Trail Cameras- Deadly Scouting Tactics

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hey Fellers and Feller ants glad y'all could join me you guys use trail cameras game cameras you use them for actual scouting or just monitoring or put them on a bait pile see what shows up I use them in a couple of different ways and uh a lot depends on whether it's private property which I don't hunt much of or public land got my coffee and my Bucky's cup ready to roll y'all watch Let Me Explain how I do it and then chime in let me know how you do it we may be able to learn from each other [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I've got one uh cellular camera and I have it on a piece of private it's just right over here down the road from my place I put it over there it's got lithium batteries in it and I have a solar panel and it just charges all the time and I put a 64 gig card in it so I put that thing in there and uh late March when I got permission to hunt uh mixed me up a made me a nice mineral site and put corn all around it and everything and started getting pictures almost immediately but that's not the way I do it on public land when you put cameras on public land you're running a real good possibility never seen your camera again so I've tested Tasco Bushnell all kinds of inexpensive cameras and a bunch of them I got a bunch of them in the house and a box in my closet I've had mixed results some of them took good pictures and videos batteries didn't last long enough or the camera didn't last long enough just on it on different reasons so over the last couple years I've settled on these they're the muddy Hunters a little bit better view of what they look like and the model of these are the MTC 100x just bought two more of them because I'm starting to get a little low right now I already have eight of these things out on public land and that's on four spots I have a fifth spot I'm gonna set up it's probably going to be my last spot this year and I'll show you how I do that now you probably guessed from that previous clip that I used two cameras on each one of the sides because I told you I already have four sites set up and I had another one to go so I needed two more cameras uh the reason I do that is because if you've ran cameras any at all and you end up seeing a big deer while hunting or a certain book while hunting and you say man I never saw that deer on video I never saw I never got a picture of that deer what's going on well I did that because I like to put these cameras up I find a trail and I like to put one camera on the trail here and then I'll put the other camera on a tree on a different tree not the same tree on a different tree back here four or five feet from it if possible maybe up to five yards or whatever pointing the other way and the reason being if you do that there's a real low likelihood that you're ever going to have deer walk behind your camera one of the first things I do when I take one of these out of the package is the strap that comes with it throw that back and I'll use it for something else down the road reason being when you put these things on a tree and the reason you don't put them on the same tree is if somebody's walking through the woods and they spot this camera and they steal it well where they're standing they look through the woods behind it the other camera is going to be on the other side of the tree facing away from them and if you have that strap around the tree they're going to see it and more likely they're going to steal both cameras so what I use is this bait casting braid it's almost like a it's a it's a braid but it's real cheap stuff you can get this on Amazon for I think this roll here is like three dollars and I've been using it for like five years now I've poured a lot off of here but I use this and I tie the camera to the tree with this and you can see how small that is and I'm going to take you down here where I have one set up behind my house from my wife's a little hunting hole and I'm going to show you what one light looks like with the strap around the tree versus no strap around a tree and the bank line braided Bank line now this is the view from the camera on the side that's facing the mineral that here at the creek said mineral of it you can tell how this is already all stomped down and everything at the deer coming in here well there's where the camera is so if you look at this thing I'm really hoping I don't get a snake bit in here see that strap going around the tree if you look at this tree from the back side bam dead giveaway so they steal the the camera that's back here on this tree and they look over and see that strap you're gonna lose two cameras even in low light this strap sticks out like a sore thumb it's that horizontal line around the tree all right tell me at what point you can see this strap I see it anywhere no nothing keep looking there it is see and you can barely see it now and to say I'm not fooling there's the camera so somebody comes through the woods and they steal this camera off this tree and they turn around they're not going to see anything else that's why I do this on public land now putting two of these cameras in one location if you were using more expensive cameras cell cameras you're going to type a lot of money and if they do get stolen you're out a lot of money but with these little muddy cameras these things are 32 dollars at Academy all right I'll go to academy when I have a Super Saver sale I think they call it on there and they might be 29 dollars well I bought them with my Academy card and when I do it with my Academy card I try to get three or four at a time today I got the last two they had if I try to get three or four at a time because using an academy card I save five percent then when I get my bill I'll just pay it off so what's so important about using two cameras in each location that's easy that's easy to explain you don't ever miss a book that walked behind your tree it's humid out here I'm sweating like a prosecuted prayer meeting I don't know if that's appropriate not me anyway uh I set two of these cameras up in each location spread apart like I showed you so I can cover more area and essentially nothing ever Walks Behind your tree well when I do that it it increases your odds of catching a big buck exponentially I mean I've caught far more deer since I started doing this with these little inexpensive cameras that I have ever caught before and my street light came on ain't that great now y'all see my pretty face again but y'all catch a lot more deer I don't have nearly as many deer that walked behind the camera uh the deer that you go in the woods man I never saw that deer you know I had never had them on camera I never had him if they're still going to be deer that you don't get on camera okay there are wild animals there they come and go they move around like you're not going to get everything in the woods but what I like to do is when what are you doing Coco Coco well you do you're trying to get Mr kikat okay I told y'all in a previous video about a week or two ago uh the video is how to start hunting for people with no experience I love my favorite beginning scouting routine when I go to another different area is to find isolated Creeks Creeks that don't have a whole bunch of other Creeks around it can be a creek a river a lake shore anything where you can find pinch points or crosses and you find a dominant Trail a dominant Crossing and that's where I put the cameras up I try to determine when they're Crossing that Creek are they hitting to bedding are they hitting to feeding try to put it on the bedding side of the creek well if I get a nice buck on that on those cameras then I go back in and I hunt the first week of the season which our season opens up here October 1st I'll hunt the first week of the season and when I go in the woods I'll take two cameras with me in my backpack I'll pull these cameras off the tree and that's another thing when you use this stuff I just walk up to the tree my knife throw up my backpack put another one up there gone it's fast it's not like messing with these things and trying to figure out how to tie your extra up and all that crap so I'll replace those cameras when I get back home I'll review the footage now these cameras are being put out these two that I just bought will be put out tomorrow this is Saturday I'm going to put them out Sunday after church hours and I have a good place in mind I'm gonna go into a little light Scout on it make sure the Crossing's still being used and I found a lot of big tracks on those Crossings and I'm going to put the cameras there the first week of the Season I'm going to do my slip hunting my favorite my preferred method mobile hunting where I ease through the woods and I glass everything and I'll go to these spots I'll switch out the cameras all right then every camera I use I Mark the camera it'll be camera One camera 1A camera two camera two a and that way I know where and the cards are more that way I'll know where that footage came from so I'll review that footage if I see a nice buck or something on there then I know hey I need to rotate that on my Onyx on on my Waypoint on my pin so I will notate that then I'll give it a week or so probably the next weekend I'll go back into that spot again and whichever way I determined said Buck was moving if he was moving from bedding on one side of the creek where I had the cameras across the creek and what time it is I'll move that camera a little bit closer to his bedding and that way I'm trying to figure out where he's bidding that if I can get where he's been at I'm gonna get right up on the edge of that bedding and I'll put a pin there all the pins of all the other camera locations I had I'll delete them because I don't need them anymore it just clutters up your pet in your mouth I'll pin where I want my where I want the tree where I'm going to hunt at and then when the root comes our red is like the last week of October first week in November so the best day you can be in the woods is Halloween those two weeks I'm taking off work and I'm gonna ease back in there leave my truck about two to two and a half hours before daylight and this place right here takes me about 30 minutes normal walking probably 45 minutes or a little more walking quietly and I'm going to get in there put my stand on a tree climb up and I'm gonna stay there all day and hunt where I backtrack that buck to his bedding during the rep and if you hang there and it's a good trail all right and you've had a buck on there the book you see might not be the book that was on camera during the rut you don't know what you're gonna see all right where I'm gonna put this thing if everything's still the way it was it's right on the edge of public and there's 2 900 Acres National Park land that butts up to it and that's all I'm going to tell you but that's where I plan on putting this so when when when the Bucks go to chasing does the first doe goes into heat you're gonna see some deer if you're on a hot Trail and you already know there's a boat living there you may see I'm sweating the humidity out here is like insane and right now it's around 88 89 90 degrees Yeehaw a good old Deep South uh but yeah the these cameras and I'll do a video and just show you I'll tell I'll make a short or something I'll get that big box of cameras used cameras out of the back of my closet and I'll show you how many cameras I've been through to get to this point uh you may ask all right is the what's the picture video quality oh the picture video quality is really good I'd say on a scale of one to ten I rated a solid seven and a half or eight plenty good enough the battery life is awesome on Photo the battery life's really good on video too but you know like anything if you're doing videos It's Gonna it's gonna run your batteries down a lot quicker but overall I love these little cameras and to be as cheap as they are if you do put them in the woods and one of them two of them get sold you hadn't lost anything like you are if you put a cell camera in there now these are 14 megapixel cameras they're really they're just solid cameras there's you know they're not superhero cameras or anything but they're affordable they take good pictures and they're reliable now I'll tell you another little secret too after I find I get on a trail and I find a good book one that I think I'm going to want to hunt during the rut or an area I'm gonna hunt during the rut I'll take my cameras and then I will pull them up because I know what trail he's on where he's using and where he's bedding and I'll turn both the cameras the same way then and one camera will be on photo and one camera will be on video the reason being you can learn a lot more through video but I'm not going to go back in and check them again until after the season this isn't one of them I'm going in every week or twice a week or once a month and checking my cameras I put them out I check them a couple of weeks later and then they get moved for the final time for they're going to sit there for three months until the season's over so what's going to happen is you're going to pick up a lot of Intel on your videos but your the camera that's on video the batteries are going to die a whole lot faster so I still have a camera there taking pictures that's pretty much my spill on the thing except like on the private land I have 38 acres that butts up to my land here that I don't know has ever been hunted not since I've been here I've been here 16 years I'm gonna call the sheriff's department I'm on motorcycle goobers love flying through the mountains up here on these roads and they're going to find a deer or a big cow standing in a row one of these days and yeah but what I was saying on the piece of permission private over here I put a video a few weeks ago also telling you guys how to get permission to hunt on private property and in that I told you how to use on X and whatnot you can find the address for the people own the property and send them a letter that's what it is this guy he don't live here this is Woods Woods Woods Woods woods and I sent him a letter and we left my phone number on the letter and he gave me a concert sure I don't mind no problem you mind signing a uh permission slip no problem so I'm mailed him a permission slip he signed it and I got it in the mail this past Thursday so the first thing I do is go over and set up a mineral site pour some corn out and put a camera on it my my cellular camera and because I'm just going to leave it there it's got a it's got a solar panel on it it's on private property it's probably about 600 yards from my house and I'm gonna get started here really soon building my wife a new box blind to put over there probably put it up on about eight foot legs and then I can feel safe about her over there hunting I like it when I go hunting with my own public but there's still a level of danger involved in it that I'm not super comfortable with but they go with me every now and then but again that's my Spiel if you guys disagree or you have a way you do it share your ideas with me I am always eager to learn somebody else's ideas I don't know everything uh all I can do is share my opinions and what's worked what has worked for me and uh maybe if you're having problems trail cam problems whatever hey throw a comment down there tell me what your problem is and I'll try to answer it if I can't answer it maybe somebody else watching the video will but to be honest when you get to the point of using your trail cameras to scout instead of using your trail cameras to monitor a corn pile or something you'll get a whole lot more use and a whole lot more Advantage from them it doesn't get dark on me I could have made this a campfire with cornbread episode I appreciate you guys and I thank you for watching and don't forget to like And subscribe and comment uh we're coming up on another t-shirt giveaway and you got to be subscribed and leave a comment so I know who you are and uh the drawing will be coming up and we're gonna send them out I got a Henry video I know I've said this a couple of times I'm almost ready to post it and I'm gonna be giving away a really cool Henry beanie that's I guess that's the international symbol for Beanie uh you know what Henry beanie and yeah I enjoy this stuff you guys let me know what you think until next time I appreciate you every each and every one of you guys on gals and y'all have a blessed day peace and God bless
Channel: Hunting 4 Hookers Outdoors
Views: 68
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Hunting #Tactics #TrailCamera #Deer #Bear
Id: RabJI18nGrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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