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welcome to the unraveling the scriptures Channel typically when mentioning the descendants of Adam and Eve the first thought that occurs to people is the story of Cain and Abel however many often forget the other biblical accounts that describe the other Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve in this video I will focus my attention specifically on the daughters of Adam and Eve who were these daughters how many of them existed using sources such as the book of jubilees the Holy Bible and ancient Traditions I will explore and discuss the history of these Daughters of Adam so if this topic has piqued your interest don't hesitate to give it a like and leave your comment follow along with me for this additional content the untold story of Adam and Eve's daughters a topic that is rarely discussed often overlooked by theologians biblical Scholars and even those curious about Sacred Scriptures is the mystery surrounding the daughters of Adam and Eve typically people read the Bible and focus on the more well-known sons of Adam and Eve Kane the firstborn and Abel the second however they often forget that Adam and Eve had many daughters as the biblical text in Genesis chapter 5 verses 4 and 5 reveals intriguing information about the Sons and Daughters of Adam the text mentions that after bearing Seth Adam lived for 800 years during which he fathered Sons and Daughters totaling 930 years of life until his death the Bible does not provide the names of Adam and Eve's daughters but there are other texts from ancient Jewish Traditions that specify some of their names thus based on the book of jubilees I will mention the names of some of Adam and Eve's daughters according to these ancient Jewish Traditions which offer insights into these less explored figures for those unfamiliar the book of jubilees is also known as the little Genesis due to its connection with the word Jubilee which means Joy it is part of the Old Testament Apocrypha and narrates the creation of the world the formation of Adam and Eve after the fall and tell stories of various Old Testament characters primarily from The Book of Genesis while it is not a recent text the oldest manuscript to which we have access dates back to approximately 700 BCE however this manuscript is a copy of an even older work some Scholars associate the book of jubilees with the book of Chronicles suggesting that the Scribe Ezra may have written the text however the book of jubilees claims that its true author was Moses who received a revelation from an angel on Mount Horeb it is noteworthy that the Bible mentions that Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Horeb without eating or drinking water in the presence of God historically due to the Antiquity of the text we cannot dismiss the possibility that Moses was the actual author the book of jubilees enjoys significant presence in Israelite culture with several copies distributed among the people additionally it mentions another mysterious apocryphal book The Book of Enoch which was widely known to the early Christians and even formed part of the biblical Canon used by them this underscores the importance of not dismissing the book of jubilees as it contains events that align with the stories of the Bible now returning to Adam and Eve according to various ancient Semitic abrahamic Traditions The First Daughter of Adam and Eve was named Avan Avan in Phoenician Hebrew carries the meaning of potency or simply Vice she was therefore the wife and sister of Cain who was also a son of Adam and Eve according to the book of jubilees she bore children to Cain and one of those children was named Enoch the construction of a city named after his son is mentioned in the bible as one of Cain's accomplishments after his banishment due to the murder of Abel the city was called Enoch in honor of his son the name Avan is mentioned in the book of jubilees and in other abrahamic texts however in some of these texts such as the cave of treasures she is called kelima therefore kelima was the wife of Cain and the first daughter of Adam and Eve according to these traditions according to several ancient Semitic Traditions the second daughter of Adam and Eve was Azura Azura was the wife of Seth the third son of Adam and Eve born after the death of Abel the name Seth has etymological roots in Hebrew and its meaning may be associated with the idea of compensation or substitution this is relevant because after the murder of Abel by his brother Cain Seth is considered by Adam and Eve as a substitute for divine compensation for the loss of Abel he is seen as a righteous and Pious descendant and it is to his lineage that the biblical narrative suggests Humanity continue to worship God furthermore Seth's genealogy is significant in the Bible because it leads to Noah who played a crucial role in the flood story and the survival of humanity thus Seth and his wife Azura were a link in the genealogical chain that connects the creation of humanity to later events and important figures in the judeo-christian tradition the book of jubilees presents an interesting detail by stating that Azura was initially Abel's wife and became a widow after his death after Seth came of age he married Azura and from their Union the lineage of Seth and Seth himself who became the initial patriarch of this lineage descended the book of jubilees informs us that Azura was born in the sixth week of the fourth Jubilee and married her brother Seth in the fifth week of the fifth Jubilee in the fourth year of the sixth week she gave birth to a son and named him Enos subsequently when Enos grew up he married in the third week of the seventh Jubilee with gnome who was his sister and also the daughter of Seth and Azura Enos is one of Seth and Azura's sons and is known for his Pious descent and Devotion to the worship of God the main reference to Enos in the Bible is in Genesis 5 verses 6 to 11 which describes his genealogy as follows Seth lived 105 years and begottenash after he begottenash Seth lived 807 years and begot sons and daughters in total Seth lived 912 years and he died in Ash lived 90 years and begot kainan after he begot kainan enosh lived 815 years and begot sons and daughters in total ganache lived 905 years and he died the main characteristic attributed to Enos is his practice of prayer and the indication of the name of God the following verse in Genesis 4 verse 26 States at that time people began to call on the name of the Lord this passage suggests that Enos played an important role in promoting worship and Devotion to God in his time marking a period of spiritual and religious seeking among the descendants of Seth so according to the ancient book of jubilees and Semitic Jewish tradition Cain married his sister Evan and gave rise to the lineage of Cain Seth on the other hand married his sister Azura and gave rise to the lineage of Seth you might have been wondering how many sons and daughters Adam and Eve had the biblical text indicates that they had many sons and daughters especially considering that Adam lived for over 800 years in fact Adam and Eve were the most fertile humans of their time Eve as the first woman was extremely fertile and Adam was also very fertile therefore according to these ancient Traditions they had hundreds and hundreds of sons and daughters throughout their lives in modern times according to the Guinness World Records the woman who held the record for the highest number of children in human history as far as we know was Valentina vasilyev she reportedly passed away at the age of 76 leaving behind 69 surviving children with only two dying at a young age according to Guinness world records records Valentina vasley have underwent a total of 27 pregnancies resulting in 16 pairs of twins seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets while there are other reports of women with 50 or even 60 children Valentina vasleyev Remains the recognized record holder however what I want to emphasize is that Eve surpassed all these women in fertility as she is considered the most fertile woman in the history of humanity so if a woman today or even a hundred years ago were capable of giving birth to about 69 children we can only imagine what he'd achieved as she lived much longer reaching the impressive age of 900 years according to the biblical narrative furthermore according to Traditions Adam and Eve had numerous children estimated to be around 70 or even more According to some speculations considering their robust health strength and fertility as well as the context of the time that favored procreation it's possible they had hundreds of sons and daughters in the Book of Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 it is mentioned that as the descendants of Adam Multiplied on the earth many beautiful daughters were born a less mentioned curiosity is that both the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve had their own ethnic descent as Adam and Eve were originally mixed race this contributed to the ethnic diversity of humanity which while exhibiting numerous ethnicities and races all share a common origin in Adam and Eve the study of mitochondrial DNA known as mitochondrial eve reinforces this idea indicating that all of humanity shares the common ancestry despite the ethnic and racial diversity we see in the world today therefore the mitochondrial genetic study revealed that all people descend from the same woman contributing to the richness of ethnic and racial diversity in our world all sharing a common connection with our ancestors so did you know the story of Adam and Eve's daughters feel free to leave your comments also feel free to suggest new topics or characters from the scriptures that you'd like to see in a video thank you very much for watching up to this point see you soon [Music]
Channel: Unraveling the Scriptures
Views: 2,502,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam and eve, bible, garden of eden
Id: Pfx5VLrs0EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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