Training A Dachshund Not To Bark Quickly and Easily

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[Music] even though dachshunds are a hound breed and not a watchdog breed they do love to bark this poses the logical question of training a dachshund not to bark quickly and easily docks and barking can feel almost impossibly loud at times considering how small their bodies are it's almost as if their elongated torso is amplifying the sound of the barking unfortunately weiner dog barking can be quite a problem especially if you live in an apartment so here are six tips for training a dachshund not to bark training a dachshund not to bark six easy steps when trying to figure out how to stop a dachshund from barking the key word is patience the process can seem tedious and even undoable at times however rest assured that any doxy can be taught not to bark all you need is patience consistency and to adhere to the six steps below also note quite a few of the six steps start with don't rather than do that's because teaching a dachshund not to bark is unlike teaching the dog to perform a trick instead it's about teaching the dog not to do something one don't encourage your doxie to bark this can seem logical but a lot of people don't realize that they are encouraging their dogs to bark on accident a lot of dog owners will try to calm down their barking dog with pets by talking to the dog or even by giving it treats this is the exact opposite of what you should be doing this is similar to how comforting a dog that's afraid of a rainstorm teaches the dog that it's right to be afraid of the rainstorm in the same way heading a barking dog teaches if that barking is good so what you should do instead is distract the dog as it's barking with something completely unrelated this could be throwing a ball jingling a toy going to the kitchen and calling your dog there or anything of the sort once the dog is distracted and stops barking then you should reward the silence with a treat a pet or a word of encouragement two don't just let your dog bark itself tired a different mistake dog owners make is thinking that if they ignore the problem the dog will learn on its own that barking is pointless while the ignore method often works with cats it really doesn't really work with dogs the only thing a barking dog learns as it barks at something outside the window is that the barking worked in scaring the thing away every time the mailman comes gets showered with barks puts the male in the box and leaves the dog thinks that it's won and it has scared the evil man away so just letting your dog bark itself out doesn't work instead you should refer to our first tip and keep distracting the dog when it starts barking and then rewarding the silence or different behavior that's why people who work from home often have barking dogs because their dogs have just left home alone to bark at imaginary threats all day three don't yell at your barking dog and never ever hit it yelling is generally a bad idea with dogs but it's especially counterproductive with a barking dog the only thing that you're accomplishing when yelling at your dog is teaching the pooch that loud is good and that there was indeed something to fear the same goes tenfold about hitting your dog not only is that animal cruelty but it's also one hundred percent ineffective all your dog will learn is that you hate it and that you punish the dog when something else is the problem the mailman the neighbors etc this will make your dog even more fearful and aggressive towards strange noises and other people even if the dog stops barking in your presence it will only be out of fear of you as four dachshund bark collars and other such tools we are as much against these types of negative reinforcement as we are against hitting and yelling four give your dachshund plenty of exercise and playtime a well-exercised doxie is a doxy that's too tired to bark at strange things people and noises and once your dog realizes that not barking at the mailman didn't cause the apocalypse it will be less inclined to bark the next time the mailman comes around five proper socialization helps in training a dachshund not to bark this is especially important with young pups however even if your dachshund is of age proper socialization can still be vital such socialization should be done both with humans other dogs and even other pets such as cats dachshunds have a strong prey drive so they are especially inclined to bark at cats and all non-dog animals around them so teaching your doxie that the neighbor's cat is actually neither food nor the enemy is a good way to stop your dog from barking at it 6. training a dachshund not to bark through crate training dog crates are one of the best tools in a dog owner's arsenal when you crate train your dachshund you should teach it that the crate is a safe and quiet place once the crate training is done you can put your dog in the crate whenever it starts barking this wouldn't be a punishment if you've crate trained your doxie well it will be a calm and pleasant time out why do dachshunds bark a lot it's perfectly logical to think that only watchdogs and guard dog breeds are supposed to bark however the dachshund is neither of those types of dog instead these little dogs were initially bred as badger hunting hounds in germany however while they were never taught to bark to protect their owner's territory they were expected to bark during hunts scenthounds used their excessive barking to scare and chase the prey back to its burrow once there the doxies would utilize their small and elongated bodies to get into the badgers burrow and finish the hunt so to speak so even though they are mostly bought as family pets today dachshunds still have their instinct to bark at anything that catches their attention plus there are other possible reasons for a doxie to start barking these include attention seeking boredom anxiety or fear letting you know something is happening defending the home slash space at the end of the day they are dogs so barking is just natural to them but if you start early and patiently stick to the six steps above then training a dachshund not to bark should be fairly easy if you liked this video don't forget to like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Sweet Dachshunds
Views: 119,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wiener dog barking, training a dachshund not to bark, how to stop a dachshund from barking, do dachshunds bark a lot, dachshund barking, dachshund, bark, barking, training, how to, stop barking, easy, steps, quick
Id: GmLCv7I5zFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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