Building An Irrigation Pivot (Farmers are Geniuses) LONG CUT - Smarter Every Day 278

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irrigation pivots are amazing if you've ever been in an airplane or look at maps on your phone you've seen these big green circles those are irrigation pivots farmers use these things to irrigate their crops and get more yield in their fields today we're going to build one now I made a video on the main Channel about how we built an irrigation pivot but here on the second Channel I want to let that string out a little bit I went and worked on a crew with my buddy Trey who was building an irrigation pivot he's a farmer he's really smart and I just said hey can I help the crew and he said yes so what I'm going to do here on the second channel is I'm just going to string out all that footage that I cut out of the main Channel video and let you see what it's like to build an irrigation pivot I'm assuming if you're a farmer you're going to want to know what you're getting into so I think this video will be a great resource for that all right here we go this is what it's like to build an irrigation pivot literally from the ground up so the first thing that happens when you buy one of these big irrigation pivots is this big truck shows up to your house with all these boxes and crates of stuff but the interesting thing is they give you exactly like exactly the number of bolts and nuts and everything you need you don't get any extras so from the first moment they arrive you have to be very careful and organized about where everything is the next part is building the concrete pad this is the pivot point which is kind of important for an irrigation pivot now if you think about it the reason this is important is you've got all these wheels out along the the towers they call them of the pivot and as they move they're kind of digging in and they're they're actually applying some kind of a lateral force on the pivot point so this thing has to be massive it's got to be a reaction force that holds the whole pivot in position so I thought it was pretty interesting that they dug holes down on the corners of the pad and they filled that up with concrete and that keeps it from tipping over and also anchors it to the center of the field so this is what it was like to build the pivot point for an irrigation pivot foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] foreign foreign foreign goodbye the next super important thing that's got to be considered for an irrigation pivot is the Water Source you can't run these things dry you have to have a sufficient amount of water to actually distribute the water throughout the entire pivot arm so how do you figure out if you have enough water in Trey's case he actually has a well and he's going to show me how this thing works okay Trey's about to turn the pump on uh he is way up there uh Power running down here looks like we've got electricity running down into this and uh yeah ready make it go all right cold very cold all right so we're about to open the valve up and uh oh that valve's not open no oh wow it's a lot of water dude it's pretty it's actually swirling so the next question is does your water supply have sufficient water pressure and flow to supply the pivot with the water it needs to irrigate the crops now there's a few different ways you can figure this out number one you can pay somebody to come out and pump test your source which is pretty expensive or you can do an absolutely genius method that Trey has here I think it's very very smart all right so so what are you doing now so this is level uh-huh and so we're trying to measure um really a 12 inch fall a 12 inch fall and then we're going to get our distance that's pretty close there isn't it yeah so that's your fall yep in the distance right here yep 20 inches the method that Trey is using here is out of something called the Missouri water well handbook and I think this is fascinating it's a way to reduce a bunch of complex equations like the fluid energy equation Bernoulli's the all the different fluid dynamics equations it's simplified down to something a farmer can do in a field with a tape measure measuring a couple of different dimensions here's the book right here you can see that if you turn to this page for a four inch pipe we have a k value of 13.1 multiply that times 20 inches of flow and that's 262 gallons per minute Trey explain to me that that was actually low turns out there was a screen filter down at the pump that was clogged up once he got that cleaned out he got up near 400 gallons per minute which is what he was looking for but the point is I think it's genius to have a way like this that you can measure flow rate out in the field with crude devices and instruments I think it is fascinating the next step is we had to run water and electricity out to the concrete pad that we made earlier which is going to be the center of the pivot what are we doing today we'll get it oh fancy you're gonna put the power cable and conduit you need a hand give me a pull so first things first we're putting Power and Water that's the concrete pad over there that was ported a couple days ago right that's right yep so so what are we running to the pad running a six inch water line and then uh 480 three-phase power down there too okay from that Pole right there yep okay sounds good what are we doing I gotta loot the end of this pipe up and beat it in this other pipe the the three inch the six inch okay all right here we go laying pipe [Music] okay I wondered why he had put this shovel over here hey what stand on it right there stand on it right here [Music] okay is that glue this this Lube stand on it right here for me okay it went okay so if I understand what just happened there's an O-ring at the end of this pipe right right right there yeah putting Lube in the pipe and then there's a line on this side right are we going to bang it in up to that point that's right but we're not gluing it that's right it's just going to sit in there it's going to stay really the dirt will hold it in place okay [Music] Mr round the inside or the outside uh either one do the inside whatever on the O-ring itself yep that's enough that should have been good yeah all right [Music] come on with it thank you just gonna keep doing that all the way no it's going to get hard to handle we'll see if this won't get it under the road and we'll take the track and push it maybe push it this is going to be hard to handle as it is because it's so heavy yeah you're like five steps ahead of me every time so the wire in the all right gotta go in the Casey okay [Music] so the reason so that that cable is direct burial it is but we but you've got the conduit sleeve so you can fix it if you need to yes just so we never have to dig the road up okay I get it yeah so he's gonna go straight out well really to keep it from vibrating on that case if there's any kind of pipe movement in there you don't want it to wear wear a bare spot on that wire okay that makes sense okay so so we're gonna take the water pipe and the power and we're going to put it in this steel case that goes under the road here and then where is the well uh down there beside the beside the spool there's two Wells there dude I'm getting so did you tell me I could film this so I would do it oh yeah and now the power it's got to come on some more did it come through yeah come on do we have any more to push clay thank you I'm resisting the urge when a farmer tells you to do something to act like I know what he means so he said put this at the end so we could beat the pipe in quit laughing Trent Clays well that is okay so now he can hit a hammer on that side of the pipe when we put another pipe in there and then that'll stop right here they came this side of this pipe right here so that we dig down to it if they need to know what they're doing it's interesting and no no they have to run all the way to the pump he just want to be able to get to it okay back up all right foreign so your the pipe's going to go all the way for the water but not the conduit for the wire correct yeah that wire is direct burial wire technically doesn't have to be I mean it's in a steel case and it's just double that's the double safety okay if that makes sense yes it does if you want to pull the wire through how much you want to pull through that ought to be good we gonna go down three feet let's get another couple of feet all right yep that's right this is not a great place to be turning around you need to go that way thank you I will name him Mortimer Mortimer the tree frog foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now I don't know if I lined it up right I'm having like second thoughts how's it look it looks good good enough okay Clay's digging the ditch Trey has had me drop all this pipe on the ground it is time to lay the pipe in the ditch now it's too far away I was going to grab it but my arms ain't that long hey will it will it hurt it to drop it no [Applause] so as I'm watching clay dig these two ditches with a track hoe and these ditches you're going to meet it's clear to me that he's about to get into a situation where he's straddling a ditch and he has to get the track hoe off of the ditch without falling in himself so the maneuver he did here in order to do this is fascinating notice how he uses the bucket to bridge the ditch [Music] [Applause] I didn't know how you were gonna do that but what you did it was obvious all right learning stuff time to uh lay all this pipe now foreign [Music] is it going it's going yeah foreign two more two more yep it worked better when I lubed the pipe as well yep okay that's what we'll do next time then foreign that's it I just go go to the line disappears right yep all right gotta say this is the first time I've used the Rag and duct tape stick technique all right hey so the key is we want to get enough Lube where it doesn't roll the gasket out yes sir all right stand by [Music] okay now watch we're going for this line ready yep foreign so you know you got smart friends from Alabama where they ask you if you want to video their stuff and you end up swinging the hammer we go Trent I think we got who dude man [Laughter] [Music] what is this this is a piece of drainage tile okay that we're about to try to hodgepodge back together oh man we got the duct tape we're not playing anymore you shove it in there yep I'm fixing stuff I think I think we need a longer piece there okay maybe so all right here's this one got ready yep we may not all right I think right there do we need the duct tape I don't know maybe not so we're gonna put this right here hold on go back so we will have to uh wait should the wire have gone under that yeah is the wire under it it is okay great all right so we will have to we will have to hand fill this in to make sure underneath yeah we'll just get some I'll get [Applause] we'll get the track hoe over here and I'll get back in the ditch later and so where is that water coming from and going to it's just coming out it's just seeping in that pipe out of the ground really yeah and and where do you have it moving too it's going in the ditch down there way down there wow does it flow on the other side what do you like is it trickling on the other side like that I should well not now but it would have been if it was connected gotcha all right here's a really cool drone shot that gives you a bird's eye view of the setup it runs from the well the Water Source past the road and the power pole all the way over to the cement pad in this field all right so showing up on the job site here to build this pivot and they are already working I've got to figure out how to establish myself as part of the crew and let's see if we can do here good morning how's it going [Music] how are you guys doing good I'm destined James James Andy Andy nice to meet you habla Espanol see operand Deimos yeah I'm destined Jose yeah nice to meet you Jose is this the uh is this the center for the concrete yeah awesome that's where the water goes can I help no no you don't want me to help no stay out of the way okay [Applause] you guys do this all the time don't you [Applause] remember today raining okay I'm starting to see components we've got hoes here we've got uh this looks like Motors to drive the wheels [Applause] serious gear reduction here [Applause] they are moving so fast now the sprinkler heads [Applause] gussets [Applause] pipes [Applause] all right you got a gearbox that's that's a hub for a wheel [Applause] there's so many connections that could leak that's a lot of work man yeah Jose how many years have you done this have you done okay 20 years yeah 20 years you've been doing this it's crazy is it fun diver Tito no foreign ers so that's suspension golly so much wire this is a lot [Applause] I don't know what that is all the Hydraulics wow [Music] the whole thing laid out got three sections with wheels it's kind of a small pivot no this is one I'm only seeing Six Tires over there this might be the whole thing [Applause] you want me to them three on each side yeah Dundee three and three three in each location yeah three three uh long and three chord okay got it three long three short stays location so need more I need more clips I think I'm in my first job all right all right so here we go three long and three short yep again take it I think short and then two more longs got it [Music] three of these at each location three three at each location okay you have a wrench huh her wrench no no we got a air compressor impact yeah it's the real deal okay no no I see it right here because I need to run one more right here yep do you want to go ahead and do it Ultra Lotto okay yeah foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign oh it's a coupler okay [Music] so how you do this oh you gotta shoot me these uh but it's easier to move them that way with us yep a little Shake I see oh something's old man oh it's on the other here I'll move it yeah you're clear bottom hole yep goes for the bottom bracket yep so these are in tension how many of these have you built oh quite a few I've been uh working for him for uh roughly about two years I guess forgot that one it's on the end the other one I'll kick it the color was off on gold that's why I couldn't find them oh I gotcha okay we have our her first hint of how it knows where it is look up top here it appears to be some form of encoder because the pivot has to know where it is radially in the field I'm wondering if that's how it measures this looks important it's a controller the vision panel all right [Applause] teach me what my next job is Andy next job but I'm fixing to put this do we need gaskets in here yeah he's got a gasket on each one on each one yeah you'll show me how the gasket goes in there's there's no she's got a flat flat yeah inside on the bottom is different okay just make sure not to pinch it yeah okay yep that's it all the bolts on one side okay that all the way down right okay so I've learned what happens is there's like one task you learn and then you do it a hundred times that seems to be the way this works if you can help me align these things and get two started I'll do the rest okay if yeah gasket this one's wrong see that this is how yes on the bottom yes yes sir thank you is this called a drift pin can I see your oh yeah you're a dripping can I use that yeah it's a good handshake though oh wow okay that's the real deal and then bolt which side here [Music] yeah take your about to hit myself okay [Applause] all right something is about to happen something's about to get real I don't know what that means that looks like a lot of Bolt turning it I don't know what this is but I've been told to take it to the end of the pivot it feels like a sprinkler head that's my guess let's see the guys have two more down here oh golly that's heavy with one arm that was not smart all right bolts my guess on the next thing there okay I don't know what is going to happen but by inspection I see that there are more gaskets and a hint into the pipe and a thing with a bolt pattern on it so the only question is what is the correct direction up or down I'm guessing these things go down I'll get close and see what how I'm corrected see dude I'm learning all kinds of stuff let's imagine what screwing around with a thing in a field we'll teach you it's imagine what did I just say I need to go get some water no it's all good what's up oh nothing I'm just so this is the bottom I've figured out because the these tension rods see these there's a cut out have you seen this there's a cutout on the bottom of the pipe right here which I think this is actually the bottom and the top is where the tension does the tension rods go on the top they go on the bottom really okay this this pipe is upside down this is the top okay so what are the tension rods on the bottom do it's like a trust they spread out left and right okay man it's different than I expected is it stiff yeah like this right here yeah this uh spot you gotta go right there take that little tag bring the little tag oh to right here yeah okay and then unroll it mine the correct direction yes sir did you get the one bottom too yeah I got two so unroll it I have never worked out for me all right all right so this is the bottom of the pipe we're putting these things in there so I wonder if that means a sprinkler is going to be on the other side we shall see correct though doesn't have to go all the way right it's a tapered thread right yeah yeah okay so it feels like we're going towards this there appears to be a weight on the nozzle the sprinkler head so that holds it down over the crop I guess I guess I was wondering what those were their weights so I'm starting to understand this first pipe seems to be the first one because he's putting nozzles on it and they have numbers on them like this one says number five and there's a gap and then there's number six so there's a gap and then apparently it's number four so this is this is Pivot side this is the center point so this is the first one that corner is going to go or that end is going to go at the pivot head and then this pipe is going to go on the end of that and this pipe's going to go on the end of that and they're putting the nozzles on in order so you can see Chris is up there he's putting the sprinkler heads on in a numbered fashion real quick I wanted to just point something out that is an option if this is interesting to you a while back I asked for people to help smarter every day by supporting on patreon at a lot of people did and um I started this with the supersonic baseball Cannon and I started sending out like actual baseballs with a smarter everyday logo and I still do that everybody that supports on patreon I send you a baseball but I asked people to stick with me on patreon if I make the kind of videos that you like to watch and a lot a lot of you did and I'm grateful and I wanted to say thank you for that and the way I said thank you is I created What's called the smarter everyday supersonic baseball team and I sent those out to everyone who sticks with me get it sticker stick with me but I decided that I'm going to make that like a thing right not just the baseball team but every year there will be a different team and this year we got holograph stickers this year we have what I'm calling the smarter everyday James Webb Space Telescope Space Team my dad actually worked on the James Webb Space Telescope and I think it's awesome and so I thought man it'd be really cool to have some way of remembering that this year and so I'm actually going to send three stickers out this year see if I can focus on that it's kind of there we go I'm actually going to send these three stickers out and they're awesome so this is the second one and then I have another small one that'd be good for like a laptop or something like that check that out they're all holographic they're so rad anyway if you are interested in supporting smarter every day on patreon I'm going to send you these stickers if you're supporting by the end of the year and and I if you think it's interesting I'm grateful um this is my way of saying thank you to people that stick with me so to be clear if you sign up to support on patreon that's smart everyday I'm gonna send you a baseball because I send everybody a baseball that supports on patreon but if you stick taking with me at the end of the year I'm going to send you these uh James Webb Space Telescope space team stickers and I'm going to make a new team like next year there's gonna be something else and so I hope that is interesting to you um you don't need these stickers but I hope you see what I'm doing I'm trying to make intelligent respectful content and this is just a way of saying thank you to people that throw in on that and help make this possible anyway back to the video [Music] first lift okay at this point the lift has been made the pipe is in the middle and I think we're about to assemble this truss underneath the whole thing but I feel pretty dumb to be honest with you and I'm still trying to figure out what's going on come on come on let's go you like yelling at Chris don't you see a trust happening where's the bowl there we go it's happening through there stick it the bolt on the back side oh yeah so how do we you step on it come on guys come on how do you do it come on I don't know what I'm doing yeah look look okay I'm watching oh you know push that well have any tail come on come on come on come on okay man that's a that's a man that's done that a lot okay I get it so we're building trusses and I am the inexperienced man on the job wearing fresh gloves this feels stressful foreign [Laughter] don't move your head oh you say don't be under it yeah okay got it so don't stand under the pipe okay yes sir [Applause] one of my Sparkle that's right hey [Applause] goodbye no okay then go Andy and Jose like to yell at people all right assistant [Laughter] that's right I want to grab a bolt so bad okay I see you got it thank you boy this is happening fast the gloves are in the way gloves are no good here unless they got the fingers cut out that's true it's in come on were you proud of me Jose no no no no not yet not yet no I beat Andy [Laughter] hey we're that close now Chris [Laughter] come on what what I got you nut a couple nuts got it got one come on no no no no no no no no no no no no no later oh we have to take the tension out of it so are you are you going to lift it up more to take the tension out of this yeah okay yeah bolt here come on come on come on yeah for the first hour I was getting stressed when they would bark at us but now I realize it's a joke I need nuts Chris I'm coming in coming in coming in just a whole pile of them nuts all right ready holy crap [Music] dude you went Hulk mode you went heart mode dude [Music] not yet every time I want to do something you won't let me down here oh what do you need me to do pull oh wow [Applause] I like that they're yelling and they don't know what to do so Uno donde the way this takes into account the deflection of Steel and uses it as an advantage is crazy interesting like look at this they take into account the the bend of the metal so so every once in a while Jose stops and like gives you very directed attention in a way where he's making fun of you and also showing you that he likes you at the same time he just did that to Chris it was very funny also I don't know what I'm doing right now foreign a tire that's exciting what [Applause] watch it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah pesto okay okay [Music] come on [Music] foreign temperature in the middle in the middle I don't know yeah punch in the middle yeah right there yeah yeah man get it here in the middle huh come on [Music] see oh yeah they got a bowl oh fun Jonah then index Bowl masalto okay that's what I was looking for another way oh seriously like that see there you go thank you oh come on come on [Applause] City said wrench in Spanish yeah you have a like key it's the same word seven more different than what you're talking about see this one's tight foreign foreign so so my understanding what's about to happen is we've got these tires at 90 degrees he's about to hook this whole section of the pivot up to his truck pull it down to the Pivot Point and then we do that whole thing over again I at the end here so we've got to have the water flow from one section to the other it's my understanding that this is going to go up top and this is going to be the interface between one section and the other the next question though is how do you keep one section of the pivot if you're swinging around the field that way how do you keep them lined up so there's got to be limit switches in there somehow I just don't know what those look like so I don't know look at him he's about to pull this whole thing we should probably get ready to walk [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm anxious to know how he's going to uh get that set up on the pivot point I guess he's going to turn 90 degrees right at the end looks like he's choosing to stay up on The High Ground all right so you're gonna put the coupling on it's a uni-knuckle right there let's put it on like that what yep [Music] so it's sealant yeah or no this is this is anti-seize you know something like it that's not silicone are you messing with me now foreign nice foreign I'll jump up there swap this controls the whole it controls the system these uh these Rings right here is that are those slip rings to get electricity to the to the arm and control okay so how many slip rings are there one two three four five eight ten yeah wow eight and ten okay okay so you've got to slip that in there and then bolt it up is the first one the most difficult no it's pretty easy you look awesome in this video what does palate mean in English forward it see oh yeah we're done like that hurry up that's a pretty cool moment just two bolts hold that thing in yeah oh how's your camera yep [Applause] that's it that's it okay now that we're at the pivot point and it's been established let's review so we dug a trench we put in a big pipe a concrete pad was done before that so that means at some point water is going to come up here right so it looks like the pipe is going to have to come up and over and then Plum straight up into this power is going to have to go through that box right there the control box these slip rings are fascinating to me so these slip Rings you can see there's the brushes right there uh obviously I would not want to be touching that if it was electrified but that is providing the power for the whole thing man and those are those are thick copper all right let's head down these must support the pipe in the middle that would make sense First Corinthians 3 7. Trey had that put in we're gonna need that drift pin all right we gotta go build another one two more times looks bigger when it's out here [Music] they're right back with you okay right back with you is this your favorite band your dad's your dad's band your dad's band Jose's your dad yeah I didn't know that really is this your side hustle yeah okay he brings in extra money you do concrete work so do you you work to support your son it's cool three jobs concrete this and what else what's your son studying is it engineering Electronics that's awesome that's cool man does he have the same work ethic you do no because uh at least a lot smarter he's a he's going to school I guess they don't want to be out in the sun I guess I like being in the sun to some extent it's good to do it once in a while but doing this every day would get hard would it yeah thanks for the ride building the second okay okay now that I kind of know what's going on and I have an apron that's what I'm talking about I'll try to explain what I'm seeing so first of all we're starting the triangle trusses at the bottom foreign up high and then we're gonna build what looks like a ladder structure on this side oh so those are for hanging these okay I always have the wrong one yep [Applause] if you put your hand to the other side you'll be better like that on the top your hand to the top oh I see yeah because it can't go as far oh crap I don't like that [Applause] that's the big iron [Applause] there we go now we got a washer like Preston yeah I guess you're back look at that who's your buddy who's your buddy damn [Music] so this part is very confusing yep can you imagine this being drawn in 3D CAD oh no this is I mean you take into account the deflections they should make every engineer that designs these go work on a crew to figure it out pick it up [Music] edit okay see how confusing all that was Jose and Andy I just know where to put stuff so we're about to pick this up see we'll drop about a triangle make a ladder so I know Jose enough to know that this is the most dangerous part because you're scared scared of this you so there's so much pressure you can't you can't really feel it but right now there's a tremendous amount of pressure there section number two about to hook it up to section number one oh is your is that your special move [Applause] you want me to go get a wrench we'll do it later [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just saw it there's an Armature that thing that we put on earlier that controls a limit switch I only Now understand it so look right here so that's a pivot yoke right there you see that and it because of what he's bolting right now it tells the difference between these two so it's like a it's a comparator it compares the angle of that trust structure to this truck structure and that angle right there is going to go to an arm right there that's going to tell the uh it's going to tell the pivot switch or the you know what I'm trying to say it's going to tell it which what direction it is [Music] okay right there so we have a yoke right here with a long pivot arm here that pivot arm if the difference in angle between this and this is plus or minus zero it's going to push in and out in that direction and that's going to feed information right there I'm assuming to either limit switches watch your head buddy I see it now okay it's literally coming together I'm starting to understand it Andy is that where a switch is that angle right there that moves back and forth and that tells the the pivot if it's yeah yeah okay so that's how it knows where it is can't forget this [Music] one more time uno mas [Applause] ER yeah okay I'm gonna hit it over there and it's gonna go in there yep got it ready oh for long list though yep it's good wow now do you have another one [Applause] [Applause] right here [Applause] so that changes the direction so it moves it to the other side look at this look straight down as it goes this is going to hit that throws the cam throws this back well [Applause] do it again yeah [Music] I like this Jose me gusta yeah it's simple yeah this is your adjustment yeah this one and deep on this one this fry yeah and this one uh-huh low okay so so you just put the bolt here or here yeah I got the three of this in the middle that's okay you know yeah yeah you know in the front right yeah yeah yeah you know it's nice I like it [Music] did you put another right here slow oh I see oh it's the weight yeah oh I see I see so put it on right here it's slow this must this ah because it's a teeter it's a seesaw why so if if the weight is here yeah this is low I see because it knocks it down right but if the White's here they go subscribe okay yeah yeah yeah that makes sense oh wait wait if the weight is here if the weight is here then it will stay up yeah okay right here no spray got it gotta get it right here dude yes that makes sense to me what is this que Zesto in the middle that's a nozzle yeah it's a good nozzle yeah can you adjust the flow no no it's just the pressure yeah yeah got it thank you for explaining that there's ditches in this in this field right was it coyote you see oh he's way over there he's running he's hard to see yeah but he's there sorry no coyote I see him yeah he's dark so so the so another question I have is there's ditches in the field and there's wheels on this can this thing span the ditches it can and so what we're about to do is make a bridge out of this trailer that's sitting here we're about to cut the actors out from under the headboard off of it no way that that trailer right there that trailer can we walk over there we can let's do it all right oh there's one already built yeah we homemade built that one it's not going to be as well all right hold on so let's all right so this is a big Creek what's the deal so we're going to modify this trailer uh and use it as a bridge for the pivot to walk across the creek you're just gonna like just cut everything underneath it we're going to cut all the axles and stuff out from underneath it and basically take the excavator and put it between those two orange Flags there and go from there so I guess I guess the position and the direction of the bridge that you're making right it's gonna be the same every time I mean the wheel is always going to go in the same spot that's right so these are bridges specifically for the pivot that's right is this common um yeah y'all there's a lot of pivot Bridges out there really I don't have any folks use little trailers but so let's so what's this is this already built over here this is a homemade one down here is it in the correct position it is let's go check it out you built this we just made this one out of little scrap metal yep and so this is ideal for the uh for the pivot to walk across that's the deal so how did you get the position did you literally pull a string from the Pivot Point GPS and you surveyed it so the first time you run it across it's going to kind of be a moment to make sure so you'll watch it on the first one if it doesn't work you'll stop the pivot and move it back it up and move it yeah but it should be it should be pretty good man that's plus or minus a foot that's pretty legit man I see your sheer moment diagram there you like that I had to take a test on that recently this is uh this is I had i-beams and I had box tubing and I made it work you like how we coat the five inch I-beam into the uh into the 16 inch I actually like that that's farming like that right there you know what I'm gonna take a picture of that that is a snapshot of farming all right so we're out here in Trey's beans and we're about to look at beans can you show me the beans we're going full beans here walking towards you I thought you said thigh high dude this is not thigh high yep so that's what we got here so we've got just a soybean plant um it's fruited up pretty good uh all right so that's that's a bean pod that's a bean pod so it's the beans are kind of I always thought they were up toward the leaves but they're down here towards the bottom I'm gonna be the whole stalk will be full of beans there's a four bean pod those are really good there's two of them there so a four bean pod that's can you hold that up so I can focus on it so you can actually see the beans in there I'm trying to focus trying to focus working on the focus there yeah okay so the four bean pot hold it over sideways I can see it yeah right there four beans in there I see it okay so that's that's desirable yeah really really you just need a good pot set and good feel on the pods that's uh I mean those are okay so so I haven't seen this thing operate yet it's coming towards us and it's spraying a lot wider than I anticipated I do and are these wheels electrical electric mechanical yes okay can you have it go the other way I think we just came out of my field of view of my camera dude that is a lot of flow that is a lot of flow man that is way more water than I thought okay now yes tell it to rotate clockwise can I run up the leg he can oh man golly don't touch the boxes I will not dude so those things spin [Applause] it's working and they shoot up a little bit [Applause] do you like your pivot I do like it this is an encoder I wondered what that was sorry I wondered what that was when we were why it was like that so you got that encoder going to that thing right there and then the control is all over here this goes back via cell phone right right oh wow so that's where it's at right that's cool oh and you got the onff right here ten percent three PSI this is off right now okay cool now what I'm gonna I want to see if it changes when that much water weighs down the structure ready yeah go for it so this is the bridge this is one of Seven Bridges we put in was this the bulk of the work for you oh no uh spilled Seven Bridges not a big deal well those are we didn't build those those are just a trailer right yep it's just a trailer and it uh how did it do well it's still here [Laughter] so how did you get the alignment basically just walk the tower over here and aligned it boy them frogs are happy they are happy it feels like it feels like if that Tower rolled off into this little thing here that'd be like the worst case scenario that would be bad that would be very bad you figured out how to get it out though wouldn't you would probably be probably in multiple pieces I wonder if it's I wonder if if they run those things like if they crash them if you if you fix them or if you just have to build another one you know I crashed one right you crashed one yeah you knew that when oh wait into your trees yep a couple of years ago uh what'd you do oh rebuilt it that's awesome I want to show you this drone shot because I'm absolutely in love with it so we took the Drone up really really high and we just looked down like you're looking at the face of a clock so that we could see the pivot in action right the thing that I didn't anticipate is you can see that as the water is applied it turns the plants this dark green color but you can slowly see the evaporation or the absorption whatever it is as the pivot moves around so you've got this dark green swath of plants and then it gradually turns lighter it's most pronounced on the sprinkler at the end way out there you can see that it's waving back and forth and you can clearly see when the water engages and then you can slowly see it evaporate I just think this is a beautiful shot and I thought you would enjoy it as well the Drone stuff is just magical I would just want to play a little bit more for you here so you can just kind of get the feel of the overall setup I think this is beautiful [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was this one interesting thing that happened I asked Trey if I could climb up on the pivot he said yes but he kept telling me to be careful and I was like yeah don't worry about it man I totally got this but eventually I did slip and almost fall and you can see here Dre is catching me I feel pretty dumb but it was a pretty funny moment we had a good laugh about that when it came time to harvest I don't know why but watching Trey's brain work on the Harvester is just fascinating you can see he is totally dialed in he's looking at everything and uh it's just like he is Task saturated it's so amazing so I I really enjoyed this part of it and I really liked watching the beans go into the front of the combine and you can see that it's rolling up and like stripping the beans off this is just really fascinating all right so we're about to put the beans in the truck here that's right all right so the beans about to go in the truck if you want to see another video about I guess the grain bins that was your green bin too wasn't this right we're about to dump these beans over there how does this work look at this foreign all right so that's everything about irrigation pivots that's the whole beans I don't even know what to say I hope you enjoyed this video I love Farmers I love everything they do um these little videos like the grain bin video in this video and some other stuff I'm working on I mean this is like a Little Love Letter to Farmers you know so except not you Trey we're buddies that would be weird I'm not gonna do that to you but um thank you to everyone who watches these videos um it's it's great you'll notice there's no sponsor on this video if you like um what I do here at smarter every day and you would like to consider supporting you can do so at patreon that's smarter every day if you support and our support at the end of the year I'm going to send you three stickers um this is the smarter everyday Space Team uh that sticker one sticker two and this is a little sticker three might be my favorite because you put that on a laptop or something like that if you've never supported on patreon before I'm also going to send you a baseball so thank you so much for considering that if not no big deal I'm just glad you're here I'm just happy that you're watching these videos and you find this stuff interesting that's it I am Destin you're getting smarter every day please consider subscribing if you're into that if not no big deal have a good one [Music]
Channel: Smarter Every Day 2
Views: 90,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smarter, Every, Day, Science, Physics, Destin, Sandlin, Education, Math, Smarter Every Day, experiment, nature, demonstration, slow, motion, slow motion, education, math, science, science education, what is science, Physics of, projects, experiments, science projects, tractor pull, midsouth pullers, john deere, agco, new holland, kubota, international tractor, international harvester, yanmar, farming, irrigation pivot, How do farmers grow food, Irrigation, Crop, Row Crop, Farmers are Geniuses
Id: wTPnV7YfaGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 24sec (6084 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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