Toyota Counterfeit parts EXPOSED!

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hello and welcome to the car care nut channel in today's video we're going to be talking about toyota counterfeit parts we're actually not going to be talking about them we're going to expose them but before we get started if you're new to the channel welcome consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos if you're a returning subscriber thank you so much for watching another one of my videos and without further ado let's dig right into it small overview before we get started what makes toyotas awesome are there awesome engineering of course but equally they're high quality parts when toyota makes their parts some of the parts they'll make in-house but most of the parts honestly they'll sublet to outside vendors third parties other companies however when they do that those outside companies are held to a very high standard and the minute they're not up to that standard they're out that's just how toyota works so when we have counterfeit parts what's the standard of these parts nothing zero the company the company or companies that makes these counterfeit parts they're so ashamed that they're horrible quality they don't even want to put their own name on it i always recommend to my viewers that they use original parts when possible but in the case of counterfeits i'd rather you use aftermarket because at least the company that made them is not ashamed to put their own name on the box having said that let's move to exhibit a if you would [Music] exhibit a cabin filters very simple filters they filter the air coming into the cabin through the heating or the ac or the hvac not much to them right well here i have two cabin filters one of them is the beautiful original one and one of them is a shameful counterfeit let's dig deeper so i deal with these parts every single day through my career at a dealership i can just by looking at these two boxes tell you this one is a counterfeit because the print on the box looks atrocious there's no other word for it this is a high quality box and it's just a box this could be a little garbage bag for all we care about but the part inside is what matters everybody's just going to throw the box and we're done but even the box looks good on the original part and looks horrible on the counterfeit let's move further though if you look here this is a y08 number now when i looked up this number in the power catalog this number has been superseded to yzz20 so people will say well maybe this is not counterfeit maybe this is just old stock but the problem is this part's not available anywhere in none of the toyota warehouses and has been superseded for a long time so if this is old stock where did it come from and why is it so readily available i mean the toyota just change the number and throw all these parts to the garbage and somebody picked them out of the garbage that doesn't sound like how things work when things are superseded but that's okay benefit of the doubt right the box is terrible and the biggest thing that tells you about the box so all toyota parts on the sticker will tell you what's the country of origin where was this part made and they're not trying to fool you if it's made in somebody's backyard in the shed they're going to tell you it's made in somebody's backyard or the shed in the case of the of this cabin filter which is the original one it says made in usa cool in the case of our suspect filter it says of course made in japan but then if you flip the box there's another sticker that says made in china so which one is it but then people will say okay well that's just a sticker could be off okay let's assume the sticker is not there let's open them and see how they look let's start with the suspect one you're gonna open the box and the filter is in a very nice bag oh that's very fancy perfectly fine let's open the other one here's the other one this is the original one no bag so maybe the bag was something that got superseded right that's okay but let's look at the filter itself right here it has a toyota logo says toyota then says the part number then says denzo then again in case you have missed that on the box it says made in japan made in japan but it's missing one thing that is crucial to any toyota cabin filter the up arrow which direction do you put this filter when you install it even aftermarket ones from a company that is proud to put their name on their box will have airflow or some of them will even have up and just an arrow to indicate when you install this filter this direction is up well our friendly filter here nothing both sides nothing that's okay they missed that but uh the very elaborate toyota and toyota logo and denzo and part number well the original one doesn't have any of that just have two up part number very small and maybe some numbers maybe a batch number or something and that's it but the biggest problem is not the print i'm holding these two filters in my hand this one looks like paper that i pulled out of my printer and glued together in this form and that's it this is this doesn't look like it's going to filter much this one however it's heavier it's it has a soft touch material on the side it is a much higher quad this looks like a filter this just looks like a piece of paper that's that's the worst thing i mean they couldn't even bother making it slightly better but the problem is the biggest problem is most people if they see a picture of this that says toyota has a logo and has everything they will believe this is the original one folks that is not the case this is a shameful copy of this which is the original filter any toyota filter you buy must have the up arrows period any cabin filter not air filter so having said that some people will say well some cabin filters will come with a bag that's true but it'll be a sealed bag not an open one and that filter will be a charcoal activated cabin filter this is not a charcoal activated so that's this is not the same this is a shameful copy folks but then this is not such a serious offender here it's just a cabin filter yeah it'll not filter very well but it's not going to damage things and i'm with you until you see exhibit b exhibit b spark plugs now spark plugs are pretty serious they're very important for how the engine runs so in picture when you look at these four spark plugs they look similar and that's what gets diy mechanics for example you order these parts you don't you're not handling these parts every day to tell this is a terrible box and this is a very nicely well made box so you're just looking at it it's a little crumpled doesn't look good well it might be just shipping but that's where the similarities between these sparks really end and it's the first thing is and this is similar to the cabin filter the part number is is an old number this number doesn't exist anymore it has been superseded into another one so where did they get this old stock again this has been discontinued for a long time and toyota will supersede part numbers for various reasons but some of them are improvements that's why they take out old numbers and you can't find them anymore that's the first red flag the second red flag after the box is when you open the plug well you open the plug looks normal has all the right numbers has the protective sleeve but then it's when you go digging deeper into this plug is when things start getting ugly let me open the original plug and we'll start comparing the two initially they look identical but then if you look closer first the most important thing these are both supposedly iridium plugs what makes these plugs last 120 000 some cases 60 000 miles is iridium tip and just by looking at these two first they're completely different the counterfeit cannot be an iridium tip because what makes iridium spark plugs very expensive is the iridium tip it's just an expensive material to put in a plug that's why they last so long so it usually is another red flag when you can buy four spark plugs for less than a price of one that's a big red flag because toyota they make look they make profits the dealership makes profit but they're not out to rob you either so when you could buy four for the price of one red flag let's dig deeper into the plug so the washer the compression washer right here this one on the original plug looks very smooth when i when i move my hand over it very smooth very well made and solid i come to the counterfeit i mean if i move my hand hard right here and i wish you could you can hold these parts with your hand when i move my hand over here it almost wants to cut my hand it's a very sharp edge it looks very wrong it's just not the right washers probably doesn't even belong to this spark plug but then we move to the tip the tip doesn't even look the same the inside part doesn't look the same the porcelain is not the same just nothing looks the same about these two spark plugs yet there are they are identical if you just look at them from far away but then we come to the obvious stuff now both of these plugs say denzo they say sk20r11 just the part the number of the plug that's all fine they all say the same thing but if you really dig deeper this one the original one the print is very clear very nice very consistent you look at this one the denso mark is less sharp than the rest and it's like fading already i mean this spark plug hasn't been in a car yet and and the print is already fading on it and then you go on the back the iridium font is wrong and it all looks cheap and just weird so it looks wrong you look at the original one it just it's a very nice print that's that's how you tell these things is those little details because remember they're trying with this with the counterfeit they're trying to make this as cheap as possible because they don't care there's no recourse for them they're putting in a toyota box and you're on your own there you go toyota if you got a problem which of course i can tell you have a nice day this is a counterfeit part but the interesting thing about these spark plugs is so engraved on the spark plug on the original spark plug let's start with that going back to where it's made in engraved on the spark plug it said assembled in the us with foreign content usually that makes people kind of shy away from things wait a minute it's assembled in the u.s but with with foreign stuff that we don't know what they are they're not trying to lie to you this is where this plug came from and then if you go on the box it says exactly the same thing made in the u.s with foreign content that's where it's made in that's where it's assembled and that's where the powers came from we're not lying to you but then of course you go to the counterfeit plug it says denzo it's okay tenzo is a supplier of spark plug for toyota and actually many other parts but then it says japan and then the box made in japan of course because why wouldn't it be made in japan uh i guesstimate that this thing is made in some backyard shed and then put in a horrible looking box and i've had a viewer that sent me a picture of a spark plug that basically melted in a sienna and after talking to them back and forth i believe those spark plugs were counterfeit it was on a v6 3.5 liter engine i've never seen a spark plug do that even when you go double the mileage on the original spark plugs they don't do that but the counter fit spark plug did that having said that this is still not the most serious one that i've seen which we're going to talk about the most serious one most serious offender if you would in exhibit c [Music] moving on to exhibit c the last one and the most important one oil filters now you're going to replace your oil filters a lot more often than your spark plugs so this one is not a superseded number like the previous two it's the same number like for like let's look at the counterfeit and the original here first problem i see the box not even the same size but that's okay maybe it's a different packaging you know that's okay but the thing with toilet oil filters and this goes for all toyo oil filters they have a hologram sticker on them if we look at this at the hologram sticker on the counterfeit it's it's there but it's not there because this looks like a horrible copy of the the hologram mark the trademark if you would the original one has such a beautiful sticker to me it looks like more expensive than the whole filter that's your first red flag but ooh the red flags keep going with this one let's start with with the box this box of the counterfeit says you guessed it made in japan the original filter says made in thailand there's nothing wrong with that but that's where it's made again toyota's being honest here they'll say where it's made in and that's that then we go to the let's talk about the filter this is an a6 filter it's it fits like third generation prius some corollas it's for the two zr engine for most of it until they they changed it to the spin-on filter so that style it's a canister filter kind of looks like this filter goes in here and this goes back in the car let's open these filters and see what's inside let's start with a counterfeit we got a plastic thing we'll talk about that in a second we got two o-rings we'll talk about that in two seconds and then the filter that's okay looks okay right well here's the original filter we got the filter you can already see the problem but then there's only one oring that's all it comes with so what's this and why is there a second oring well here's the problem this is an a6 filter this is a canister style filter cancer looks like this filter goes here life is good there is another oil filter from toyota it's called the a1 this filter when you open it you get the oil filter you have two o-rings and this this is a drain so this is a fill this is a canister from an a1 it has another cap here you could take that cap off and install this and then you can drain this filter so it wouldn't make a mess that's the idea most of these filters the canister with a1 they sit like so in the car so however you take them they're going to make a mess so they designed this little thing that goes in there and drains it before you take the filter out that's all okay but the a6 filter doesn't have that because all the engines that the a6 filter sits in this canister sits sideways so you just take it off and it'll start draining at the bottom so on the a6 canister which is by the way smaller than this one as you see in this picture does not have this cap this is just a sealed place so going back to the counterfeit this doesn't belong to it because this doesn't go on the canister for the a6 it goes on the one for the a1 and the second oring has no place to go i think uh the guys in the shed they might have mixed some stuff up and and that is very apparent when we go back to the box we look at the box and it says engine application 2grfe and ar well the 2grfe is your 3.5 liter v6 and the ar series engine is either 1ar 2.7 venza highlander or 2ar camry rav4 or other models the a6 doesn't work with the the v6 and the ar but i guess the guys in the shot didn't get that memo so all that is okay but let's go to the filter itself which is where things really get bad really get bad folks here's the counterfeit filter and here's the original filter they're exactly the same size but when i squeeze this filter you see that i can squeeze the whole filter up this is original and folks i am not making this up i am pushing this with all my force i'll try to the same hand you can't crush this guy this guy is so well made this one can you imagine when this filter gets a few thousand miles on it covered in oil it's just gonna come apart it's not gonna filter anything because it's not really a filter it's just a bunch of paper and then we look at the top of these filters this one is a very nice finish and this one just has a little rubber thing on top which doesn't really hold the filter that's why you can crush it like this and this one is so strong and the other thing is on the pleats of this filter all these all these canister style filters they'll have toyota and the part number now the counterfeit also does have that but it's such a horrible font and i'll show you in the picture right here compared to the original one right here i mean that's a horrible just a horrible copy of a shameful company that's trying to sell you these filters oh and by the way i bought five of these filters for almost a price of one that's your last red flag folks this is very dangerous this filter you might as well keep your oil original filter double the time then do this i don't encourage you to do that by the way but if you're going to use horrible parts like that what's the point go buy an aftermarket go buy the worst aftermarket one will be better than this junk this is so bad this is so bad folks this is unbelievable before we continue let me just do something real quick [Music] [Music] much better got me some original parts over here before we wrap up this video and to give you more value of this video and appreciating you sticking out this long i really appreciate you watching this video let me give you some information about parts toyota parts always get superseded i'm not sure the reasons i don't work in the parts depot but some of these super sessions are to improve the part to do something whatever the case may be you always want to get the most updated part never buy an old superseded number part and the best source to buy parts is of course the dealership if the dealership sells you counterfeit parts please let me know or better yet contact toyota because they'll go as far as shut down that dealership for selling you counterfeit parts the other safe place and i always tell my viewers research your parts look online here's a the best place to buy your toyota parts without having to worry about these counterfeit stuff many people are not aware that toyota sells you parts directly what they'll do there is you'll shop for your parts then they'll refer you to your local dealership they can either ship the parts to you or you can go pick them up if you don't want to deal with the parts counter when you go on a dealership other places some par some dealerships have their own website where they sell you things at a discounted price again that's a good source but be wary of these unknown sellers on some random big websites they'll sell you these not these sorry garbage ones the counterfeit parts be careful don't risk it if you're gonna buy original parts they're expensive but they're well worth it otherwise go buy an aftermarket part you know who made it they're proud of their product proud enough to put their name on it and i'll give you another tip on parts you notice through toyota parts you're going to see the yzz number or letters you'll see that in the parts number what that means is this is not a factory part this was not the same part that was put in the car from the factory this is a part of toyota's value line now toyota made this to lower the cost for consumers and be able to have multiple suppliers there's nothing wrong with these parts actually toyota made them for cost nothing else cost to you so they wouldn't charge you a small fortune by getting these parts from all over the place now the yzz numbers in some cases you can still buy the original one like the cabin filter like a few things but oil filters you can't get the oil filter you notice if you do your first oil change on your toyota especially on the spin-on filters where you can see the the part number it'll be a different part number than what you get from the dealership that's totally normal the yzz parts they're value parts but they're actually excellent parts and they still carry the toyota name and toyota approves of course but i just thought i'd let you know on that because example is brake pads the yzz number is actually a value line which are cheaper but the factory ones are still available but they're almost double the price of course folks keep your toyota toyota by buying original parts and if you're not going to buy original parts buy a part from a company that's proud of it i hope you learned something new in this video i hope you never have to find yourself in a situation where you put a counterfeit part without knowing in your car if you like this video give it a thumbs up consider subscribing to the channel if you're not a subscriber may the lord bless you and keep you and you have a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 487,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyota counterfeit parts, toyota counterfeit parts exposed, fake toyota parts, fake oil filter, knock off oil filter, fake spark plugs, counterfeit parts, knock off exposed, truth about toyota parts, toyota parts, toyota parts online, toyota parts ebay, toyota parts amazon, auto parts scam, how to spot fake parts, how to tell if parts are original, auto repair, toyota oil filter, auto repair shop, toyota oil filter wrench
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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