Tragic Details About Catherine Zeta-Jones

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Despite her onscreen success over the decades,   Catherine Zeta Jones' personal life has courted  press attention for all the wrong reasons.   Here are some of the tragic  details about her life and career. Zeta-Jones' love life first became a source  of fascination for the British press in 1991,   when she began dating John Leslie, a presenter on  The BBC's long-running children's magazine show,   Blue Peter. Unfortunately, their  love story didn't get a happy ending. After 18 months together, the golden couple split   amidst reports that Leslie was afraid of  commitment. In 2000, the TV host was asked   by Hello! Magazine whether he believed he'd  been the heartbreaker as reported. He replied, "You'd have to ask her if I broke her heart,  but I always draw a line at talking about   things like that. When two people are personally  involved I think it should never be discussed.   I truly believe that trust  between two people is sacred." Neither Leslie or Zeta-Jones have ever discussed  what caused their split. But in 2003, Leslie   once again opened up about how much the Chicago  star meant to him, telling the Daily Express, "It was the real thing alright. I was in love  with her and she was in love with me, no question.   She was lovely, we were together for 18  months, but in the end it didn't work out." Leslie also described Zeta-Jones as his  "one true love," but denied allegations   that they'd gone their separate ways  over the issue of marriage and children. After parting with John Leslie, Zeta-Jones  entered into a relationship with another Scotsman,   Braveheart star Angus Macfadyen, in 1995. And once   again, her love life became a constant  source of fascination for the tabloids. You could argue that the actress didn't make  things easy for herself. Shortly before she   confirmed her engagement, Zeta-Jones was pictured  kissing her married Catherine the Great co-star,   Paul McGann. According to The Guardian, the  pair would later claim that the smooch was   nothing but an innocent greeting between  two friends. But Macfadyen was reportedly   left "humiliated" by the press attention,  according to The Daily Mail. Zeta-Jones   then appeared to jinx things in an interview in  which she gushed about her then-fiancé, saying, "I'm so happy with Angus. I think this  time I've found the love of my life." Sadly, the couple never made  it down the aisle. In 1996,   after just 15 months together, Macfadyen decided  to call things off. But just like Leslie, it was   a decision he seemed to later regret, telling  the World Entertainment News Network in 2000, "I haven't met a woman I really  liked since being with Catherine.   There hasn't been anyone with the same good  sense of humor I could have fallen in love with.   I find now that I can only feel romantically  attached for about a month and can't take   anything seriously any more. But when I was with  Catherine I loved doing romantic things for her." The tabloid media's apparent obsession  with Zeta-Jones' private life reached   new heights — or lows — in November 2000.  And her glitzy wedding to Michael Douglas   at New York's Plaza Hotel was the scene  of the crime, according to BBC News. "We had found out we had a birthday on  the same day and the first day I met her,   I found that out and I looked at her and I said  'I'm going to be the father of your children.'" The two A-listers had struck an exclusive  million-pound deal with British magazine   OK! to cover their wedding, according to  The New York Times. So the pair was left,   quote, "devastated, shocked and  appalled," Zeta-Jones later said,   after seeing unauthorized snaps of the reception  in the rival publication Hello!. Had one of their   nearest and dearest betrayed their trust and  cashed in on the occasion with a few sneaky pics?   As it turns out, a paparazzi photographer  had somehow wormed their way into the event. The newlyweds subsequently filed  a lawsuit for invasion of privacy,   loss of income, stress, and damage to their  professional careers — all because of the, quote,   "sleazy and unflattering" nature of the photos,  the actress said, according to The Hollywood   Reporter. After a six-week battle at London's High  Court, which cost them approximately $5 million,   they emerged victorious. In an  official statement, the couple said, "We deeply appreciate that the court  has recognized the principle that   every individual has the right  to be protected from excessive   and unwanted media intrusion  into their private lives." You'd probably expect the  following grisly statement   to come from from a Hollywood horror movie: "We are going to slice her up like meat  on a bone and feed her to the dogs." But for Zeta-Jones, it was a real-life  threat against her life sent by a woman   obsessively jealous of her marriage to  Michael Douglas, according to CBS News. In 2005, Dawnette Knight was given a  three-year state prison sentence after,   quote, "plead[ing] no contest to stalking  and threatening" the Welsh actress   via several letters to some of her  closest acquaintances. During her trial,   the then-35-year-old had expressed remorse  for her conduct, telling the court, "I hope one day the victim will forgive me.  I am sorry. I think about it all the time." Understandably, Zeta-Jones wasn't  interested in any apologies. In a   letter read out by the prosecution in her  absence, the Oscar winner told Knight, "You have profoundly affected me in how I  conduct my life. [...] Your actions will be   with me the rest of my life — how I will  be constantly observing, looking over my   shoulder. You will never be famous, you will  never be infamous, you are just a criminal." Having already served 600 days in jail, Knight  was released less than a year after the verdict. Zeta-Jones was forced to deal with further  unwanted press attention in the mid-'00s,   when she was accused of being anorexic.  Rumors emerged that the actress was battling   an eating disorder after she was pictured  looking significantly slimmer than in her   early Hollywood career. However, the  actress soon put the record straight. In a 2007 interview with People magazine,   Zeta-Jones revealed how she first  learned of the allegations, saying, "Michael was laughing at me. He told me  what [people had] said — that stories   say I'm anorexic. Do I look anorexic?  How could I ever, ever be anorexic?" The Welshwoman insisted that her  change in appearance was simply   due to her healthier lifestyle choices, adding, "I'm just working out and not chomping  down what I usually chomp down." Zeta-Jones, however, does have experience of  helping others with the problem — something   she drew upon while starring as a bulimic beauty  pageant coach in Queen America. When asked about   playing a character with an eating disorder  by Forbes in 2018, the Oscar winner replied, "Oh my God, it was really hard for me because  I've been around it for so many years,   you know? I was in 42nd Street: I  was 17-years-old, I was a dancer;   and so I'd been brought up with the image of a  woman looking at herself in the mirror. I have   seen it. I have been there. And I have helped  other people go through a very serious issue." In 2010, Douglas received the devastating news  that he had stage-four tongue cancer, according   to CNN. The Hollywood veteran had to cancel  several promotional appearances for Wall Street:   Money Never Sleeps, and postpone the filming of  Behind the Candelabra as a result. Thankfully,   after an intense course of chemotherapy and  radiation, the actor got the all-clear within   the space of 12 months, as he revealed on  the red carpet of the 2011 Golden Globes. Talking to Stella magazine in 2013,   Zeta-Jones discussed how her husband  dealt with the disease, saying, "He's a very matter-of-fact person. Once he was  diagnosed he was like, 'Okay, what do I do?'   He basically wanted that thing out of  his body so he just blitzed the [sucker].   It was very intensive [...] but he  still retained his sense of humor." Although Douglas had decided to tell  the world that he'd been diagnosed   with throat cancer instead of tongue  cancer, on the advice of his surgeon,   his wife revealed that he'd hid nothing  from his family. Zeta-Jones explained, "He was very open with the children. No secrets  — they went and saw him having treatment.   Together we all coped with everything. It did make  us closer. But I wouldn't wish it on anybody." Shortly after husband recovered from his  battle with cancer, Zeta-Jones also found   herself in need of treatment. In 2011, the  actress checked herself into rehab for a   long-running mental health issue — and her  bipolar diagnosis became public knowledge. "I never wanted to be the poster child for this.   I never wanted this to come  out publicly. It came out." According to The New York Post, Zeta-Jones'  publicist declared that she had decided to   seek help following a particularly stressful  year. Once she checked out of the facility,   the Oscar winner opened up further  to People Magazine, saying, "This is a disorder that  affects millions of people,   and I am one of them. If my revelation of having  bipolar 2 has encouraged one person to seek help,   then it is worth it. There is no need to suffer  silently and there is no shame in seeking help." According to Reuters, Zeta-Jones also  returned to a mental health facility   in 2013 to, quote, "manage her  health in an optimum manner,"   her rep disclosed. Later that same year, the  mother-of-two explained to Stella magazine   how her first stint had been triggered by  her husband's health scare. She admitted, "When Michael was diagnosed with cancer I really  thought, 'You are going to have to wipe me off   the floor.' [...] When you get sideswiped like  that, it's an obvious trigger for your balance   to be a little bit off — not sleeping,  worry, stress. It's a classic trigger." In January 2018, Douglas became the latest  high-profile celebrity to find himself embroiled   in the Me Too movement. Pre-empting  an article in The Hollywood Reporter,   in which his former employee, Susan Braudy,  made claims of inappropriate sexual conduct,   the actor gave an interview with  Deadline to strongly deny any wrongdoing. Zeta-Jones revealed to The Times later that  same year that she was left both conflicted   and, quote, "profoundly devastated" by the  accusations leveled against her husband,   admitting that "it put her in a really nasty  position." With their two children by her side,   the Welshwoman subsequently asked Douglas  outright whether Braudy's claims were true.   He insisted that there was, quote, "no  story here, and that time will tell." "He was articulate, he said it from  the heart, he was honest, open,   and transparent. He now  has to take the next step." With no other allegations emerging since,   Zeta-Jones seemed convinced of Douglas'  honesty by that November. She told The Times, "There was nothing to back it up  at all. For any accusation that   comes out that isn't backed up, that  knocks the movement back 20 years." Around that same time, the actress  revealed to Today that she was proud   of the way her family handled  the speculation. She explained, "I'm a big European kind of family girl, and so  everything is shared around the table. [...] I   think you clear the air and everyone knows  what's going on, there's no big surprises." Zeta-Jones suffered the loss of two family members  within the space of a few weeks in early 2020.   First, her father-in-law, actor Kirk  Douglas, passed away at the grand old   age of 103 at his Beverly Hills home,  according to People Magazine. Zeta-Jones   later paid tribute to the Hollywood icon  on Instagram, writing in her caption, "To my darling Kirk, I shall love you for the rest  of my life. I miss you already. Sleep tight..." Zeta-Jones had always enjoyed a close  relationship with one of the longest-surviving   stars of Hollywood's Golden Age. The pair  was often pictured smiling while enjoying   each other's company, and the Welshwoman  referred to him affectionately as "Pappy."   Sadly, the actress had to deal with  another loss in her family shortly after. This time, it was her cousin, Seward Johnson Jr.,  who'd lost his life at the age of 89 following a   battle with cancer, according to The New York  Times. Zeta-Jones took to Facebook to pay her   respects to the esteemed sculptor, posting images  of his two most famous works with the message, "RIP our cousin Seward Johnson Jr., sculptor  and great human being. Like his iconic sculpture   'Double Check' that survived 9/11, [his]  work, love and inspiration will live on." Check out one of our newest  videos right here! Plus,   even more Nicki Swift videos about  your favorite celebs are coming soon.   Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit  the bell so you don't miss a single one.
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Keywords: nicki swift, nickiswift, catherine zeta jones, catherine-zeta jones, michael douglas, catherine zeta jones marriage, michael douglas cancer, john leslie, catherine zeta jones michael douglas, angus macfadyen, catherine zeta jones stalker, catherine zeta jones eating disorder, catherine zeta jones bipolar, metoo, me too, michael douglas metoo, kirk douglas, catherine zeta jones movies, actors, celebs, celebrities, real lives of celebs, celeb gossip
Id: hTHJ4rRt_B0
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Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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