Traditional Pecan Pie - Simple, Old Fashioned Recipe - Perfect for Holiday Meals

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hello everyone we are Tom and Melissa and we welcome you to come sit at my table it is the week before Thanksgiving and we are actually having friends giving at our house with some friends this week so we have started working on Thanksgiving Foods today we are going to make a pean pie now the nice thing about a pecan pie is that you can make it well ahead of time if you're going to serve it at a big dinner it's not something you have to make at the last minute pean pie will do fine in your refrigerator for several days three or four days easily or if you want to make it even earlier you can actually freeze a pecan pie and it will last in your freezer for a couple of months all you have to do is take it out of the freezer the day before you're going to serve it and leave it in your refrigerator so that it can Tha or just take it out and put it on your counter now I like pecon pie cold so I just leave it in the refrigerator but a lot of people like pecon pie at room temperature if that's you or the people you're going to serve it to just leave it on your kitchen counter let it come to room temperature and it will be fine of course we're going to start making a peon Pie by fixing our crust I can make a pie crust I've made many pie crust in my life but I'm going to tell you these pillsberry crust are dag on good there's nothing in the world wrong with them in fact I have taken pies places and people have said what recipe do you use for your pie crust they really are a good product so that's what we're using today don't be afraid to use a convenience food that helps you out so what we're going to do is put a little flour down on our mat and I'm just using one of these silicone mats to roll it out on that kind of keeps my counter clean and keeps my pie from sticking to the counter but we need to put a little flour down just make sure it's spread around I am using a pie plate that is 9 in across the opening is 9 in and that's about an inch deep just a little less than an inch so we're going to roll this out to about 11 in or just a little better we do want a little bit of a lip on there that we can um kind of crimp we want to flute the edge of it a little bit so we will roll it up just maybe a hair bigger than 11 in I don't think I have ever done a pie video where we have rolled out the crust I think think I always have it ready and we just show it to you in the pie plate but I thought today actually this is almost 11 in the way it is I thought today we would show you how we roll it out and put it in the pie plate now anytime that you are doing a high sugar filling in a pie you do want plenty of flour on both sides of your pie crust that just helps absorb some of that um liquid that sugary liquid that's in your pie and kind of keeps it from being runny or you know too juicy in the bottom now the nice thing about this mat that I'm using and by the way I got it from Amazon it does have circles on it with different um measurements so you can tell how big you're rolling it out and that's about what we need right there I think maybe just a Heir more in this direction okay so because it is a high sugar pie I am going to put some flour on it we don't want a ton of it but we just want it kind of sprinkled with flour roll it around a little bit just to make sure everything's covered and then the easiest way for me to do it is to fold it and I'm going to put some of this on here too we want some on both sides just to help absorb that I fold it in half rub this side to make sure it's got flour on it and then I fold it in half again pardon me my allergies are acting up it's just part of living in Kentucky and then I take it to my pie plate and just open it up I'm not sure Melissa I'm not sure this is going to be big enough I thought it was I think I'm going to have to roll it out a little bit more sorry not happy with that nope I want it to be big enough that we can floop the edges a little bit so I'm just going to roll that out I use this rolling pin a lot I love this little rolling pin it when I first saw it it almost reminded me of a toy but you remember where we found this I think we found it in Tennessee nope no we found it at a yard sale in Indiana didn't we no it was in Tennessee you're right it was in um Crossville Tennessee you're right it was there we found it at a yard sale and I'm telling you I have used that thing I have one or two rolling pins or six but I use that one most of the time just because I like it so much it's so easy to use okay now let's make sure we have a little flour on here little on the other side let's see if it's big enough this time okay so fold it in quarters bring it over to our pan our pie dish pie plate and open it up now you never want to stretch your pie dough if you stretch it that will make it shrink you have to gently work it into your pie plate don't stretch it down into that corner just let it kind of fall into there just take the edge and let it go down in now once you have it all the way down in your pie plate then you can start working the edges over like this to get them into the edge of the pie plate and up over where you can do a flute just kind of like this and always put my hand in the pie shell in the pie crust just to hold it so it doesn't come out of that corner and you know what that could be just a hair longer there I can't stretch it if I do it'll shrink okay and you know your pie crust May shrink just a hair anyway when it's baking if it does it's fine it's not going to hurt it it's a pie crust all right now we have it over the edge of our plate if I can get that little wrinkle out right there it's better I got one right there come out of there that's a little better now I want to flute The Edge and I'm just going to tell you I've said this in videos before I am not an expert pie crimper pie crust crimper by any means but here's what I do I just take my first two fingers on one hand and my first finger on the other and I kind of push them together just like that it's not fancy it's nothing that you'd write home about but it's how I do it and you just want to work around just take your time there's no reason to hurry if you're in that big of a hurry you might want to wait and make your pile later just take your time and do it right and if you feel like you've messed up just do it over it's not going to hurt anything just crimp it again just push it in and if it's not perfect that's even better because then it looks like a homemade pie crust if it looks like something that came Frozen from the store then nobody's going to think you worked really hard so make it look homemade it's fine okay there we go that one's pretty ugly right there let's try that again that's a little better okay so there's our pie crust it's ready to fill so I'm going to set it back here out of the way and we're going to stop right here because I want to clean this mess up before we start making the filling so give us just a minute and we'll be right back we have cleaned up the counter we like to do that as we go because it just makes it easier at the end of a dish if you've clean things up as you go now let's talk about what we're going to need to make the filling for our pecan pie first of course you need pecans well I've got 2 and 1/2 cups of pecan pieces now someone did ask us to make a pecan pie recipe using pecan haves and I considered doing that but the truth is I don't like using pecan halves in a pecan pie and I'll tell you the reason when you get ready to cut the pecan pie the pean the large pieces of pecan pecan halves are not lined up where you can cut it evenly and it seems to just tear up rip apart the top of your pie so I usually break got my pecans I want you to look at the difference in the size of these two pecans this pecan half is really small and this one's really large and they were in a bag together so if I have a small one like this I normally just break it in half and use it that way but if I have a really large one I might break it in half and then break each of those in half I guess you could say I'm quartering them because it just makes the pieces easier to cut the pie and not tear it up when you get ready to cut it it actually makes a lot of sense yeah if you want to use pecan halves you can certainly do that just use about two 2 and 1/2 cups of pecon halves and put them in your pie shell now all we have to do is just dump them in and then you want to kind of spread them out evenly of course you know it doesn't have to be perfect but you do want to make sure that they're up against the edge of your pie crust a little bit because when you pour in your filling they are going to float and you want to make sure that there's some all over the top of the pie in fact we may have to move them around a little bit once they oh there's one I missed they may need to be moved around a little bit once they float all right we're also going to use three eggs half of a stick of butter and that's four tablespoons pardon me 34 of a cup of brown sugar so we've got a half a cup and a/ four of a cup for 34s 1/4 of a cup of white sugar just regular granulated sugar we have 34 of a cup plus 2 tablespoons now I know that's a weird measurement but it does work better if you put that extra 2 tablespoon so 34 of a cup plus 2 tbspoon of dark corn syrup someone's probably going to ask can I use light corn syrup and you certainly can the difference in light corn syrup and dark corn syrup is that light corn syrup is made with vanilla and dark corn syrup is made with a molasses a type of molasses this just has a deeper richer flavor and I think it makes the pie have a little better no quite a bit better taste but you do not have to use dark corn syrup you can use light it just won't have the depth of flavor so either one works I like the dark corn syrup we're also going to use one teaspoon of vanilla 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of salt all we have to do is put those in a bowl and whisk them together and pour it right in on top of our pecans so I'm just going to break these eggs into this bowl and then we will whisk those up before we add everything else because you just want to make sure that those eggs are beaten up and that they don't you know leave big clumps of whatever in your pie filling so we're just going to whisk those for a minute make sure that the whites and the yellows are combined well especially the white the clear part of the egg you want to make sure that it's broken up and we'll mix in with everything else well okay now everything else just gets dumped in there goes your half stick of butter it's four tablespoon just make sure all that gets in there cuz you know better equals flavor our 34 cup and that is packed brown sugar I packed it in 1/4 cup of white sugar our dark corn syrup now I did spray the inside of my measuring capup with some non stick spray just to help that come out easier but Melissa if you can hold that I'm going to grab a spatula that I can scrape it with thank you you're welcome cuz I want every bit of that out there that is a lot of flavor so we don't want to leave that in there okay scrape that off okay then we're going to add in our vanilla and by the way the cap on your vanilla is almost always one teaspoon so you can measure it without dirtying up a measuring spoon and we're going to use just a/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and I've had people say I'm shocked that there's cinnamon in your beon pie it just adds a little bit of flavor most people don't even know it's there until I tell them and then just a/4 teaspoon of salt and that's it we're just going to mix this up make sure that Sugar the brown and the white sugar get dissolved make sure that dark corn syrup gets mixed in just have to whisk for a minute until everything gets combined want to make it completely combined here you don't want lumps of anything or chunks of anything you just want to make sure it's really mixed up scrape the sides get it all down in there and now we're just going to pour it right on top of our pecans make sure it's completely covering those and look what's happening with the pecans starting to Flat they do they pop right up there now I'm going to get rid of this and go back to my whisk or to my spatula cuz we want every drop of that out there now once you have it all in there you need to look at your pears and make sure that the whole pie has pears floating if you've got a section of your pie where there are no Cars you might want to take a fork or a little knife or something and just kind of move them around you could even do it with the edge of a spatula but you can see there that's pretty good everything is pretty much covered all right now we have our oven preheated to 350° if this pie was in like an aluminum pie plate something that's flexible I would certainly put it on a cookie sheet because you don't want to pick it up and it collapse and have a mess but this is a glass pop plate so it will be fine so I'm just going straight into the oven but I am covering it with a pie Shield because I do not want the edge of my pie to burn or overbake so I will cover it I'm I will probably check it about 10 minutes before I think it's finished and if it's not overbaked I may take it off just to let it brown up a little bit so we're going to put it into the oven for 50 minutes we'll check it it may need another 10 minutes but 50 to 60 Minutes is usually about right you do not want to have a jiggle when you check your pie in the very center of it you might have just a tad of movement but really there should be no jiggle to it if there is you need to bake it another 5 minutes or so all right we're going into the oven when it's finished we'll be back and let you see what it looks like our Pon pie baked for exactly 50 minutes and was plenty done it has been several hours we have allowed it to come to room temperature and then I put it in the refrigerator for I don't know maybe an hour and a half to two hours you can see that it is perfectly set up and ready to serve now you will know notice that because we used the dark corn syrup it is a darker pie if you don't like that look if you prefer a more pale colored pie then use the light corn syrup it will be just fine it will taste delicious but the dark corn syrup does give it more of that deeper richer flavor all right this is the good part you want the first bite babe sure why not okay I dropped a piece yummy thank you now I have to have a little whipped cream on mine little bit of ready Whip and you know a lot of people prefer vanilla ice cream with it so if you're going to serve this at Thanksgiving you may want to provide both some vanilla ice cream and some Cool Whip or ready whip because that's really good some people like one or the other you did a really nice job babe thank you babe M it's really good I think I'm I think I agree with you on cutting up the pecans too you don't have to bite through a big chunk of one that's and how much look how much nicer it slices yeah if you have big pecan Naes and you try to slice through those a lot of times it just tears up the top of your pie good call but if you're somebody who's just dead set on a pecan pie has to have whole pecans then use those it'll be just fine it may be a little harder to slice through it might kind of break up a little bit as you slice it it may not but that's just my preference I could eat this whole pie I'm not going to lie to you but I shouldn't do that on CA okay we have friends coming over for friendsgiving is I might make them something else this might be ours all right we do appreciate you watching our video and especially those of you who have subscribed if you have not subscribed to our Channel we sure would appreciate you doing that just go right below this video click that subscribe button there's a little notification Bell beside of it looks like a dinner bell click it and the word all YouTube will always notify when we add a new video we normally add new videos on Sunday Wednesday and Friday so you can watch for those pardon me also if you would we'd appreciate you going right below this video and giving us a click on the like button that helps us get our videos out there more thank you so much remember that right below this video there's a description box you'll see the title of our recipe it'll probably say Thanksgiving peony or something click on that title in that box that box will expand and Melissa always puts the written recipe in that box so it's written out for you you don't have to write it down as we go it's right there for you thank you so much we appreciate you watching make sure you come back the next time and remember you are always welcome to come sit at my table Happy Thanksgiving
Channel: Come Sit At My Table
Views: 88,178
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Id: 30mpz85g4Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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