Traditional Homemade British Crumpet Recipe

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[Music] okay so first up you're gonna want to heat your milk through a little bit on the stove just when you dip your finger in there it feels slightly warm this is just gonna enable the batter to ferment a lot quicker next we're just gonna mix the sea salt throughout the flour if I can get the rest of it out Bowl and also the yeast here I'm not worrying about adding the salt and the yeast together there'll be no problem whatsoever just give it a mix through the flour thoroughly and then as soon as the milk has come up to temperature we're gonna add that to the batter and give it a really good whisk and as I said that milk wants to be just warm to the touch now give this a really good whisk to make sure everything's well incorporated this is the consistency that you want your batter to be at so if it's a little bit thick just add a little more milk until we get this nice pouring consistency so you could just cover this bowl with a cloth and leave the batter to rise but I'm adding it to a jug because it's going to make it a lot easier when I want to pour the batter into the ring molds get this covered up and it's gonna take about an hour or two hours to rise dependent on the temperature in your kitchen and here you can see the red dot on the jug is the level that the batter started out and now it's doubled in size easily and we've got some nice pockets of air bubbles sitting on the top okay into the pan with some butter now I'm using clarified butter but you can just use ordinary butter it's not a problem and then I'm just gonna give everything a nice shake up so that the ring molds and the cast iron pan get nicely coated with the butter fill the nonstick rings halfway up with the batter and this will make sure there's enough room for the crumpets to rise as the crumpet cooks air bubbles are going to travel up through the batter and eventually pop and dry out on the surface this is going to give us that classic cratered textured look that we associate with the proper crumpet and then whatever topping you choose to put on this crumpet is just gonna use down and get trapped in all of those holes and now you can see where all of the bubbles have started to burst on the surface and the top of the crumpet is starting to dry out next we're going to get the rings off the crumpet and give them a quick flip over they've cooked for long enough so they've got a lovely golden brown color on the bottom I have enough butter left in the pan so I don't need to add any more I'm just gonna give them a quick rotate to make sure they're all covered properly after about two or three minutes we'll have this golden color on the tops as well and then we can just take them out of the pan and leave them to cool on a wire rack while we cook the next batch in my opinion it's best to leave these to cool completely and then either pop them through the toaster or give them a flash under the grill just to warm them through and then the toppings are up to you but for me it's butter and strawberry jam all the way there is no comparison between these and the store-bought ones so for a little bit of time and a little bit of effort these are well worth making and they taste absolutely delicious if you enjoyed the video please hit the like button and subscribe and I will see you again very soon
Channel: Culinary Exploration
Views: 430,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Traditional Homemade English Crumpet Recipe, English Crumpet Recipe, How to make English crumpets, Homemade English crumpet, How do you make English crumpets, English crumpets without baking powder, English crumpet recipe with milk, crumpets, how to make crumpets, breakfast, British crumpets, How to make British crumpets, british crumpet recipe, crumpets recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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