Truck Tour Living in My Ambulance

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next video well it's here you've all been asking for a tour of the inside of the ambulance and i'm going to give you one a lot of the reasons why i went to the ambulance was so i could do work inside and shoot videos inside and have meetings inside and so i'm going to take you inside and i'm going to show it all all that i've got my the whole bloody truth about bob inside my home you've never seen inside my van that i lived in uh after i was living in it but you will inside here uh i tend to be kind of a cluttered person and i am certainly not a neat freak by any stretch of the imagination so i'm generally you know uh not liking you know loving a lot of people in my home so i've done something different in fact i've been shooting videos and been inside thousands and thousands of other vehicle homes and i don't think i've ever seen anything exactly like this it's fairly unique some of you won't like it and you'll be quick to write in and tell me in the comments that you don't like it and that's fine i if you don't like it i understand i really really like it it works so well for me so um you live the way you want to live your life and i'll live the way i my life the way i want to live it and we'll get along really really well so come on inside and let's see this very unusual uh ambulance home so right away it doesn't look like an ambulance i hope that was my goal i didn't want to look like i didn't want to live in a sterile white industrial home it doesn't feel good to me but neither did i want to rip it all out and build a nice home so what do you do you get one or the other either you put in the time the work and the effort and the money to turn it into the exactly the way you home what you want it or maybe you put up curtains and i remember the first time i said that to somebody i still had a friend in you know said i think i might put up curtains i laughed said that was funny but you know i love them you know i sit here on the bed and work and uh when i look up at night when i'm working or during the day and i see this it makes me really happy i just i can tell you every detail about this this uh picture because whenever i look up something grabs my eye in fact there's a man right here uh i'm too close i don't think i can see it but there's a picture of a man right here not only that but right here there's a road and if you get close enough you can see a national forest sign and i look up and these things grab my eyes and i look at him for a bit then i go back to work or watch a movie or read a book or whatever i'm doing and i you know and i got this back one over here and i really enjoy this scene with the deer and the bright colors uh so come on in and let me show you the one that i like the most go ahead and come on in and i'll show you this one this is one i just and of course i'm sitting on the bed i work sitting on the bed so uh i don't get to see it much but boy i love that that just makes me happy um this is actually two different this one didn't cover that whole wall so this is a separate one but it actually kind of looks pretty good there i think so let me show you how i work this is how i work all the time i will usually have a laptop or an iphone and i keep a um and this is full of just extra stuff cold weather clothes or cold weather we turn real cold on us all of a sudden so i've got out a lot of my cold weather stuff now but so this is how i work you say bob i don't you got a desk i created a desk but this is how i work because i knew and i knew this would happen so i just sit on the bed and i don't want my knees to be hyper extended so i put this under my knee i've had this for at least 10 years this thing is remarkable and i got it at a garage sale and so this is how i do 90 of my work because just like this i'll come in here i'll i'll answer emails i'll do research for uh videos uh i run my empire my great big cheap rv living empire from right here in just this way so every time i look up you know i get i pause or i break or i watch a video you know i watch a lot of videos in here too um i i see that and it just makes me so happy i just really really enjoy it and having all of it around really i really really like it so that's why i did it we'll open the curtains up and i'll let you see the whole home it's very normal average ambulance looking stuff i did very very little work in here so let me show you what we did do uh put in this desk and you're gonna wonder about this this is very odd this is how i will shoot videos so these arms swing around i've got a light on one it's nothing set up right now i can shoot outside or i can shoot inside or i can set up a tripod outside and shoot inside so i want to get the camera set up in here get a monitor off of the camera so that i'm looking not at the tiny screen but a great big monitor on another arm i'll put a light on another arm and i can swing them away at any time and shoot outside so to shoot a video rather than go outside and set up get everything set up which takes me time i'm going to pull up somewhere i want to shoot i'm going to open the back door and i'm just going to turn things on and i'm going to start shooting right there at the back door that's the ultimate goal a plan that didn't happen is this bed so this bed is very wide and i made it this wide so cody could sleep on it you know my plus dog lovers we will sacrifice almost anything for our dogs the reason it's this wide it's real much wider than i want it to be and it takes up a lot of space is that uh i wanted cody to be able to sleep on it too so i scrunch all the way up over i got this enormous bed and i scrunch up on the wall and cody lays on this side uh and not even all night he starts he starts on the bed with me he gets on the floor for most of the night and then he gets back up and he almost always is beside me when i wake up so um and this drops this actually drops about here and will drop down and when i made it to drop down i said to myself i will never do that i'll never drop this thing down i'm just too lazy to tear this thing apart every day and this drops down too this is a um a leaf that will just drop down because i did want to leave it so that i could have a password passageway in and out of the back door so that's about it really i did very little building in here at all so i'll just open it up and show you you know i won't keep everything a secret and inside it just looks like an ambulance you know this is uh i did quite a bit of studying on ambulance and this is what they all look like they all come with these doors and this is all my clothes well not quite this bag these are my clothes and this bag is my clothes and you can't see them because they're on the back wall behind there but i got a books all across there all across there i'm a microwave guy you guys all know that i got a microwave here looks great really really great i'll do a whole video on my solar because i think it's worth the video and you know i got you know this is just the stuff of life i got my water thing there i got cody's uh bones here you know i got the stuff oh don't look at the vanilla wafers i like another wafers um you sure you weren't supposed to know that uh it's just the stuff of life i don't know what to tell you and this is really messy so i definitely didn't want this exposed if i'm gonna shoot from down there here i didn't cut i couldn't figure out any way to get a closet so i'm hanging some shirts so there's my trash um and here is uh the stove i got a fan it would go back and forth here it was really really hot so i was running a fan i finally got a toaster and you can't really see this just more stuff i like popcorn so i keep a lot of popcorn on hand uh and that's the uh this is actually the closet to the um we'll i'll go outside and show you the electrical closet here in a minute and that's the electrical closet so i can just reach in and to the electrical closet uh this is i've got a fridge here it's been hot so i've got my sun hat out and it's here i just throw it there because it's a handy place to have it uh these this is a light i love i use that and at night it really throws a nice light right now i've got these my buckets down here because you got to put your bucket somewhere and i think i will probably put a curtain here and i just haven't gotten to it yet it's a small one and i have two fridges two of the 12-volt compressor fridges one down there and one down there and that's not turned out well i thought i might turn one into a freezer um i bought one and one was sent to me to test and i'm testing it they work great they all work great i've been really happy with these cheap freezers fridge freezers uh so i think i might replace them both and get one big one and then i can save all that space back down there i have cody's water i always keep a bucket of water i like these buckets because they have these lit screw-on leads you can just screw on the lid this is a video i'm going to be shooting i'm going to shoot a video on noise makers for security just nice that's a video i've got to get shot don't look at this no one will ever see this you and i'm gonna you must not see that uh and then i keep cody's uh dog food and an extra gallon water so the cody's kits canned dog food and uh that's water so i carry five gallons in there one gallon in there i've got a five gallon jug back there that i almost never fill and use because i don't need to carry that much water but i can sometimes i will and have to uh i didn't get a pass-through that's one thing you're mine missing you don't know if you noticed that many many ambulances have a pass-through i didn't get one and that was a disappointment i wished i had but i did not and so that's life i wanted everything else about this wanted this i wanted the a chevy diesel with the allison transmission specifically um it's four wheel drive and it has very very low miles and it didn't come with a pass-through uh it didn't come with a number of things i would have preferred to have but that's life that's just the way it is sometimes let's see i'll just go this way so more cabinets more stuff i got a lot of stuff if you argue and say about right in and say bob you got a lot of stuff i'd say yeah you're right uh this is actually a six gallon bucket of um of emergency food a 30-day supply 2300 calories a day so i could easily extend that out to 45 days worth of emergency food okay i guess we'll go outside and look around let's do that this is a very very tall van without that there i this is just too hard for me to get in and out of and i'm an old guy and so you know i i wanted a good step and over the course of my life in living in vehicles i i tried to count them how many steps i've driven over in the whole time i've lived in the vehicle and i gave up at 10. i really like that and so that is something if you're older and you got a really tall vehicle this is four-wheel drive and so it's really tall that's worth it so i'll go ahead and show you inside the all the outside storage there's always an awful lot on these so this is the house the battery the the ambulance is completely self-supporting it can run all of its systems off of the engine course it's a big diesel uh a big duramax diesel and it's got these two batteries and two bat it's got a total of four batteries the two house batteries the two starting batteries got batteries all over the place um and this is uh but did my spare tire of course you can see um i really like having a spare tire there the kind that you have to drop down it's a big heavy tire and they they freeze and they rust i really like having it here and this is kind of all emergency stuff here this is a toaster app to get unstuck with here's here's a compressor here's a shovel uh this is a tire plug kit this is kind of the you get you're getting a big problem this is how you get out of it area and i just kind of stuffed it all in here because it all kind of works in i think in logically and then of course you got the big back door okay and then here's a this side has quite a few drawers um storage areas this one was splints and tall things backboards pads i don't know what the pet is but just stuff uh that i put back here this is one of the few really open bins i had i like these i'm using one there two of them i always have two uh these are you drive up on them and even the weight of this thing won't be any impact on it so i have a couple of those so this and this are gonna go away uh it's just stuff propane the stove is right above it the stove is right here and so i'm gonna i haven't gotten it done yet but i'll actually drill holes and go up to the propane so i have a tank out here having tank outside's a good thing and this is the electrical closet pretty standard stuff i bought really high quality i've got 720 watts of solar on the roof two battleborns uh i paid for myself the viktron i think this is a 150 over 70. yeah this is a 150 over 70 amp a xantrex inverter that runs my microwave and the toaster no problem this is the second xantrex pro watt 2000 that i've owned i bought the first one and owned it for 10 years and it's still working in my old van it's going with the old van and it will still run the microwave like the day i bought it if that has just been the best piece of equipment i've ever owned and bought i've never owned one as good uh and then this is an uh victron horizon orion tr smart and it's a smart dc to dc converter cables go up to the starting batteries and it charges well the uh the battleborns while i drive and it will it's very smart it won't one of the problems you run into of course this is that being a diesel it has an enormous alternator and i don't think i could ever outdraw that alternator unless there was a problem so there you have it that's my ambulance home uh it's very sterile and industrial and but it's very very practical and i'm such a practical guy that that wins but these curtains take this sterile practical form over function every time attitude and turns it into something that really speaks to my heart and and i know it won't appeal to a lot of you you'll just look that and think that's awful i wouldn't do that but it really works for me and i it makes me very happy so so i'm curious what do you think of the curtains is it too much you think okay well that's great for you but i would never do that i'd really like to know so leave a comment below let me know and i'll give some thought to what your opinions are i really like it i'm not going to change it but i really like it so if you got anything out of this video a whole new idea i think then like us on youtube subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up button and
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 291,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure, Bob Wells, Nomadland, CheapRVLiving, Cheap RV Living, vanlife, van life, how to live in a van
Id: FpHrNv5ThwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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