TDX Impossible map, with John only.. | ROBLOX

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welcome to another video of TDX and uh I think I made the toell skin a bit too big cuz uh it's not supposed to be doing that on the sides man I really love the way these tball skins came out DJ being probably one of the most favorite ones out of all these there's a soldier Commando sniper and tuber as well there will be more as T goes on such as the real Gunner skin for well real Gunner which is actually a tower that's going to come out pretty soon it's mostly done uh we just need to uh balance it out so if you guys didn't know there's this little section right here that you can get into once you're ranked 30 or above the reason why I did this is so only smarter players I use that term very Loosely smarter players can get access to the impossible map which is made by me John Roblox desert island and I will be beating it with just this one Tower only the John rollock Tower I need to put skins for this too by the way you can get skins by uh click on this little shirt icon thing so for the impuls map really these two modes are only ideal these are way too hard I think they're genuinely impossible to be but easy yeah there's a chance you can win on that if you know what your cards okay I'm going start with John Roo the Classic Tower we all know and love and I might place on three of them actually and just kind of uh spawn kill like this cuz he does three damage per shot so yeah we're just going to beam for now and I put on speed to oh man I love using speed too you guys do have access though to the 50% speed speed boost that that has a Game Pass we didn't make it double speed cuz there's an issue with how Roblox works and we're not going to make players have worse performance or fire rate issues so this is the max we can do comfortably at least that's something to do with the tick rate that's all I'm going to say and I'm just going to spam that on a bunch of Johns I guess and wow dude this is this is actually a viable Strat this is so stupid although the only issue with him is that he doesn't detect Stealth at all except for top Max path but if you're buying that you're kind of stupid but uh if you're buying that for steal that's kind of a waste of money there's better options so I'm going to go for bottom path John here and try to max out as soon as possible skip I'm going try to speing run this I guess yeah so for now we spawn kill put a speed three there go speed three oh yeah we are getting those spawn killings in bro going and skip that wave yeah this is so easy oh my God easy is easy yeah I made easy pretty dirt easy so you know complete noobs have a chance of winning rather than losing all the time cuz it's really annoying you just lose with your free Tower a lot any I need is save up $21,000 in orderorder get the uh axe ability yeah we're going to take that stealth it's fine we have a lot of health so I'm not really concerned about that what I am concerned about is trying to get as fast as possible $21,000 cuz that's going to help out a lot why those chains do not matter at all we are just beaming it my shotgun may be able to catch some stuff yeah like here yeah okay my shotgun is actually going to work healing some of those stuff oh God uh-oh oh man that's a lot of Health we are going to lose but that shouldn't kill us please don't kill us please don't kill us oh God oh God 20 health no I'm doing the same exact trategy here except I didn't waste my money on a bunch of Johns CU now I went straight for the shotgun I'm trying to save for the Slayer kill those stals kill those steals kill those steals oh no I need to steal the Johns damn it oh I shouldn't okay I didn't died at times so that's good news although uh I'm so sure a lot of monies yeah I don't know this is is going to be enough here I might have to get another Dr Watch Tower ah crap oh man this is this is not looking good cuz I just wasted so much money on that only three grand okay that's actually not that bad I suppose wait I should I should have died from these sell guys yes I was able to take it dude I was able to take that I was able to take that dud okay I'm really to sell this joho unless you make enough money come on another please help the brother out please please please yes yes oh my God yes we're saved we're saved now we have the axxe ability it's going to do a lot of uh damage here and it can somewhat detect itself it can't detect itself but you'll see what I mean once I start to use it g cuz it's always nice to have okay we got the mutative fellas uh we should be fine and look this is what I'm talking about use the axing and we kill those self guys oh my God I forgot about that no no no no no oh I'm poor no we're going to die can I sell this and give no I'm $3,000 short no no no no no no third attempt and I put the shotgun closer so I could just spawn kill quicker I I guess I mean I feel like this somewhat of a of a viable Strat again I'm just trying to save the most monies that I can and I'm hoping that somebody spawn dudes yeah like this I can go and spawn kill that I help the stuff oh wait this shotgun oh yeah this shotgun did help be up more closer okay so I found a little Pro in that okay and I should be able to kill all that I really don't know overwhelm the shotgun dude the shotgun is just barely hanging on it is dud we are barely winning bro that Shan got through but I just John yeah I don't think I need to upgrade that cuz yeah okay that that's that's CH heal who cares I I should get him upgraded oh my God oh no no no no damn it oh I could have sold him and I would have enough money for I'm stupid this fine it's fine we can take it it's fine it's fine there we go we got the J walk SW to ax not to avoid the same mistake how I almost died last time we need get another one out which is hard okay hopefully the John is able to kill one of those guys okay just not yeah we fell cuz the axe just hit everything else instead of damn it I always hate this s dude um May skip away so we get money please that was not enough money and I think I'm just going to kill wait D wait wait dude dude I just found the Met oh my God because I because I skipped that wave I was able to not take that much damage and now I got the jaw KN again oh my god dude what a clutch my God I'm not stupid my own game wow okay I got to get another John we can kill the stuff in the uh first area fast yes oh dude we killed all of it because because of two two shotguns were able to just beam it they just beam it bro that is crazy okay now you farm the the Slayer a damn it that's a lot of uh stuff okay I got to skip wave it looks like herez I don't think anything can come on hopefully the HM can come on no that's a Hunter H we Le fine it's fine oh okay we man kill the S now we got two John axes here I think we'll go for p one top but that's uh yeah 52,000 we're not going to be able to do that yeah it's a bit too much that may have been actually worse getting the deagles here we got to see okay that's only health I thought I thought that was it full on mut hell zom we would have died for that for sure I'm going to try to save for top hat but I don't know how viable that is comination is going to use a John ax right here just going one shot I think it deals like 2,500 damage so Prett much good going to skip wig cuz these guys are actually going to have there's any stealth guys they're going get n pretty hard kill that that's a bit too much health we can take there okay we're almost there we're almost there [Music] pause I'm So Pro I'm So Pro you guys I'm go [Music] go o oh oh oh oh I'm So Pro damn I'm good at my game damn I'm good my G oh then look I can finally get the John ax okay use the rage ability kind of neat that actually right now these are John a these are John ax oh my God that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of stuff we should be fine we should be fine okay okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good yeah okay we're good with the John ax and this will pick off the damage so use too many John axes next wave is going to be the last W I honestly don't know how we're going to do that I could go deagle spam we just put the speed down one here yeah I'm going to go for deagle spam cuz I think that's really only play here going to use the John axis real quick the damage buff ability as well was a bit controversial dude that early but it's kind of only play we got right here I'm going to go ahead and go for strongest here use another John buff go ahead doesn't matter with the range cuz the range is good use a John ax look how much chipping damage we doing use another John Axe and okay we can't use rage ability that's fine that's fine okay sell sell okay can't use the rage ability John ax John ax John ax oh God oh God oh no no no damn it okay I hope I don't lose again right now I'm just spamming a bunch of deagles and I was able to realize you don't actually need to axe the uh Abominations you start spamming dies cuz you just kind of just do so much damage uh I'm going put my last deagles here then hopefully we get the John rage so the deagles will be my boss takedowns kind of then the axes will be there for support cuz I was trying to use ax as a kill but that's actually D my thing uh speaking of Dum yeah these axes will be will be able to take care of that I'm actually not skipping right now now cuz I'm going to wait for the for the axe recharge and I was just pling my moves you know I got to thank for a big give me like five minutes a dam I'm kind of stupid sometimes last wave yeah okay got I got enough money I need to make sure I put some deagles use the John axe use the John ax use a rage ability got to put this first just so that'll do I I use my rage ability too damn early unless I do this then this is fine yeah there we go okay there we go hopefully this is enough I really don't know if this is going to be enough that guys I just hope it is enough use axe use axe use axe use ax sell cell cell do this go ahead and do this go ahead and do this axe axe axe ax D no no no give me give me yes oh said John sucks you're just garbage in the game you should quit my game if you think your John Tower sucks you're bad I'm not yeah 10 minutes and 50 seconds too we could have done that faster but you know I'm kind of I'm kind of learning I'm kind of learning the strategy okay I might make it an achievement for this later yeah that'll be actually kind of fun play the apossible map today and try win with John Tower only cuz you're cool if you do that
Views: 387,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oOqCOpas3jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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