Tough TikToks For A Rough Quarantine ft Chavezz

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I'm not just sitting here in silence on purpose I had something that I was going to say to you and I don't remember what it was and it was like actually funny so give me a second what up kids girls back at it again I could start with that I could just I could just start with that my husband Chavez is here he's eating a grapefruit because he's weird and committed you may salute back just a little bit like this like the song why are you acting like you don't know what song that is we're struggling hard with his intro ha I'm not supposed to insult you karaoke Fat Joe Joe Leanback is from Fat Joe who sings it who's singing it it's literally fat girl ma if you think that joke any song from the 2000s I can make fun of you like uh huh back by the are everybody's favorite Italian rapper I just felt leave me so mad I just felt the need to tell you because everyone in my comments is like dis no time I was I was the only one of you alive when he was actually making music clearly he's not Italian eight of you were confused though and that makes it worth it so we're gonna watch actually funny take times today don't believe the title of this video let's be clear I don't trust oh no no I don't trust y'all y'all be like this tick tock is so funny a her her her and it's not [ __ ] her her her then that was so me see without saw each other good you you you mean I mean it works out so here we go you know there'd be some cut off cuz of music to be a lot cut out comes music actually so look if you're like you get to a point in the video and you don't know what's going on because something's clearly missing mind your own [ __ ] business [ __ ] okay we are struggling out here with these goddamn tic toc videos it's don't don't help me okay it's hard just playing it I'm just playing it like that's it is your cat okay see just say good stop why are you holding your cat like that stop it I like cash in my hair to my ass dude it - can you Mickey go fast damn damn but the [ __ ] happened what the [ __ ] just happened I don't know why just assaulted that person in the car he's probably being gross huh cuz I he just sat there and took it he just took that [ __ ] he just took that [ __ ] he must been doing some [ __ ] on there defer to do that I believe it so I got some investing as I shoot the waiver customer compilation things that's not bad sorry I was like in a whole different place I really like this song [Music] what yeah [Music] [Laughter] what what with your large carbon fiber sword please my dick you got it okay wait posit okay you were so slow at this part look no I was trying to pause it before so I could read it you couldn't read that read it out loud we need to get this together Megan I already moved to the next video so I'm sorry I'm here now school administrators frantically trying to close the stage curtain at assemble it would've been Paula's you can realize that [ __ ] come on my 80 year old teacher as wrecking ball plays over the speaker and there's also Nicki Minaj playing in the back yeah I know that I'm never gonna hear it though cuz it's gone oh this is not even gonna close this [ __ ] pick up some teachers actually hope you make my [ __ ] life a lot easier take the headphones oh here we go I forget I can do this I should all never do it with my mouth off what never burn alone shake hard you're going to hell the gunshots dog that's real [ __ ] skinned things that's just gonna have to do now I'll turn this [ __ ] all the way up do now that skin is that's what's kid things gonna happen every time she drinks how no okay no okay so first of all I don't really have much against almond milk it just doesn't taste good but chocolate likes to make fun of me because I'm constantly like oh I think there's a spoiled oh I think this is spoiled I thought you're gonna do oh I think this boy oh I think that is she popping off right now took out survives Lee not just your hair that's a throwback you didn't have to do that so as I was saying before I was so Brooke [Music] sorry I didn't know it was like that I did not go ahead it's fine you think everything is spoiled if it sits out it gets warm that means it spoiled no I'm not gonna let you run away from this this is my life hey Josh is this good hey Josh is that good hey Josh shut up yes because I smell it and it smells weird smells like milk milk smells bad and then the one time I was like you know what I'm actually not gonna ask Chavez about this because he always says that the milk is fine whatever whatever and the expiration date had not yet been reached and what was the milk baby which time are you talking about what spoil it's not the same person because I like a twenty there's got to be some more than this okay that's just the whole joke that was the whole Joe [Music] we need to know what kind of frog that is what is with people letting their cats in their kitchens cat out of your goddamn kitchen you dirty [ __ ] that's true [Music] god damn can't have my Chinese baby now you can't have it I don't care that you got fixed yesterday you can't have my Chinese you can't have that oh she was on like this I've never shown my dog or two men in a video Oh with Cole he spikes arguments he is a mutt and two people always want to argue and say they know what breed he is so I guess we'll battle it out in the comments this is him is something traumatic happened that changed my life check Stephen Stephen Steve Steve oh my god you scared me I'm waiting this cat up [ __ ] why is she waiting for Canada yeah I would pretend to be that all guy when I get old I'm a [ __ ] act like your dog do do your [ __ ] British accent dog oh you got this can you say Park in a British accent okay skip that one and do the do the blond hair back out WWE a sure way to get this video file ready ready no fake run you could do a British accent thinking no cuz every time I do my British accent British people are in my comments like this is disrespectful you don't even sound pretty no no it's when you do the Russian accent - people get upset I don't know why I bring that up because that's the one thing she does that actually makes me upset like I actually don't like it in real life and every time ask for it literally why in the parking lot of Chili's there wasn't nowhere else better for you to be [ __ ] I think it's like also like she's trashing your trash thing right maybe no she obviously was at Chili's that's a track like you that I mean that's not classy even [ __ ] at the Chili's parking lot that's fine come on you gotta be like faster so long that's a good parking lot right what's the fancy one that's got the squeaky floors and the lights the Cosmo right got squeaky floors and the lights on and [ __ ] that's a good that's a good one got the chandelier barbera [ __ ] Oh yep yep but no matter how long I searched or how hard I tried I never found what I was looking for a single [ __ ] to give about your opinion Susan I love you thank you what she was saying yeah fine they survived yeah but what was the video [ __ ] but is it that kind of a vibe huh you ever want to show [ __ ] a kind of wrong showing of evolution to just get your point across to Karen I guess an evolutionary violin is a slur okay I don't know if you saw saw those think pieces no I didn't actually read the thing ya know is it real like I thought bees just making fun of people who might possibly say I mean our group is making fun of people st. Karen is a slur but there is a segment of people who think Karen is a slur oh hey I want to meet them like straight up I was I need it I just need to hear it one time you know what it was the equivalent of the n-word word son yes just like but you won't even say the n-word you typed out camera with a capital K even emphasis on the end Karen my boyfriend's Wow [Music] is it gonna work if you have something that you don't want and that nobody else wants and that causes nothing but problems just throw it away [Music] [Music] y'all can you read it me everyday trying to look as sad as possible on zoom so that none of my teachers make me participate got it kind of looked pathetic but I'm not on my dog I look how bad damn son damn just because a man is Asian doesn't mean he has a small peepee do I have a big peepee no there are no an Asian with the big peepee though no listen that wasn't the point the point that posture so all you need to do is two steps bring your shoulders up back and down bring your chin slightly forward and then slightly down and look at the difference that makes I know everything I need to know about you I love it yeah you're gonna wake up dad I can hear you all the way from my room bro he wouldn't have kids to call his mom by her first name dog all the time we're just [ __ ] screaming at me for waking people up like are you the one screaming I was just winning that wasn't here being Victoire with that that Charlie Sheen [ __ ] that we watched the interview it was damaged no Khan swabs for them oh yes yeah that is very much adequate okay well it's cute yeah what did he look like okay although I feel like he's not okay stop it just [ __ ] asleep so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cut off all my hair I have no other options I'm all out of them is free you're still potatoes there's Caroline right that's the whole last my hotdogs damn it that's it [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] are you right with like still [ __ ] you but you're right this is misplaced anger but I feel this though that's my [ __ ] which comes from the Latin word a Tumnus which was used by the ancient Romans as a way to label and describe their harvest season we call it fall because leaf fall down like you literally like me okay look I know you don't want this coffee here but just man look right if you're tick-tock consists of you reading Tumblr posts hang it up flat screen okay Nicki Minaj's okay you can like that is not you are not a content creator if that is what you do okay and I get it everybody wants to mine tumblr because we're the longest right why are you gone the governorship post on reaction videos for like six months man I'm gonna [ __ ] no more dog like get off of tumblr I mean I mean you could just don't really know cuz that made me mad I'm out
Channel: SkittenSays
Views: 91,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skitten, SkittenSays, SkittenLit, Hobiscuits, SkittenReacts, SkittenPlays, SkittenAttempts, Chavezz, Chavezzslovakia, Weekly Twitter Advice, WTA, Black Girl Gaming, Black Girl Twitter, Black Girl Youtuber, feeYONcee, Reaction Thursdays, Action Fridays, tik tok, tiktoks, tik tok memes, quarantine memes, tiktoks that are vines, funny tiktoks, weird tiktoks
Id: SgC7WO7d1dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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