Touring Carriacou After Hurricane Beryl's Devastation

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so this was the government shelter here on the windward side of the island the do government school it collapsed in the first part of the storm and everyone had to run for cover to the library now this is the makeshift shelter this is it this is where everyone is taking shelter at this point everybody at least right 30 some people yeah 30 some people are calling this Library home you have elderly babies pregnant women and they're doing the best they can they're living like a family as they say at this point they're cooking communally they're sharing resources whatever they they were able to salvage from their homes that are are flattened at this point sadly one woman lost her husband in the hurricane one of at least two people that I can confirm lost their lives in this storm so this is where we was at first and then the windows started to break so we had to move from here and go to that bigger par and by time we we went in there the roof was was going so we had to fight my vehicle which is over there it was passed right there and we had to hide behind the vehicle to fight to go to the kitchen and then when the eye of the the hurricane thing cease we try to come out and end up here and here we are right now we washing as you can see washing we washing we doing everything we washing because them no clothes to where so we no food everything gone we have so all the supplies that were inside are gone everything everything is gone everything is gone everything is gone no place to stay right now we're just trying to see what we could do to survive be like a family here because everybody needs to lean on everybody right now now the people here in especially in this part of Kaku on the Eastern side of the island they have to survive the aftermath of the storm we're living like a family right now we have to live like a family even if you and that person is not talking you have to live like a family still because we have to leave for each other crazy as you can see as the people can see the video the whole of caro is flat it was a very very terrible experience thank God and not much life I think it's just one so so far and we need help we really need help now is the time for help do you have anything left nothing nobody have nothing left no clothes no food it's good thing we with camping in a little shop TR me e out what they have there for now you know all here that the beds we spread things on the ground so we can sleep yeah you know we make room there so we can sleep even it's terrible terrible it seems like another lifetime ago but it was just 2 days ago I was standing right here and I was looking out at this View and I was talking about how creepy and Eerie it was to know that in any direction I was going to look it was never going to be the same and unfortunately that's exactly what happened you can can see summer has turned to fall the vitation has all been shredded away trees leaves all of it's gone and then you look down and you see the town of Hillsboro where we rode out the storm and the debris just scattered everywhere very few homes have complete roofs at least 95 even the structures that you R life for safety like a hospital suffered severe damage you're welcome you're welcome going severe damage to the roof water inside talking with the head of nursing she says they're operating at maybe a 10% of what they could possibly do well we really have no way to operate everywhere in mess water water water this was so what room is this normally this wasn't L room L room uhhuh come here yes if you were to sum up the the condition of the hospital right now how would you sum it up to people uh 10% you're operating at 10% you know because everything is in a m 10% the whole roof gun the whole roof gun the solar gun everything 10 soer come we might have to use Cas and this is the mother's maternity worm and there's water still leaking down and this is the operating room this is the in this is the living room oh wow I've been here two years have to do everything cooking patience everything start most of the start roof B so we can pressure it so we get the gener on we get the generator on this morning all the diesel gone down in the just laked out know to the bush but we went upat roof G but it's on okay it's pick up some the diesel and the um tax so they them yeah wow stress stress stress how many how many people do you have working here right now we have about but some went home last night this morning from two days and some came in this morning the doctor was here for two or three days how many people have you had to treat from the hurricane well I just had coming in from last night laceration laceration so so we try treat them send them home yeah cuz nobody can really stay here nobody can stay nobody qu where did this come from that's insane Jonathan petala I'm a reporter so I'm the only journalist on the island here and so we have a starlink so we've been able to get in touch with the government down in Grenada uh I think we're the only people that have contact with the outside they want to be able to get in touch with you guys but nothing's working satellite wise yeah communication is done yeah so we have we can set it up outside M and give you guys 10 minutes if you if you want call uh down to the government in Grenada and communicate with what's happened here that'll be fine okay so we're going to set it up right outside if you want to come outside yes okay what was your name Williams Javan Williams nice to meet you Jonathan all right nice and again I'm documenting all this because this is a big story that the whole world wants to know about okay all right thanks guys thank [Music] you it's a good shelter good shelter yeah so this is a a shelter for EOC the emergency CER okay I got you and so this are supplies that you can get down this St room area yeah and then what what should be over here like what's over here well we normally have the items um um food items um security items in terms of like blankets and other things that you put to the shelters so store room move from here to the different shelters gotcha have are you moving this stuff down today no well most of it already moved to the shelters so we have five shelters operating right now did you hear about what happened to the other shelters yet no we have accessors out there yesterday and they are presently on site now okay yeah so you know what the conditions are and Stu PR yeah yeah so we were able to make it up the hill this is the Emergency Management Center for the entire island of Kaku there is no Communications anywhere on the island the only Communications that this island has is from the starlink that Brandon and I brought to the island and so we're going around trying to hop to as many different areas to assess the damage to capture as many images as possible to share with the world but also we're bringing our our Wi-Fi with us so people can make text calls uh text as well get out information to their family and friends and then the government agency here who hasn't been able to actually reach their colleagues the Emergency Management colleagues down in Grenada the island of Grenada itself they've been able to reach out to their offices as well because again the number one thing that's needed right now is Communications on this island everybody is in the dark and so we're trying to bring a little bit of light question for you what was it like getting Wi-Fi for the first time I saw you both making a phone call who who did you call as soon as I got it the Wi-Fi my brother was on the phone he was right there I'm like really like he was waiting in the wings I told my son to call all the family in England tell them we are alive we have to keep the Wi-Fi on we don't know we don't know where we are going from here but we are alive my first phone call was to my sister in the states um she's like my rock she's my youngest sister but she's almost like a mother to me like anything I need that I don't have I know I could reach out to her I call on my right hand I mean like she could reach where I can't reach she has though she does she makes things happen so I called her first cuz I know once I I get to to her then she could reach out to of the family and I could let her know that hey we need X Y and Z and she'll move mountains to make sure that um we get it not just me but my children also and anybody else because she has that big of a heart matter of fact she told me to check on some other people um when I get out of here because all right makes you feel good people can make first Contact yeah been so many emotion I mean on everything flat we have everything gone food water we we looking for water we can't even find water now we homeless everybody homeless a day after Hurricane Barrel completely devastated this tiny island of Kaku we've been able to make it around to the windward side and now here to the South Side this is Terell Bay this is likely the hardest hit Area we've seen But every square foot of this 13 square mile island is a catastrophe and I want to share stories from every part to show you as much as I can so you maybe spot somebody you know so maybe you can understand the impact that is going to affect these people for years to [Applause] come what uh your impressions you flew in you you see this island it's gone from Summer to fall everything is stripped bare no I mean it's utter and complete Devastation not just of the the homes but the the environment I mean mango the trees you know it's it's like a wall um and in a sense that's kind of what I think we going through climatic War um so you know it's emotional it's tough to see uh it's tough to take care who a place and really and truly you know in half now everything has been destroyed um so it's tough we're going to have to fight through it um day by day you know hour by hour minute by minute um so you know I'm just here to make sure that the people of car know that we we with them um and we going do everything that we can to make sure that we can help them put back their lives together and hopefully do it in a more sustainable and resilient manner what's been the biggest challenge as a small government like absolutely well the first issue is Communications I mean once the communications went down um you're pretty much in the backck and uh if it wasn't for you guys late last night you might have still been in the backck so obviously with the coms we were able to mobilize and at least get here and the idea is really first and foremost do a rapid assessment of what is required to identify persons might be physically ill or injured to trans we the back them as quickly as possible to Gren um to try and get that doing and instead having the supplies rolling in um we the supp have already started coming I mean a lot of relief from Guyana Trinidad a Samaritan first landed when we were coming in the choer we came up we have medical supplies on it um so you know we we think the the mobilization is going to be rapid um but we want it to be sensible and orderly as well and we want the people of K to have a an input and a see in it because after it's their lives and they have to sort of give some guidance as to you know how they want to rebuild what's the the biggest thing you want to get across to the people of Kaku and and the people in Grenada and about the family that that they have here no I think the for Kaku first and foremost is let them know that everyone in gr is roting for them if if people could come up in droves themselves they would come up almost immediately right now but obviously um there's probably no place to stay um so we going to have to make sure that we're creative in terms of how we can get people on on island to actually help with the work even if they might be homes or places to house them whether they just stay on the boats you know whatever it is um but I can tell you even in my constituency there 40 guys who volunteered already there people with heavy equipment who are happy to just come up with a boat and and and do it but we told them we need to come get an assessment I here from T and Pro as what is you know the impressions are where they think the priorities are first and then we be guided by that and take it from there what's the realistic timeline for Relief um from tomorrow yeah from tomorrow um I mean these planes actually I mean obviously one of the the things we're trying to do is to see whether they impossibility putting on some night lights so we can get flights in later as well um but essentially everybody who's here is basically part of um the support volunteer team to sort of do the rapid assessment and we expect to start flying from have you ever seen anything like this um you know I saw a bit of this in 2004 when we had her Ivan in Grenada um you know it it it brings back some of those devastating images but you know K is smaller so it's it's almost complete and total here um so it's it's not you know I wouldn't wish this on on anybody us being here did it help no no absolutely I think your footage has shown the worldall this is not some joke this is not you know people sit in nice conference rooms and talk about climate change and the environment and all these things um and this is is not a game this is really life and that this is people's lives and and and the world needs to understand that so when we talk about be on the front like this is an existential trip that is what we mean it showed the reality of the situation the truth y thanks man appreciate it it's great to meet you I want this one you want that one I want one I don't sorry I don't have [Music] how you got to hold it further you got to hold it further from your face there you go there you go that's how I can get yes you can well you got to move your finger though there you go I can touch this you can you can see me yeah just you just leave it there if I touch this the picture will come out no it's coming out it's recording now hi [Music] hi you recing you put [Music] the let me see me see [Music] me stop fighting or [Music] thank you I got I got to go work guys I'm so sorry say goodbye bye byebye
Channel: Jonathan Petramala
Views: 635,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beryl, Hurricane Beryl, Carriacou Island, hurricane devastation, drone footage, natural disaster, storm aftermath, Hurricane Beryl 2024, Carriacou recovery, storm damage, hurricane impact, survivor stories, Tyrell Bay, Grenada hurricane, extreme weather, community resilience, carriacou hurricane beryl update, carriacou hurricane beryl drone, beryl carriacou live, beryl carriacou, storm chaser hurricane beryl, storm chaser carriacou
Id: WOy62qojiFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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