Train YOLOv8 Classification on Your Custom Dataset | Step By Step Guide

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welcome to today's tutorial on training YOLO V8 classification models on your custom data set in this video we will cover all the necessary steps to successfully train and validate a YOLO V8 model for classification let's get started before we begin let's make sure we have access to a GPU for faster training we can check this by running the command Nvidia SMI if you don't have access to a GPU don't worry you can navigate to runtime change runtime type set it to GPU and then click save let's run the command now excellent now that we have our GPU set up let's move on to installing YOLO V8 there are two ways to do this from the source for development or via pip pip method is the recommended method we'll go with the PIP install method for Simplicity after installing YOLO V8 we need to import the necessary libraries let's import the required libraries ultralytics is the core Library we'll be using now that we have YOLO V8 installed and ready to go let's move on to Preparing our custom data set to train a YOLO V8 classification model on your custom data set you need to ensure that your data set is structured correctly each data set should have separate folders for train test and validation data with subfolders for each class containing the corresponding images here's an example of the required data set structure for this tutorial we'll use a pre-existing character's data set for demonstration purposes you can download this data set by running the command below if you're following along with your own data set make sure to place your zip data file in the home directory of The Notebook you can easily upload data to the home directory as you can see now let's unzip the data set make sure your data set follows this structure before proceeding further great we now have our custom data set ready for training let's move on to the next step custom Training let's run the command below to train YOLO V8 model on the custom data set here we have multiple options for models to fine tune like YOLO V8 Nano YOLO V8 small YOLO V8 medium YOLO V8 large YOLO V8 extra large model for this tutorial I will select YOLO V8 media model to fine tune this process might take some time depending on the complexity of the data set and the number of epochs we set let's get back when Once the training is complete great the model is trained after training the custom model it's essential to validate its performance to validate the model run the command this command will evaluate the model's performance on the validation data set and provide valuable insights into its accuracy results are saved in the directory let's run these commands these commands will provide us with valuable insights into how well our model is classifying objects now comes the exciting part we will perform inference using our custom model on some test images this will demonstrate how accurately our model can classify in real world scenarios let's take a look at a few examples amazing our custom YOLO V8 classification model has successfully classifying the test images this showcases the power and accuracy of YOLO V8 when trained on a custom data set if you want to export your yolav8 model to a different format such as onnx or openvino you can use the export functionality supported formats are listed here choose the format you prefer and run the corresponding export command to export your model as here I want to export my model in once format run the command finally if you want to download your trained model you can use the following command this command will download the model file to your local machine congratulations you have successfully learned how to train yolav8 classification models on your custom data set feel free to experiment with different data sets and parameters to achieve optimal results thank you for watching and don't forget to like And subscribe for more tutorials
Channel: Artificially Intelligent
Views: 4,496
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Keywords: yolov8, YOLOV8, Yolov8 Object Detection, Train yolov8 model for classification, image classification custom model, image classification on custom data, yolo v8 image classification on custom data, artificially intelligent, Artificially Intelligent, Yolo v8 custom training, YOLO V8 Image Classification, training step by step guide, train yolo v8 on google colab, classification model, train classification model, latest image classification model, train your own classification model
Id: 9a1oRKIi104
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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