Trackside Jamaica National Trials Day 3 | Cydon Bowen

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David was anointed king when he was Lakers Trackside at the Jamaica national Athletics Championships if you're wondering why is it late nature and when I'm just doing the intro here I got caught up in the work and I was doing all the good stuff and forgot to do an actual intro for the video so it's the end of day three but this is how we are starting the Vlog day three the 200 women Shelly and Fraser prices set to make her season debut that's that's the Marquee event of the day I think and the 110 hurdles from enhance apartment coming out as well and a lot of other big names so stay tuned we have the exclusives like share and subscribers in big open yourself all right regular stuff if you guys have an argument one night before training does it affect the training next day yes no no we don't argue um sometimes when I'm at training I have to remind myself that when he speaks to me a certain way I'm like I'm like okay this is coach yeah that husband is a coach so I'm very good at the beginning oh you differentiate between coach and husband time you walk in the house that's it separate it right there and that's it that's it all right all right Ricky's performance now has the triple jump and long jump Champions normally I remember speaking to you early on in the season you were telling me yo you know you have a trading partner and it's very comfortable good trust me um my training partner yeah she is basically the best training partner I could ever have um I don't get a chance to suck off because if I do she will be me in the running in the gym and everything so it's just a good Dynamic me her um I also have Adrian Riley he's in the long dog no yeah um and my husband I think we made the best deal combo so training with your husband later sometimes you guys have an argument in the night in the next day you feel like almost who is this one let me know who you are now all right Acres um this was extraordinary all right we are in Jamaica are you from I'm from Kingston sir all right what what what what Specialties do you have you have outside of track and field well I can draw I can sing you know but he's a dancer you can call me big Rivers um you know big yeah yeah all right all right early in the season we're talking and following up on what happened you know from 2021 and with the hand and everything Championship do you know yeah book a place in Budapest Championship wins ah honestly um you know I've been nursing the grinding for a while and also um I came today honestly it was a hot completion and all that so I was trying to go easy and all that and I got 65 going easy so that's all right cool I need to step in I know I think on the third throw when I try stepping right now expectations versus the result no does it match uh pretty much because uh on a bad day I'm 2065 when I go there I saw 65 my series are better but the goal was to qualify for the world championships all right let's find out two skills that you have outside of track oil outside of field to you yeah you can run yeah what even what event I can Sprint you can Sprint 20 meters 40 meters okay okay four meters both in all right all right so it's a very satellite guy yeah all right cool Gorge is it true that he can actually Sprint yeah the fastest big man I've ever seen so how does that speed from the truck help him in his throwing well speed is the most important thing yeah right and with you can get everything lined up it's a big factor especially in the bigger competitions it's not just about power it's about everything the agility and all that the speed included yes finesse especially with the discus you were here from yesterday yes what was your standard performance of the championship so far this is my second time in Jamaica I've come to watch Champs which is an amazing meet yeah in this we had a plan uh the whole season that included this Championship taking it very seriously because of the caliber yeah throwers in Jamaica is very high so we wanted to make sure that we we didn't miss any lesson the Jamaican championships and I know that he wanted to to win but he still has a long time to throw all right long time to throw and you'll be hearing his name more all right and let the people know your name and where you're from John Newell I'm from the University of Arkansas all right experience here in Jamaica it's been phenomenal some real Jamaican food not just stuck at a hotel in the hotel period so Rose has been taking me around to Island Grill yeah you gotta check it out what's your favorite meal oh yeah what did we have yesterday the yard the yard the outside yeah yep chicken The Jerk Chicken yeah yeah and then the first time ever today Jamaican KFC you guys too [Applause] yeah yeah all right my side so my final one after women's 200 meter you know you know Jackson Jackson [Applause] I'm coming through I'm coming through now I'm a procedure I think it was serious attacks you know yeah yeah she just went out there running through the first 15 meters and she's into the final nice and easy calm one two yeah yeah yeah with their predictions but especially what was so different with this season like the way when I'm necessary you know this is it I mean a lot has changed I'm more determined more focused more motivated and I'm doing a lot more work than I normally do so I guess that's what they're seeing yeah it keeps that confidence of which I didn't disappoint yeah so I'm grateful yeah actually I got around check I know I don't know what copyright income I can't really record the races itself me record race I lose my channel well yeah but give me you know where I did so stay tuned who wouldn't know who you are let them know um Alexander all right yeah today everybody wear different different spikes what spice is your preference [Applause] all right come on YouTube everything you do with them all right big up your name and what you've been to participating all right today I'm asking the athletes with spikes what's your preferred spikes to running I've probably seen Nike Max Flies why I just love Nike that's that's really good thank you overall the Jose experience been here it's been fun but only that I can't say at the heat yeah the heat is ridiculous but damn damn all right I love your channel though all right all right have a good one and what happened to run Robin block on the 400 meter hurdles 200 to 100. oh trees which one is your preference yesterday so yeah might as well the decision minutes yeah really met this year all right I mean spikes what's your preference which bikes are performing and give me a reason for that this year Justin the new you know the Nike with the max price yeah using beans it's comfortable and are you throwing in Puma before but since I went overseas that's the that's why I started raining it's comfortable so is it just the Comfort or it have a little Edge because somebody bones in it S comfort yeah who don't know who you are introduce yourself 200 meter all right we're in Jamaica you're from Saint Elizabeth Saint Elizabeth all right um spikes what your preference ah well the new Puma spikes that they got it just came off he kind of hurt my athletes is a big difference in a different type of spikes some more bones see and oh yeah I'd rather these ones though these ones right here they're the older ones but I rather these ones okay okay yes sir all right all right Bingo bigo yes sir don't know remember if you like subscribe cool in my name is where in Jamaica are you from from I think it hurts a lot I think it makes you run faster to be honest for real other people said this doesn't help help your speed but yeah because the bounce in it I really think it helps and those are the spices I hear them nicknaming yeah yeah all right hold over our experience being a championship so far though experience for me it's my first time here for ceremony in Jamaica so yeah it's a good experience here yeah so you're crumble bunting my two legs yeah and I have to ease off and then another guy passing Ministry all right all right thank you [Music] thank you my animals Oregon when you're qualified on team but remember you just say yo I don't remember your uncle they have some issues with yeah you don't want to experience something what about this do you know to be honest like the consistency that you know I have done with with practice and everything keeping my body healthy like I do my one-way stuff man yeah that's it like that that really helps when coach say y'all you know anywhere like you gotta yeah you know sneak around and put it working that's what I did man no one knows about that yeah but yeah I really I truly believe in that most times Jamaicans we have a big debate about like going to the Collegiate level are going straight for something that whenever College it at this time of the season are going to feel burned out you think no you're feeling burned out practice that much the most things we did is uh I'm not trying to give away my you know yeah yeah we did you know mostly live yeah and being away in the US I know you have a daughter who is in Jamaica what does that affects you to be honest you know you have to be mentally strong like I wish you were there and all but you know I'm working it out for her to come but you know sometimes I was like I gotta do this for her man yeah um [Applause] um [Applause] [Applause] doesn't it so it takes one out here and say oh let's go do it bro isn't it I know yeah all right um come on tonight the truck some people like it some people don't like it so I mean it's my imperfect me or something yeah so at least what do you have in your um we have extra fluid heat drug everything so if you're originally start line and your feet thank you foreign those people who probably never watch it describe what does happen I wonder is obviously doing something yeah preference in spite because I'm recently learning that it's not just step up any specs on minerals what spikes is your preference the city celebrations after injury yeah and you know I've been fighting in throughout the season the reason of for celebrating his you know thanking God for the small steps I mean I didn't win but I ran close to my PR yeah and also it's just a small steps I'm very grateful for I don't need a winner or anything but I'm grateful because it's coming back you know I'm feeling more confident and that was the best one last one call for the celebration and and to put a seat The Joy because it's just a simple heat you know you have access all the traffic Advanced but I got it it's like it's a win for you yes definitely because because I injuries I couldn't be getting any races to get myself in shape yeah so you know I have to take take it through the rounds to just try and get myself sharp and that was the reason why why I feel so related and I'm very grateful man I'm very grateful most persons the average viewer at home wouldn't even know that because they would probably look and say yeah Russell a star student athlete from Calabar since seniors know when I really see anything hunting and they don't know the backstory of everything very good point wow it's not an easy process I'm not running on versus walking everybody is putting in the work yeah you know everybody wants because this is you know as I said back to injuries it's whoever create the least interesting season is always the best you know and we are working on it we are working on it and you know it's finally coming so it's not a rush for me you know I'm a very very young and you know I'm doing what I do I'm working with my coach because you know he knows best yeah don't be the trust in him because he knows more than you you know and I know I don't ever want to question the program so you know I'm working with him and I'm sure he's happy because we've been doing it in training we just needed to do it on the track and I'm grateful for doing it on the track you know all praise the God same way all right big obscene always watching track and field I used to think that if I want to run videos I realize everybody chose different spikes once here preferred spikes are brand new type we've gone through a lot of spikes over the years and I found that this is the best one so far because evil speed oh it's custom yeah so this has been the best fight for me so far because I didn't know heavy yeah I'm heavy you might not oh no you want and because we have a little heel support oh they put on extra parts is the one very well is a truck there and minor with nine football jersey you know reggae boy we're working for the inside all right for those who don't watch track and Fields tell them your name and what event you do stand those persons from the junior levels and tonight you came out here running against the big girls you know how was the experience well it was it was exciting because I was a little nervous because it's my first time running with um anybody significance earlier than I am yeah and and you know normally as a high schooler when you go into the race you know and say yo I'm here the big dog into this body you're going somewhere I go what was your mindset going in um I wasn't I didn't go in overly confident but guys yeah it's a mini run truck right a new Sofia if more around no specs and go around but Mariah want to give them more bones what's likely Adidas yeah all right then respect and big up yeah thank you 51.8400 from Central Park Randy you're good this is [Applause] me but I'm coming after this appointment from yesterday so I had to come out here because I need to make this team one way all right or another yes definitely I went earlier this year but I wasn't aware the national gear so this year this time my another black green I'm going all right bigger business jerky one quick question what's your choice of spikes for track and field like do those things all right don't wanna go around no spikes and you're good I realize most people they prefer one that probably more bones here or whatever so I want to use the best five I was going to give you my sprinting posture which is the Sprint one us right now it's very it's very hot in Jamaica you think the temperature going to Africa performance so I live in Texas which is one of the hottest place in the US yeah along it feels like normal normal yeah thank you foreign [Music] yeah so 800 what's your super spikes I like my 800 spikes now because you think it's printing for the 400 yeah or the 800. so what's the brand space you're running Adidas this was the model this is the 400 spice oh yeah and how different is a 400 space like versus bottom is actually I can show you yeah the other one like the bottom is like it's flat um so it's way different okay so this is the fourth this is the 400 specs there's the 800 just keep you on your toes more all right so as you can see oh that one the heel is thin compared to this is a heel all right yesterday our day before yesterday something here in the whole black [Applause] foreign and the two fastest losers so far would I be them too if them still see it you're lucky tonight you know even though I never made it to the finals I'm so content with my track career my my track goes was 420 points in the 200 and I did that so you know thank you again to my parents for making me come to Jamaica you know to just end my chat career here yeah I'm out all right I realized it took a long time laying down catching your breath yeah I think it's slow no rush it's just everything yeah that's just me most Jamaicans when contemplating the transition in truck they always say going the Collegiate route you'll probably feel burned out by this time do you think right now in the season the body feels really tired or you still have some definitely done this is the best I've felt oh so um yeah never experienced that yeah yeah and going to college overseas photos like having a family back in Jamaica impact you are you have you have a close family over there um not really probably one or two but like my sister brother God is here but it always feel good to miss them for a little while and then we'll come back feels great to see them and being a track athlete oh there's that perfect like some of your friendships in college because if you're scheduling different from your other friends who don't compete in track that's why it's called that's why it's called friends if you can't miss my for a couple of days I remember talking yeah and we're not friends you know what I mean yeah yeah and finally I've been asking the athletes about spikes because if I don't run track I thought that I could just buy any random spikes take it up and go they realize there's a difference in it what's your preferred spikes um I used to have Puma because that's what I grew up on that's what I know yeah since high school there's no case it is you see a spoon or what no I think Nike made the best spikes the one with the bubble Max rice yes everybody's saying that everybody's like it feels different from everything else how different is it it's just bones bouncy yeah we give you extra speed all right let's open respects and those who don't know your name let them know who you are and what event you're competing 400 meter where in Jamaica are you from Karina uh respect all right that's a coach [Music] thank you
Channel: Cydon Bowen
Views: 10,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lb5s1EPE2qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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