Track Exit Link Clicks/Outbound Clicks using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

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what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today I'm gonna be going over how to track exit clicks on your website so any outbound clicks on your website when someone goes to your website and clicks on a link that takes them to another website so here's an example of it I'm using this right now in beachfront decor in this video I'm gonna be setting it up on my other website farmhouse goals comm but you can see if I come in to Google Analytics right here this is where we're gonna track this is under behavior events and overview and we're also gonna set up a conversion goal for this as well and if you want to you can take that conversion goal and import it directly into your Google Ads account and actually optimize for this event on your website but just for this video I'm gonna be going over how to set it up so you can track every outbound click that's happening on your website so you can just see my data from today it's showing total events unique events and sessions with event so if we see right here I'm gonna be tracking three different things so it's gonna be event category outbound click event action is going to be exit website an event label will be the actual link that people clicked so you can see all the different links that people have clicked so for this one for beachfront decor and for farmhouse goals they're basically Amazon affiliate websites so every time someone clicks on an external link I want to be able to track that so we're gonna be doing that today with Google Analytics and Google tag manager so we're gonna get started here and the first thing we want to do is come over to Google tag manager and you want to make sure you have Google tag manager and Google Analytics installed on your website so I've done this both with tag manager so if we open up our Google tag manager account completely free and Google Analytics is completely free as well so we can come over here we have our farmhouse goals account so the first thing we want to do is come over to admin here and we want to install Google tag manager and what its gonna ask you to do is paste a piece of code as high as possible in the header portion of the page and then paste this code immediately after the opening body tag so the way I'm gonna be doing this is with a plug-in called head footer and post injections so I've downloaded this plug-in and installed it on my website already so gonna come over to tag manager you want to copy this piece of code here and you want to copy this piece of code here and then you just want to come over to your website and you're gonna open this here head footer and post injections once you install it you're gonna find it under your settings and they're just gonna be header and footer right here and what you're gonna see is we're gonna copy and paste this code on every page in the head portion of our page and then we're also gonna copy and paste this immediately after the opening body tag so copy and paste both these pieces of code here and we're gonna have this for desktop and for mobile and for this one it's gonna be on every page in the head section you just want to come down click on save and it's that simple to have Google tag manager installed in your WordPress website so the next thing we need to do is we're gonna come over here to tag manager again we're gonna come back and you want to make sure we're gonna come to our workspace here and you want to make sure that you have your Google Analytics tag installed on your website as well so if we come over here to tags it's pretty easy to install Google Analytics all we need to do is under tags here we're gonna click on it and you're gonna see the way that it's set up is the tag type is gonna be Google Analytics universal track type will be page view and then it's gonna use the settings using a variable so what we do here is you would come over to your workspace and you would click here to add a new tag you want to name your tag under tag configuration you're gonna click here we're gonna choose this one right at the top Google Analytics universal so we're gonna click on it track type will be paid view and then it's gonna say Google Analytics settings and when we come here select settings variable what you want to do is set up a new variable right here and your tracking ID is what you're gonna copy and paste right here so you can find your tracking ID by going to your analytics account and then if you just click on your analytics profile and the property that you want to install this is the tracking ID you want to put right here so it's gonna be that UA and then it's gonna be a set of numbers right here so you're gonna copy this right here come over to tag manager and copy and paste it right in tracking ID so we've already done that with this settings right here so you do that right there click on trigger and we're gonna trigger it on all pages so that's gonna track everything that's happening on website so it's that easy to set up Google Analytics on your website using Google tag manager so this is really where you would want to get started in order to track exit clicks so we're gonna discard this for right now so if we come over to tags here you can see we have analytics installed already and if we come over to variables you're gonna see our variable right here so you can see our Google Analytics settings if we click on it we have it set up with our tracking ID for farmhouse goals so once you're at this step you're ready to get started with tracking exit clicks on your website so what we're gonna do first is we're gonna come back over to our workspace and tag manager and we're gonna add a new tag now for this tag what I'm gonna call it is the same thing I did for beach front ik or outbound clicks and then tag configuration we're gonna click right here and we're gonna use Google Analytics again okay so now this part is important so under track type instead of page view we're gonna click on the drop down here and we're gonna do a vent and now it's gonna ask us for event tracking parameters category action label value so we're not gonna do anything in the value field category what we're gonna do is outbound click action is going to be exit website and then label so in order to track the actual URL that people click what we're gonna do is we're gonna click over here and it's gonna have all these different variables here but what we want to do is we want to click on built-ins right here and we're gonna use click URL so we're just gonna click right here and you're gonna see this is what it should look like so you're using Google Analytics track type event event tracking parameters will be outbound click exit website and click URL we're not gonna have anything here for value we're not gonna have anything here for non interaction hit what we're gonna be doing here is under Google Analytics settings we're gonna be using that settings variable we just set up in the previous step and now what we want to do is scroll down here to triggering and we're gonna click on triggering and we're not gonna be using all pages for this one we're gonna click on the plus sign up here in the top right corner and we're gonna click on trigger configuration and it's gonna be under click and just links so this is what we're gonna be tracking is under click just links we're gonna wait for tags we're gonna check validation you can this at 2,000 milliseconds and what we're gonna be doing is enable this trigger when all of these conditions are true so what we're gonna be doing is click URL contains we're gonna click on the drop down here and we're gonna do page URL and we're gonna do contains and just put a period right here so that's all you want to do is page URL sorry page URL contains period here and then what we want to do is keep scrolling down and it's gonna say this trigger fires on and what we're gonna do is some link clicks we're gonna scroll down to the bottom and we're gonna do it when the click URL does not contain so does not contain and we're gonna put our website here so farmhouse goals dot-com just so this all makes sense okay just scroll it up just to make sure that you can see it is the trigger type is gonna be every click on our website just the links on our website we're gonna wait for our tags to load check validation so any page URL that contains a period so that will be every single page on our website and we're gonna fire this trigger on some link clicks when the click URL does not contain our website so what that means is let's just say someone comes to our website so they're on for Mouse they're going through our pages they're going through our products and let's just say they like this product right here what they can do is if they click on learn more it's gonna take them directly to Amazon so that's gonna track because every time someone comes to our website and they click on this link right here and they go to another page it's gonna track that click as an event so that's the way we're setting it up that's kind of logic and how it all works so we're gonna come back over here to tag manager again and we're gonna click up here at the top just to name this trigger and the trigger we can do anything here so we'll just do not farm house goals clicks so the way it's gonna look right here it's gonna be clicked just links wait for tags page URL contains a period click URL does not contain farmhouse goals calm and we're gonna click on save ok so now we're all ready to go we can click on save again so we have outbound click set up as an event outbound click exit website click URL and then every time someone clicks a link on our website that does not contain farmhouse goals calm it's gonna track this as an event in Google Analytics so we can click on save here now the last thing we have to do is make sure we publish this to our Google tag manager account so submit the changes so you can add any descriptive name here I'm just gonna put outbound ok so now we're gonna click on publish here okay so it's gonna say this is all added we have three tags now we come over to our workspace and what we can do is just click on tags just make sure we have it set up here okay outbound clicks so now it should start tracking in our analytics account now the last thing you want to do is set this up as a goal in your analytics account so I already have this set up as a goal in my beachfront decor account so if we come over to beachfront decor you can see I have my events my total events unique events but what we do is we come over here to conversions and goals and we come to overview and if we're just looking at today's data you can see outbound click right here goal nine completions so it's tracking every time someone clicks on an outbound link on our website as a goal so now we can actually import that directly into our analytics account and we could just get more data about what leads to more outbound clicks on our website which ultimately will help me increase my revenue for this website so what we want to do is we're gonna come over here to the bottom you're gonna click on this gear you want to come to your admin screen so want to make sure that you're in your admin portion so you want to just click it down on this link on the bottom and then once you do is under views here you're gonna come to goals and you can see I've outbound click right here so we're gonna click on that and our goal setup the way you're gonna set it up is goal set up is gonna be custom we're gonna come down here keep going gold description so you can name it whatever you want I'm just gonna keep it the same name as the event it's gonna be outbound click and the type here is gonna be event so click on continue and then the last thing is gonna be gold details so what you want to do is use the category name and the action name that you use when you created it in tag manager so for mine it's gonna be outbound click and exit website so if we come over here to tag manager and we just look right here real quick so what you can see we have a track type as an event category is gonna be outbound click action is gonna be exit website you don't need to worry about a label for this one you don't need to worry about a value so we're just gonna come over here again so category will just be begins with or equal to we'll just keep it as equal to for now outbound click equals to exit website you don't need to put anything for label you can just do equals two and not enter anything here and value you don't need to put anything for value here either you can track value if you want to but I'm not going to now if we keep scrolling down we click on verify this goal so you're gonna see this goal would have a twenty percent conversion rate based on the data from your past seven days so twenty percent of the time when someone does come to my website they end up completing this goal so we can click on save here and now that's how you track this as a goal in your Google Analytics account and how you create the outbound click event using Google tag manager and Google Analytics so if you have any questions about this please leave in the comment section thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 12,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: track exit links, track exit clicks, track outbound links, track outbound clicks, exit clicks, exit links, outbound links, outbound link clicks, exit link clicks, google tag manager track exit links, track exit link clicks, track outbound link clicks, google tag manager, google analytics, google analytics track click events, events google analytics, exit clicks google tag manager, exit links google tag manager, google analytics track link clicks, track clicks
Id: oAlZfaa3Uwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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