Tour de France 2023: Stage 2 | EXTENDED HIGHLIGHTS | 7/2/2023 | Cycling on NBC Sports

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hello and welcome it's day two of the Tour de France and brought to you by the feed we are moving along the bass Coastline now we're heading to the capital of The Basque region here Victoria gases and we're heading to San Sebastian welcome back to the Tour de France stage two today and the clouds are moving nicely away now to make a lovely afternoon in the hills of The Basque country we're heading more or less in a direct line from the hills to San Sebastian today on the longest stage of the race and these three Riders have established a lead now which is increasing by the second as they go the bunch has turned off a little bit just now the teammates at Nielsen Palace in those pink jerseys have got themselves on the front they're trying to back the place off at the moment minute 15 just now bottleneck for the peck of the Peloton a couple of feet down no crashes thankfully sefcus getting a helping hand on these saddle at the American EF riding whoa oh almost there yep that's what happened Lidl truck Rider yeah nice semi semi-safely let's say but the pink writers in pink ready to pounce on any counter move so pretty emphatic show of their intentions with Nielsen in the polka dots up the road and the teammates at the front there's the standings in the green jersey competition at the moment the other Jersey win it leads because you've got 30 points for winning yesterday his brother got 25 finishing second he wears the green jersey by the age brother and the rest scored most of the point out on course and at the finishing line for the ones that followed over the twins give you a chance to reshape this which will not be a property of Yates he won't take part in the spring coming up in the gutio these are the ones available there first 15 Riders as they cost the Finishing Line their first three Riders not really interested we've just come under the camera now uh the shot from that camera that Steve you know told us all about with the orange light underneath Kevin's it was high enough today this is Quinn Simmons now the champion of USA lifting the pace of the front at one kilometer to go there is a lot of interest in this points race today Phillipson and team in the blue jerseys of Albertson also there Alex Kirsch on a teammate wheel about to lead out mads Pederson third wheel in the leader Squad and on the left hand side it looks like the lot of sudoles excuse me Dynasty team also in the action for Caleb Ewan okay debutant won five stages of the Tour de France she had a lot of bad luck in this race over the years as well including crashing out with a broken collarbone there has been in Grime he's in a perfect position he's getting boxed in a little bit there now as there's a charge down the left-hand side of the road he may have left it too late he's going up on the right Binion well this is going shoulder to shoulder and Gourmet trying to get through here this could be a good finish for him just gonna get picked on the line on the left-hand side of the road there it looked like it was a possible Philips on the left it looked like it was Phillipson through the middle there there he is with the yellow glasses white helmet BDM Jeremiah also very close and Matt Patterson all the not all the big names but many of them going for that 13 points well Cavendish also trying to get a few a few points closer to the green jersey wow hey just take a look at this again here that's Patterson going on the right on the shoulder of a gourmet that lifted to the middle grown a vegan 164 there completely shut out of that result Patterson may have been second or third third or fourth in that Sprint wellsford from the DSM Squad getting the better of Phillips and just at the last moment it's a big track round Wow might have to go to the cameras very close it was very very close yeah wow I'm gonna have to get some Finish Line cameras at the intermediate Sprints but the average speed is still 48 kilometers an hour and the average speed the fastest one estimated by the race today is 45 kilometers an hour so the way ahead is scheduled at the moment on what is the longest stage of the Tour de France now that we're getting to the sharp end of The Climb here now three quarters of a kilometer to the summit Palace is in second place he's not going to want to have done all this work for the last hour and a half of racing to not to get any points for that Jersey competition Wilson organism and he might fear most he's come to the back two one two and Eddie's in his 13th tour he's finished 10 of the 12 that he's already ridden and he's won three stages see if Nielsen doesn't put in a stinging attack here or just wait see how the Sprint plays out I would give him the highest chances in a purely physical sense tactics might play out in the favor of the others but we'll see if Nils I'm sure he's up for the fight like Christian said and uh this is going to be a really A great battle don't often see such Dynamic Sprints this far from the finish line but that's how prestigious the polka dots are by the way any Jersey is in the Tour de franceville guys going at it tooth and nail for every Point available out on the road every single day look at the tempo being set by team UAE on this file Michael bierg particularly on the front the Gap has come down to 437 now it's gone up to 438 we are now 300 meters from the summit here Palace is in a perfect jump position but watch his back wheel he's a little bit worried about the whereabouts of Ed valgolson Argon 2200 meters ghost and hogman follows him little smile on his face I wonder if he's going to attack him very early on in the race to the three weeks to go why not try and get a point in the bag checking him out and I think they're gonna be two gentlemen one from Norway one from France powerless gets the points job done for the moment the crowd just applauding the three leaders here I think it'll be coming back to this part of the world very soon the Tour de France it's lost none of its attractiveness to the people of the Southern Basque region just as we cut to that feature you did you did see a dog run out uh I think we'll just uh see if we can show you that again because we saw it with you but it was too late to tell you about it watch the right of the picture it's a German Shepherd the dog and he's just chosen the race director to bite him no he's missed him and he's got out of the way pretty good very wise move well let's hope that he stays out of the way why the Peloton comes so let's check in again now with Christian Vanderbilt what's on behind us now it's dry again but back there it was really wet so it obviously it rained it wasn't raining on us but it rained ahead of time so very possible we're going to be going in and out of these roads so when you're going in and out of the dry to wet roads you can't really appreciate what's going to happen around the next corner so sometimes it could be dry dry when you're going into the corner and wet when they're coming on the way out right now we got some nice dry roads I am thankful it's nice and clear pastures ahead of us absolutely stunning scenery but again just like yesterday not one stretch of road that is straight always left right up and down and about again like I said before about 4 000 speed bumps all through every town keep an eye on that time now because every time they go on the climbs oh my goodness me this is cavania going off the back in the leading group but they really start to drive on the front now Palace wants these points at the top that means nobody can touch him for the rest of the day for sure he'll be numerically too far ahead surprise to see Remy go I am it must be a very fast tempo oh they've been going pretty flat out to in the Peloton as well so keeping this Gap for Nielsen to get the next set of points has taken the toll on Remy cavania here's the capture of Remy kevania and he looks as though he's calm and collected is he gonna look for teammates to make sure they stay okay on these times give his last energy to his team before he will certainly drop away one kilometer from the top and he's picked up his temper Julia ala Felipe the former world champion is looking a bit frisky today I think he identified this as a better day to try and win than yesterday and he's right there on the front of the boat so I've been a whole change of formation on the front of that punch now inside two minutes across the board now for the Tour de France many of the big sprinters gone Alexander Kristoff Fabio jakobs and Dylan grona vegan Sam wellsford Mark Cavendish all left now by the Peloton [Music] white man from Roseville it's outside of Sacramento California some Palace going over and commanding lead now in the Kom competition now so far we've done just over 1900 meters of a day that leaves us still with more than a thousand meters still decline I mean it's a crash no just to ride this but I think he fell on the corner there the rider and that's the UAE boys because that is Mateo tentin and he is actually looking for his team car here now that's been caught on the corners clearly as the Peloton has gone through in the town here that might that's that's broke up the tape Tempo by UAE Bob yeah we're gonna want to wait for trentine their Road Captain to get back in the group for a bike change walk through the Gap to the Breakaway to Skyrocket for the next few miles if no other teams come to the front doesn't seem like that's been the case at the moment well we'll see what we can show you about this is in riding away foreign left of your picture and he's come off that roundabout now whether it was cool I think it'd probably be caused by the wet Wells but there is a carpet there a curved Stone she's sticking out her nose but anyway he's a little bit stunned and he's taking his time getting away 33 miles still to race that's not good news that's a long way there are some Riders behind he'll be able to mix with but he is one of the strong men on UAE but there's bothers you taking the decision Bob keep the pressure on riding olsenhagen in trouble yeah I have been seeing that Nielsen's making it very tough on him and Nielsen moving forward to get the last king of the mountain point before the final climb but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some debris on the road making the flat tires much more likely and that's what we're seeing right now in the Peloton in the Breakaway what we're seeing is an absolutely flying Nielsen Palace putting the hurt on Ed valdost one of the best bike racers in the world wow great day for Nielsen Palace it just demonstrates just how well he is riding at the moment he had good buildup for him to this he's still the leader of the tour on the road by 13 seconds over the uh Adam Yates and 21 over Simon Yates and we're hearing I'm hearing on the race radio there's been a crash back in the Peloton and there it is Ben O'Connor is down there on ag2r number 91 trying to get going again well that's caught one of the leaders in the AGR Citroen battling to get his bike back on the road because he is the Australian favorite for a podium 187 serious Agony just getting up now at the moment and a lot of times a lot of Destiny and a teammate also down both doctors there with Maxine vangel and this is caught out a number of the lotto Destiny rise two of them here 43 Matthew Denham the busiest Rider in his first Tour de France straightening his bike two doctors on the scene as well the Riders slowly getting themselves organized here absolute chaos down there if you could only hear race the truck they're calling for wheels and Luke Dairy Bridge both announced having flat tires and Nielsen Palace all that drama long ways behind him plowing on I have a feeling he's left headphones behind at this point on this category four Clan just have a look at this on the left of the road here looks like it's van gills is the first to fall there look at her teammate Fred Wright just missed out he's getting going again 69. hooked his barbano down I got caught grabs his bike [Music] if you didn't just bending over there checking his hand I think it is and getting back on his bike two inner martial cars there's the door Bridges flat tire on the right hand side just flashing by still hasn't gotten going yet man O'Connor is just rejoined the punch so he must have gone pretty quickly to get back up that quick yeah it was good right he'd be thinking long term of course he's finished fourth in the Tour de France when we're on the stage last year wow you never know dude and all handling behind Nielsen Palace the EF Education First easy post rider for the USA mum and dad will be watching and we know that cheating him on he's building his lead in the king of the mountains he'll have 11 points in a few minutes time and nobody else endanger him in all day today starting with a seven point each five-point Advantage at the start of the day so he's had a tremendous day couldn't work out better the way he's riding and he's left closing organ I think he knows he can't get the final climb of the day but you never know with the pellets on being disrupted here look at the crowd put the scent from this cat four immediately they're calling out a number of names of the sprinters being tailed off at the back or camera staying at the front of course here because again it's the effort by UAE they are desperate now to catch news and Powers because the man in the white jersey there patali pagacha wants the Eight Second bonus Over the Top Mark Solaire is a rider doing the temple at the bottom of the climb now some twists and turns before it starts to kick up for the field but they'll be on there in a moment 25 kilometers of racing to go taking the bikes out now the Gap is only eight seconds they are saying and it looks like that's about right but that's all right near some Powers aimed at what has happened he expected to happen but he gave it his best shot and he's in the lead tomorrow in the king of the mountains with a good lead overall Micah goes past him the yellow Jersey of Adam Yates doesn't even look at him now this is the white jersey of Teddy book at you just behind in the group very close to them now is Jonah's finger go plenty of teammates have given his finger go left in the front here with just 0.8 kilometers or about 800 yards half a mile to the top of the final climb of the day brilliant brilliant riding by Rafael Mica here the Polish Rider and he's trying to reach the top and then I think we might see the end looks across there and adding the H is going to finish it off it's all about the points at the top don't forget and the bonus is eight seconds for the first Rider over Bingo is gonna have to challenge that he can't keep nudging it and certainly Simon Yates in that dark green jersey in the blue helmet he can't wait to come out the slipstream of his twin brother and take the eight seconds that would pamper revenge for losing to him yesterday Adam he's saying that they're definitely going for these time bonuses at the top of this climb and he's leading out Paddy pogacho let's see if Paddy pagacha has his friend Jonas finger needs to contend five in two seconds also up for grabs 400 meters and it looks to me as though Simon's building up here 300 meters Simon is the fourth Rider blue helmet remember he's looking to the rear of his brother in yellow he's grimacing he's going vinegar is going as well pagachio is going the man who could be on the podium in Paris are going for the Eight Second bonus at the top and it looks to me as though well I don't know 20 won't let that go it's still a big effort by Simon Adams out of it and he comes a better finger go followed by pugachia Advantage was really for Yates on the Nano approach but Bingo being taken over there by Paul Gadget eight seconds the whole thing of the day was about the eight seconds victory for book atcha let's see if Bugatti doesn't attack this to send Jonas finger go on his wheel clear daylight to the Chasers but watch for Pikachu to try to streak through the finish line by himself but Jonas finger go realizing the danger lost a couple of seconds in the overall standings but today is not a way letting simonettes get an even uh time with his with uh his teammate Adam Yates great riding by tari pagacha but it's a long way to the finish here a lot of it is downhill and this is riding in the old style of the big winners of the Tour de France well briefly saw him one five eight these are all the leaders saw you very quickly the twins Yates pogacho Michael Woods of Canada is writing very well Jai Hindi skelmos are being the goal go do the top French there's a big favorite now landed who'd love to win for the bass people Rodriguez kelderman still in turns and Seth class Roman balde aegon Bernal will be pleased to see him back he's back on foreign he'd be too tired now here comes pick off he's gone early he's gone at 1.8 miles from the finishing line that might be an early but he likes the early moves but he's gone and it was well fan art reacting to that immediately to Coney trying to get on his wheel and there is Tiny pagacha fifth position at the moment closing down that big attack by Tom pidcock I'll tell you about van art knows all about Tom pick God David Cross swords in the world cycle toss championships they've both been the world champion of the winter sports he was ready for that move by peacock and he knew he had to Snuff it out straight away back of the front group Bookman is there there is Jonah's finger go fourth wheel there's an attack by skelmos and that's the way to do it she's ripped clear he looks across no reaction uh fan art says well who's going he's gonna have to go himself I think at the moment Daddy on his wheel so wildfan aren't doing a lot of chasing tally forgot you perfectly positioned maybe to get the better wild fan art at the Finish Line while Fine Art not want it doesn't want anybody to get off the front with just a couple of kilometers of racing to go I'm working out the winner of the Tour de France these days it's quite difficult I think because they're all up for the win here the yellow Jersey comes up on the shoulder of today pagachi his teammate well from Austin his job again he's brought the race back together trying to form the status quo as your mavisma gets control again he's another one let's see if Fiona's veganco himself doesn't do the lead out for a while Fine Art we saw him do that twice For Christoph LaPorte and the dolphin a recently and Christoph Laporte two stage wins in the delfine let's see if fionas himself doesn't do a little bit of help for wild fan art which would be a spectacular stage when Wilco kelderman on the front at the moment three quarters of a mile to the end of the stage and there's no indication who is dominating this Tour de France the finishing line today is turning his head inside out to see who is trying to make moves I think if you Bleak your eyelids they'll be mistaken as a move to attack Here Comes again trying to hit on the far right is an attack on the right Victor lafay from copeni's one kilometer to go oh my goodness me coffee just happened on the stage of the tour since 2008 is this the moment the president comes home he's got the Gap wow man he was the man lover half a mile to go had a great stage yesterday now trying to hold off the big sprint from this group led by wild Bernard Wilko kelderman trying to close down Victor lafay he's got a great chance to win the stage a couple of turns before you straighten out to the Finishing Line they're closing down but lafay plenty of power just 450 meters to go for the French Rider Christoph lafaye is going to bring home the happiest moment of Cedric vassar's life the team director sporty if it will happen today it's only lefe's the second Tour de France he abandoned last year on the 13th day of the race and look if his son is he gonna do it since 2008 we've talked to the confidence man winning and he hasn't won yet because the spin behind it started and the big sprinters are crossing swords once again rail van art is coming they will be very very emotional scenes that win has been expected for 10 years for confidence unbelievable result and what a great spin doubt was it was only because he wasn't the man they all thought would win that was the attack bar fantastic attack lafay on fire yesterday but absolutely hauling perfectly timed attack after a while fan art himself had had to close down a number of attacks and he got just big enough Gap daddy forgot to win for it but they waited just a little bit too long in the jumbo Squad maybe underestimating lafaye's power what a tremendous Sprint that was and he got the advantage of not being the obvious choice for victory and he made the most of it that's what happens but it's a huge result Victor lafay throughout his life has won two races let's make that three now second day in a row a stage winner that we did not expect yesterday and Victor lafay the first stage win aperture today the results stage two lafay with that excellent acceleration with a one kilometer left let wow van art they're very disappointed frustrated man Earth behind him and tare pagacha after collecting some time bonuses he feels good about coming in third on the stage as for the yellow Jersey portion of this tour taking place in The Basque country all wrapped up and Adam Yates two days in a row in yellow [Music] from the stage to the overall standings Adam Yates in first Sade pagancha started the day in third he moves up to second [Music]
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 312,534
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Keywords: nbc, nbc sports, tour de france highlights, tour de france stage 2 highlights, 2023 tour de france highlights, 2023 tour de france stage 2 highlights, cycling tour de france highlights, cycling, cycling news, nbc sports news, 2023 cycling, cycling 2023, cycling nbc sports, tour de france, 2023 tour de france, tour de france 2023, tour de france stage 2, 2023 tour de france stage 2, tour de france stage 2 2023, cycle racing, cycling highlights, san sebastian, tdf stage 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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