Touring ZEISS: Learning about CMM and Metrology!

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[Music] hi folks I am in Brighton Michigan at as ice and this is pretty cool a CMM could play kind of two different roles number one we could be using it for one-off inspections then you could also work it into your production flow for true statistical analysis over time of the bore diameters of the thickness diameters looking at tool wear across bores even at the level of sub tenths more and more small shops that we get the chance to see are using CMMS one that comes to mind is the tour we did with set the door at Liberty machine relatively small shop we had a manual CMM then I believe he has since upgraded to a CNC CMM which is really the way to go we're thinking about it and we did a bunch of demos today with understanding how it could help us on fixture plates there's a lot of information out there about seeing those because they aren't maybe quite as sexy as a machine tool so I wanted to learn more about it but also share that with you so we're here with Garry Rockwell hides on ok tell us the basics of what a CMM is well coordinate measuring machine allows you to measure parts these are all automatic machines so instead of measuring a part by hand on a surface plate with hand tools this will do it automatically with a probe we use micrometers we use throat mics we use bore gauges and those tools are all very good at what they do but they're quite subject to operator skill and preference you can have a skilled operator who still just is a little bit they present the tool differently it just changes the way that tool works and in this salsa yeah it takes out the human element of the measurement it's automated it's very consistent so you'll get very repeatable measurements automatically we're probably standing in front of the raw machine yeah this is the Prisma that's the gold standard of CMM this is the current level a very very high level submicron will you show us the Duramax are down there so the door max is a shop floor machine it's it has hard bearings and some covers so it can withstand a little bit harsher environment of a shop this machine starts out there's a very basic model around $50,000 on up this particular one happen but that's still yeah with software Phillips okay complete package yeah so this one has a rotary table and this also has a tool changer so you can have different probe configurations yes and automatically change those knuckles happen to have one stylus each in them but you could have four and then another one down so a total of five skylight at one time we did a tour in a place called Mari 2 of Chicago and I believe they had the Duramax literally right next to a turning center yeah they're very common out in the shop okay and there's those companies that have dozens of them our bread and butter machine is the contour and again these are all built in the USA they're built in Minnesota this is like a two and a half micron machine this is like a one and a half micro machine this comes in two different probe configurations this is called the RDS which is an articulating probe head with the X X T which is a passive probe okay and we can show that little demo I'm sure that your active spanning what the articulating head it can rotate every two degrees okay so you have about thirty thousand different positions for the probe you don't have to calibrate all of those the probes are calibrated on the datum sphere but it can interpolate by measuring about 12 positions it will interpolate the rest of them got it would save you a lot of time that way this particular tool changer has a laser scanner on it and also a video probe on okay so you have those available so the machine that you had quoted it recommended for us though was a step below this one yeah it's called the spectrum huh so it's instead of the two degree increments it will have five okay it's a little bit less expensive machine yep probably more like a door max type accuracy as opposed to the contour accuracy yep and probably about 85% of the cost of a concert right I mean honest we're on the fence I absolutely see the value and I like it but you have growth eats cash for breakfast we've gotten though fly without one so it's kind of a question of what does it let us do that we just simply can't do but then how does it make our product better do we use it actually thinking about it as a marketing tool I know a lot of job shops they have a point of differentiation it's not just the machine tool but it's the processes that metrology equipment the support around it and the folks like the sets the doors in the world well once they have a seen them they will never ever go back so that's what I wanted to start to understand and the one that I don't remember the exact pricing but it's it's around low six figures you know about a hundred thousand thing for the spectra yeah I'd be under that yeah okay so it's kind of a chemical re it's not inexpensive but I had thought see MEMS in general and especially the Zeiss brand was was more than you can have this become part of your production can store this data right now we print out individual QC sheets and all that data is manual so that's something that I really like to do is get away from having that stuff stored analog but also there's there it's much more difficult to look that stuff up and there's the hassle factor of reading and transcribing and writing stuff down so this contour here has the RDS pro head there's another contour next to it that has the active scanning head I'm hoping that if Tom whooped ins watching this he'll appreciate this because the flexors and the design of this is really cool so this is an open view of the active scanning head with the parallelograms yeah and this one's the passive scanning so this works off of spring action okay well this is actually active and pushing and rolling it's like a CMM within the CMM yep and I unfortunately don't think the video is just gonna do this justice but the the smoothness in motion of this device both in the XY axis but also the Z so I can pull it down a little he's amazing but when he says active what he means is that this this can hold a probe right down here and it can push up against your part with a known amount of force and it can maintain that force as it contours in three axes so it's actively pushing against that maintaining as this whole stack you know maintains its parallelism or rather perpendicularity to the surface right so can follow any any contour tool yeah and then as opposed to that this one's a little less expensive it's a passive sensor it's got Springs yep same idea but it's it cannot follow the same contours that this can nor can it handle the real large probes that this one yeah to prove what that can do take a look folks this is the probe following my hand with constant pressure so it does not know who did not can up my hand how cool is that yeah so next after the contour of with active scanning yep this is the my Kyra we kind of call this the baby prismo this was actually designed and built here in the USA it was there was a need mainly for the medical industry but it's used in all industries but it's a sub micron CMM okay Wow so you step from one and a half in the contour down to stuff yeah that's like point seven and extremely accurate very robust machine again designed and built here in the US and comes only with the active sensor got that case which is knee off for that accuracy so that's it within the stack here can't touch this yes hurt yes it's oh it's it's amazing how silky smooth it is and it feels it's hard to think about that actually having that the ability to impart force through that yeah very cool so every CMM comes with a calibration ball this one happens have to because the dot scans using up a ceramic ball but every machine comes with a reference probe interesting yeah so the machines are corrected okay and it knows the length of this and where it is and all the other tips that you put on you can put on an infinite number of different tips but it needs to know where they are yep so that they can all measure to what we saw that the star probe was using different right tips to measure the same part so the machine will come with the reference Pro banana working so you just don't use the reference probe for measuring what why not you'll just want to take care of it not even which is crazy to think that the Rubies actually wear out or have something you ever take a very long time yes yeah that's good yeah what is the state of accuracy under neck here oh this was probably one and a half microns but it's a very large machine right so that's the point wanting to have microns but that's in the volumetric hippo far pretty large yeah there's actually a formula we can look at some of them but like for example like the door max might be 2.4 plus L over 300 okay there's two point four microns but then every 300 micro or 300 millimeters you would add another micron okay that compensates for that size sure so what you're doing now is just covering a new probe that wasn't done it oh it's compensate for the bend so we add a known pressure that's cool we're just gonna do your middle finger okay one side and they go to the other kind of a train spread about as much as possible that's as far as they go try you've got to do the Spock thing to this point come on it's like a good drinking game who can who can who can get there quickest response time on a protip actually I quarter hey I hope so it's incredible so you told it you told me yeah yeah you can feel it you told it the certain endpoint but it did not know that it did not know that there was a finger coming out this way it's just the vector yeah so cool that's really cool so that's how you could take a truly a truly sculpted object and create can you create a cloud point out of that date yeah awesome that's cool the machine that you were on is called the Acura which would be in between the contour and the prismo got it and the actors a very fast machine in fact it's so fast it has like curtains around it so if you step into the volume of the machine oh go and a half speed and it won't affect the scanning speed but the actual travel seems for safety and that's available with all sensors you can get it with the RDS and/or the active ok you could actually swap heads on that machine and then that one also has the dot scan which is a light yeah white light sensor we're seeing on this on the Oh inspector correct yeah so that's non-contact measuring yes so it can do like a thousand points a second without even touching the part how is that accuracy compared to contact it's very close to the probe now it used to be with like laser scanners and other optical devices they were like 10 times less accurate than a probe now we're getting very close really yeah that's cool it's phenomenal and then this one's the again the gold standard a CMM so prismo and this one happens to have the roto sonnet right now which is the surface finish oh nice this is measuring RA yes okay and it has this machine also has a rotary table built-in so the table the the motor and everything is down inside the granite to give you flush why would you need a rotary table when you have a large enough work envelope and an articulating head well the road of tables ideal like four gears you can scan gears very quickly got different devices like that or blades things okay there are definitely times where rotors very handy but couldn't use you could still interpolate those by moving ex-wife oh yeah absolutely in fact we were making a joke earlier about the xtr the rotating probe that is the poor man's rotary table yeah but yeah a lot of people do gears with that it's funny I don't think about that but I guess at certain level the speed with which you're able to get your parts push through CMM really matters it's not just the isolated metrology one-off machine these are used in volume yeah in fact a lot of machines are actually connected to a robot i rotten okay and they're just running production constantly it's awesome yeah we saw that at a shop up in the Toronto area called military that doesn't a lot of it turbo Jordan is ice hooked into a robot cell but we actually have an entire group dedicated to automation they do complete turnkey systems don't make enclosures for the machine if needed they'll do the robot integration all that programming fixtures everything cool there is a there's another level bonus though right there's the Prizmo ultra but directly also there's the xenos you know the top dog I started trying to remember if we saw it I think it was that potentially occur but there's not that many of those in the world right now there's only a handful yeah so far that's good I think we're up to six now in the USA okay that's the one that you said there's act missed yes yeah that's awesome yeah incredibly accurate yeah it's cool so it's actually really cool you know things like the new probing functionality in fusion are letting you use a Renishaw probe as a type of CMM there's problems with that though you shouldn't measure the parts on the machine that made them and overall or in general CMS are gonna be way higher accuracy repeatability longevity they're the things like the air bearings it's really cool stuff there's also some other stuff I think it's worth poking out like the vision systems that initially just saw one yesterday area 419 where they're able to just set apart on there and it pulls up measurements quite quickly to fit through vision yes this kind of randomly put the part on hit the button and it measures it yeah no you just set the part down and it sees oh you moved it during the motion to the red part and it's able to pull up programs to pull off measurements datums angles this is incredible so this is this is competing with your own CMM line I would guess in a sense yeah it's but it's two-dimensional and occasion okay one thing about his ice though is it's actually I said calibrated certified okay a lot of business systems aren't and there's no sweet spots it's it's consistent throughout the area okay so you can measure you get the same measurements in one corner versus the other corner you don't do we're about optical distortion right so no matter where you put the part on you're getting got it the right measurement this catches my eye because when I think CMM I think okay we've got to have set up some programs and skilled labor all that where is this you think holy cow you can just set pull apart off cleaned off and sit on there and you get measurements like that very quickly that's cool yeah are these shop floor rated it's not really for a shop floor like a door max okay but they're used you know throughout the shop if it's reason to clean okay is it more temperature the cleanliness thing Carol I'd be kind of both okay got it and so a step up from that would be the the Oh inspecting this is a true CMM again ISO certified calibrated it has the probe and the camera okay and again a tool changer and so it does optical measurement as well as zero of measurement and they correlate to each other yeah and then the the larger version of that is this was the 863 there's actually 3 sizes 3 2 2 5 4 3 D 8 6 3 this one also has that white light sensor we were talking about I wish actually measuring glass you can actually measure the thickness of glass or you can measure the top surface or the bottom it's incredible yeah can you only do that because it's transparent or could you do that if that was an opaque object as well you can only do it if it's transparent look at both sides scan across that part without contacting Gary thank you very much I appreciate your per se coming folks as always hope you learn something hope you enjoyed take care see you soon [Music] you
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 141,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, how to, cnc, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, milling, CAD, cnc machining, cnc milling, manufacturing quality control, quality control process in manufacturing zeiss cmm probe, zeiss cmm machine, cmm machine, cmm inspection, cnc inspection probe, precision machining, machines that inspect parts for defects, part inspection, cmm measuring, machines that measure quality control
Id: 4O6mfoJWJGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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