around again they've been known to live 18 years very little brushing and grooming is required a fine steel comb to get any loose hairs and a soft chamois that you would use on a car and that's that's all that they need i just love the breed and and i've got a house full of them and i keep saying why i'll keep one out of this litter one out of this litter and i just have a whole house full of them and i my husband's slightly allergic he sneezes a little and his eyes run but he can't part with them either [Music] the breed originated in persia actually it was called persia then and many many many years ago and i can tell you that the breed has been very much worked with and the persians we see today really have nothing to do with the original cats we found in persia many many years back persians are very laid back they're very sweet cats very gentle very quiet cats we tend to call them lap cats basically because they're very very laid back they're somewhat vocal but very quiet again and they will respond to you pretty much as people if you talk with them they will answer back and but they're not as vocal as short hair breeds they travel extremely well if i'm talking about my experience with them anyways we travel many many weekends in a row sometimes eight ten hours in a car we also fly with them around and we never hear them to the point sometimes where you wonder did i bring them they're very very quiet it's an excellent family cat they will play with with young children very gently and they're really an ideal companion for a family with children i have some of my cats that have gone to homes where there were dogs and they weren't not used to being with dogs and they've adapted so well that it's like they'd always been around other animals i keep mentioning that they're quiet but they're also very playful so when they do decide to play watch out they can be very active as any other cats they do shed not more than any short hair breeds the only difference is that the hair being longer it shows a little more but they don't shed more than other breeds they have to be groomed daily they have to be combed and their eyes have to be cleaned but it's a very nice experience it's a nice bonding experience for you and the cat to do that together and if you start them very young as most breeders will start them once the new families get their cats they're really easy to handle and they're very easy to groom the ideal owner is basically someone who likes peace and quiet because these cats are a family is a very good owner as well although they do require a little bit of grooming so you need to you know set aside about five to ten minutes a day to groom them but uh they're they're ideal pets for anyone really [Music] the ragdoll is a relatively new breed of cat it was developed about 40 years ago in california in the united states they're very affectionate docile cats they tend to be low energy they are playful at times but they are not climbers they tend to be floor dwellers they travel very well if they are trained to do so when they're younger or if they if you take the time to get them accustomed to it ragdolls are strictly indoor cats or should be they uh because of their their friendly uh temperament towards strangers and and other large animals they wouldn't fare very well outside they can stay by themselves um especially during the day most cats do tend to sleep during the day and they're more active in the evening and early morning so during the day it doesn't seem to be a problem they're very quiet cats occasionally they will use their their vocal abilities but it tends to be a very quiet cry it's a very good family cat if the children are tend to be gentle they have a natural affinity to large dogs and they're very good with children they don't display any sort of temper towards children or or people or other animals they live approximately 12 to 15 years is the average lifespan they can obviously get much older given the proper care and and good health traditionally they come in four different colors and three patterns the mid the color point and the bi color and the colors are chocolate seal blue and lilac minimal grooming they have a semi-long overcoat but they don't have an undercoat a minimal shedding and they don't knot the ideal owner is a home type of person um whether it's a single person or a family they really love children and and dogs so people who tend to be at home who don't mind a cat that's following them around like a little puppy dog that's the type of person that they'd be most happy with [Music] the russian blue cat is believed to have originated an archangel in russia it is what they term a natural breed there is a folklore that said that they were hunted for their fur at one time they were first shown as a show cat in shows in britain in 1880 they were believed to have come from russia over to britain and then over to north america via merchant vessels they're known to be in north america in about 1889. the russian blue is a very people-oriented cat it's a gentle cat very quiet they normally will not make much noise unless they want to be fed or they want your attention they aren't necessarily a cat that will be all over you and bother you all the time but they do like to be in the same room as you for instance if you're working on your computer and they're wanting to be petted and what have you after you've put them down a couple times they'll go over onto a chair or whatever is comfortable closest to you and then they will sit and watch what you're doing except when they're young and they play with one another when they're playing they will not be so concerned about being exactly the same room but if you've been gone for too long they will come and check to see where you are you have them outside many things can happen outside to any cat but a russian if he gets a surprise may bolt and then not know exactly where he is so they're better off as an indoor cat for that reason but that's the only sort of idiosyncrasy that they have they're very fast i mean they move they move extremely fast they're like greased lightning as my husband would say most cats will travel fine if you train them from a young young cat and you do short trips to begin with in a cat carrier i always recommend cat carrier only don't let your cats loose in a car it's dangerous for them and it's dangerous for you if something sudden should happen but if you start young start with short trips and then do longer trips if you want to travel around they can be leash trained my daughter has one of my cats and it is least trained to go out in the backyard it's a very good family cat in that it is gentle it likes to be with people it's easy to take care of it's got what they call a short double density coat some but so it sheds very little uh it will shed somewhat like all animals do at the end of winter it's just a seasonal change that occurs but basically a comb through their fur clip their nails once a week and they're a very low maintenance cat and therefore easy to look after the russian blues are not vocal they will talk they will talk to you a little bit sometimes they will trail but generally speaking they don't say much too much to you unless i you've been too long getting the food down or some of mine are trained that when it's bedtime it's treat time and if i don't get the treats out right away i get a couple little chirps but basically they're not a cat that talks all the time no they don't like surprises although they do get along well with children my preference for placing my cats is in a household where the children are a little bit older you know six or older unless i'm happy that the parents are supervising the younger children because young children can be very tough on a cat and i would venture to say just about any breeder would say the same thing so they pretty well suit most people but as i say i don't like to place them with very family with very young children [Music] from the name you you know this from scotland the folded years is from this spontaneous mutation of the cats so we are not putting any glue or any anything just to trying to glue their ears when they give birth to the babies almost all the cats are straight years but once they get into about 12 weeks old the cats with the folded jeans will fold in years but the rest will you know will be straight up so in scottish fall we have both folded ears and straight years cats and also we have long hair and short hair and people refer to long hair as a highland fold too but in breeding program both of the cats are very valuable because we have to breed a cat with a folded year to a straight years so we don't do photo full breathing if you are doing photo full breathing you will have a lot of diseases genetics from come from genetic it can come with all the colors you can have a pure white cat or you can have brown tabby silver tabby whatever you can think of they are quiet soft the cats are good with children good with even dogs you know they they eat with the dogs and they sleep with the dog too and they can quite adapt to the environment very well even at the hotel room or at the show they're not talkative they're not vocal they just have a very soft voice not not like siamese you know they're very vocal and talkative but usually you they just mail at you and that's it their good family can because they can adapt to almost i think every environment quiet noisy with children with dogs or other animals but they want to be a company so what we also say is like if you have a cat around so they have a company with each other and they work very well with a company too for the short hair you don't need very much care of it because it's a short hair so you just rush the cat sometimes once a week or before the show and for the long hair it will be the same brushing for long hair cats like a persian and humane but if you are cat lovers you will love it because they have a cute round face and for the years and they look very cute and they can adapt to your lifestyle very well [Music] [Applause] [Music] the siamese is a cat that originated in thailand it was at first a cat that was only allowed to be owned by the royalty and then it gradually was exported out i believe first to the british islands and then to north america so it's a cat that has been around for many many generations i tell people that if they want to have a siamese cat then they should not be looking for a quiet cat it's a cat that's very active very vocal enjoys being around people and it does do very well as a lap cat as well it can be very protective of the owners if it feels that an owner is threatened it will basically sit on the owner's lap and not let any other animal or person around they can tend to be a one-person cat but will integrate well within the whole family pretty much they'll they'll be protective and a whole family cat because they're so active i tend to like to see them with another cat in the house or a dog in the house because when they get too bored they will go for your shears or you know try to knock things off just for looking for play time they do tend to like company with them but it doesn't have to necessarily be another person a lot of my cats do go to single family homes or single pet homes and they do just fine my cats travel with me to shows obviously we also between home and our cottage have a three and a half hour drive usually no less than four or five go with us if they didn't travel well i couldn't tolerate that many cats in the car for that length of time so they travel very well my cats are all indoor but i think they do better indoor because they are very territorial and protective i think outdoors they're going to be getting in more scraps than some other cats would do these are one of the longest lived breeds they live an average of 15 to 20 years i've had cats in my household i have one now that is 19 years of age they do tend to stay very healthy to that end so you're not nursing an elderly cat for the last few years of its life they do tend to live as i say average 20 years i've had people come and buy kittens from me because they've lost to 22 or 23 year old siamese they also do very well with other animals as far as dogs we had a dog for 12 years and we've been breeding for 18 years and they don't seem to have any fear of any other animals so i think they do very well with just about anything human or animal i think just about anyone could own one of these cats as i say if if you're in an apartment where there are great restrictions on the noise level in animals you might not want to get a siamese because they do tend to vocalize and so it may upset a neighbor basically i think they would go very well just about with anyone [Music] the somali is a long hair abyssinian so the bridge comes from a cross between an abbey and a long-haired cat maybe a person or an angora and some other are saying that it's a natural mutation but nobody can told the truth so it's a mystery for us it's a very active cat it's like happy so they like to run around the house they are very curious very affectionated they love to see everything you're doing something they want to help so you're open the door they want to see what's behind the door you have a bag they want to see what's in the bag so they're always around you in the house it's like some are calling them like they're all like dog cats you know they are you're throwing a ball they're bringing the ball to you so they are for very active people so they are like a complete cat it's a good family cat you know it's good for children they love everybody in the house so they will love other cats they will love your dog your children they are they are sleeping with you under the blankets i have one cat at home who is taking a shower every day with me so he's playing in the shower so they are very good cats for family they are very talkative you're talking to them they answer you but it's not annoying you know they have a very little voice a very small voice but they like they like to talk to chat with you they know how to let you know what they want if you are an active people you will like somali the better owner for somali is a very active people who will would like to play who would like to to see your cat run and climb all everywhere in the house you know they if you have cat scratching pose they have to climb at them and to to jump everywhere in the house you're tapping on your shoulder and then jump in your arms so you have to to be very active [Music] the sphinx is a mutation from the domestic in the 70s they discovered a hairless cat in a litter of normal kittens and the breed was started from that it's just an accident of nature that man has started it's not that popular yet because it's not that well known it's still a young breed it's only been around for about 20 some years and there are not very many breeders so it's still a young breed when you compare them to other breeds but they are getting better known now when we go to shows at least people know what they are they don't just stand back and say what's that they need a lot of human companionship they are very demanding in that they love to be picked up and cuddled and loved and everything you do they will need to help you if you some will even jump in the shower with you they're very playful throughout their whole lives they're a lot of fun you have to be ready for the activity they travel very well mine has traveled all over in the states and in canada and uh she just sleeps in her carrier we do wash them uh some sphinx not all of them but some sphinx sometimes do tend to get a little oily so you will need to wash those a little more often than others but they should be washed regularly they like to be fell clean and then you will need to clean the ears the ears do have sometimes a lot of accumulation of wax so you clean the ears every 10 days or two weeks and you flip the nails and that's it this is definitely an indoor cat they are not to be left outdoors unless they are in some kind of a pen or a supervised area a sphynx is a friendly cat will go with anyone so if anyone sees the cat walking along the street opens their door they'll just okay i'm home this is fine so they would be stolen very quickly because people would also see the value by a sphinx it's evident they're not overly talkative no they meow like an ordinary cat and if they need uh you know if they're hungry or whatever they want to be picked up they will meow but they're not they're not overly vocal they are very dog-like people that sometimes prefer dogs but for some reason you know they live in an apartment whatever so they tend towards go to towards a cat they will love the sphinx because they'll follow them like little dogs and they'll help them and you're always tripping over them because they're always what want to know what you're doing definitely it's a very good family cat as i said they love to play so if the children want to play and uh um most breeders that i know that own sphinx also have dogs so they're very easygoing cats they love everything they're very happy with life they're wonderful just because they're hairless does not mean that they are uh more susceptible to diseases or anything they'll live 15 to 20 years no problems with proper care proper nutrition proper vet care the ideal owner first things would be somebody that is ready to spend time because they are demanding they are not the ideal cat if you leave them alone all weekend and just a bowl of food and we'll be back on sunday night type of cat they do need a lot of attention if you work during the day they'll get used to that type of lifestyle but when you get home at night be prepared to get on the floor with them and play and pick them up and love them so any couple that's ready to spend time with their animal [Music] when choosing a kitten either pedigreed or without registration papers make sure the place where it was bred and born is warm clean and isolated because dirt and cold are carriers of disease ask yourself if the kitten seems happy and if its weight is in proportion to its age check the eyes ears nose teeth coat and abdomen for signs of infection if you're buying a pedigree ask for a vaccination certificate stating which shots have been given and when [Music] to find the ideal companion contact a reputable local breeder a cat association or a shop that specializes in cats or plan to come to a cat show where you can see many different kinds of breeds and talk to owners or breeders [Applause] [Music] um you
Channel: Extreme Mysteries
Views: 645,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the ideal companion, cats, cat videos, funny cat videos, cat funny videos, cat documentary, animals, ideal companion, pets, cat breeds, abyssinian cat, cat types, how to choose a cat, adopt a cat, cat adoption, tips to adopt a cat, what to know to adopt a cat, cat videos funny, funny cats, funny cat, how to adopt a cat, adopting a cat, best cats for kids, best cat breeds, cat breeds explained, cat breeds us, cat breed comparison, cat comparison, cat breeds for kids, cat
Id: z1hAH5qbCiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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