Touring a Sherman Oaks Modern Mansion

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what's up everybody its NS here and today we are in Sherman Oaks I got a lot of comments from viewers asking me to do a tour of a home in the valley so here we are the property right behind me is one three eight one two comes to suite located in Chandler Estates neighborhood in Sherman Oaks it has four bedrooms five bathrooms it has 3,200 square feet of living space and listed for 2 million $195,000 let's go check it out [Music] before we start towing this property I would like to thank the listing agent Armand Gregorian for allowing us which were this amazing home which I'm very excited to show you guys now that we're in the driveway I want to kind of talk about the exterior of the home I love this reflective garage door and they have beautiful modern light fixtures on the each side of the garage then as we keep walking from the walkway that leads us to the front door we see more of these supercool light fixtures right here of course in Los Angeles every modern room has a pivot or as a statement piece and this one is just beautiful nicely clouded with wood amazing brass hardware some beautiful door so we just walked into the property first thing I'm recognizing of course is the whole automation here you can turn your lights off block up the entire house just overall controls of the homes can be managed through this screen here and before we go into the living room I want to acknowledge this hat bathroom that serves the living room area and how cool it is I mean first of all beautiful Bratton air light fixtures to have this textured marble cladding on the back of the wall but most importantly how cool is this sink it has a very unique faucet design where water runs gently and drain is built into the wall where water just disappears into the wall as it drains I want to say the sink is probably 5 to 10 degrees tilted towards the Warped wall so that water disappears really gently and let's continue I mean what an incredible space right beautiful open Mikey what do you think pretty pretty nice you know this is the first time we've made it out to the valley and this is not really what I was expecting no I mean this is really cool not to mention your pain listen half of the price to get kind of the same amenities that you would get on a house and let's see what so where should we get started why don't we kitchen first and we'll look at the rest of the living room area from there I'll take you guys outside with the patio and pulley areas and from there we'll go to the second floor all right let's do it so okay first of all I love kitchens that have these two layer island designs I think it just gives kind of a dimension to the kitchen also it's nicely set up where it separates your sitting room area from the actual functioning island side of the wall I'm just seeing so many details I'm gonna try to cover all of it first of all beautiful light fixture right in the center kind of makes this countertop works it's like a dining room area because it stated right on top of it then they have beautiful two-tone cabinetry your entire pantry setup is a wood veneer beautiful pullout drawers just a lot of space and what I like about it is how they tuck it all the way to the ceiling where every bit of space is utilized perfectly what is this what does this color scheme called is this Cape Cod so the design of this entire home is actually kind of a modern but they brought some Cape Cod elements to kind of smooth it out and kind of make it a little bit more cozy on the inside see a lot of brass details I get kind of associate Cape Cod with white brass and black that's very true if they kind of did a little bit of a transition version here you know the outside is quite modern the layout is modern but they have a lot of these brass why kind of like marble looking details they're really smooth out the space yeah another detail of course if I can open it now a beautiful wine freezer right here keeps your wines and your drinks at the perfect temperature you got to have it that won't interest you and this isn't a big drinker so I'm not a big drinker at all and then you have your refrigerator sub-zero everything is top notch here again talking about the brass details look at these beautiful door handles here oversize makes it makes it very nice safe more pantry here and let's look at the rest of the kitchen first of all I really admire to have one of these one day these are supposed to makers are super cool like that's one of your big goals of life daddy let me let express their get it me later for something care and as we continue the waterfall edge continues here beautiful countertop and we have an eight burner stovetop right here beautiful meal a and of course you got haven't popular brass and I see details and I kind of like this design not a lot of developers do it but we have two cabinetry so you have the lower one and you kind of have the upper one for extra storage like I said they went all the way up to the ceiling second thing I like double sinks a lot of people a lot of these big homes now these days have these features where not only have your main sink you have a another thing here in case somebody crapping rest of the food here I want to talk about this modern farm sink design I like these the fact that st. state's in front it kind of makes it a statement a little bit and kind of identifies where the sink is located what one think about these but kitchen is the heart of your home this is where you cook this is where you entertain and win from kitchen area you can reach out to your pool area in this case they put this beautiful slider window if you can do that that's really a plus I think this is a great addition to this kitchen not to mention when you cook something here there's a lot of smells going on you can just pop these windows open get a lot of ventilation through the house for you as we continue from kitchen we have this small area right here if you have more additional counter top you have your pantry here and this leads to your garage Mike your why don't you come here I want to show a really cool detail this is the first time I'm seeing your door handle like this instead of pulling it down you simply pull it towards you and voila it opens that's pretty cool that's really cool your two-car garage would he send it for this size of home and now we're back in the living room area I want to take you guys to the dining room is a very important element of a home and it is basically right across from vacation this beautiful space it's actually perfect size because this table can see ten people very comfortably you still have a lot of space to move around the table beautiful light fixture I know would you just look at it and it is perfectly situated the height is perfect and they have a lot of windows here and mirrors which bounces back the light throughout the room which it might even makes it a little bit more spacious so very nicely designed very nicely executed so another detail that motivation about this property if this property will just built recently so it still has that any one house mouth no one has ever lived here and the other thing that I want to talk about is the reason the first floor feels so open bright and kind of spaciousness they did the single hardwood floor continuously throughout the entire space which really uniforms and ties the entire first floor I really like that detail then of course every good house needs to have a really really good living room I want to start off with the fireplace it is beautiful beautifully planted with this marble it's actually one of my favorite marbles I love this black homes with a little bit of white paint throughout the marble I think it's very sleek simple good-looking marble and of course they clattered there gas fireplace and they built the TV within so it's nice and sleek looking and what I like about it right here is that you put these light fixtures on the each side of the fireplace this is a perfect place if you want to display it you are and kind of make a statement of your fireplace because once you turn on those two lights it really showcases your fireplace even better then then rest of the living room is nice and very cozy and not to mention it opens directly to your backyard [Music] of course in California it's really important for one to have an indoor/outdoor feel and this one has a really good one and what you use is simply open these doors pocket them to each side and then basically your indoor living room because inside outdoor living up it opens all the way up and not to mention these Fleetwood Boris are super soon was really easy honestly I just did it with my one hand really easy to pocket amend and voila now your living room becomes part of the outdoor living room now that we're in the outdoor patio area before we continue the tour I want to mention this beautiful wood cladding that the developer did right underneath the balcony I mean it shows you that if they paid this much attention underneath their balcony they really paid attention to their entire development okay before I show you the rest of the patio make sure to hit the subscribe button make sure to turn your notification bell on so every time we post a video you guys will get notified and if you have any questions regards to this property or any other property in los angeles just leave us a comment and you'll get a response from me if you haven't noticed in us replies to almost every single comment moving on so we're in the patio area here let me give you guys a little breakdown you have a nice seating area right here another dining area and then you have all this countertop space for you to prepare some food starting with with this oversized beautiful gas BBQ that's a pretty heavy-duty lid for that thing right yeah I mean it's almost like a two-armed to Armour beautiful countertop here and here's another nice touch first of all I love the cover but this is where you have your sink and when you're not using it you don't want it to get dirty simply cover it up and you have your GFI plugs right here in case you want you need some electricity and they've really thought of everything they even left the plug right here guess why Mikey I'm going to assume if you want to put it out door and you're correct another detail that I like so they wanted to have it as a covered how do you feel but they wanted to have a little bit of lighting so what they do we do these recessed openings on the roof line throughout the entire covered patio to bring some of the light in and you have your dining area right here and definitely more seating on this side over all this patio really tables you to enjoy the backyard space not to mention you have a beautiful pool area which moves on towards right now I gotta say I think living in West LA has kind of given me a bad idea of what the valley is because I want to move out here now this is great this is really great so to give people some perspective to give you guys some perspective a lot of people live in the valley because it's still pretty close to west side of Los Angeles and you get much more value for your money this home in West Hollywood would probably cost somewhere on three and a half to four million dollars so you can buy this for half of the price for simply driving 20 minutes to the same location so a lot of people end up living in valley it's a little bit more calm it's a little bit peaceful especially this house being so close to 101 and Ventura Boulevard it's actually really nicely located considering that it's in Sherman Oaks who later yeah another another thing that I really want to congratulate give developers honest how well they use the backyard space it's nicely proportion in my opinion pulls the perfect size for a home and a lot this big beautiful quartz plaster in the pool you have your Jacuzzi set up on the corner that over cascades into the pool and you actually have a waterfall feature right here that is not turned on right now and as we walk around just like I've told you guys from the kitchen you have your window access right here in case you want to serve people food directly from your kitchen to your backyard space over all very private and just very cozy backyard space and very tranquil that's right so it's starting to get cold out here in LA what's that water temperature like let me see it's actually nice and cool but this pool is actually heated as well so if you want to warm it up and enjoy it 12 months out of the year you sure can't I know people in the rest of the country that are watching this in like the Midwest are gonna be like it's starting to get cold in LA we're talking about and now we're gonna head towards the second floor and again guys make sure to subscribe to our channels more mashes coming soon before we head out to the second floor we have one more bedroom on the first floor that I want to show you guys and currently this bedroom is States as an office beautiful glass a lot of natural light again guys remember I thought about having this beat all the way close to the ceiling well when they call this space they've kind of done the same design feature to me it serves two purposes number one it maximizes the space number two it really brings that modern element design much more so I'm a really title of this design feature right here but well beautiful closets of course everything is soft clothes of course of course and this bedroom has its own bathroom they kind of use the same style of a marble but this is a ceramic tile that we use in the bathroom and I'll spray right head light fixture even the smallest bathroom in this house is gorgeous okay so let's take this upstairs okay of course I have to acknowledge this amazing steel needs staircase so we just came to the second floor before we do anything what is beautiful light fixture that goes over to staircase a lot of the lighting in this house definitely they really pay attention now two skylights one on this side one on that side bringing a lot of light from second floor to the first floor and also the second floor landing area as we continue the second floor on the left hand side is a massive bedroom but before we get into the master bedroom we're going to toured the rest of the bedrooms starting with this one all the way at the corner to give you guys a little reference view on the corner front corner of this house on the second floor again beautifully sized bedroom closets all the way to the ceiling just a nice very clean space this seems like a mirrored layout of the bedroom below us which is stages in office right now yes you have the exact same cabinetry even the kind of window designs are kind of similar exactly exactly so also looks uniform from the outside but no details are spared even here you have your built-in speakers now we're going to the second bedroom on the second floor not to mention guys the flooring here is absolutely the same as the first floor beautiful remember the second bedroom living room with different design a little bit bigger in size more windows and definitely has a little bit bigger closet or walk-in huh yeah walk-in closet dimensionally it matches your suit - thank you you look like you belong there maybe I should buy this would you that if you bought this home when you get to absorb the sales commission also true yeah so it would be two percent less than two and a half percent two and a half percent less than it would cost a non agent I can negotiate my own deal lastly before we go to the master bedroom we have a nice utility area right here here's what I like about it the fact that it's right next to all the bedrooms and it's so close to the master having your washer and dryer this close in my opinion is the key it makes washing clothes so much more convenient and easy they have a nice utility here have some storage countertop it checks all the boxes everything you need is here alright guys we just checked out this utility room right here we're gonna step into the master bedroom the horrea in us ready and waiting welcome back what an awesome space right yeah this is this is pretty big this is pretty big I mean this room makes a king-sized bed look small number one is this the light fixtures that are right next to the bed I think it's a great detail also one of your partner wants to read something they can easily turn the airside on and of course bedroom continues you have your balcony set up right here you have a nice little seating area right here in case you just wanted to think about stuff you know that seems like a really good place for you to ask people to subscribe make sure to subscribe to our channel guys we appreciate that support also honestly if you guys have any questions as you can see on the comment sections of all my videos I miss ponte every single comment i do my best to answer all the questions so if you have any questions in regards to real estate whoo let's see the messin we're simply about the video that we just produce leave us a comment this is obviously another nice detail that i like if you open these Fleetwood doors they go each side you have a nice little balcony off with the match tape you're worried that your kids might be going to pull without your permission well you can simply check it up from here you don't need to go all the way down hey I didn't give you permission but it's another nice space it's actually a pretty good sized balcony as well right yeah for sure now we're gonna check out an important part of this master bedroom and that is master bathroom before we go into the bathroom mica can you just pin the camera to the floors a little bit these are all single slabs that is perfectly laid out I want to say from what I'm seeing here they're probably four by eight ceramic slabs perfectly laid out so the entire bathroom is level from there I want to start with their beautiful cabinetry design of course everything is soft close Mike you wanted to come over here I want to show this eat ale look at this brass inlay that they have two ties in that grass look you cannot really see it unless you paid attention yeah man brass light fixtures a brass mirror past pastas continue and it's a nice detail I love these things it kind of it might be that first bathroom that we saw as me into the property water disappears can I ask you can we go back to these slabs in the floor real quick yeah how much or how thick do you think each one of these is you do like an inch or less than that 3/4 vintage 3/4 so they must be pretty heavy they're super heavy they bring him in with suction cups they launder entire the mortar underneath it and they were divorced so they usually bring clear and through doorways like this yeah and then put them down yeah okay yeah so serious like what part what phase the construction do they have to actually it probably happened right after they painted the room they got this flooring in from there they started putting all the fishes tub and shower and all that good stuff yeah and right here we have the freestanding tub honestly a lot of people will overlook this but let me ask you guys the questions I'm asked you a question might be where's the tough floater well okay it's it's cheating because we've seen this once before but it's in the ceiling that's right Val's ear right there but it's essentially coming from the top now we're going where it's a walk-in shower and I get a start on this board right here it's a single slab beautifully sloped towards the drain it's such a sleek design it's not busy it's really easy and the rest of our notes when we come in here the detail that I like this first oldest recites so two people can shower at the same time but even more importantly it come with a different style so right here you have the end help that serves you as a shower that as well but if you change signs you have a rainy headed and help another a head on the ceiling you look a little you I didn't even see that the ceiling yep yeah beautiful just look at that beautiful and not to mention just awesome shampoo niche they did with LED lighting so it gives it a little bit of a future warmth to the shower all right now master closet there's so many details here that I want to mention number one it's besides your built-in closets your drawers of course their soft clothes and your beautiful dis place where you can hang your nice hoodie look at what they've done here to utilize the space that is the best potential so you put your shoes or your bags right here whoa I've never seen that before like a lazy susan but closet closet and they have the same thing on the other side as well I'm sorry the perfect utilization of the space and honestly this closet is used every inch of it is used really well and guys I've never seen this before you have a steamer in the closet to see more clothes to get wrinkled up so look I guess there's five hanger spots you hang up your clothes variety of settings to get that and get those wrinkles out that's a very cool nice detail more closet space here your display again I mean honestly perfectly sized master closet and they use every inch of it I mean look at it all the way to the ceilings you have sore spaces all right guys that's pretty much it thank you all for watching I want to thank my key for this amazing edit you're very welcome and we've gotten a lot of comments recently people offering up some constructive criticism on our edits we really appreciate it and we brought on a friend this is Trey pride what's going on guys Trey will start to try will be joining us from now on on many of these edits to do b-roll and showcase some of these rooms so you'll be seeing me a lot more yeah yeah so yeah if you all have any comments about this edit or any comments moving forward about the camerawork please feel free to leave some feedback because because I love to hear it and with that said guys thank you for joining us make sure this is crab toy channel make sure they leave us a comment if you want to know anything about this property and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Enes Yilmazer
Views: 2,869,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sherman oaks modern mansion, modern mansion, mansion tour, sherman oaks, luxury home tour, california mansion, california mansion tour, architectural digest, new modern house, los angeles, luxury house, luxury houses in california, expensive house tour, los angeles mansion tour, modern house tour, Los Angeles modern mansion, Beverly Hills, producer michael, Los Angeles house tour, real estate investing, real estate, encino, mansion, investing in real estate, house tour
Id: oEis92bjvQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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