Trace Adkins announces free concert in tornado-stricken Mayfield

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this morning we are catching up with a multi-platinum country singer and actor whose career spans more than 25 years Trace Adkins is a three-time Academy of Country Music Award winner selling more than 11 million albums his most recent work 2021s the way I want to go featuring collaborations with Luke Bryan Pitbull and the great Melissa Etheridge Trace is currently on his somewhere in America Tour and he's making a pit stop right here in studio 1A for a very special announcement good morning good morning good morning so we're calling it a tour right I mean you're technically on tour yeah yeah but you're going to make a little pit stop for a free concert right can you tell us about this big announcement yeah we're going to make a stop in Mayfield Kentucky on May 20th um we're going to do a free show there at the high school football stadium we've partnered up with my friends at Coyote tractors and they're sponsoring all of it and we just want to stop in Mayfield and and do a show and just give those people a pat on the back for whatever why Mayfield because December 10th 2021 an incredibly strong tornado came through the middle of downtown and just destroyed you know all of those historic buildings downtown most of those buildings were over 100 years old I mean it was just tragic and you know I think 24 people that tornado I think actually killed over 80 people but right there in Mayfield it was 24 people that got killed when that tornado came through it was just it was a tragedy and we were looking for a place to to do a video for this song on our new album called Somewhere in America and the song just talks about you know somewhere in America there are still people that have that indomitable spirit and they just you know he has that resiliency and and we could think of no place better you know that exemplified that than Mayfield Kentucky and so now I've spoken with the mayor Onan and she's been wonderful to work with and so we're going to go to Mayfield that's great give them a pat on the back and the thing about that song You Know it talks about kindness and talks about what we do in America when when other citizens are hurting and how we come together how do people find out more about the concert uh go to Mayfield and everything you want to know will be right there and once again I'd like to say thanks to my friends at Coyote tractors for stepping up to the plate and making this happen and uh you know we're looking forward to it and and the people that I've spoke to from Mayfield have just all been just beautiful people so the cat's out of the bag yeah they're in on the scene well they they knew that they tried to keep it a signal I think they told some people but anyway there are so many towns across the country now that that we could have chosen and we feel sorry for all of those people but you know we we've had to pick one so we went to Mayfield I love that I love that and and then also what I find interesting yeah we you know we've seen you sing obviously we know about that but we've also seen you active uh you know when you were with uh Matthew McConaughey and the Lincoln lawyer years ago any chance of maybe getting back together and maybe a a yeah well you know if you wanted me to reprieve that come back and do that again I you know certainly but you know out of the first when I first met him he was like you mispronounced my name in that song I did it I did a song called hold my beer and and I said Matthew McConaughey because it rhymed with funny and I said well that's it it rhymed it didn't rhyme the other way that's funny Kim Mulkey turns out you guys have some history you're actually one of the 700 plus people that texted her when she won right yeah just us and she said thanks for the text you know but uh we love it what'd you text her I just said congrats on being the goat I mean everywhere she's been she's been successful incredibly successful yeah yeah you know college together right we our freshman year I was playing football she was playing basketball at Louisiana Tech and I would see her you know because we ate together on Training Day wild athletes ate on the training table and I had a crush on her but I don't think I don't think I ever spoke to her other than to say Hello I'd never had a conversation with her but years later I said something about her on stage one night and set out a crush on her and I did an old Larry Graham song one in a million and I said every time I would walk in the Student Union building this song would be playing because at that time it was a big hit and I said every time I hear this song I'd think about Kim and then she heard that and so all the recipes that's a good story that's a good connection and so we've been friends now for years which is great and uh you know I was just oh you're both Superstars now so oh well I'm not in her category well Chase thanks and I love that thank you absolutely thank you guys for helping us you know say something about Mayfield oh absolutely anything we can do absolutely it's going to be a beautiful beautiful thing hey thanks for watching don't miss the Today show every weekday at 11 A.M Eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming Channel today all day to watch head to all day or click the link right here
Channel: TODAY
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Keywords: Interview, NBC News, News, Today, Today Show, current events, newscast, politics
Id: LjvGX1i7TQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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