Trading Shoe Laces For Travis Scott x Fragment Jordan 1 (Episode #1)

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yo what is good everybody and welcome back to the channel today we are going to be attempting the most difficult trade that we have done thus far seeing these trade up challenges on youtube and i thought i want to try that i want to see how far i can go now i thought of a couple different things that we could start with because there's so many different variables a sticker this and that but i thought why not start with a pair of shoelaces now these shoelaces specifically are from a pair of off-white fours which inherently doesn't really add that much more value to me to somebody these could be worth about a dollar i think they're worth about two to five dollars so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to trade these a pair of off-white shoelaces up to a pair of travis scott jordan one fragments that are worth about forty five hundred dollars at this current moment [Music] but the most exciting thing about this entire trade series is that that jordan one travis scott fragment at the end is gonna be given away to you guys completely free so i'm super excited to do this for you guys so let's go ahead let's see how far we can get from this pair of shoelaces up to a travis scott jordan one fragment now through that we're not gonna spend any money we're spending no money to get there but what does that mean this is going to be a long process so this is going to be a new series that we're doing on the channel of taking this and going to a jordan one fragment travis scott collaboration now i did get inspiration for the series from another youtuber named connor tv so i'll give a huge shout out to him for giving some inspiration and making me go through this challenge i've always wanted to do a series on this channel so i'm super excited to get started with this so where are we gonna end at the end of today's video i hope possibly a sneaker but i don't know it's gonna be really tough to get from this to even anything else because what can somebody do with this not much [Music] all right guys so this is gonna be the first item and it's probably gonna be i don't know if it'll be the hardest or the easiest like we're going to a store that hopefully would be willing to trade but from here from there we're gonna try to go to more like meet up with random people or meet up with people we know to try to trade i don't know if it's gonna be harder difficult because like what are they gonna have to offer if i had nick you to put a value on this what do you think this is worth i'd say it's worth like three to five dollars i was gonna say two to five bucks is what i think this is worth now what do they have in store worth that a pen i don't know so that's where it's gonna get interesting but i have to trade up a bit so i have to try to get like five to ten bucks worth so this is gonna be tough and this is we're gonna be going the first episode we'll probably try to go to like four to six different stores and trade up from there but there's gonna be a while travis fragments and you guys are gonna get them for free we're gonna give them away at the end of it so let's run this [Music] i don't think i'm going to preface anything before we start recording i think i just want to tell them and get their straight reaction and see if we can immediately get something and then we'll kind of work it from there the owner just got here so hopefully that works in my favor [Music] all right guys so we're here with danny as usual this is the first spot and he asked for the first spot and i said yes it's the first spot we're gonna bring out the item now this is nothing crazy we have a pair of teal off-white four laces we're looking to trade up just a little bit any sort of bit up i would say that's about two to five bucks maybe it could be they're dead stuff it makes it a dead stock okay okay anything about it could be literally anything just a little bit above that so we can work on that so whatever you can do if you can think of something if not that's fine we'll come back in another trade but we want to see if there's something you can work up okay we might have something for these i'm gonna have to check though okay so just we'll hang around take your time to find something and if you can that'd be great if not we'll keep moving okay thank you worth like five dollars three bucks just like the cheapest thing we got i know you have a lot of dvds and stuff but that's more like the core the only thing that i would think is if you don't have like a knick-knack would be like a really cheap shirt super cheap like supreme knick yeah like an accessory or something i don't know i'm trying to think i mean do these flip can you put these i feel like it would be harder to stop with or start with that than that so i feel like you need a little more so like one step above this yeah like one step above that sometimes about like five bucks that's what i'm five ten bucks all right so they're kind of struggling to find the first time which i knew it would be but they're working i'm hoping something like they can find our t-shirt or something [Music] all right i think i got it i think i got it what do we got here so this is a brand new have you heard of gallery department yes it's a brand new gallery department dilbeck it's a really hot brand that's been like selling out of our stores uh recently i feel like this would be like yeah i think that would be perfect to set us up to uh keep going i appreciate coming together with something i know it's this is the hardest part is getting started so hopefully we can take this from here and hopefully we'll come back in the future with something crazy that we can keep moving on yeah of course this for the laces yep trade number one thank you so much as always guys yes sir hope we'll be back and shout out danny shout out good times as always and um let's go number one [Music] all right number one we got the chate josue i might have said that wrong bag now i actually found this on grailed for 50 bucks that is a come up we went from laces that were free essentially to a 50 bag now we have to try to take this and go up from there try not to go backwards so next door i think we're gonna go to full circle atl let's try it [Music] i'm actually really hyped on that trade because for a minute if you guys saw he was trying to do a supreme sticker and i was like i'd kind of be going a little bit i feel like it's worth about the same that tote i was just like find anything that like is sitting in the back or like that you've never put out like anything that's worth like 5-10 bucks and they came with that and i guess i just had and i'm i think that's a perfect opportunity for the next door we're going to because they have like tote bags they have vintage i think that's the perfect opportunity and i kind of have an idea of where we can go from there if it works out so i think we're this is like we're lucky that that happened because it almost he almost was about to turn us away like legitimately he's about to pick yeah sorry i can't find anything so it worked out i'm glad [Music] okay so this is a gallery apartment chateau suede bag so that was from uh good times and we do like you don't have to trade if you don't have anything but if you have anything that you'd be willing to trade that we could trade up we'd love it we do like 50 credit 50 credit that could work for us for sure yeah sweet so we can look around and just anything for 50. yeah i think that worked we so they actually have the end goal in here right there that's what we're going for so maybe we'll have to come back in a few weeks or something and grab that but a nine okay and what do you guys have matt 35 that's what we have to get to this starting point but all right we're that's what we're going for [Music] there's one 45 solid that could be good for the next store if we went to verses and traded some vintage yeah i'm thinking a vintage tea is gonna be our best route i don't think we're gonna do anywhere with shoes so we're gonna we got a ton of vintage tees we're gonna look through i feel like we need to squeeze the 50 this is 45 i think we need to get right at 50. [Music] we've got a couple options right now these are two vintage chris brown trey songs we've got this one i also have a supreme tee but i feel like for the place that we're going next vintage might be the move and i feel like this might be a good one what do you think nick i think it could be kind of cool they like the band tees like concerts yeah rather than like supreme even though i think screen would be good for like different stores i think where we're going vintage [Music] all right so we ended up going with this tie-dye aerosmith t right here this one came out to 45 credits so if you guys are good with that it's a little bit less but that's for that definitely guys they're down for sure sweet well let's run that we'll get a shot of them together so you can see but thank you guys as always working on that thank you maybe we'll be back for those uh the fragments or something we know where they're at [Music] all right guys so like we showed in there we got the vintage aerosmith single stitch this was 45 there were teas in there for 50 but i felt like this would be a little bit better for what the next store we're gonna go to likes now just think it's been two hours we went from laces to a 45 dollar t-shirt we're making progress shout out again to good times they really helped out because they gave us it was worth about 15 they gave us 50 credits so that was perfect we didn't have to bargain or anything so that was cool that they like allowed us to pick something so maybe that'll keep moving but we hope we got to get like 60 or 65 for this that's what got gotta hope for so let's head to the next spot all right guys i'm super excited to announce to be working with reza yet again if you didn't see the last video i talked about them this is a brand new sneaker that is coming out is an invite-only footwear brand that makes these insane looking sneakers here that have the lights all the way around them i initially saw these when i went to dj ski's house and checked out the sneaker collection and i was like those actually look really cool for a light-up sneaker like you would never like light up sneakers think like when you're a kid or something but like to me these look so cool and sleek so i'm working with them to help launch the sneaker which is coming out on august 27th now right now there are only 50 of these in the world this is literally one of 50 and some of the people that are inside of the network of reza include people like steve aoki he's wearing in the concerts and stuff like that which is really cool now just check out these photos on screen of me and these sneakers like in this warehouse they look insane so if you guys are curious on how to get access to the drop of these sneakers the first and only job is gonna be on august 27th and you have to apply for access when you go ahead and apply for access for the sneaker there's a section in the application that says who do you know in the network make sure you put harris in there because that will give you a higher chance of getting access to the sneaker some of the information on the sneaker is that they have a laser diode which is sourced from the same suppliers of tesla so make sure to go ahead to the link in the description right now to go ahead and apply to get your pair of the reza sneakers they are really sleek i'm excited to see what we can do with these in the future you guys are definitely gonna be seeing them in the warehouse i just love like light up stuff and colorful stuff it's really cool to have these glowing they also have different modes of the shoe like you have a flashing here you also have this like slow in and out which is like really clean and reza's tagline is to light your own path and obviously you can tell by the sneaker here thank you again so much to reza for working with me on this and sponsoring this video and hope you guys can get access to these because there are only 50 of these in the world right now and i don't know how many they're gonna be listening to you guys so make sure you put harrison in that application and thank you to reza for sponsoring this video [Music] all right we made it over to versus atl we got the 40 the 50 shirt we're going for about 60 to 65 bucks let's keep it moving we're moving pretty quick but i feel like it's not gonna be as easy as like it seems i think we got a really good first jump but we need somebody to really hook it up in order to keep this moving so let's see if anything will happen [Music] all right so we got over the verses told him a little bit about what's happening but this is where we're at now we are at a vintage aerosmith single stitch shirt this is what we're looking like tie-dye i'm gonna take this off and we'll see what what you think this is that we have a price that we kind of think where it's at and we're trying to be around in order to do the kind of the trade up yeah we're not looking for crazy jumps but just somewhere some progress so this is you can check it out i know what you think this is probably worth for your store but uh you know we kind of have an idea we're trying to be around the 60 to 65 in trade credit if possible so if if not that's fine we're just we're trying to make a little bit of progress that's our whole thing we definitely make that work for sure so if you want to pick maybe something or you want us to pick it i think it'd be cool if uh you know we both looked and see if there's something but uh as long as you guys are down i think it'd be dope let's do it so look around but guys the second store in a row they have the ultimate shoe i haven't even seen these at any of the other stores recently in back to back what size are these 13 they look a little bit bigger so a few weeks we'll be training for those it's going to be tough but we'll make it happen so let's see let's see what we can do with uh where we're currently at stop not get ahead of ourselves [Music] we're able to go up to around the 80 range that's our next job that's absolutely perfect so we've got a lot of room now we have to be conscious of the next trade and who we're kind of going with because this one we thought vintage teas would be good for your guys realm so we have to think we can go vintage or some you know some other shirts here maybe it's a little baby supreme but i don't know let's see 80 bucks there's a lot to work with it's perfect so let's look what are you thinking i'm thinking i think are we going to try to trade with blake next thank blake our buddy blake i know that he would really like like a sick nascar t-shirt so if we can find one in his size he might want to trade for that nascar do you guys have some nascar stuff that's 200 bucks yeah he loves the dale senior ones though but it's a little expensive yeah let's see if it's close get to that around that 80. might be a little bit difficult but you think you like that one nick mcdonald bill elliot that's pretty cool awesome bill from dawsonville i would wear this actually yeah that looks like it would fit him too i think this would fit him if you guys could do that pretty cool i think we could do that the deal i yeah i think that would be a good one for him this is this is fresh if we can do that that would be fun call it perfect thank you so much this is helping this is perfect what do you think nick let's go i think this is the perfect trade he's gonna try nick's gonna try to get that he's gonna be on that night awesome well thank you guys so much as always well we'll be back maybe if we get a little bit higher up in the in the echelon and you guys have those and like we're trying to hopefully get there in two weeks to get to that but if you have it we'll see what happens any size we're gonna go for any size because what we're gonna do at the end of it is we're gonna give it away completely free so we're trying to give back and because we're starting with we started the laces yeah so today with laces we're here it's just t-shirt they are perfect we're gonna probably get the shoes in the next next uh the next line of it so i'm happy that that's perfect all right so we made great progress i we got lucky there like they took care of us and i'm so thankful for that thank you to versus atl as always so we went from the aerosmith vintage single stitch tee worth about 45 bucks to a bill elliott nascar tee all over print that they had in the store at a hundred dollars initially 80. they had this at 100 bucks so we're up to a hundred after three items look at that 94. that's crazy so our buddy blake nick was saying that he kind of wants a vintage so we're gonna see if we get about 120 bucks out of a trade that's our goal for the next 120. we're moving guys and they also nick you didn't see this but they hooked us both up with some trucker hats and that like colors yep you got red white and blue it could also be the braves colors so uh we got that so nick's got one of those and we're moving so next thing we'll do is we'll meet up with our buddy blake see if he can make this happen make it happen let's go [Music] so the trade didn't end up working out with blake he didn't have anything for this price point so we're gonna bring him in later in the series but here is our current item that we have this is a bill elliott nascar t-shirt you got the mcdonald's there and this was worth a round at the store a hundred dollars so realistically i would say like we had like 80 to 100 on credit now this is gonna be i don't know how hard of a ship this is going to be but we're next going to go to a store called atl addictions i don't know if they'll have an item for us but i'm hoping they do we're going to try to get a couple more trades in in this video but the current update about 100 nascar t-shirt hopefully if we can convince him to give us like 120 like anything over 100 we're winning like it doesn't have to be huge leaps every time like as long as we're going upwards that's what matters so let's go to the next door see some convincing we can do and uh i'm excited so let's go [Music] all right so the goal in here is i don't know if we're able to go to a shoe next i know they have a lot of apparel and whatnot but the goal is gonna try to be to step up to a shoe i don't know if it's gonna happen but we're gonna see what we can work out he has no clue we're coming so he's probably like what what are you all doing [Music] all right so we just made it in he just opened up so we took some customers but we're gonna try to talk we've been looking around and we see some stuff that we might be talking to them about so we'll see [Music] all right so you have no clue why we're here we always come with some red stuff so we are doing something different this time we are in the middle of a trade-up challenge we are trading a pair of laces up to off-white what am i saying off-white travis scott jordan one fragment highs so we're trading all the way from laces the travis got jordan fragment so in the middle of or we're the beginning of that right now and we have an item here that we're looking to see if we can trade up at all that means one dollar trading for something worth one dollar more just something above and currently what we have is a vintage nascar tee worth about a hundred dollars that we got over from versus atl we didn't know if you would have something that you would think would be a little bit more that you would be willing to trade if this is something because we know we sometimes sell some vintage stuff and uh if there was something that you think maybe we could do on that um just anything a dollar above a dollar above 100 and i obviously you could look around figure it out you know we tried to look around and see like anything that was worth right around that and try to you know think on that this would be only one item that could be uh we're trying to stick to one item to try to get it up from what we were seeing like we don't we're not at a level of a shoe yet really but i think in like a supreme accessory maybe another shirt that you have um one thing we saw i don't know as far as value would be to use like the supreme umbrella is kind of close um so that was like one and then there's some shirts over there so that's that's where our heads at if you want to kind of go go off of that um again we're trying anything a little bit above that umbrella could be one of the options yeah i think i got two three of them i think so umbrella could definitely work because we think the umbrella would be like perfect as like to switch to another like kind of item because it's a t-shirt umbrella i could do an umbrella if we can do that that would be yeah awesome that's cool cool so i think we'll pull it out we'll check it out and then if he's cool that we're cool with it we're gonna keep going and that'll be perfect check it out when did this release last year that one last year okay so it's like a checkered so they had it at 120. to me that is absolutely perfect as far as value goes especially if you guys are you know happy with it we started at laces uh two days ago and this this is how far we've been facing two days ago welcome to laces they were uh off-white jordan for teal laces so we had them about two to four bucks it's like what they're worth i just saw the force and i was missing the tilt later wow we should have started here that would have been perfect we thought about that too well i just literally saw that maddie had the two legs i told the guy to give him a good price because we had the the lid and i didn't have the uh two laces nations wow that's crazy imagine if we would have just brought the two laces here wow so well perfect thank you again so much andre and uh you know we'll be back here soon as always but i mean maybe if you get to another trade we'll always be you know glad to see if we can work something any other kind of trades yeah we'll come when we get a little bit more up there and some sneakers then we will send you some some messages and say you know maybe if you want to do something with that [Music] all right guys so the item that we ended up getting was the supreme umbrella now i'm gonna kind of take this out here you can see it is like this checkered vibe now we went ahead and checked these online if you were to buy this it's around 80 to 90 bucks i know that t-shirt they had about 100 but 100 is kind of like worth it to who wants that like vintage tea it's like i feel like this like nick was saying this might be easier to trade in the more hype world because like more people would want like a supreme umbrella over that vintage tea i think this is a it might be like a more lateral step but it's still a step with a different product and something like that so i think it'll be fine to go ahead and move on i don't know if we're going to try again to get to a shoe and go to another store in this video or if we're going to kind of pause it there so we're going to get in the car we're going to head back to our area and kind of kind of see what we want to do all right guys so we are back with our final item of this first initial episode obviously this year's we're gonna be taking it to a travis scott jordan one fragment this umbrella right here at the store they had it at 120 now the shirt that we had was a hundred dollars so we made our way up another 20 bucks so now we have a little bit more of a hype item rather than a vintage piece that might be a little bit harder to trade so i'm really happy with how we've gotten so far we started the day with literally a pair of shoelaces went from the shoelaces up to a tote bag the tote bag up to aerosmith vintage tee from the air smooth vintage tea to a nascar vintage tee to the supreme umbrella so we made some moves today in just this week now this is going to be a recurring series that's going to be happening once a week hopefully if everything goes to plan and the plan is once we start going to all the stores in atlanta we want to expand to the states around us here and start going to like charlotte north carolina start going to different places like nashville tennessee and hopefully we can meet up with some of you guys there and get you a part of the series and as far as the trades go if you guys know any stores out there have them reach out to us so we can maybe do a trade with them coming up but hopefully in the next episode we'll have a sneaker by then but i'm super excited with how this went and i'm super excited to see where it goes so thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a like down below and subscribe so you can stay up to date with this series i'll see you guys next time this is [Music] you
Channel: Harrison Nevel
Views: 1,238,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streetwear, Harrison Nevel, Trade up challenge, trade up sneakers, trading laces to sneakers, trading laces to $4500 sneakers, trade up, trading a penny, trading a paperclip
Id: 8Wrtve1Izsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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