Townie Makeovers Begin! | The Pancakes | The Sims 4

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foreign [Music] pizza here and welcome back to my Channel or hi hello if you are new here today on the channel we are starting a new series which is gonna be simply called the Townley makeover Series where I am going to go through every single townie in the game in order of Worlds being released and give them a makeover into my sim style we're starting off with the pancakes so let's head right in to create a Sim so here we are in Create a Sim with Bob Eliza and Iggy pancakes I'm gonna be making them over in my own personal Sim style using custom content and mods you know so they fit into my game they will be up for download both on my patreon but the link will probably be to download them on a Sim file shirt because I will include the custom content in the link none of it is early access I'm not like joinking anyone's custom content and putting it in my own link everyone gets full credit for the custom content used and it's just easier for both me and the downloader for the custom content to be included in the link with the tray files I will also if I have time be including links to all the custom content as well so if you only wanted like some of it and didn't want to download the actual pancakes tray files you have links to the custom content too so over on assembler there has been a little bit of oh I don't want to say discourse but a little bit of um change revolving around Bob everyone is saying you know Bob should be living his best life away from Eliza because she isn't the best wife however I didn't want to break them up I think if that happens in my game it should happen naturally because I do have like story progression turned on so if they do want to divorce they can but I'm not going to do it for them I kind of want it to be it's natural it's going to happen if it happens type thing and I am of course using the EA updated version of the pancakes that they released a few years ago on the gallery profile which is I believe just called Maxis m-a-x-i-s where they added a child into the pancakes family called Iggy who is the little toddler that you can see at the bottom he is included because I think he's just absolutely adorable I believe the idea is that Iggy is supposed to quote unquote fix Bob and Eliza's marriage which I think is um kind of sweet and also kind of really bad because children should not be used as a way to fix relationship issues but I also think that you know if it works it's really wholesome but I don't think that Maxis should have been like hey we gave Bob and Eliza a child so they can be happy again also I do just want to point out that I do change every Sims skin tone to um the ms3 skin tone colors I believe they're not exactly the same as the EA ones but especially with Sims of color I try my absolute hardest to make it the same shade or as close to the same shade as I can and if it's not going to be the same shade it would be a shade darker if that makes sense like in no way shape or form do I want to whitewash any of my Sims of color I just wanted to put that out there before anyone got the wrong idea when they see me changing the skin tone it's just that I really like these skin tones and they look just so so good on my Sims um so yeah as you can see I'm making over Bob I am picking out his little features and stuff and I think I did a really really good job with Bob like I absolutely love how he turned out I do end up changing this hairstyle but I kind of regret it now because he does look so good with it with all of my Towny makeovers what I'm going to be doing or should I say not doing is um I'm not going to be changing any of their facial features like they're still going to have the exact same um presets I'm just going to be kind of fiddling around with them and giving them skin details so with Bob as you can see I've made his nose and lips a little bit bigger I changed his chin slightly because I didn't want him to have like the full-on beard that Bob normally has with base game so I made his jaw a little bit less big because it is like dramatically weirdly big in base game so I just made that a little bit more realistic and as I do with most Sims I made their eyes slightly smaller because it looks more real and less cartoony I'm also not going to be changing anyone's weight to make them smaller or anything and I'm gonna try my absolute best to stick with their original aesthetic and style I think Bob was dressed really awfully um in the base game like kind of show that he was a bit of a well he has the slob trait that he was a slob but being a slob doesn't mean that you have to dress weird and now that he's a dad I tried to give him like very dad cool Vibes like comfy cozy dad call Vibes and I absolutely love this hoodie I can't remember what game pack it's in but it just looks so so cozy and I wish we would have got a female version for it um but it's just so comfortable and oh I I could just wear that and I I just love the boots I gave him as well Bob was already kind of wearing very beige brownie colors because he I imagine him as quite shy he's not an out there kind of person but when you do get to know him he's he's like an absolute goofball and I love that about Bob's kind of law so I kept his outfits quite toned down but also made him a little bit smarter than what he was looking like especially because I feel like Bob is the one that really wants to keep the marriage between him and Eliza working because Eliza is very money orientated and so she might be the one that's like oh this isn't working out for me whereas I feel like Bob is the one that's like no come on come on we can make it work and so maybe he's slightly changing the way he looks and acts in order to keep Eliza around especially now that they have a child together I think that he would maybe be putting more of an effort into his personal appearance and so I kind of did that for him and I really like the way that all of his outfits turn out um I do have a little snippet at the end where I show off all their outfits so it's it's going to be cute to see all of that I hate the dressing gown that they gave him um because you know who the heck sleeps in a dressing gown and with him being a professional chef or wanting to be a professional chef I thought that orange pajama set was just absolutely adorable and suited him so much and I'm really upset that I didn't go for that egg shirt that I just clicked on because that would have been so good for gold pancakes imagine if they had a pancake Swatch as well that would have been amazing I do love how Bob turned out though I think he looks really wholesome and cozy I know I've said that already but but I really do like the way that he turned out and this party outfit you'll see at the end it kind of Vibes with the horse ranch expansion pack that's coming soon I can definitely see Bob in the barn doing the hoedown Showdown and drinking um what's it called the wine the nectar like a bob pancakes official nectar that that's maybe going to be his uh his dream job you know maybe I'll take Bob into the horse ranch expansion pack and play it with him and give him a little break from his family life and from Eliza being bossy and snobby and give him the taste of freedom in the horse ranch so now that Bob is finished I am on to Eliza and once again I just want to make sure everybody knows I'm not changing any of their presets apart from their eyebrows I am also changing their eyes to the eyes that I like to use and not changing the color as much as I can the same with the skin tone as well I can't remember if I actually changed Eliza's skin tone but if I do as I said I'm trying not to whitewash anyone or make them a different shade than what they were originally I also want to just point out that I'm not changing any traits they all have the exact same traits and aspirations that they had when they arrived in the game because I don't really like changing the stories that the EA creators gave them I might not agree with how ugly they make their Sims but I definitely don't want to take away the sort of creative aspect of them creating the Sims in the first place with Eliza she is materialistic and a I don't think she's a snob but she's neat and so I tried to give her even with her casual everyday outfit a look of um dignity and elegance that kind of says hi I have money like I am that and I walk around with pearl jewelry on even when I'm casually dressed um I really like Eliza as a sim a lot of people hate her because of how quote unquote badly she treats Bob but I never had an issue with her really like I think that their marriage is just a marriage of opposites attracts in a way and when I very very first joined assembler Eliza was one of my first Founders best friends and so I've always had a little bit of a soft spot for Eliza but I always end up accidentally deleting the makeover that I make of the pancake so I have to redo them every single time and I think this Eliza is my favorite allies that I've ever made I don't know how I did it I think I just downturned her eyes a little bit and especially giving her the uncurled 3D eyelashes I think that she looks a lot more soft and less Stern because I can imagine that with her story she would be a very strict mom and a strict wife but I don't really see that in game I never had any negative interactions with Eliza pancake and so I'm gonna go off that she was always very sweet to my Sims and I'm dressing her as just a sweet like 90s mom that has maybe done a few mean things in her past but she's definitely moved past these mean things and she's tired of people assuming that she's still mean even though she's not like she's trying her best and I like that about Eliza it kind of reminds me of myself like I was a bit of a in high school and I really regret that but um I think that maybe Eliza went through a phase of um having like Rich parents and maybe she went to a private school and now she's like oh my God I treated the unpopular kids so so mean and so I like to imagine that she volunteers that she donates her money to charity and that she uses her money to like run charity events maybe I really hope if you guys do download this version of Eliza you um you have nice interactions with her because I can imagine you guys downloading her and her being absolutely horrible in your games that would be absolutely awful but anyway I am trying to give her an Air of um richness to each of her outfits like uh she's definitely not a casual person she wears like some sort of a designer item in every single one of her outfits to make sure that people can see that she's well off but she also is kind of like humble like she doesn't she's not showing it off but she also subconsciously wants people to know if that makes sense I also think that her and Bob's um cold weather outfits match a lot and it's really cute so I'm excited to see them in my game when they're like wearing their winter outfits so now we are on to little Iggy and I'm just double checking the skin tone that I gave Bob because they have the same EA skin tone and so I wanted to make sure they had the same custom content skin tone as well um and changing his eyes to the ones that I like to use and I love how they gave a eggy Bob's a skin tone but Eliza's eye color I think that's a really cute touch and they also gave Iggy like the haircut that I kind of gave Bob in the makeover as well which I think is really sweet it was a weird coincidence I tried adding freckles to Iggy to give him another kind of piece of Eliza's face but it didn't really look right because a lot of the freckles the croissant content creators make are for pale Sims and don't look well on Sims of color so maybe that's something that custom content creators want to work on maybe I also dressed him in a lot of adorable custom content that I have it was really easy to kind of quickly go through Iggy's outfits because I don't have much toddler stuff like as you can see I I would have even less if I didn't have custom content it's kind of upsetting how little stuff we have for toddlers in the game especially from EA but I think the outfits I came up with are so so cute and the little hats that I have are adorable like look at that frog hat and the little shark hat oh my goodness and as I said all the custom content will be linked in the download post once I finally get that up I also added them a cat there I don't know if you guys saw but I thought that they would appreciate a cat so here are Bob's final outfits his is everyday wear his Formal Wear his athletic wear his PJs his party wear his banana swimsuit for the summer days his hot weather outfit and his snuggly cold weather outfit here is how Eliza ended up looking she looks absolutely beautiful her everyday wear with that pearl necklace her formal wear her athletic wear her PJs I love those underwear pants by the way her party wear love the shine on that skirt her swimsuit I absolutely love this swimsuit her hot weather wear love the sandals and her cold outfit and here is little adorable Iggy he is just so cute here's his everyday wear look at that little backpack these little formal outfit his PJs I love it when they just have a little diaper on it's adorable here's his party outfit with his little lion hat his swimwear here's a hot weather outfit and his cold outfit look at the reindeer hat oh my goodness I really hope you guys enjoyed this episode of me making over the pancake family let me know who I should make over next and the pancake family is now available to download just follow the links in the description or they're on The Gallery at Bowie bum b-o-e-y-b-u-m see you next time much love bye [Music] thank you
Channel: cowplant-pizza
Views: 541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zZabxHlmJ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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