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welcome to the unraveling scriptures Channel do you happen to know the origins of languages who taught them where did they come from how were they transmitted to All Peoples of humanity it is interesting to know that in the past there was an imposing tower that reached the heavens the story of the Tower of Babel is one of the briefest and most significant passages found in the Bible why did the people of that generation decide to build a tower what was the purpose behind your actions and why was God not pleased with that but what happened next was different from what happened to the previous generation such as the flood God did not choose to destroy them but took a unique measure he decided to change people's language this biblical narrative as I mentioned earlier is recorded in the Book of Genesis today I'm going to share with you the story of The Majestic Tower of Babel directed by a man named nimrod he was known for his wickedness in the eyes of God and his audacity in defying the Creator himself if you are already a subscriber we appreciate your support leave a like as this encourages us to continue producing weekly scripture-based videos for you however if you are not subscribed yet I invite you to watch our video Until the End if it's relevant to you consider subscribing to our channel so you don't miss out on upcoming content come with us in another content on our Channel throughout human history an imposing Tower Rose to the heavens in this context a man named Nimrod challenged Divine Authority he United the peoples that multiplied After the flood descendants of Shem ham and japheth Nimrod son of kush and descendant of him somehow managed to unify them to build something that defied God the name Nimrod derived from Aramaic in Hebrew carries relevant meanings in Hebrew it refers to Rebellion to the one who Rebels against God already in Aramaic the word gabaran is associated with exaltation one who Rises and self-exalts therefore Nimrod means both one who Rebels and one who exalts himself reflecting the defiant nature of this character as we reflect on the meaning of the name Nimrod we can see that he was a man who exalted himself and rebelled against God characteristics common to the enemy of mankind Satan the Tower of Babel was located in Mesopotamia the region where Nimrod built several cities including acad in the land of shinar or shanir now let's explore the meaning of the name Babel which derives from the ancient Assyrian Babel or Babel or simply Babel this name means door of L or way of L referring to a very old Sumerian term Babalu or babielu which also has the same meaning of door of iel or door to God as we explore the Phoenician or Hebrew context we discover that the term Babel means confusion this tells us the evil plan behind the construction of this imposing building interpretive speculation suggests that Nimrod wished to challenge God himself face El himself hence the name Tower of Babel this name symbolized the path towards L which means god in Semitic languages or to literally Challenge and invade the Heavenly realm the kingdom of heaven the midrash reports that during the construction of the tower when someone asked another for a brick something they were producing this brick would pass from hand to hand and in the end would fall and break on the ground people would start crying and wailing saying oh my God we lost a prick on the other hand when someone fell and died while building the tower they would say look another one died let's replace it we cry for bricks but what about people would they be crazy people without sanity I can guarantee you not God doesn't want to tell us the story of lunatic people people with problems what do we have to learn from them so we're talking about smart people who have big drama essential questions and they try to answer them through this construction this place where they are so the Bible says that when they got together in this place and started producing bricks it is interesting that in a Land of Babel at that time the stones were not strong so they knew that as the stones were not strong they would need to make bricks so they used clay as raw material and started production in other words the Bible tells us that there is a technological Advance here the question is will this technological Advance be used to for good or for evil but what would have motivated Nimrod to devise this plan was he a kind of antichrist it is important to emphasize that Nimrod did not become a powerful ruler for nothing among the peoples of ham japheth and Shem great grandson of Noah son of kush who was in turn the son of ham and they were all involved in building the Tower of Babel for a purpose you get the idea suddenly everyone came together with one goal and they argue about this purpose and here is something quite intriguing on the one hand it is perceived that they are afraid of being scattered by God they want to stay all together in the same place initially this sounds very positive at the same time what do they say let's build a tower a tower that reaches the heavens and so let's go build our name an extremely deep explanation is needed to understand the Bible not superficially but profoundly pay close attention at Babel humanity is in shock why are you in shock because they are mortal humans used to live a long time you see Noah who survived the flood died at the age of 950. we know that Methuselah lived a little longer reaching 969 years but we see in the Bible countless people who lived 900 years 800 years it seemed that life was eternal and suddenly they're realizing it's not it was not only the flood that destroyed people but also before that people are baffled it's not like it is today where we know that death is inevitable death exists in the world so they ask the big question if death exists what is the meaning of life why are we here then Nimrod who certainly was directly influenced by the Fallen Angels coming from the enemy himself and even by the Giants in other cultures such as Samaria Nimrod is considered a giant in his own right or very close to the Fallen Angels possessing great magical power however God stopped the construction of the Tower of Babel due to nimrod's evil plan the Builders of the Tower of Babel were gathered there and God gave all the builders and people present new languages since before they all spoke the same language however what language was this that all the peoples of the world spoke in ancient times there was a Common Language among all peoples known as the edamite language also called The inokian Language or the language of angels this language was taught by God to Adam and remained in use until the time of the construction of the Tower of Babel when God gave different languages this resulted in confusion among the people present at Babel as each one began to speak a different language these peoples were of different Origins and were divided into three groups the hemites descendants of ham the semites descendants of Shem and the japathais descendants of japheth each group received new languages it was at that moment that all peoples dispersed to different regions of the world exploring the continents but what were the specific languages that God gave to the descendants of Shem ham and japheth resulting in confusion in stopping the construction of the Tower of Babel the languages we have today or at least many of them are believed to be descendants of the languages that originated at the Tower of Babel over Millennia languages have evolved and developed due to factors such as accents and other linguistic elements the oldest languages in the world are considered to be those that were delivered at the Tower of Babel it is interesting to note that the names of the language families of these languages or groups of related languages are called the hamatosamitic family this name was given in reference to the descendants of shemanham who were brothers and Sons of Noah as mentioned in the biblical narrative experts adopted this name because of the existing biblical connection with this language family in addition to the hematosamitic family there are other ancient language families such as the Indo-European family which encompasses extremely ancient languages it is interesting to note that the oldest languages in the world that still exist today or at least those that remain of the oldest preserve traces of the Edomite language that is the language of Angels or inokian language the oldest languages in the world that retain remnants of the edamite language the language of Adam include Sumerian picadian Aramaic Phoenician Hebrew Sanskrit greek latin Gaelic among many other languages that are extremely old and carry traces of this primordial language the first language of humanity it is true that the Chinese writing of ancient China also goes back to many stories and concepts related to Adam and Eve's Garden of Eden and even the flat it is interesting to note that many ancient beliefs including within Christianity address the issue of ancient languages all the way back to Babel and when they do they relate to both almighty God and the human heart and the negative feelings of wanting to rise above everything else and rebel as in the case of nimrod himself this connection is often seen in ancient rituals of magic and the Occult in which ancient languages are used these languages are chosen because they go back to Rebellion against God but they also serve as a reminder that God has separated people so that they will not continue to perform such actions however it is important to highlight that within Christianity in spiritual practices focused on God when an ancient language is used an approximation with the edamite language is sought we have videos about what the world was like before the flood which is now appearing for you on the screen in addition to this playlist from our series the origin of peoples according to the Bible which will address the divisions of peoples after the events in Babel thanks for watching us this far see you soon [Music]
Channel: Unraveling the Scriptures
Views: 52,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v0yIP9bXScU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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