Tough Day As A Handyman | Its That Time Of Year | THE HANDYMAN |

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okay everybody we're at our first stop the only thing I know is service magic came out twice first guy was here for an hour and 45 minutes ran all over the house ran all over the yard left said it was turned on wasn't turned on customer complained said hey sprinklers AR on they sent out a new handyman he came out took one look at it and said oh I can't fix this you need an irrigation company to come fix this the customer basically handw watered their entire yard and garden all summer 2023 here we are 2024 they got on my schedule early I got to figure out what went wrong what Tweedle D and Tweedle Dum did it's got a little lean to it that's pretty normal with these production homes as the ground settles it starts pulling these things away but no leaks so inside these green boxes I don't know if you can see that right now are your valves this is where we're going to see if there are valves there or if there's parts missing from the valves but hopefully everything is there thinking that's what the first guy thought he thought it just go on go over and turn things on there's only five zones here to make sure everything is here a lot of times when you're winterizing people do it different ways and they'll leave Parts in the valve box that they need to reinstall the next spring this cap is missing from one of those valves over there I really don't want to have to dig this entire place up and replace a valve can be stripped out see how those threads are just all mushed over now this won't go back in Tuck this thing out just to use it as an example one of these is missing from right there so I have to acquire that cap so I need to find another one of these all right everybody we're on the move on our first phase of goose chase this is the second phase of the goose chase Home Depo and Lowe's don't have it I went to Home Depot because it was right across the street Googled Lowe's Lowe's doesn't have these bleeder screws Ace Hardware has them in for a Lawn Genie I think they're all the same thread pattern trying to get through this without ordering any parts and getting the sprinklers on today all righty lots of stuff here but this is what I need I don't have a Lawn Genie but I think these will work so here's what I got the Lawn Genie doesn't have the cone or the point at the end that both of these do but I could get creative with the file I also picked up these quarter 20 nylon on bolts uh these were 35 cents each this was $8 we'll go back and I will at least be able to power up the system a combination of these or these will get those bleeder holes plugged up enough so that I can turn the valves on and look for broken sprinkler heads I'm anticipating one or more broken sprinkler heads so this is not the end of our journey out to get parts I'm going to start start with these 35 Cent nylon bolts if these work I'll probably return that Lawn Genie kit it's $8 and some change so now what I'm just looking for is any obvious cracks I've already checked to make sure that these are all tightened uh the ones in this box were loose so moving on up to the back flow see this is loose we're going to Snug that down and I'm going to shut this off still going to look for cracks I don't see any that off and then this off I'll go downstairs turn the water on bring it up to here look for leaks turn this on bring the water over to here look for leaks and then turn this on and let the water go down to the valve boxes and then look for leaks this here looks suspicious but we'll uh we'll get to that in a few [Music] minutes oops here's the water shut off for the sprinkler sure that snug down and this should can't really get a good grip on this cuz it's bent so far down to fit into the wall but I'm going to have to crank on it so you can see I just have it cracked open till it comes up to pressure you don't want more water than you need all the sounds have stopped I'm going to turn it all the way on I may have to come back and turn this off so I'll just leave the picture off go back outside and check for leaks so far the only thing that's leaking is this here there's usually a little rubber seat or gasket in the bottom of this you can see the water's just dripping DPP out of here um I can address that [Music] later we got sprinklers on we shouldn't have the sprinklers on no sprinklers should be on for some reason we got some sprinklers on had one of these valves was loosened just a little bit to allow water to go through so far everything's looking good we got a little leak past my nylon bolts we can fix that but that's just a little drip right now and hit manual start this is going to be backyard South all right hear water running all right apparently backyard South is just these things these little squirters they're all that's interesting they're I don't know if they're supposed to be watering the grass no they're not supposed to be watering the grass cuz we've got those this one looks good I really really do not like pointing sprinklers at a person's house and look at this one I'm going to rotate this over these little scraggle bushes here this one here's shooting up like a geyser right there this one here is pointed out back into the grass again not sure what's up with that but I think it's supposed to be pointed at at these plants I'm going to get completely sprayed if I move this board so I'm going to turn it off then go move this board and I don't know that may be tucked too far underneath the deck I may have to relocate this sprinkler out got a couple issues that one there looks like it's clogged this one's got a bush on top of it or a pot or something let's moveth this sucker down that one actually looks pretty decent I'm getting soaked we got a little minor issue here this is not supposed to be on these are supposed to be off everything's supposed to be off so we got one that is stuck open it's going to turn the water off and we're going to turn it back on and see if that zone kicks back on a new Zone just kicked on oh Jee we had a new Zone and that original Zone that was on kick on two zones kicked on nothing's supposed to be on so I'm making some progress I swapped out the nylon on bolts thought I could get away with it but uh it didn't work so I put in the other ones and they worked perfect no drips out of either of the valves I did cycle the water on and off a few times and now all these valves have shut off on their own maybe they're just old they need to get loosened up I'm going to go through the whole manual process one more time cuz I think there's still one zone that didn't kick on in my testing and I need to make sure that there's no other parts I need to get all right everybody I think I'm done here for the day it's still Springtime so these don't need to run every single day I uh I'm going to come back to replace that one little spray nozzle and I also have to crawl underneath the deck and come up with a solution to that sprinkler head that is I don't know 24 Ines 20 to 24 Ines underneath the deck um I may change out the tip uh the spray pattern I may put in a extra short one so it only pops up like this because no Grass Grows around it um because it's underneath the deck got to get in a little o-ring um I'm probably going to shut this off while I'm gone so I don't have to worry about anything whoa going to bleed the pressure real quick so I'm not sure what the problem was with the service magic magician I'm going to give you a quick rundown of what I did I replaced two bleeder screws one was missing and one I pulled out just randomly and I saw that it was stripped and would possibly be leaking drove to Home Depot they don't sell them went over to a hardware got some that are for a different brand valve they ended up working I did try the quarter2 nylon bolts they did not work I probably could have got out my file and whittel a cone or a better seat for it then I went through all the cycle hitting the manual start button run that for a few few minutes hit it again it's supposed to shut that valve off and open up the next selenoid and run that one and what I found was the first time through there were ones that were staying stuck open it's probably because they haven't been operated in 2 years in the last round they were all turning on and turning off perfectly so now we're on to the next stop and you're not going to want to miss this
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 235,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underground sprinklers, handyman, the handyman, handyman jobs, handyman business, home improvement, broken sprinklers, water leak
Id: C4Rh0yNRKKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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